R CBA.0517.0135.1362 P I I I I I I I I I VALUATION OF I "GLBNROY" I LOCATED I AT I I MORINISH VIA I ROCKHAMPTON OLD 4700 I U September, 2004 I Pile No. 4775.mc.rtvms mvcmt omm nmmtt smsmi am nm* flKmwm HKMtfl WMJMMA imu, Lenl6,Seil4AkCti)lce, firjUHflf, ZHStUftSliill. lfci3f92Pnljr Siftil ft? teitMri»R&id Urtll 5l»p2, Mictiyt Attltf* . first fiOOlt I IM4M*nn*fti*4i, lOQntlwStfttl, POBCJ529. POBoxSBft Ranis, uswjwrt! eir«i mmmnsmw, Of’QBftiiHQ, FOBM I7», POfiaa ltd?, Totrofll# fcbicaetytfofiBC ti& 4|» R0CUartlpUn,OVJ 4lfi0 fO 60*2207 P0B9X73. OnsCum, QM m SouVif»ft.Q« 4215 CaiKlI. Old 4HfB Old 4810 OH m% tsnefiH, Eft? 4779 TdouwwN Qfd <1JJ) Til (Q7J&219905 ril(lJ?|M3M17P Til 15® Td|67| <1716749 111 (673«43$m Til |07|«#7?X* tit t$?j m Tet m mmi Til fix (07)4635 2412 Quality Fti fix (6?)WUMi fm m mufti fix f(37Mf2l?34i fix 0?|S4$I ?0$5 fix (pT)*mrm Endorsed I Company Taylor Byrne Pty I.tJ A.C.N. 010 317 432 1 A.B.N, 83 010317 432 R CBA.0517.0135.1363 I I 2 TAYLOR BYRNE "Glenroy" Morfnlsh vlo Rockhampton Qld 4700 I file Ref: 4775,mc.riwns I TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1 Subject Property.. I 1.2 Instructions■, UNkiiiimuiii iiiMimi ........... mr»r**n**i* «*« '■ ■ unit ■*(•»*(**'»*• 1.3 Prepared For.. 1.4 Brief Description ■ III I ................ I 1.5 Client Reference 1.6 Date of Inspection., 1.7 Date of Valuation ........................................................................................ Mil............lit IH 1**41 I 1.8 Risk Assessment Summary millllll|iiitMlltlllMMIIMttllMNMHMmil>IMll IIIKIIIIIlMIHItmi 1.9 Valuation I 2.0 INTRODUCTION, 2.1 Instructions,, kill* H lit ><■■••«•> tit >»■■*■■ »■■■*•■ lit Liu imilMktllllkllllkllM ....................... 2.2 Market Value. 2.3 Date of Inspection,ttautiotttatittttM miii*inimtl»»Min > I 2.4 Date of Valuation ltlltkMI>l*t9(lt*«*lft*M ........................................................ ................................................mil 2.5 Basis of Valuation ..■■IIOIMITMI 2.6 Qualifications and Disclaimers I 2.7 Native Title 3.0 PROPERTY SEARCH DETAILS tmiiutaiUtHIMIMiaalikMMMfMtHIKNtMmilimHIHnHtlMtHtlltllliaiaatllillMIIHIIitikiiMIMIMill - 3.1 Real Property Description . tMiMMyi!kl»>aM«Hllk«kfMi<Mli'iiiai»Miiiaiaiilkitii ........................................ I 3.2 Registered Proprietor., 3.3 Easements and Encumbrances , ....................................... • 3.4 Land Area. I 3.5 Local Authority •■iiiiiiiiaiiKi ki“>< ..................................................................................... it............. 3.6 Zoning 10 3.7 Unimproved Value. IMMIIItktlllll llltlkMIlMllllkMikitMilaiaii 10 I 3.8 Local Authority Rates and charges titlMiiMiMiMIIIMIIII iiimtiiiliiiaiitii 10 3.9 Rent, M>H ........................................................................... 10 3.10 Contamination and Environmental Factors . Mill ■iralH«M*MM«lk*l*a»HUI llllllHMOIllitiail 10 I 4.0 PHYSICAL SITE DETAILS M«akl|»tMfma||IIM«kltaknllMaiMMIi|itHkll(MI«l>itailllliaiMk|lt»IMkMMMtfMHMIH<M1'MltllMMlM1fMMIMI 11 4.1 SITUATION AND LOCALITY lIMkllktlltlll 11 4.2 Roads and Access 11 I 4.3 Services and Amenities ■ <M.M-t»M»im<mil»»l>ii<ll|tM<l>MM><>ii*MimiMiH>l>lllkltlkMII-«............. 11 4.4 Highest and Best Usage ■ ■‘■■t«>«ii»t*a*n»Mllt*iakitii<ii*ti*Mfa^M->tattttitiitiiit» ‘i>aa kt)iik<Hii>n»**«*• »*i |iMIMMtl>i"tillim 11 4.5 Carrying Capacity . 12 I 4.6 Rainfall. tlkkkl III Ilk lit I ■|l>l>kltimt|l||Hi.