June 17, 2009 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 155, Pt. 11 15527 Description: In 2006, the Idaho State Police HONORING KENNETH WAYNE Madam Speaker, on behalf of everyone in (ISP) developed and deployed, on a limited HUDSON North Alabama, I rise to express my gratitude basis, a web-based Case Investigative System to Lt. Col. Kenneth A. Reiman for his many (CIS). This tool allows investigators to collect, HON. TED POE years of service to the United States of Amer- use and share critical law enforcement infor- OF TEXAS ica. mation across the state. CISAnet provides a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f bi-directional information-sharing network with- Wednesday, June 17, 2009 TRIBUTE TO WILLIAM JOSEPH in and between state and local law enforce- Mr. POE of Texas. Madam Speaker, I would BURKE, SR., ESQ. ment agencies. CISAnet provides ISP and law like to recognize and thank Kenneth Wayne enforcement across Idaho with real time ac- Hudson for his service in the United States HON. BILL PASCRELL, JR. cess to criminal intelligence information shared Navy. The hard work and devotion he has OF NEW JERSEY by law enforcement partner agencies within demonstrated through out his career serves as IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the states of Alabama, Arizona, California, an example to us all. Kenny has served our Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, country with courage and honor both at home Wednesday, June 17, 2009 Oklahoma and Texas. This ten state area is and abroad. Mr. PASCRELL. Madam Speaker, I would regarded as one of the most vulnerable to our See Madam Speaker, during the Vietnam like to call to your attention the work of an out- nation’s security—a ’soft spot’ through which War Kenny chose to leave high school before standing individual, William ‘‘Bill’’ Joseph illegal Mexican immigrants filter, illegal drug graduating to serve his country. After the war, Burke, Sr., Esq. Mr. Burke will be recognized trafficking passes and terrorists move freely. It he began his career and was never able to re- on June 16, 2009 with the Ram of the Year is believed that securing this porous border turn to school to obtain his high school di- Award for his dedication to the Fordham Uni- with Mexico is an effective way to protect ploma. It is with great pleasure that I am today versity family. congratulating Kenny on his most deserved American citizens. The CISAnet system pro- It is only fitting that William ‘‘Bill’’ Joseph accomplishment of receiving his high school vides an effective means for law enforcement Burke, Sr., Esq. be honored, in this, the per- diploma from Humble High School. I know all manent record of the greatest freely elected agencies to share information across state his family and friends are very proud. body on Earth, for he is a true embodiment of lines on known or suspected criminal activity. Kenny has recently retired from the work- the American dream and sets a great example Together, access to CISAnet, Idaho’s Fusion force and I know he will enjoy the company of in giving back to his community. Center and remote access to CIS will ensure his wife Becky and three children, Michelle, The job of a United States Congressman in- that Idaho state and local law enforcement of- Chad and Todd. volves so much that is rewarding, yet nothing ficers have the best information available in a This great country will forever be in Kenny’s compares to learning about and recognizing timely manner. In today’s environment, these debt. I wish him the best of luck in his future the efforts of individuals like Mr. Burke. As a systems are an effective way to monitor illegal endeavors. He will continue to reach new lev- fellow alumnus of Fordham University, I am drug and terrorist activity and identify, target els of accomplishment. proud to bestow this honor onto William ‘‘Bill’’ and locate potential terrorists. These systems We appreciate his service to America and Joseph Burke, Sr., Esq. are important components of an overall pre- his commitment to keeping our nation the Madam Speaker, I ask that you join our col- vention strategy and are crucial to protecting ‘‘Land of the Free and the Home of the leagues, Bill’s family and friends, all those Brave.’’ the citizens of Idaho and the United States’ whose lives have been influenced by Bill, the And that’s just the way it is. homeland security. The Criminal Information students, faculty and alumni of Fordham Uni- f Sharing Alliance network (CISAnet) FY2010 versity and me in recognizing the outstanding federal funding will be used to continue the in- TRIBUTE TO LIEUTENANT and invaluable service of William ‘‘Bill’’ Joseph tegration of CIS into the CISAnet infrastruc- COLONEL KENNETH A. REIMAN Burke, Sr., Esq. ture, to expand its capabilities by adding a f Geo coding module and by integrating CIS, HON. PARKER GRIFFITH HONORING THE LIFE OF JACK M. RMS and CISAnet into Idaho’s Criminal Intel- OF ALABAMA FARMER ligence Center. