S. Horn Volume 25, no. 4 Southeastern Conifer Quarterly December 2018 American Conifer Society Southeast Region Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia From the Southeast Region President As you can see from this photo, actvity in the Galloway’s garden has slowed down. Thus I have a good opportunity to provide a brief update on the ongoing Southeast Region initatves. In conjuncton with the Saturday, February 9 Atlanta Winter Natonal ACS Board Meetng, our Region will coordinate a Rendezvous at the Atlanta Botanical Garden on Sunday, February 10. Preliminary details were provided in a recent e-mail and a sign -up will be forthcoming. We hope you can join us. Work contnues on our annual SER Meetng to be held in October 2019. Please see the artcle from Director Jef Harvey regarding this event. Hopefully, this is a good tme of the year to kick back and enjoy the fall season. We’ll view some terrifc private gardens, have interestng dialogue, and enjoy ACS camaraderie. Complete informaton on the entre event will be sent as soon as the details are fnalized. Our reference garden program is now under new leadership. Welcome Beth Jimenez and Amelia Lane. They have taken the reins from Barbie Colvin as Co-Chairs. Barbie requested a break for extensive travel. We will be announcing Board electons afer the frst of the year. Electons for two-year terms of ofce are held annually, with ofces coming up for electon in alternate years. In 2019 we will elect a President and a Secretary/ Treasurer. My tenure as President has been short, since I was the newly elected Vice President when the President’s positon became vacant, and according to the by-laws, I assumed that role. We will open the nominaton process within the next few months, so please consider becoming involved. Meanwhile, I hope your holidays will be exceptonal and all your conifer wishes granted! Wayne Galloway, President Inside this Issue Virginia is for Conifer Lovers! 2019 SER Fall Meetng In the Garden - Creatng Garden Beds with Leaf Mulch by Jef Harvey Page 2 by John Auditore Pages 11 - 12 Around the Southeast Region and ACS Gifs for the Reference Garden Secton Holidays! Pages 3 - 4 Southeast Region Reference Garden Report: Communicaton through Curraton by Alexandria Smith Conifers in the Antebellum South by Keith Mearns Pages 13 - 14 Pages 5 - 6 SE Reference Garden List and Map Page 15 The Thrill of a Treasure Hunt! By Bruce Appeldoorn, with photos by Scot Antrim Pages 7 - 10 Newsleter Wrap-Up; List of SE Ofcers and Staf Page 30 Page 2 Southeastern Conifer Quarterly December 2018 Virginia is for Conifer Lovers! Southeast Region Meeting - October 18 and 19, 2019 - Gloucester, VA Text by Jeff Harvey. Photos supplied by Brent Heath Yes, we are headed to Virginia for the 2019 Fall Meetng on October 19th and 20th. This tme we will be along the coast of the Chesapeake Bay in Gloucester! We will be able to see several wonderful gardens with conifers, as well as have some tme to eat fresh oysters and Maryland Crabs. Our hotel will be the Hampton Inn in Gloucester, just a few minutes from our hosts, Brent and Becky Heath and their family. Our meetng ac- tvites will be based at the Brent and Becky’s Bulbs nursery. We will have dinner Friday night at Brent and Becky’s house, just a few minutes away from their nursery, and be able to enjoy Brent’s garden. Friday during set up of the aucton plants and then Saturday night, we will be able to enjoy Becky’s garden which is adjacent to the nursery. Between the two gar- dens they have just over 200 conifers mixed in with other shrubs, peren- nials, and bulbs. Saturday’s tour will take us south along the Chesapeake Bay to Bill and Linda Pinkham’s garden. They are long tme owners of one of the best nurseries in the area and have graciously opened their garden for us. We will stop for a wonderful lunch before heading to the award winning gar- den author Pamela Harper’s garden. From what I have heard and pic- tures I have seen, you do not want to miss either of these gardens. They are not routnely open to the public. We will have more details and pic- tures to come. The dinner and auc- Tulipa batalinii ‘Bronze Charm’ ton will be back at Brent and Becky’s nurse- ry, where there will be tme before the dinner and aucton to visit the garden or shop at the nursery, if you did not have a chance, earlier. Mark your calendars! We hope to see all of you Eranthis hyemalis there. Tulipa clusiana var. stellata Becky’s rock garden in winter Page 3 Southeastern Conifer Quarterly December 2018 Around the Southeast Region SER Reference Garden Leadership Changes Hands A Message