GqOD MORNING, IOWA CITY! looks as if yesterday's story will be repeated today. Partly claudy aQain, moderate temperatures and more scattered showers. r..tabl'tbed 1868 Vol. 78. No. 264-AP News and Wirephoto Iowa City, Iowa, Sunday, July 28-Five Cents Truman ppoints econtro oar --------~--------~----~--------------~--- • Congress May Quit Gertrude Stein Byrnes Jesler r Rainey This W.. k for First • Trio 10 Sel Terms. .. ...- Peace . f>ar/~y Long Rest Since 138 • Lead in Texas • WASHINGTON (AP) - The• Price Ceilings Dies in Paris Vital · 79th congress slapped "unfinish­ Death Comes Shortly Avoiding Future War ed" labels on ml\I1)' oj Presl4ent OPA Removes Lid RunoH for Governors' Truman's favorite legislative pro­ After U.S. Publication Nomination Certain; posals yesterday lind start.d pad­ From OilSi Predicts Of Most Recent Book * * * * * * Connally Wins Easily ing homewar.d. Higher Food Prices Nalions Gird 10 SeHle The house yesterday picked nert WASHINGTON (AP)-~i- PARIS (AP)~Gertrud. Stein, Friday as the date..~or form,l lind DALLAS (AP)-A run off be­ final adjournment but there was dent Truman yesterday named tbe 72, world - renowned Amerjcan tween the top two candidates in writer, died last night in the Treaties of Former Ii We expectation ot anything mor. men of "judiment and fairness" American hospital at NeuillY, a the govemors' race was consid­ tban formalities and non-contro­ who will form the decontrol board Paris suburb. Hospital officials German-Ruled States ered a certainty here last night versial business afer the week­ set up under the new price con­ wI end. Earlier there had been ~ trol act: declined to state the nature ot on the basis of 11 p. m. rdurns of quilting as early as WednesdllY. Bol L. TholllPson. chalnnan, !be author's illness or how long By JOHN M. WGUTOma issued by the Texas election bur­ sbe had beEn confined. Miss Alleelatetl Press Dlploma& The senate has yet to aet on the He Is a southern banker and econ­ eau. resol utlon. omics professor and has been Stein's death came only a few aeDOI'ler The returns from 83 of 254 Leaders foresaw pos,lble diffi­ president of the federal land bank dJ)'s after the publication in ' the WASHINGTON (AP) - 8ecre- counties gave Beauford JestfT culty in mustering a quorum after of New Orleans since 1938. UJllled States of her latest book, tary of State Byrnes set out yes­ 49,129 votes and Homer P. Rainey yesterday. Without the required Geor,e H. Mead. He is a mid­ "Jrtwsle and Willie," terday for the peace conference 28,190. A total of 123,000 votes number of members present, any dle western industrialist, organ­ 'The woman whose name Is openln, Monday in Paris, leaving had been counted. man on the floor could block con­ izer and board chairman of the linked with School of Paris art, behind fOil later broadcast a state­ Of the other major candidatES sideration of a measure. Mead Pulp and Paper company who was acquainted with nearly ment tbat "the hope of avoiding Grover Sellers had received 17, Many members already have of Dayton, O. He was chairman III the Important writers, paint- some new and terrible war" de­ 930; John Lee Sll'\lth 12,075 and left, and others arran$ed lor de­ of the industrial advisory board ers and sculptors of the last 40 pended on qUick removal of fric­ Jerry Sadler 10,6211. parture over the weekend, on tbe under the NRA and later an In­ years, but whose writing eVEn tions left over from the recent A runoff would be held between longest vacation congress has had dustry member of the war labor her publisher admitted he could contlict. Jester and Rainey in the second since 1938 when the 76th coneress board and member of the advis­ ,ler. eIeI not und~drsdtlandl' cafme 'I,rom d an Senator Connally (D., Tex.) Democratic primaries August 24. quit on June 16. ory board of the office of wa~ upper ml ec ass ami y an a d th . t to d Sen, Tom Connally, chairman mobilization. sound cultural background, rew , e aSSlgnmen reo the foreign relations commit­ Badcllffe Graduate 1 Byrnes over the NBC ot Daniel W. Bell. A veteran s~atement tee, was winning easily. He had She Jived in Allegheny, Pa., and network SIX hours after. the secre­ treasury department official, I'\e 66,943 votes to 21 ,993 for his four President Reported then in San Francisco, and stayed I tary left by plane With assur­ finally became acting director of ,Id cIn ... opponents. the budget and treasury under­ iJj this country long enough to be I ances from President Truman ~at "hree of the state's congressmen ,Id "ti".. ,aduated from Radcliffe, and to he has ~~ su~port 01 the enhre Consi.dering Ma~shall secretjlry. resigning to take a , Ind ~oaI. were In close races for renomina­ pOSition with a Washington