LIST OF ELECTED SARPANCHES/PANCHES DISTRICT: KARGIL ELECTION AUTHORITY UNDER PANCHAYATI RAJ ACT, 1989 (CHIEF ELECTORAL OFFICER, JAMMU & KASHMIR) DETAILED STATEMENT OF ELECTED SARPANCHES/PANCHES Name of District: 8-Kargil Name of No. of Candidates Elected No. of No. of Panch Candidates Elected No. of Block Panchayat Male Female Total Sarpanch Constituencies Male Female Total Panch Halqas/ Vacancies / Wards Vacancies Sarpanch Constituenci es Kargil 20 20 0 20 0 137 92 43 135 2 G. M. Pore 9 9 0 9 0 71 51 20 71 0 (Trespone) Sankoo 13 13 0 13 0 98 69 28 97 1 Shaker 9 9 0 9 0 60 40 20 60 0 Chiktan Shargole 9 9 0 9 0 59 41 18 59 0 Taisuru 9 9 0 9 0 69 48 21 69 0 Zanskar 9 9 0 9 0 58 39 19 58 0 Lungnak 3 3 0 3 0 19 13 6 19 0 Drass 14 14 0 14 0 88 59 29 88 0 G.TOTAL 95 95 0 95 0 659 452 204 656 3 BLOCK KARGIL FORM PEL 18 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PANCHAYAT ELECTION‐2011 NO AND NAME OF DISTRICT NO AND NAME OF BLOCK 8‐KARGIL 1‐KARGIL No. and No. & Name of Name of Elected No. & Name of Panch Name of Elected Panches Remarks (Please mention Name of Panchayat Sarpanches Ward/Constituency reasons for any vacancy Block Halqa till date ) 12 3 4 5 6 Mohd Ibrahim S/O Haji Maryam Bi D/O Mohd 1. Kargil KG-1-MINJI Ali R/O Minjee 1-Minji/Gramthang-I NIL Hassan R/O Minjee Mohd Hassan S/O Gh. Mehdi 1-Minji/Goma Minji-II NIL R/O Minjee Mohd Ibrahim S/O Haji Ali 1-Minji-III R/O Minjee NIL Hawa Bi D/O Fida Hussain 1-Minji-IV NIL R/O Minjee Mohd Ali S/O Mohd Qasim 1-Minji-V NIL R/O Minjee Mohd Hussain S/O 1-Minji Gound-VI Gh.Hussain R/O Minjee NIL Page 1 of 16 No. and No. & Name of Name of Elected No. & Name of Panch Name of Elected Panches Remarks (Please mention Name of Panchayat Sarpanches Ward/Constituency reasons for any vacancy Block Halqa till date ) KG-2- Haji Mohd Hussain S/O Sakina Banoo W/O Abdul 1. Kargil 2-Shilikchay-I NIL SHILIKCHAY Mohd R/O Shilikchay Rehman R/O Shilkchay Mohd Ishaq S/O Mohd Mussa 2-Shilikchay-II NIL R/O Shilikchay Mohd Yaqoob S/O Mohd 2-Shilikchay-III NIL Moosa R/O Shilikchay Chocho Zohra Khatoon W/O 2-Shelikchay / Baithang-IV Mohd Kazim NIL R/O Shilikchay 2-Shilikchay/Hundurman Mal- Haji Mussa S/O Abdullah NIL V Khan R/O Shilikchay 2-Shilikchay/Hundurman Mohd Mussa S/O Mohd Baqir NIL Broq-VI R/O Shilikchay Mohd Hassan S/O Haji 3-Choskore/Archoo Amina Banoo W/O Mohmad 1. Kargil KG-3-CHOSKORE Ali Hussain R/O Archu NIL Yukstrang-I Hussain R/O Archu Choskore Choskore. 