from Beth Jimenez and Amelia Lane As of late August of this year, we have ofcially taken the reins from Barbie Colvin as ACS Southeast Regional Refer- ence Garden Co-Chairs. Both of us are long tme members of the American Conifer Society, actve volunteers at the JC Raulston Arboretum in Raleigh, NC, and partners in our business, Lastng Impressions, creatng hand cast leaf art and hypertufa troughs and teaching others how to make them, as well. We are dedicated gardeners and consider ourselves lovers of all things conifer. Having worked with Barbie over the last several years as members of the Southeast Region’s Reference Garden Com- mitee, we are familiar with the ins and outs of the program and look forward to working with both sponsors and di- rectors of our Reference Gardens. Regional Reference Garden programs are a beneft to the American Conifer Society as a whole and promote interest in conifers and their growth in the individual regions. We know we’re stepping into big shoes as Barbie moves away from her dutes, but with your support, we expect to provide directors with what they need to best showcase their Reference Gardens and to keep our members informed about the great things happening in these special gardens. We’re excited about this new venture and getng to know you and your gardens, and we welcome input and suggestons as we strive to contnue this very worthwhile program. Beth Jimenez and Amelia Lane A New Opportunity to Make Friends and Share Ideas with Other Coneheads! The Southeast Region Facebook Page by Robin Tower, Facebook Group Administrator by Lucy Contreras, Facebook Editor The American Conifer Society Southeast Region’s The ACS Southeast Region has just started a Facebook Facebook page is an excellent way to stay up to date Group! If you search for “American Conifer Society with the latest happenings in our region. We love to Southeast Group”, you will fnd us. Our group has al- share upcoming meetng and conference announce- ready expanded to 57 members! People who have post- ments, as well as images and updates from our exten- ed questons are getng quick responses and good ad- sive network of Reference Gardens in our region. If you vice. Pictures of conifers and conifers in combinatons have not already, be sure to like us on Facebook by with other plants are an inspiraton to all of us! (If you searching for the “American Conifer Society Southeast have questons regarding how to post a picture, email Region” and clicking “Like.” Our Facebook page is a me (Robin Tower) at: [email protected]). great way to not only see what’s going on, but to also There are already a lot of good conversatons going, share with your fellow Coneheads your conifer ques- so search out the group and JOIN! Anyone can join, and tons, thoughts, or just talk about some of your favorites anyone can post. We are especially excited to use this - we would love to hear from you. See you on Face- site as a support group, so: Are you having a problem book! with a partcular conifer? Pest, disease, unexplained htps://www.facebook.com/American-Conifer-Society- illness? Post a queston! Share the good and get help Southeast-Region-428650113956757/ with the bad in the American Conifer Society Southeast Group! Robin Tower, Facebook Group Administrator Email me at: [email protected] Page 4 Southeastern Conifer Quarterly December 2018 Christmas is Coming! Order Now for Holiday Giving! Page 5 Southeastern Conifer Quarterly December 2018 Conifers in the Antebellum South by Keith Mearns The term “Antebellum Garden” ofen conjures images of overgrown azaleas, hydrangeas, and tree-like Camellias living in the dim light fltering through live oak canopy and clothed in oppressive heat and humidity—altogether a ra- ther unft environment for the vast majority of conifers grown in gardens today. This stereotypical image, while accurate for some antebellum gardens, is simply not repre- sentatve of the majority of the great southern gardens of the 19th century. Here at Historic Columbia, I and Evan Clements (Director of Grounds) came to this realizaton as we were conductng research for a 2-acre expansion of the gardens at the Hampton-Preston Mansion. This urban es- tate was in its heyday from 1840 to the end of the Civil War and was celebrated by any who visited its garden and grounds. The entre city of Columbia, as well, was a hort- cultural gem prior to its burning at the end of the war: This quote, taken from The Hortculturist in 1857, is illustratve of the gardens in Columbia, SC: “MR. EDITOR: I like this place surpassingly well.
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