bank. tome within one examination ~untry In hiS efforts "to get a tion. mark of winlling a degree from Just peace for the world. These men, subject to s.enate Rep, Joseph J . Mansfield, chair­ For Atomic Board wnfirmation, will have the finaL ~d~m:""'" dr/ft. {olltls Hopkilfs Medical school. Byrnes left Washington airport ~ "'-toL man of the house rivers and har­ sayan what items shall or shall Bilt from the start of this cen- In the president's own plane at bors committee and at 85 the Old­ WASHINGTON (AP)-Senators not be under price ceilings. They tury on, she made her home in 12:30 p. m. On hand see him .0 est member of the house, held a heard reports yesterday that Pres­ will be paid at the rate of ~12,OOO ", Paris, France. off, In addition to Mr. Truman, narrow lead over State Senator ident Truman had considered a year. In World War II she spent were the other members of the L. J . Sulak In the ninth district. The decontrol board is charged mott of ber time during the oc- cabinet, co~gress~onal leaders and I n the thl rd district Rep. Lind­ naming Gen. Georse C. Marshall with determlning whether meat, cup,ation In her mountain village Ch~ef Justice Vmson. A crowd ley Beckworth was In a close a member ot th~ proposed com­ dairy products and the other of Belignin in the' foothills of the eshmated at 3,000 witnessed the race with two World War II vet­ mission on' domesUc control of items conditionally exempt from Prench alps. She was there when departure ceremonies which Con­ erans, D. S. Meredith Jr. and atomic ,"ereY, ceilings shall continue free of the American seventh anny lib- nally opened by hailing Byrnes as Earl Roberts. A seqator who asked not to controls after Aug. 20. erated the area and she helped a "great ambassador of peace." In one of lhe hardest fought The senate referred the nom­ to welcome the first 01's. ByrJ1es told. ,be airport crowd campaigns Rep. Lyndon Johnson be Identifled told a reporter the inations to its banking committee They were captIvated by her be hopecl &bat peace vea~ for PRESIDENT TRUMAN WISHES Secretary of State James F. Bymes "rodapeed" shortly before the lat­ held a two to one lead over Hol­ fonner army chief' of .taft had which may act tomorrow. b~ mentioned by Mr. Truman I forthright and frank manner, her former German saleUile stales ler's departure yesterday for the Paris peace conference which berln. tomorrow. Sen. Tom Connally ley Hollers, former member of Mr. Truman, in his message to 10 attUal booming voice, and he... thunder- in Europe would be complded (D., Tex.), chairman of the senate foreign relations committee, looks on. Byrnes will represent the the prosecution staff of the Nuern_ in preliminary discussions rec.ntly signing the EWI congress after bill GUS laugh, and fasclnated by the and llicned at the eJMl of the United States, as dele,ates from 21 nations rather to debate and setile the ,reatles 01 fIve former Ger- burg War crime trials. of the personnel of the five-mem­ Thursday, had promised that the uncommon strange figure in san- Jl-nat.lon confereace, man satellite states. (AP WIREPHOTO) Seventeen of Texas' 21 con­ ber board. This group would be board members would be "men aah, a heavy, lull skirt and a Before leavltl(, Byrnes author- gressmen sought renomination. given unprecedent~ powers un­ in whose judgment and fairness der a control bill sent to the ~ knitted vest. Ized Connally to read his 700- Six were unopposed and four­ the congress and the country will 'Bose Is A Bole' word statement on NBC's "un 1- Hatton W. Sumners, Fritz G. Lan­ White House Friday. As speculation on appolntm{lnts hllve complete confidence." He The phrase "Rose Is a rose Is versity of the air" series on Both Arabs, Jews Reject Partition Plan ham, Sam Russell and Luther A. told his news conference, too, that House Passes Johnson did not seek reelectiQn. continued even In advance of the a rose" may be taken as a fair Anierlcan foreign policy. he aimed at an unpacked jury. president's expected approval of .. sample of the manner of writing In this statement Byrnes called For Palestine, Refuse to Sit in Conference Duvai county In deep south The OP A meanwhUe: rave which fascinated more readers for the earliest withdrawal of AI­ Texas Uved up to Its reputation the measure, there were these industry and consumers thelr th.n It infuriated. It became one lied occupation troops consistent of casting its votes In a bloc, other developments: first clear view of sweeplnl' ex:­ ;A; of the most quoted passages in with world security, settlement of LONDOlf (AP)-The Arab ex- with Jews or partlclpate with Tidelands Bill Sellers received 1,735 of tbe votes 1.
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