3-Choskore/Archo Mohd Hussain S/O Gh. Mehdi NIL Gongstrang-II R/O Archu Choskore Mohd Jawad S/O Anayat Ali 3-Choskore/Gongkha-III NIL R/O Gongkhala Page 2 of 16 No. and No. & Name of Name of Elected No. & Name of Panch Name of Elected Panches Remarks (Please mention Name of Panchayat Sarpanches Ward/Constituency reasons for any vacancy Block Halqa till date ) Zeenab W/O Mohd Sayeed 3-Choskore/Lobar-IV NIL R/O Lobar Choskore 3-Choskore/Chapring Mohd Hussain S/O Hadi Ali NIL Kaskarik-V R/O Chabring Choskore 3-Choskore/Rongo Thangbo- Ilyas S/O Mohd Mussa R/O NIL VI Rongo Choskore. Mohd Yousf S/O Gh.Raza 3-Choskore Doks-VII NIL R/O Doks Choskore. 3-Choskore/Gawoolo Starga- Mohd Abass S/O Mohd Ali NIL VIII R/O Gawolo Choskore Sajjad ALi S/O Mohd Zakiya Banoo W/O Gh. Mohd 1. Kargil KG-4-CHOSKORE Hussain AKhon R/O 4-Choskore/Grong-I NIL R/o Grong Choskore Chutuk Choskore. Bashir S/O Haji Ibrahim R/O 04-Choskore/Grong-II NIL Grong Choskore Mohd Ali S/O Akhon Mohd 04-Choskore/Mutrik-III NIL Abass R/O Mutrik Choskore Husnia Banoo D/O Akh. 04-Choskore/Mutrik-IV NIL Hussain R/O Mutrik Choskore Page 3 of 16 No. and No. & Name of Name of Elected No. & Name of Panch Name of Elected Panches Remarks (Please mention Name of Panchayat Sarpanches Ward/Constituency reasons for any vacancy Block Halqa till date ) Mohd Ali S/O Gh. Mehdi R/O 04-Choskore/Gongkha-V NIL Gonkha Choskore Mohd Javed S/O Mohd jaffar 04-Choskore/Stikchay-VI NIL R/O Stikchay Choskore Batool W/O Mohd Yasin R/O 04-Choskore/Stikchay-VII NIL Stikchay Choskore Mohd Hussain H/O Amina 04-Choskore/Chutuk-VIII NIL R/O Chutuk Choskore Mohd Ali S/O Mohd Hussain 04-Choskore/Chutuk-IX NIL R/O Chutuk Choskore Mohd Hussain S/o Ali Padma yanskith W/O 1. Kargil KG-5-SAPI 05-Sapi/Gongyul-I NIL Naqi R/O Sapi. Punchok R/O Sapi. Tashi Wangyal S/O Namgyal 05-Sapi/Baltikhar-II NIL R/O Sapi. Mohd Yousuf H/O Sakina R/O 05-Sapi/Marpoyoul-III NIL Sapi. Tsering Palmo W/o Tsering 05-Sapi/Marpoyoul-IV NIL Dorjay R/o Sapi Page 4 of 16 No. and No. & Name of Name of Elected No. & Name of Panch Name of Elected Panches Remarks (Please mention Name of Panchayat Sarpanches Ward/Constituency reasons for any vacancy Block Halqa till date ) Namgyal Tashi S/O Nawang 05-Sapi/Changyoul-V NIL Stanzin R/O Sapi. Mohd Ibrahim S/O Mohd 05-Sapi/Changyoul-VI NIL Hussain R/O Sapi Mohd Mussa S/O Jamila W/O Mohd Ali R/O 1. Kargil KG-6-BATAMBIS 06-Batambis/Grong-I NIL Gh.Mehdi R/O Batambis Batambis Mohd Hassan S/O Mohd 06-Batambis/Kukula-II NIL Hussain R/O Kakula Batambis Mohd Hussain S/O Haji Gh. 06-Batambis/Broq-III NIL Mehdi R/O Brooq Batambis Fatima Bano W/O Mohd 06-Batambis/Farole -IV NIL Jaffer R/O Farol Batambis Mohd Hussain S/O Haji 06-Batambis/Chechela-V NIL Qasim R/O Farqa Batambis Mohd Baqir S/O Haji Mohd 06-Batambis/Farka-VI NIL Hussain R/O Farka Batambis KG-7- Mohd Abass S/O Fatima W/O Mohd Akbar R/O 1. Kargil 07-Yurbaltak/Grongstod-I NIL YOURBALTAK-A Ghulam Haider Yourbaltak Grongstod Page 5 of 16 No. and No. & Name of Name of