Thirteenth Series. Vol. XXIII. :'\0.18 ')olld'l~. April 15. 2002 Chaitra 25.1924 (Sak;l) LOK SABHA DEBA~S (English Version) Ninth Session (Thirteenth Lok Sabha) (Vol. XXIII cOlltains Nos. 11 to 20) LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI Pnce R.\ 5{){){J EDITORIAL BOARD G.C. Malhotra Secretary-General Lok Sabha Dr. P.K. Sandhu Joint Secretary P.C. Chaudhary Principal Chief Editor Y.K. Abrol Chief Editor Vandna Trivedi Senior Editor P. Mohanty Editor (Onginal English Proceedings included in English Version and Original Hindi Proceedings included in Hindi Version will be treated as authoritative and not the translation thereof) CONTENTS (Thirteenth Series Vol. XXIII, Ninth Session, 200211924 ($aka) No. 18.IIonclay. Aprt115, 2OO2IC ....... 25,1124 (s.ka) SuBJECT COUJMHS WELCOME TO PARLIAMENTARY DELEGATION FROM GHANA OBITUARY REFERENCES 1-3 WRITTEN ANSWER TO QUESTIONS Starred Question Nos. 301 to 320 Unstarred Question Nos. 3240 to 3469 PAPERS LAID ON THE TABLE 401 BUSINESS ADVISORY COMMITTEE Thirty - fourth Report 401 COMMITTEE ON PETITIONS Fifteenth Report 402 STANDING COMMITTEE ON RAILWAYS Tenth Report 402 MOTION RE: JOINT COMMITTEE ON STOCK MARKET 402.403 SCAM AND MATTERS RELATING THERETO MATTERS UNDER RULE 3n 403-409 (i) Need to provide telephone facilities in Singhbhum Parliamentary Constituency, Jhaft(hand Shri Laxman Giluwa 483 (ii) Need to convert rail line between Rewari- Bikaner via Hissar and Ratangam-Degana into broadguage Shri Ram Singh Kaswan 403-404 (iii) Need to raise royally rate of Coal for Orissa Shri Ananta Nayak 404 (iv) Need for early construction of S.Y.L. Canal between Punjab and Haryana Shri Rattan Lal Kataria 404 (v) Need to provide stoppage of Navjeevan and Tapti Express trains at Vyara Railway station, Gujarat Shri Mansinh Patel 404-405 (i) SUBJECT COlUMNS (Vi) Need to provide financial assistance to the Government of Madhya Pradesh for providing relief to the people whose crops have been affected by hailstorms Shrl Virendra Kumar 405 (vii) Need for all-round development in Chanchal Sub-Division Headquarters in Maida District. West Bengal Shri Priya Ranjan Dasmunsi 405 (viii) Need to ensure that members of minority community do not experience difficulties In getting loan from Banks Shri Iqbal Ahmed Saradgi (Ix) Need to Unk all district headquarters in Bihar through Doordarshan Shri Rajo Singh 406 (x) Need to consider the proposal for setting up of a Special Economic Zone at Padubldri. Kamataka Shrl VIJay Kumar Sorake 406-407 (xl) Need to extend benefits of Loan Relef Scheme to the victims of Bhagalpur riots of 1989 Shrl Subodh Roy 407 (xli) Need to upgrade Visakhapatnam airport as Intematlonal airport Shrl M.V.V.S. Murthl 407-408 (xIII) Need to take adequate steps to check recurring floods in Eastem Uttar Pradesh caused by rivers flowing from Nepal Kunwar Akhllesh Singh 408 (xlv) Need to introduce different time zones for Eastem India Dr. Nitish Sengupta 408 (xv) Need to declare the temple of Vithal Rakumai in Solapur district of Maharasthra as a pilgrimage centre and allocate adequate funds for its development Shri Ramdas Athawale 408-409 LOK SABHA DEBATES LOKSABHA special interest in farming. IUral development and Panchayat! Raj System. He was Chairman of Panchayat Council, Monday, April 15, 2OO2IChaitra 25, 1924 (San) Kanlyambadi, District North Arcot. Tamil Nadu from 1961 to 1965 and during 1970-71. The Lo#< Sabha met at One Minute past Eleven of the C/ocle. A widely travelled person, Shrl Balaraman was a delegate to the World Peace Council Conference In Denmark (MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER In the Chait') in 1986. {EnfJlish] A well known social and poRtieal worhr, Shrl Balara- man worked relentlessly for the uplift of the Scheduled Castes WELCOME TO PARLIAMENTARY DELEGATION FROM GHANA and Scheduled Tribes and other backward classes. He also took keen Interest In Improving the ~ucatlonal facilities In MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Hon. Members, at the outset rural areas. I have to make an announcement. SM L. Balaraman passed away on 26 February. 2002 On my own behalf and on behalf of the hon. Members of at Vellore, Tamil Nadu at the age ot 70. the House, I have great pleasure in welcoming His Excellency Shrl K. Narayana Rao was a Member of Fourth and Mr. Peter Ala Adjetey, Speaker of the Ghanian Parliament and Fifth Lok Sabha from 1967 to 1977 representing BobbIN other Members of the Ghanaian Parliamentary Delegation who Parliamentary Constituency of Andhra Pradesh. are on a visit to India as our honoured gllests. An advocate by profession, Shri Rao held various The delegation arrived in India on Saturday, 13 April, important pOSitions In Law Commission before entering 2002. They are now seated in the Special Box. We wish them poNtics. He also served as Vice-President, Indian Society of a happy and fruitful stay in our country. Through them we International Law, New Deihl. convey our greetings and best wishes to the President, the Parliament and the friendly people of Ghana. An active Parliamentarian, Shri Rao was Chairman of Joint committee on Offices of Profit during 1967-68 and Member of Committee on Public Undertakings during 1976-77. 