University of Pennsylvania ScholarlyCommons Technical Reports (CIS) Department of Computer & Information Science January 1974 Research on Automatic Program Generation Jesus A. Ramirez University of Pennsylvania N. Adam Rin University of Pennsylvania Maxine Brown University of Pennsylvania Noah S. Prywes University of Pennsylvania Follow this and additional works at: https://repository.upenn.edu/cis_reports Recommended Citation Jesus A. Ramirez, N. Adam Rin, Maxine Brown, and Noah S. Prywes, "Research on Automatic Program Generation", . January 1974. University of Pennsylvania Department of Computer and Information Science Technical Report No. MS-CIS-74-05. This paper is posted at ScholarlyCommons. https://repository.upenn.edu/cis_reports/682 For more information, please contact [email protected]. Research on Automatic Program Generation Abstract Automatic Program Generation Research has been conducted under Contract N00014-67-A-0216-0014, since 1971. The objective of the research has been to provide software generation directly from user specifications. Initially, the research concentrated on a specific application, of generating file conversion programs. A first eporr t on this subject was authored by Diane Pirog Smith, in December 1971, titled, "An Approach to Data Description and Conversion". Subsequently, a software system for automating this function was implemented by Jesus A. Ramirez and described by him in a report titled, "Automatic Generation of data conversion-programs Using A Data Description Language (DIL)". Currently, the objective of the research has been broadened to develop a user language and a software system for automatic generation of business oriented programs. This technical report contains a collection of three papers intended to summarize the results of past research and the direction of current research. The first paper, by Ramirez, Rin and Prywes is a summmary of Dr. Ramirez's report and dissertation cited above. The second paper, titled, "An Overview of a System for Automatic Generation of File Conversion Programs " by. N. Adam Rin and Maxine Brown is intended to provide a more user oriented view based on their experience in utilization of the system developed by Ramirez. There have been many research activities and a large number of papers in this area. The third paper, "Automatic Generation of Software Systems: A Survey," by N. Prywes serves to relate the research underway at the University of Pennsylvania, to the many recent and current activities in this field. It also aims to clearly define short and long term objectives and methodologies. Comments University of Pennsylvania Department of Computer and Information Science Technical Report No. MS- CIS-74-05. This technical report is available at ScholarlyCommons: https://repository.upenn.edu/cis_reports/682 ~IVETSITYOF pmsnm The -re School of Electrical Engineer* Departnrent of Qnputer and Informtion Sciene. Project Supervisor Noah S. Prywes Prepared for the Off ice of Naval Msearch Infonmtim System Arlington, Va. 22217 under Contract N00014-67-A-0216-0014 Project No. NR 049-153 Reproduction in whole or in part is permitted for any pe of ti?e United States Govenunent more Scfiool Rego* # 74-05 (Sorurtcr ~I~msflkalh~01 f111.. body 01 aba#mCI and Indonlng mnolrtim murt k onlend when It10 owrall VOport I* rlrrmllled) t. OR!~IWA?ING A~TIVITV (C-ro uk) a. RLPOIT SECUR~TV CL AS~ICICATIOW Uruverslty of Pennsylvania WCLASSIF'IED The Eibore School of Electrical Engineering ab. CROUP Dept. of Ccmputer Information Sciences, Phila. , Pa. 3 RFPORT TITLC I Jesus A. Rarnirez, N. Adam Rin, Maxine Brawn and Noah S. Prywes I 8 REPORT DATE I?.. TOTAL NO OFPACES I7b. NO. OF IEVS Januaq 1974 103 I U. CMTULCT OR GRANT NO. U. O*lQINA TOR'S REPOlT MUYmCWlSt N00014-67-A-0216-0014 &ore School Report 74-05 b. LIOJCCT NO. I Repruductian in whole or in part is pMnitted for any p.pqmse of the United States Q-t s11. BUP~LPMCNTARVNOTES Mfice of Xaval &search Infonuation Systgns Arlington, Virginia 22217 IS AmsTRAcT Au-tic Program Generation Wearch has been mnducted under contract Na0014-67-A-0216-0014, since 1971. ?he objective of the resear& has been to provide software generation directly fmuser specifications. Initially, the researdn. concentrated on a specific applicatian, of generating file conversion programs. A first report on this sbject was authored oy Diane Pirog Smith, in Decarber 1971, titled, "An -roach to Data Descripti.cn and Cbnversion. " SSsequently a so£Ware systen for autcaMting this function was implemnted by Jesus A. FGdmz and described by him in a report titled, "Autcmtic Generation of IBta Cbnversion-Program Us* A Data Description Language (Dl&) ". Currently, the abjective of the research has been broadened to develop a user language and a software sysbm for autcanatic generation of business oriented programs. This technical repart omtains a mllecction of three papers intended to smrize tne results of past research and the directicn of current research. he first paper, by Ramirez, Rin and Prywes is a sumnary of Dr. Ramirezls report and dissertation cited above. ?he second paper, titled, "An Overview Of A System For ' Au-tic Generatim of File Qnversim Prograns, 'I by N. Adam Rin and Maxine Brcrwn 1 is intended to provide a mre user oriented vim based on their experience in 1 utilization of hesystem developed by Rgnirez. 