an Monday, June 16, 2003 Since 1868 out l BUILDING TINY HOMES u.s. troops begin major sweeps against Baathists BY AUSSA RUBIN LOS ANGELES TIMES FALLUJAH. Iraq - A series of U.S. raids across Iraq on Sunday targeting anti­ American forces and their weapons marks the beginning of a major military operation that is likely to last well into the scorching summer, com­ manders said. The operation, named Desert Scorpion, is the broad­ est military effort in Iraq since major combat ended May 1, and it will rely prima­ rily on Army units to carry out sweeps. The most aggressive Saurabh DaS/Assoclated Press ( activity is expected to be in U.S. soldiers on Sunday ask a vehicle to stop at a checkpoint central Iraq, a Sunni Muslim near Fallujah, 35 miles west 01 Baghdad. Hundreds of U.S. troops stronghold where there backed by tanks and helicopters raided Fallujah and neighboring appears to be continued activ­ ity by remnants of former areas, arresting suspected militia leaders and seizing weapons. President Saddam Hussein's Baath party as well as other destabilizing factions. of Baghdad, said that in "the The broad and long-term In Fallujah, a town 3S miles next few weeks there will be a nature of the operation sug­ west of Baghdad where there countrywide, concerted effort to gests that Americans here have been repeated attacks on gather up the people that we expect a prolonged period of U.S. soldiers, Lt. Col. Eric believe are threats to coalition resistance and believe that Schwartz of the 3rd Infantry forces and civil order." unless the instigators are root­ Division said Sunday that he While there has been a series ed out, it will be impossible to foresees "a rolling operation" of operations targeting anti­ create the safe environment that will last for weeks. American elemen~ in Iraq in necessary to set up an inde­ Capt. Michael Calvert, a recent days, Sunday's sweeps pendent Iraqi government and public-affairs officer attached - in Fallujah, Tikrit, Ramadi, allow aid organizations to'work. to the 3rd Armored Cavalry and other cities - marked the Regiment stationed in Ramadi, beginning of the new, nation­ approximately two hours west wide enforcement effort. SEE IRAQ, PAGE 3 Deal on Gazanear BY MOllY MOORE WASHINGTON POST JERUSALEM - Israeli and Palestinian officials said Sunday they were nearing agreement on returning control of the northern Gaza Strip to Palestinian security Nle WynlafThe Daily Iowan forces as part of an intense political Amanda MayfThe Daily Iowan Angela Stover, a student-employee at the UI Hygienic Lab, effort to salvage a peace process Jay Shaler, a UI adjunct anlstant prolessor of art, works In Coralville Sunday afternoon on his latest prepares plates for a West Nile virus test. crippled by renewed violence. tiny home, In which hlslrlend and colleague Greg Johnson will live. As Palestinian and Israeli secu­ JRDAV rity officials met Sunday to nego­ tiate details of the transfer, which officials said could occur as early D Officials warn of as this week, an Egyptian media­ tor shuttled between militant Islamic organizations in the Gaza en Strip in hopes of quelling the cycle For art professor, West Nile threat of retaliatory attacks against Israelis. Egyptian intelligence BY LAURA HOLMES bird blood samples have chief Omar Suleiman urged the THE DAILY IOWAN been confirmed to have the groups to cooperate with Palestin­ virus in the past two weeks, ian Authority officials who would Cedar Rapids resident Bill said Mary Gilchrist, the be given security control in Gaza. Brooks went walking every director of the VI Hygi,enic But Israeli, Palestinian, and tiny is big morning, unaware of and Laboratory. unprotected from the virus "The first positive sample militant officials cautioned that the negotiations could be BY lUCY COWNS that would eventually came a month earlier than it change his life. did last summer," she said. derailed by continued violence THE DAILY IOWAN and represent only the most ten­ storage In October 2002. a week "This could mean that we After d igrung and building a tiny .. after he began experiencing will be finding positive tative steps toward rescuing the hou more than three yeal'8 ago, local flu symptoms, Brooks, 63, human samples earlier this diplomatic initiative called the artist Jay haf, r i ix weeks away woke up unable to move; he year, too." road map for peace endorsed two from fini bing anoth r work of art - a remained paralyzed for the Lucy Desjardin, a molecu­ weeks ago by President Bush, 75- unre-foot house. next three weeks. He was lar biologist at the Hygienic Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Curr nUy locat d in the Quality diagnosed with West Nile Lab, estimated