|.l)lllll l<llkkk»Mm>tmiMltMMkk>lill ■lltMiaktttktki IIIHIIM 12 5.0 DESCRIPTION OF LAND M»lkMIMlfltn«1H ....................................................................... 13 I 5.1 Topography/Soil Type/Originai Vegetation i ■■IlkklliltkllklMMIlMMi |i>i 13 5.2 Land divelopment/Timber Treatment i IkllMkltitiktouiliiM ntiiikilMlltMl klkMIkl 13 5.3 Natural Water. 14 I 5.4 Classification of Country .......... ■ MfiittrMMkiiiiikkkii 14 I I I R CBA.0517.0135.1364 I I 3 TAYLOR BYRNE "Glanroy" Morinlsh via Rockhampton Qld 4700 I File Ret: 4775.mc,rlyms I 6.0 DESCRIPTION OP STRUCTURAL IMPROVEMENTS. IS 6.1 Buildings liiitiiitiiniii 15 6.2 Waters ■ ■iKlXtOtdl 16 I 6.3 Fencing m!iiiiiiiii»iin> 17 6.4 Yards 17 I 7.0 INDUSTRY OVERVIEW MMtllttiHUt 19 8.0 VALUATION CALCULATIONS tMIOIMHIIIIHtliiiiaat 22 8, l Valuation Considerations and Methodology. 22 I 8.2 Sales Evidence, 22 8.3 Sales Summary and Reconciliation,Ktindl 26 8.4 Valuation Calculations . 26 I 8.5 INSURABLE VALUE,, ■ imimnix n*i iiiiiiiiu.iMai 26 I 9.0 VALUATION •«lllaaaaiaillllMliailMMia)HitaialifaillttlllMaaiiiaattHIMtailia(|iilattl|HI<IHIHMIlH«mlaltMtl(tNI'IMMMiaiiaiaaianiimlll 27 I ANNEXURES; > Current Till© Searches I File No.4775.mc,tlvm8 I I I I I I I I I I CBA.0517.0135. P . 'commonwealth Bank of Australia ABN 40 123 123 124 Risk Management Property Consultancy (Qld) Level 8 GPO Box 1423 Telephone myi 3337 3575 240 Queen St Brisbane Qld 4001 Facsimile \vi J o*<n awts Brisbane OLD 4000 Australia Return of Valuation Report To; 4360 001 Commonwealth Bank of Australia Agribusiness Queensland Your Reference; Linda Paterson Date; 12/10/2006 Outsourced Valuation Customer Name: Comanche Grazing Co Property Address; ''Glenroy" Morinish via Rockhampton Valuer: Taylor Byrne (Rockhampton) Job Number; 6091227 Attached is a completed valuation report (2) for the above property, This report has been reviewed, and Is deemed acceptable In relation to content and rationale, having met the criteria set out In the CBA's Instructions, The fee of $6,050,00 Invoice Number: 7431 - Glenroy with Valuer ID; A009 has been authorised for payment and despatched to Banking Operations for processing. The above fee Is GST Inclusive, This Invoice has been paid, please do not pay It, The net fee adlusted for GST recoveries to be obtained from the client Is $5.637,39 The Fee recouped from the client is to be credltedtoGeneral Ledger Account (’Reg Val Fee Rec Not Costed G1* PeopleSoft account numberdetailed In the Group Credit Manual section 4a 3,9.2 "How to process a payment to an external property consultant” If a copy of this report Is to be released to the client (excluding Home Loan Products where the report Is not to be provided) you are reminded to: a) collect the cost of the report from the client prior to releasing the report, and b) release the report (copy only) with the covering letter as detailed In Volume 4, Section 3.10.2 of the Group Credit Manual. Refer attached addendum sheet. Alec Cromble Agribusiness Consultant Risk Management Property Consultancy Addendum Sheet to valuation acceptance letter '•Glenrov" Morinish via Rockhampton Q 4700 A 5,570.03 ha rural property located 70 km west of Rockhampton. 