Editorials Equality Is l"THE JEWISH HERALD Not Divisible The oppression of the Negro VOL. XIV No. 17 THE JEWISH HERALD, PROVIDENCE, R. I., FRIDAY, JUNE 9, 1939 5 CENTS THE COPY people has been symbolized in its most naked form by the Honorary Citizen ghastly practice of lynching. It is shameful that we still do not have any law that strikes an effective blow against this criminal practice. Two such bills are before Congress now­ the anti-lynching bill sponsored by Senators Wagner, Van Nuys sides expressions of pity are and Pepper, and the Gavagan heard for the 907 Jews aboard the Bill in the House. St. Louis, a move in Congress to Equality is not divisible. It extend a helping hand to a few cannot exist for one citizen and oppressed German families bas run into trouble. On White Paper not for another; we cannot op­ In answer to Senator ·1 heodore press one minority and not Measures permitting 20,000 Ger­ F. Green's letter, regarding Uni­ fertilize movements that will man children to enter the Uni­ ted States policy on Palestine, oppress others too. Freedom ted States in the next year and a Secretary of State Hull replied must be real for all, or it will half have been pending for this week that the United States' disappear for all. The advocate months. They were introduced position toward Palestine was of "white supremacy" is brother by Senator Wagner (D., N. Y.) unchanged by Britain's proposals to the anti-Semite, the anti­ and Representatives Rogers (R., to set up an Arab-dominated state Mass.) and Dingell (D., Mich.). Semite to the anti-Catholic. MAYOR LA GUARDIA there after ten years. Hearings have been conducted by It is, therefore, of utmost The letter which Senator Green NEW YORK. - Mayor La­ the immigration committee of concern to Jews to see that dis­ received follows: Guardia was made an honorary both Senate and House, but neith­ crimination against the Negro is ·"I have received your letter of citizen of Tel Aviv, the all-Jewish er committee has yet acted. outlawed; it is of supreme nec­ May 22, 1939 with reference to the city of Palestine, at the dedication In the Senate committee, head­ essity for Negroes to see that Palestine question in the light of of the Jewish Palestine Pavllion ed by Senator Russell (D., Ga.) anti-Semitism is combatted. SENATOR GREEN the British Government's state­ in the Court of Peace at the New action has been temporarily Questioned Hull ment of policy of May 17 regard­ We urge all readers to write York World's Fair. The request blocked by the conflicting pro­ ing Palestine. their Congressmen and Senators that New York's Mayor LaGuard­ posals of strict anti-immigration­ "I think you will find the treaty in support of the bills mention­ ia be included in the citizenship ists. For after one sub-committee Says Palestine Can rights of the United States in re­ ed above. Do· it now! rolls of the only Jewish city in had reported favorably on the bill lation to Palestine clearly and ex­ the world came by cable from Ma­ to admit the 20,000 children, plicity set forth in the Depart­ yor Israel Rokach to the National another sub-committee went to The Economics Hold 4 Million People ment's statement of October 14, Emergency Committee for Pale­ bat for a measure to forbid all im­ JERUSALEM. - Great signifi­ 1938; as well as in a memorandum, stine. It is believed that Mayor migration for at least five years. Of Democracy cance was· attached here to the copies of both, of which are en­ LaGuardia is the first non-Jew so The ban is the brainchild of This year when we celebrate assertion by Michael Aviyo na, Su­ closed. The position of this Gov­ honored. Senator Reynolds (D., N. C.). the 150th anniversary of Wash­ perintendent of the Archives of ernment as set forth in the state­ ington's Inauguration and the the Palestine Archeological Muse­ ment of October 14, 1938 remains 150th anniversary of the first that in the Roman Era Palestine unaffected by any subsequent de­ session of Congress, we may Woman Finishes Course was the home of four million in­ velopments. well ask ourselves "What did habitants. "The interest which our people the Founding Fathers mean But She Can't be a Rabbi Since only just over a million have in Palestine, as reflected in when they declared that 'All persons now live here, the Yish­ that statement, continue to be men are created equal?' " NEW YORK. - Believed to be dition, "Study the law for its own the first woman to complete a sake." uv finds in this report further borne in mind by the Department. The equality they spoke of scholastic course leading to the Born in Philadelphia, Miss Lev­ justification of its contention We have kept that interest con­ was not the equality