that,SO out of Sharon, and Palestinian Prime are Storag facility in Coralville, the virus and spent a month in 100 diagnosed individuals Minister Mahmoud Abbas at a 6.S-foot-by- ·foot house - 28 times the hospital will have no symptoms, 20 summit in Jordan. mall r lh n an aver ge family home storage "I used to go out walking will have a flu-like illness, The frenzy of meetings and - allow Ii r"d taching from material­ for about an hour every and one out of 160 diagnosed negotiations was set in motion i m,~ Baid Creg Johnson, the new morning," he said, adding will develop a more severe under pressure from the United lOFT FLOOR PLAN that he now needs help when form ofthe virus. hom '1 futuro occupant and co-build r. States after one of the most vio­ he wa1ks. "If it W08 nice, fd ·We've had about 30 Shafi r, a Uladjunct aMi stant profes­ lent weeks in recent months. sor of art, dcscri th two houses 08 wear shorts, but I never even [human blood] samples in thought about the possibility so far, but none of the tests 'l\venty-four Israelis were killed tb "m l gra roots I vel of nviron­ in a bus bombing, an attack on m ntally and socially consci ntioll8liv­ of catchlng a virus." have come back positive," soldiel'8. and shootings of Jewish ingt adding that the typical American Brooks was one of 64 she said. home mit twic a. much carbon Iowans to contract West Nile Despite the speculation settlers in the West Bank, and at monoxid per day 08 th typical Ameri­ last year, which is caused by that the virus will be more least 28 Pa1estinians were killed can car. Sov'ral tnte is inapin;,'(j him the bite of a contaminated prevalent this year, Johnson by Israeli security forces, most of to build a mall ho : including con- mosquito, The disease infects County will continue its pol­ them during assassinations TYing material and space, reducing the lining surrounding the icy of not spraying for mos­ aimed at nrilitants in which civil­ th volume of gr nhous gases brain or the spinal cord. quitoes, said Ralph Wilmoth ians also died. releas d. king a simpler life, and An increase in the nwn­ of the county Public Hea1th The most recent victim was comp08ing art, hali r 'd. ber of mosquitoes this year Department, adding that he a Palestinian militant killed may create more cases, isn't worried. MAIN flOOR PLAN early Sunday morning during some officials say, "There has been no good Su TINY HOM15, PAGE 3 AljDt Although no human blood samples have tested positive this year in the state. three See WEST NILE. PAGE 3 SEe MIDEAST, PAGE 3 I w IH R TOP HONOR FO NDY NOTHING TO F AR BUT FURYK HIMSELF INDEX Sandy Boyd, the UI's all-everything, receives Jim Furyk takes his unorthodox swing to the top of Arts 5 1 84 IIC the university's top award for faculty members. the U.S. Open. Classifieds a Sunny, light See story, pag 2 See story. page 10 Crossword 6 1 59 11 bre zes Opinions 4 CHECK US OUT 14 .DAILYIOWAN.COM Sports 10 ), 2 - The Daily Iowan - Iowa City, Iowa - Monday, June' 16, 2003 . NEWS I The Daily Iowan Boyd wins highest VI.faculty honor Volume 136 I 6 BY SEUNG MIN KIM BREAKING News • STAFF PlIo",: (319) 335-6063 Publisher: , THE DAILY IOWAN E-mail: [email protected] William Casey •••.••.••.••.335-5787 After almost 40 years of work­ FIX: 335-6184 EIIHor. ing for the UI, Sandy Boyd was Megan Eckhardl . ••.•.• , 335·6030 CORRECTIONS MIII1I E'llorl: given the ultimate honor. Call: 335-6030 Amanllsmall . • • .• •. 335·6063 -I'm thrilled,· Boyd said, after Policy: TIle Da/~ Iowans trives lor accu­ Kelley Casino . • ..••.•••. 335-6063 he received the Rawlings-Miller racy and fairness In the reporting of Oplnlonl Editor: professorship, the highest honor news. If areport Is wrong or misleading, CaMn Hennick . •• . .335.5863 for a UI faculty member, on June a request for a correction or a clariflca· Sports Editor: 11. "But rve been around for a tion may be made. A correction or a Oonovan Burba •• ••. 335·5848 long time - what could they do?" clarification will be published. Ma , Entlrtalnmtnl Editor. The recipient of the professor­ Alyn Henning . ..• • . 33~6030 ship is selected by the provost, PuBLISHING INFO Belh Hemnaer . ••••.•••• .335-6030 who receives recommendations The Daily Iowan (USPS 143.310) is CopyChltf: from various deans. In addition, published by Student Publications Inc .• Beau Eliol .. ••.•• 335·5852 a Rawlings-Miller professor 111 Communications Center, Iowa Deal,n Editor. receives a monetary award to City. Iowa 52242, dally except Anne Webbeklng . .. 335·5855 finance research effortB such as Saturdays. Sundays, legal and univer­ Graphl" Edhor. traveling, purchasing equip­ sity holidays.
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