5,365.03 ha freehold tenure and 205 ha leasehold tenure Nominal rent payable for the leasehold parcels. > Majority of the property has been cleared for grazing purposes. Current estimated carrying capacity of 1300 Adult Equivalents. Assessed Treated Fenced Watered land value of $3,900,000 ($700/ha or $3,0Q0/AE) > Improvements comprise a dwelling, shed, hay shed, oil shed and two sets of yards (1 set of nominal added value). Added value of these improvements of $100,000 (rounded) > Assessed "In-use” market value (as per above apportionments) of $4,000,000 exclusive of GST. > Insurance replacement estimate of $250,000 Assessed “in-use" value of $4,000,000 is deemed acceptable for security purposes subject to: • Investigation of leasehold tenure revealing no "nil compensation clauses" being applicable. David Clarke Property Consultant R CBA.0517.0135.1367 A TAYLOR BYRNE Kiev Valuers________________ VALUATION OF “GLENROY" LOCATED AT MORINISH VIA ROCKHAMPTON QLD 4700 15 September, 2006 File No. 4775.mc.Hvms lflll«Mi(HudOttir«l £010 COAST CURM KWHsmu SUNSHINE COAST MIMA ROCKHAMPTON EMIR AID TOOWOOMBA I LevM 9, Stilus Centre, fHMfaot. 2d Sturt Sum. Uni M2 Filial Sin it 87 NoHMtft R«4 Uttil Si*ii2»iM**Atu<ti .Flftlflwt. HBMtMa Street, 12-14 MWftl Rtfiflt, lOOnlKKl&UHl, FtiB&rm P0BM677I Horn*. HSWftlAtUfMi ftrfiiAyfctailMtti 134 Miijirtl Sti*L dPOtoilHO. POBgiim WIBfli nor. To^HiOlf Old 4415 noeMiTm^OV) 4100 PO 0012307 DM 4001 Sewfipen. tm *m CttftfcOf 4970 QkJ 4510 m tm $mnto.m 4720 TwweirtK OKI 4350 Tel 01)46333361 r»1 (0/)SJ2lS9» r«1 (07) 55314577 r.i it» Ttl (0?) 4m 5163 w (01)54*3 mi ftl10?I«»7770 m (U)432U9S T«l (Of) 49670107 fax 01)46392612 Duality fix (0?) 5220 2631 ft* (51) $k)1 2051 fix (07) 403177*4 FU (0714721 2340 fa (07)5451105; ru (07) 46227771 lax (Oli* S211340 ft* (07) 4W7S103 Endorsed I Qmpmy Taylor Bynm Pty Ltd A-C.N- 010 317 432 I A-B.N. 83010 317 432 R CBA.0517.0135.1368 r i Addendum Sheet to valuation acceptance letter "Glenrov” Morlnish via Rockhampton Q 4700 > A 5,570.03 ha rural propertyIocated70kmwesto^^ 5,365.03 ha freehold tenure and 205 ha leasehold tenure I). Nominal rent payable for the leasehold parcels. > Majority of the property has been cleared for grazing purposes. Current estimated carrying capacity of 1300 Adult Equivalents. Assessed Treated Fenced Watered land value of $3,900,000 ($700/ha or $3,000/AE) > Improvements comprise a dwelling, shed, hay shed, oil shed and two sets of yards (1 set of nominal added value). Added value of these improvements of $100,000 (rounded) > Assessed "In-use” market value (as per above apportionments) of $4,000,00D exclusive of GST. > Insurance replacement estimate of $250,000 S&fafok, Assessed “in-use” value of $4,000,000 is deemed acceptable for security , . , ■ purposes subject (or • Investigation of leasehold tenure revealing no "nil compensation «+• wiv clauses" being applicable. hw ’ ?\o e|*ic Ivwkairt tflokker' ft David Clarke Property Consultant CHTkMcrfcot I I TAYLOR BYRNE "Glenroy" Morlnish via Rockhampton Qld 4700 I File Rel: 477S.mc,rlvms I TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY, 1.1 Subject Property, ...... 1.2 Instructions 1.3 Prepared For liiiniiinnnMiniiMiiiiii'iiii iiiiim(•••••■ ••••■a* 1.4 Brief Description .................. 1.5 Client Reference ■ ri»iiiiii<iiiMiini|iiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiMliniM inilimniiiliiii m iaiitaatai»ia>»aiik>i><<*t*ki niimnnaiiiiiiiM 11111m »•* 1.6 Date of Inspection, 1.7 Date of Valuation limimilMMIMIlMimMIIIIll ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................
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