THE ENLIGHTENER Èàôê²ôàðÆâ ARMENIAN SCHOOL UPDATE . Gregory the Enlightener Armenian School much to learn, so next St concluded the 2015-2016 school term with year I’ll definitely be the end of year Hantess. On Sunday, June 5th 2016, here. If I just walked the event started with the students’ color guard: away from this school the three graduating students holding the Ameri- now, I would probably can, Armenian and Kharabakh flags. All the stu- forget how to speak the dents sang the national anthems and several Arme- language, and I don’t nian songs. want that to happen. Students from Nursery to seventh grade performed By coming next year I poems, skits and dances. The Hantess ended with won’t only be learning more but I’ll also be pre- the Kindergarten students receiving their diplomas serving the beautiful Armenian language in my and the graduation of the seventh grade students. mind.” The Kindergarten students were Christopher Ce- Mr. Shant Mardirossian also had his last year as hreci, Olivia Martin, Sofia Raquel Ortiz, Isabella our history teacher. He taught our beautiful and Mia Ortiz, Adrina Donikyan, Hagop Kalajian, An- rich Armenian history for the last 16 years in a fun gela Badurina and Andrew Loshigian. and interesting way. The students always looked This year’s graduates were Lucine Kechejian, forward to his monthly lessons. The school ad- Alec Boyajian and Alex Ozsolak. All three stu- ministration, teaching staff, students and school dents read their graduation speeches and received committee would like to thank Baron Shant for his their diplomas promising to come back to help the dedication and passion. We will miss him tremen- school. dously and wish him the best. Our graduating students had a lot to say about We would also like to thank the Sagatelian/Ortiz their time in school. Lucine said “I was always family for donating all the proceeds from their looking forward to go to Armenian School be- Saturday dance lessons to the Armenian School. cause it’s where I met most of my best friends, and The Armenian school would also like to thank Ms. of course, my very caring and passionate teachers. Vehig S. Tavitian who bequeathed $15,000 to St. One of my favorite subjects in Armenian School Gregory to be used for scholarships to the Arme- was History, taught by Baron Shant, whom I usu- nian School. May God illuminate her soul. ally would call mystery man when I was younger. It is with great excitement that St. Gregory Arme- Mr. Shant was such a passionate teacher, that one nian School announces a new Enrichment Pro- day when I came home from school I told my par- gram open to all graduated students up to age 16. ents ‘you know we lost the war?’ then they asked This Enrichment Program will be for students in- ‘What war? The Vartanantz War, we lost against terested in participating in a year-long independent the Persians and Mr. Shant was there, and he saw or group project related to a topic of choice (for the whole thing!’ I told them.” example, Armenian Current Events, Art, Music, In his comments Alec said “This 10-year journey History, Religion, etc). The program will include has allowed me to fully embrace my ethnicity. Be- Armenian conversation as well as in-house speak- sides the language, participating in Armenian ers and field trips. The goal of this program is to dance, music and learning about history has pro- bring our youth together under the umbrella of our vided me with a strong foundation of my heritage. church and enable them to learn and socialize in a Armenian School isn’t just about learning. It is casual atmosphere. about uniting Armenians in the Diaspora. I am so M.B. proud to be Armenian.” In his comments Alex said “Even though I’ve come to the end of the ‘official’ school, I don’t want to stop learning Armenian. There’s still so THE ENLIGHTENER 2 Èàôê²ôàðÆâ ARMENIAN SCHOOL UPDATE Èàôê²ôàðÆâ THE ENLIGHTENER 3 SUNDAY SCHOOL UPDATE June 12, we celebrated our Sunday kin presented each graduate with a diploma and a On School graduation for Melissa Hartu- Bible. nian, Daniel Koobatian, Tomas Stepanian, Arman The graduation concluded with Sunday School Vranka and William Vranka. The graduation cere- Superintendents Alice Leylegian and Tom Daw mony took place after the Divine Liturgy. As Fr. offering St. Vartan, Battle of Avarayr pendants as Mesrob Hovsepyan was in Armenia, the service gifts. Afterwards, the graduates and congregation commenced with an inspirational message by Fr. celebrated with a light lunch, cake and a "Through Karekin Kasparian, followed by insightful mes- the Years" slide