of ability rabbinate, Miss Helen Levinthal inthal is a graduate of the Uni­ that Eretz Israel holds great po­ stantly before the British Govern­ -that all men are endowed this week received a degree of versity of Pennsylvania and of tentialities for combined Jewish ment, which is fully aware of wth equal ability-but rather Master of Hebrew Literature in Columbia University. She wrote immigration without necessity for public opinion on the matter in that all men should have equal commencement exercises at the her thesis at the institute on "Wo­ this country." rights before the law, and equal any displacement of present pop- Jewish Institute of Religion, man Suffrage from the Jewish opportunity to exercise these ulations. where nine of her male class­ Legal Viewpoint." rights politically, economically mates were ordained as rabbis. British Retaliate for and educationally. Miss Levinthal, daughter of Dr. Declares Refugees The fact that one-third of our Israel H. Levinthal, director of Nazis May Only nation is still "ill-fed, ill-housed the Brooklyn Jewish Center, and Aid Employment Alleged Jewish Acts Eat Aryan Fruit JERUSALEM. - The British ad­ and ill-clothed," is a challenge the descendant of thirteen gener­ JERUSALEM. - Germany LONDON. - Denying that Ger- ministration this w eek retaliated to us to make our democracy ations of r abbis, had to be satis­ has now extended racial dis­ man refugees were competing for acts of terrorism ascribed in more democratic. Economic in­ fi ed with the degree, because Jew­ crimination to the vegetable with British labor, Earl Winter- official circles to Jews, in which security and fear for the future ish custom does not permit a wo­ kingdom. Reich import regu­ ton said in a speech that the refu­ five persons, were killed and 23 provide fertile soil for disaffec­ man to be ordained. lations provide that only "Ary­ tion between individuals and gees had established factories wounded. The death toll for the She hopes to continue in the an" oranges are to be imported week reached 17. groups. Low wages, unemploy­ field of religion, possibly in so­ from Palestine. These are oran­ which were employing at least ment and human frustration are In reprisal •for the bombing of cial work, or religious teaching ages grown by the 2,000 Ger­ 15,000 British workers and had the Arab-owned Rex Cinema with the chief breeders of such pre­ to special groups of girls. There man Christi;m settlers in the introduced designs inventions judice as anti-Semitism, anti­ a toll of 18 injured, the military is nothing to prevent her from Holy Land, who own extensive and processes of the greatest val- commander for the Jerusalem dis­ Catholicism and anti-Negroism. speaking from the pulpit of a lib­ citrus groves, or by Arabs­ ue to British trade. trict closed indefinitely .Jerusa­ One major way to provide a­ eral congregation. considered as "Aryans" for Earl Winterton is chairman of lem's four Jewish cinemas, in­ gainst racial and religious pre­ Miss Levinthal said she had no this purpose, although they are posed curfew on all Jewish cafes the Intergovernmental Refugee judice is to provide work and specific plans when sh'e began her Semities. from 8 P. M., banned a scheduled opportunity for self-fulfillment course, following the Hebrew tra- Committee. performance of the Palestine to all the citizens of our coun- ·symphony Orchestra and prohib- try . •se Deelares . ,1a1·ority of itedallf?turepe~fo:manceswith- wl ..L.T . out special permiss10n. B k W·11 B f"t GerD1ans Here Are Anti-Nazi 11 Duce Gives Medal I I R L. f M D Id d may be a~raid of the Arabs. We':e To Jewish Mother ac. man . ene• s aps leS O aC Ona an afraid neither of Mr. Chamberlam Jewish lnst1tutmns Hifalutin' Evasions of Cha_~berlai~ nor the Arabs. We're going on." ROME. - The mother of the MILWAUKEE. - Dr. Stephen descended citizens of Milwaukee, Jewish Lieutenant-Colonel George In the will of Charles A. Back­ S. Wise, New York rabbi and Zi- of St. Louis, of Chicago, of De­ Morpurgo, who was killed in bat­ man, filed this week with the onist leader, predicted last week trait, are loyal to the Germany of tle in the last days of the Span­ clerk of the Providence Probate that German refugees of these Goethe and Schiller, Lessing and Must Not Overlook ish war, was among the 16 moth­ Court, the following bequests years will "enrich the land" as Heine, and not the Germany of ers and widows of Italian dead were made to Jewish institutions. did Carl Schurz and other Ger- Hitler, of Goebbels and of Goer- Problems Here -Weiss who recently received gold med­ The sum of $100 is bequeathed man refugees of 1848.
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