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Project Name: NCOMS Medical and Mental Wednesday, June 17, 2009 HON. HEATH SHULER Health Sharing Software Development Mr. GRIFFITH. Madam Speaker, I rise today OF NORTH CAROLINA Amount Requested: $500,000 to recognize the outstanding career and con- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tributions of Lt. Col. Kenneth A. Reiman. Lieu- Wednesday, June 17, 2009 Account: Department of Justice Byrne Dis- tenant Colonel Reiman is retiring from his cretionary Grants most recent position as Deputy Director of the Mr. SHULER. Madam Speaker, I rise today Recipient: Idaho Department of Corrections Test Support Group for the Missile Defense to honor the life of Mr. Jack M. Farmer, a dis- tinguished member of our Western North Recipient’s Street Address: 1299 North Or- Agency at Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Ala- bama. Carolina community. Mr. Farmer dedicated his chard, Suite 110, Boise, Idaho 83706. Prior to assuming his current position, Lt. life to benefitting his community, and it was Description: States are legally mandated to Col. Reiman was Program Director of the Mis- with great communal sadness that we provide appropriate medical care to incarcer- sile Defense Agency’s Ground-based Mid- mourned Mr. Farmer when passed away on ated individuals. These funds will be used to course Defense Program for Ground and September 26, 2008. He is survived by his create, modularize and implement the medical/ Flight Test Execution. He has served 23 years wife, Nancy Leming Farmer, his sons, Bruce mental health module for the National Consor- as an Air Force officer and has spent a life- Alan Farmer and Phillip Marlowe Farmer, and tium of Offender Management Systems time serving his country. 6 grandchildren. (NCOMS). This technology will allow public Lt. Col. Reiman has always played an im- Mr. Farmer was born on July 8, 1957 in safety organizations that house offenders to portant role in the development of North Ala- Haywood County, North Carolina. A graduate track and record the medical information to bama’s missile defense community and our of the Florida School of Forestry, he went on ensure that offenders receive proper medical nation’s defense. His dynamic leadership and to serve as the District Ranger of North Caro- treatment. exceptional technical skills directly resulted in lina District 9 for 37 years. Because of his out- the Missile Defense Agency’s successful exe- standing service, Mr. Farmer was awarded the I appreciate the opportunity to provide a list cution of its $2 billion per year flight and Order of the Long Leaf Pine in 2000 by Gov- of Congressionally-directed projects in the ground test programs. ernor Jim Hunt. The Order of the Long Leaf FY2010 Commerce, Justice, Science and Re- Reiman’s distinguished career reflects great Pine is one of the most prominent awards pre- lated Agencies Appropriations bill on behalf of credit upon himself, the United States Air sented by the Governor of North Carolina, Idaho and provide an explanation of my sup- Force, the Department of Defense, and the only available to those who have dedicated port for them. Tennessee Valley. over 30 years of service to the state. VerDate Mar 15 2010 15:21 Oct 13, 2011 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR09\E17JN9.001 E17JN9 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD 15528 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 155, Pt. 11 June 17, 2009 In addition to his forestry service, Mr. Farm- Michigan. A founding director of Oakland completed the grueling program at Avenger er was actively involved in his community. He County’s Automation Alley, he also served on Field, the nation’s largest all-female air base. was instrumental in the establishment of Pin- the advisory board of the Detroit Regional Though WASP participants underwent the nacle Park, an 1,100 acre public park filled Chamber of Commerce, the Detroit Renais- same vigorous training as male cadets, these with frequently used hiking trails. Mr. Farmer sance Steering Committee, the Oakland Coun- dedicated individuals were refused recognition also served on the Jackson County Green ty Workforce Development Board, the WIRED as a women’s service within the U.S. Army Air Ways Committee, on the Board of Directors of (Workforce Investment for Regional Economic Force and were denied veterans’ benefits for Cullowhee Fire Department, and as the Presi- Development) and the Education Foundation over 30 years, finally gaining full recognition in dent of the Jackson County Habitat for Hu- of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers. He 1977. manity. Additionally, Mr. Farmer worked with was also a member of the Oakland County I’m honored to represent five former Women Jackson County Housing to construct elderly Business Roundtable.
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