Elected No. & Name of Panch Name of Elected Panches Remarks (Please mention Name of Panchayat Sarpanches Ward/Constituency reasons for any vacancy Block Halqa till date ) Akbar Ali S/O Mohd Hussain 07-Yurbaltak/Grongrkil-II NIL R/O Yourbaltak Grongskil Mohd Ali S/O Mohd Jaffar R/o 07-Yurbaltak/Grongjuk-III NIL Yourbaltak Grongjuk Hakima W/O Habibullah R/O 07-Yurbaltak/Shagaran-IV NIL Shagaran yourbaltak Mohd Hassan S/O Ali Raza 07-Yurbaltak/Grongstod R/O Grongstod Beima NIL Biama-V Yourbaltak Ali Ghulam S/O Gh. Mehdi 07-Yurbaltak/ Grongjuk R/O Grongjuk Beima NIL Biama-VI Yourbaltak Sakina D/o Mohd Raza R/O 07-Yurbaltak/Thangjuk-VII NIL Thangjuk Yourbaltak Mohd Hassan S/O Haji Abass 07-Yurbaltak/Bongsik-VIII NIL R/O Bongsik Yourbaltak Abdul Hamid S/O Gh. 07-Yurbaltak/Fiker-IX NIL Hussain R/o Fiker Yourbaltak KG-8- Haji Ahmad Hussain Zakiya W/O Mohd Baqir R/O 1. Kargil 08-Yurbaltak/Yarkin Doks-I NIL YOURBALTAK-B S/O Haji Hussain Yeken Doks Yourbaltak Page 6 of 16 No. and No. & Name of Name of Elected No. & Name of Panch Name of Elected Panches Remarks (Please mention Name of Panchayat Sarpanches Ward/Constituency reasons for any vacancy Block Halqa till date ) Mohd Hussain S/O Haji Gh. 08-Yurbaltak/Latoskit (Grong Mohd R/O Latoskit Grong NIL Doks)-II Yourbaltak Hassanain S/O Mohd Hussain 08-Yurbaltak/Doks-III NIL R/O Doks Yourbaltak 08-Yurbaltak/ Staing Fatima D/O GH. Mohd R/O NIL Zgopilanger -IV Staingzgopilanger Yourbaltak Zakir Hussain S/O Kacho 08-Yurbaltak/Sharbat-Gund-V Mohd R/O Sharbat Gund NIL Yourbaltak Mohd Sharif S/O Haji Ali 08-Yurbaltak/Gialsa-VI Hussain R/O Gialsa NIL Yourbaltak Haji Mohd Hassan S/O 08-Yurbaltak/Zgangzur Sheikh Ghulam Haider R/O NIL Staing Thang-VII Zgangzur Staing thang 08-Yurbaltak/Grongskil Mohd Hussain S/O Ali Mohd NIL staing Tevar-VIII R/O Grongskil Staing Liaqat Ali S/O Akbar Ali Zainab Banoo W/O Mohd 1. Kargil KG-9-AKCHAMAL 09-Akchamal/Yukma-I NIL R/O Akchamal Amin R/o Yokma Akchamal Mohd Hussain S/O Haji Gh. 09-Akchamal/Grongma-II Haider R/O Grongma NIL Akchamal Page 7 of 16 No. and No. & Name of Name of Elected No. & Name of Panch Name of Elected Panches Remarks (Please mention Name of Panchayat Sarpanches Ward/Constituency reasons for any vacancy Block Halqa till date ) Ibrahim S/O Hussain Khan 09-Akchamal/Freth-III NIL R/O Freth Akchamal Nargis Banoo D/O Haji Issa 09-Akchamal/Farma-IV NIL R/O Farma Akchamal Mohd Amin S/O Sheikh Gh 09-Akchamal/Rong-V NIL Hussain R/O Rong Akchamal Haji Mohd Ali S/O Haji Gh. Ali 09-Akchamal/Mangbore-VI NIL R/O Mangbore Akchamal Mohd Sadiq S/O Shiekh Zahra W/O Abul Hassan R/O 1. Kargil KG-10-TUMAIL 10-Tumail/Grong-I NIL Ali R/O Tumail Grong Tumail Ak.
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