presentation documenting the sages from their dedicated teachers, Annie spiritual journey of our graduates. We wish to ex- Ovanessian and Bruce Wiacek. Each of the gradu- tend congratulations and best wishes to our gradu- ates delivered a speech reflecting on their Sunday ates! School experience. After the speeches, Der Kare- THE ENLIGHTENER 4 Èàôê²ôàðÆâ SUNDAY SCHOOL UPDATE Excerpts from Sunday School Graduates’ Reflections ver the past few years, I started understanding name, the members of the clergy and most impor- O why it was so important to my parents that I tantly, two people who put up with me my entire come to church. I learned more about my heritage, life, both of my parents. When I was younger, wak- about being Armenian, about my people, and I felt ing up early on a Sunday morning was one of the happy that I was Armenian – like I belonged to an worst things imaginable. However, somehow, my important group. It gave me a strong sense of iden- parents convinced me that it would be worth it each tity. Going to church and to Camp Nubar, as well as Sunday to wake up and attend church, no matter being part of the ACYOA, strengthened that feeling how bad my “headache” was. The point is, had it even more. I started realizing that our ancestors re- not been for their commitment, I would not be lied on their faith to get them through tremendously standing before you the enlightened person I am. challenging times; I learned the true meaning of sac- And for that, I thank them. rifice, and that the power of faith is the reason we Tomas Stepanian are all here today. Love and Faith in God – these are am pleasantly surprised to find a feeling of the things I will carry with me always. Thank you. I sadness about leaving Sunday school. I’ve met Melissa Hartunian so many great people, and the students and teachers ftentimes faith isn’t taught comprehensively are all so thoughtful and committed. I’d like to spe- O or critically. I’ve encountered many places cially thank Tom Daw and Bruce Wiacek. Mr. Daw where religion is taught as law without any room for was my first teacher back in 5th grade, and I will questioning. I ask my younger peers to value their never forget the good times we had. Bruce was my ability to get an education which teaches not only teacher these last two years, and I will always cher- the practices of our Armenian Apostolic Church but ish the engaging discussions we head in his class- also that of other religions. Value the teacher that room. Both of these guys have become my friends, will crack a joke every so often, saying “you’re not and the friendships I have made here are truly price- smart enough to go to hell” or “I’m gonna have to less. I hope that I have also positively impacted the send you to the Buddhists.” Value your ability to lives of other members of this church, whether you ask questions that will strengthen your faith and are a student or a teacher. I am grateful for the op- your identity in the Armenian community. I leave portunity to learn and teach here, and I will never this School more knowledgeable than when I began forget the experiences and lessons of Sunday school. with it, not only about my own faith but also the Arman Vranka world. Love it. Embrace it. Appreciate it. Cherish it. Most importantly, do not be afraid to ask questions. unday school and involvement with the church Thank you. S has been and hopefully will continue to be a huge part of my life. The values and messages that I Daniel Koobatian learned as a result of going to Sunday school are in ur Church provides us with a foundation with life more important than any education I received in O which to build our lives. Such a foundation is normal school, and as I’ve grown up I’ve learned to crucial, especially in a world such as ours, with all appreciate these morals more and more. None of this the turmoil and grief present day in and day out. would be possible without my teachers, my parents However, our faith provides us with guidelines on and really all members of this church who each con- how to survive such an earth, to love your tribute to the character and culture of the parish, so neighbors, and to treat others as you would yourself. I’d like to give a huge thanks to all of them. Without these lessons, many would be lost today. William Vranka This is why we, I, must be especially thankful for all of those who have guided me here. My Sunday school teachers, of which there are too many to Èàôê²ôàðÆâ THE ENLIGHTENER 5 ACYOA JUNIORS UPDATE ast May, ACYOA Juniors of St.
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