11.02 hrs. OBITUARY REFERENCES An able administrator, Shri Rao was Member of A~dhra Pradesh State Transport Authority. {English] Shri Rao, who had special Interest in legal matters, MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Hon. Members, I rise to inform pubtished several research papers on Constitutional Law, the House of the sad demise of four of our former colleagues, International Law and the United Nations Charter. He wu namely, Shri L. Balaraman, Shri K. Narayana Rao, Shri co-author of 'Delegated Legislation In India' and 'Disciplinary Slirendra Jha Suman and Shri Shankar Lal Sharma. Proceedings against Government Servants'. He also Shr. L. Balaraman was a Member of Eighth, Ninth and published a pamphlet on the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Eleventh Lok Sabha from 1984 to 1991 and during 1996-97 Constitutional Amendments and penned several articles In representing Vandavasi Parliamentary Constituency of Tamil Telugu. Nadu. Shri K. Narayana Rao passed away on 3 March, 2002 An active parliamentarian, Shri Balaraman was a Member at Srikakulam, Andhra Pradesh at the age of 73. of various Parliamentary and Consultative Committees. Shri Surendra Jha Suman was a Member of Sixth Lok Earlier, Shri Balaraman was a Member of Tamil Nadu Sabha from 1977 to 1979 representing Darbhanga Legislative Assembly from 1967 to 1 971 and 1980 to 1984 Parliamentary Constituency of Bihar. and Tamil Nadu Legislative Council from 1972 to 1978. He al$o selVed as a Member of the various Committees of the _. "'" ~Ie Parliamentarian,. Shri Suman wu a Member of the Com~m.e on Official Language during 1977-78 and State Legislmure. the Committee on Absence of Members from the Sllllngs of An agriculturist by profession, Shrl Balaraman took the House during 1978. 3 Obituary References 15 April. 2002 4 Earlier. Shri Suman was a Member of Bihar Legislative MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Unless there is order in the Assembly from 1972 to 1975. He was also a Member of House. how do I hear you? How can I give any direction in Darbhanga Municipality for ten years. this situation? What I am saying is. let us have the Question Hour first. After the Question Hour. I will hear you all. A man of letters. Shri Suman was a joumalist. teacher everybody. I have received as many as 56 Adjournment and writer. He authored about forty books in Maithili and was Motions and also four notices for Suspension ot Question Hour. also the Editor of various publications and books in Maithili. I am only appealing to you that let us have the Question Hour Sanskrit and Hindi. He served the Governing Bodies of now. various literary and academic institutions in different capacities in his State. He was also the recipient of Sahitya Akademy ... (lnterruptions) Award in 1971. MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER : No one is suppressing Shri Surendra Jha Suman passed away on 5 March. discussion here. The on!y thing is that we will have to have 2002 at Darbhanga. Bihar at the age of 89. order in the House. Let there be order in the House and then only can we have discussion on any matter Shri Shankar Lal Sharma was a Member of Eighth Lok Sabha during 1988-89 representing Pali Parliamentary ... (lnterruptions) Constituency of Rajasthan. MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Hon. Members. order, please. Earlier, Shri Sharma was a Member of Rajasthan Vldhan Will you please allow me to talk? Sabha Irom 1957 to 1962 and 1967 to 1980 representing ... (Interruptions) Raiapur, Jaitaran and Pali Assembly Constituencies 01 Rajasthan. MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: I have received as many as 56 Adjournment Motions and four notices for Suspension of Shri Sharma was also a Member 01 Commission lor Question Hour. Other Backward Classes of Rajasthan. ... (Interruptions) Shri Shankar Lal Sharma passed away on 30 March, 2002 at Pali, Rajasthan at the age of 79. SHRI K. YERRANNAIDU (SRIKAKULAM) : This is the most important subject. In the national interest we have to We deeply mourn the loss of these friends and I am discuss this subject. My Party is also demanding that there sure the House would join me in conveying our condolences should be discussion which is in the interest 01 the nation. to the bereaved families. ... (Interruptions) The House may now stand in silence for a short while MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: I cannot suppress anybody as a mark 01 respect to the memory of the departed souls. to discuss any matter here. I am only telling you that during the 'Zero Hour' we can take up this matter. I will hear you. 11,10 hrs. Anything that has to be decided or discussed should be done under the rule only.
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