1 (Continued on next page) I DD pornw ,, ., 1473 (PAGE 1) SF( 0101 -007-sa1i Srcuritv Clas~ification 1-51401 I. Kt* womos mil-, Generators, Prablem Oriented Languages, Syntax Andly~is,Lexical Analysis, Data Description bquage~,~ata Manipulation Language, Conversion Program, Jutmatic Progranrnjng, I/O Utility, -tic Program -ation 13. continued There have been many research activities and a large nuher of pap8 in this area. Ihe thkd paper, "Autcmtic Generation of Software Sysh - A Samey, I' by N. Prywes serves to relate the research undemay at the University of Pennsylvania, to &e myrecpnt and current activities in this field. It also aims to clearly define short and long term abjecti- and mthodoloqies. Automatic Prcgrarn Generation -ear& has been oondmted under contract ~VO3014-67-A-02160014, since 1371. The cb jective of the research has been to provide software generation directly from user specifications. Initially, the research concentrated on a specific application, of generating file anversion programs. A first reprt on this sbject was authored ~y Diane Pirog Smith, in Deerher 1971, titled, "An Approach to Data &scription and Conversion." Sbsequently a software system for aukmating this function was implemented by Jesus A. Ramirez and described by him in a report, titled, "Autmatic Generation of Data Cbnversion-Prograns Using A Data Description Language (ML) .I' Currently, the cbjective of t~eresearch has been ~roadenedto develop a user language and a sofmare system for autmatic generation of business oriented programs. Tnis teamica1 reprt contains a collection of three papers intad& to smizetiLe results of past research and the direction of current research. Tiie first paper, by Ramirez, Rin and Prywes is a sumnary of Dr. Ramirez's report and dissertation cited hve. The s-nd wper, titled, "An Overview Of A System For AutaMtic Generation Of File Conversion Progrmrs ," by N. Adam Rin and Maxine Brown is intended to provide a mre user oriented view based on their experience in utilization of the system developed by Ramirez. fiere have been myresearch activities and a large n* of papers in this area. The tnird paper, "Autolmatic Generation of Software System5 - A Suwey," by S. Pxywes serves to relate the researall undemay at the University of Pennsylvania, to the rmy recent and current activities in this field. It also aims to clearly define short and long term cbjectives and methodologies. TABLE OF (JNIEV' Page I. AUIWX'IC QJER?iTICN 0d DA!I'A ~~~ICNPTr>GWS LEE'JG A EA DESC~O~~7~3~~23, J.A. ~EZ, N.A. m AND N.S. PFWES 1. Introduction 2. Smmcy of Language Processing Facilities Of The UUL/DML Processor 4 3. Infomtion Flm In The DF&/DML Processor 7 3.2 Overview Of ?he DE/D4L Processor 7 3.3 The Syntax Analysis Program Generator (SAPG) 10 3.4 The clca Qmpiler 13 3.5 Data Conversion Processor 18 11. &IOVERVIEW OF A SYmEOR AUIUWI"I'C GENERATIO:iI OF FlLE a3iWEION P#X;RAMS, N. Adam Rin and Maxine Brawn 1. An Overview Of me KIL Processor System 1 B. Rze DRL Language as a Data Descxiptim Language 3 C. Capabilities and Applications of DC& and Its Processor 5 2. Usage and Capabilities Of The DDL Processor An Illustrative Exrmple 7 A. Usage and function of the M& Processor 7 C. Features and Capabilities of the Lanwe and Processor 36 D. Evaluation 39 3. Current =search 41 11. AN OVERVIXW OF A SYSTEM FOR ATJIWATIC ON OF FILE Page 05NVEIZSICEJ PRXWMS, N. Adam Rin and Maxine Bm 4. Other Possible Future Work 41 111, ~~ICG3NERATIOi'J 9F SOFIWAIE SYSTW - A Sm,iJ .S. P~s 1. lbtroduction 1 Part I Current Problem In Software Developznt 2 2. Overview Of Historic and ~03mmicConsiderations 2 3. Analysis Of ?he Software Develo~tProcess 7. Part I1 Future Advances In AutaPMtion Of Software Develo~ano~lt 14 4. AutxmMtic Design and Implementation Of Programs 14 5. Awtic Gaeration Of Nan-Procedural Specifications 25 6. Cbnclusions 31 IffJIvESIWOF PENNSYLvzwXA The &boreSchool of Electrical Ebgineering Department of Wter and Infomation Science Project Supervim Noall S. Prywes January 1974 Prepared for the Office of Naval Msearch Infonratian System ArluagtDn, Va. 22217 under -tract N00014-67-A-0216-0014 Project No. NR 049-153 F&producticm in whole or in part is permitted for any purpose of t%e united States CovermEnt -re SwlReport # 74-05 "AUTOMATIC GENEMTION OF DATA CONVERSION PROGWlS IlSIhTG A DATA DESCRIPTION LANGUAGE" J.A. Ramirez, N.A. Rin and N.S. Prywes The Moore School of Electrical Engineering, Lhiversity of 'Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19174 ABSTRACT : Costs and development times involved in computer software have been exceedingly large.
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