![Senate the Senate Met at 9:30 A.M](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 106 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 145 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3, 1999 No. 33 Senate The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was WELLSTONE to control 3 hours 30 min- mother, Minnie P. Ross, has traveled called to order by the President pro utes and Senator JEFFORDS or his des- from Arkansas to be at the ceremony tempore [Mr. THURMOND]. ignee in control of the remaining 30 formally recognizing her son’s pro- minutes. motion today. As you might imagine, PRAYER Under a previous order, at the con- she is overjoyed knowing how hard her The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John clusion or yielding back of debate son has worked to accomplish this feat. Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: time, the Senate will proceed to vote His wife, Mary Ann Ross, of Elaine, Ar- Lord of all life, thank You for the on the motion to proceed. If the motion kansas, which is my home area, and gift of time. You have given us the is adopted, the Senate will begin con- their two children, Timothy, age 14, hours of this day to work for Your sideration of the bill itself, with and Benjamin, age 6, will also be on glory by serving our Nation. Remind us amendments being offered and debated hand to celebrate this momentous oc- that there is enough time in any one during today’s session. Therefore, casion. From an early age, Commander Ross day to do what You want us to accom- Members should expect votes through- has exhibited excellence in all aspects plish. Release us from that rushed feel- out Wednesday’s session. of his life—academically, profes- ing when we overload Your agenda for I thank my colleagues for their at- tention. sionally and personally. More than us with added things which You may that, in a world short on heroes and not have intended for us to cram into Mr. President, I make a point of order that a quorum is not present. role models to guide our children, Com- today. Help us to live on Your timing. mander Ross is a shining example of Mrs. LINCOLN. I ask my colleague if Grant us serenity when we feel irri- the brilliant promise every life holds. he will withhold his request. tated by trifling annoyances, by tem- Hard work and an eager spirit still Mr. JEFFORDS. Certainly. porary frustration, by little things to equal success in America—no matter Mrs. LINCOLN. Mr. President, I ask which we must give our time and at- how difficult the challenges may be. It tention. May we do what the moment unanimous consent to speak as if in is my privilege—indeed, my duty as a demands with a glad heart. Give us the morning business, and I would like to voice for my state—to hold him up as courage to carve out time for quiet charge that time to my colleague, Mr. an example for others to see. thought and creative planning to focus WELLSTONE. After graduating from North Little our attention on the big things we The PRESIDENT pro tempore. With- Rock High School in 1973, Commander must debate and eventually decide out objection, it is so ordered. Ross attended the United States Naval with a decisive vote. Help us to be si- Mrs. LINCOLN. I thank the Chair. Academy in Annapolis, Maryland, lent, wait on You, and receive Your f where he was commissioned an Ensign guidance. May the people we serve and PROMOTION OF COMMANDER and graduated in 1977 with a degree in those with whom we work sense that, MICKEY ROSS Physical Science. In 1983, Commander in the midst of the pressures of polit- Ross received a Master of Science in ical life, we have had our minds replen- Mrs. LINCOLN. Mr. President, I am Electrical Engineering from the Naval ished by listening to You. Through our honored this morning to recognize Postgraduate School in Monterey, Lord and Savior. Amen. Commander Mickey Vernon Ross, a California. Currently, Commander Ross great American from Arkansas who f is pursuing a doctoral degree in Engi- later today will be promoted to the neering Management at George Wash- RECOGNITION OF THE ACTING rank of Captain in the United States ington University. MAJORITY LEADER Navy. With his promotion to Captain, As an officer in the Navy, Com- The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Commander Ross not only earns the re- mander Ross has served his country able acting majority leader is recog- spect and admiration of his country, he with distinction. His first tour of duty nized. also earns a place in Arkansas history, was onboard the U.S.S. Ranger CV 61 f becoming the first African-American where he helped the command receive from our state to attain that high top honors, the No. 1 Recruiting Dis- SCHEDULE rank. trict in the Nation. Later, on the Mr. JEFFORDS. This morning the Commander Ross is a native of North U.S.S. Acadia as the Repair Officer, his Senate will resume consideration of Little Rock and comes from a proud department received the highest award the motion to proceed to S. 280, the family with a long record of military for fleet maintenance support and the Education Flexibility Partnership Act. service, following his father and three ship received the Navy ‘‘E’’ award from There are 4 hours remaining for debate older brothers into the Armed Services. Commander Naval Surface Forces, Pa- on the motion to proceed, with Senator His father is no longer with us, but his cific. And I couldn’t help but notice ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S2159 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 21:40 Nov 01, 2013 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\1999SENATE\S03MR9.REC S03MR9 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S2160 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 3, 1999 that in between his many assignments, EDUCATION FLEXIBILITY PART- gument to say let’s give the flexibility Commander Ross found time to return NERSHIP ACT OF 1999—MOTION to the States and let’s get the Federal to Arkansas to recruit Naval Officers TO PROCEED Government out of this—but what this at colleges and universities in our The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under piece of legislation is essentially say- state. Today, Commander Ross is Di- the previous order, the Senate will now ing is that we, as a national commu- rector for Combat Systems for the Pro- resume consideration of the motion to nity, we as a National Government, we gram Executive Officer for Aircraft proceed to S. 280, which the clerk will as a Federal Government representing Carriers at the Naval Sea Systems report. the people in our country, no longer Command in Arlington, Virginia. The bill clerk read as follows: are going to maintain our commitment But Commander Ross’ record as a to poor children in America. That is Motion to proceed to the consideration of student and a Naval Officer aren’t the S. 280, a bill to provide for education flexi- what this is all about. only things for which I want to com- bility partnerships. What this piece of legislation essen- mend him this morning. Commander The Senate resumed consideration of tially says to States and to school dis- Ross is also a devoted husband and a the motion to proceed. tricts is: Look, when it comes to the wonderful father. His wife, Mary Anne, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under core requirements of title I, core re- and their children must be very proud the previous order, there will be 3 quirements that have to do with quali- of him today. hours 30 minutes under the control of fied teachers, that have to do with high My father fought in Korea and my the Senator from Minnesota, Mr. standards for students, that have to do grandfather fought in World War I and WELLSTONE, and 30 minutes under the with students meeting those standards they taught me at an early age to have control of the Senator from Vermont, and there being a measurement and the highest respect for the men and Mr. JEFFORDS, or his designee. some result and some evaluation, these women in uniform who defend our na- Mr. JEFFORDS. Mr. President, I standards no longer necessarily will tion. On behalf of the state of Arkansas make a point of order a quorum is not apply. What this legislation says is, and the United States Senate, I thank present. when it comes to what the title I mis- you, Commander Ross, for your service Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- sion has been all about, for poor chil- to our country. I hope the honor you sent that that time be charged to Sen- dren in America—that is to say that we bestow on your family, our state and ator WELLSTONE. want to make sure that the money, our nation today inspires others to fol- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without first and foremost, goes to the neediest low your example. I, for one, will be objection, it is so ordered. schools—that standard no longer will following your career with great inter- The clerk will call the roll. necessarily apply. est and I suspect this will not be my The bill clerk proceeded to call the last opportunity to recognize an out- As a matter of fact, in 1994, one of the roll. things that we did in the Elementary/ standing achievement in your life.
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