Norfolk Vanguard Offshore Wind Farm Chapter 22 Onshore Ecology Environmental Statement Volume 1 Applicant: Norfolk Vanguard Limited Document Reference: 6.1.22 RHDHV Reference: PB4476-005-022 Pursuant to: APFP Regulation 5(2)(a) Date: June 2018 Revision: Revision 1 Author: Royal HaskoningDHV Photo: Kentish Flats Offshore Wind Farm Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Statement Document Reference: PB4476-005-022 June 2018 For and on behalf of Norfolk Vanguard Limited Approved by: Ruari Lean and Rebecca Sherwood Signed: Date: 8th June 2018 For and on behalf of Royal HaskoningDHV Drafted by: Gordon Campbell Approved by: Jon Allen Signed: th Date: 25 May 2018 Environmental Statement Norfolk Vanguard Offshore Wind Farm PB4476-005-022 Page i Date Issue Remarks / Reason for Issue Author Checked Approved No. 09/04/18 01D First draft for Norfolk Vanguard Limited GC CS/ST/ALH RH review 01/05/18 02D Second draft for Norfolk Vanguard Limited GC CC/ST JA review 11/05/18 03D Third draft for Norfolk Vanguard Limited GC ST JA review 25/05/18 01F Final for ES submission GC ST JA June 2018 Norfolk Vanguard Offshore Wind Farm PB4476-005-022 Page ii Table of Contents 22 Onshore Ecology ..................................................................................................... 1 22.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 1 22.2 Legislation, Guidance and Policy ............................................................................. 1 22.3 Consultation ......................................................................................................... 13 22.4 Assessment Methodology ..................................................................................... 22 22.5 Scope ................................................................................................................... 29 22.6 Existing Environment ............................................................................................ 37 22.7 Potential Impacts.................................................................................................. 72 22.8 Cumulative Impacts ............................................................................................ 139 22.9 Inter-relationships .............................................................................................. 153 22.10 Interactions ........................................................................................................ 153 22.11 Summary ............................................................................................................ 158 22.12 References ......................................................................................................... 162 June 2018 Norfolk Vanguard Offshore Wind Farm PB4476-005-022 Page iii Tables Table 22.1 NPS assessment requirements relevant to onshore ecology 7 Table 22.2 Relevant local planning policies 10 Table 22.3 Consultation responses 13 Table 22.4 Definitions of importance levels for onshore ecology 23 Table 22.5 Definitions of magnitude levels for onshore ecology 25 Table 22.6 Impact significance matrix 27 Table 22.7 Impact significance definitions 27 Table 22.8 Study areas for different onshore ecology receptors used for this EcIA 29 Table 22.9 Data sources 31 Table 22.10 Designated sites for nature conservation of relevance to onshore ecology 38 Table 22.11 Habitat footprints within the onshore project area 49 Table 22.12 Definitions of importance of habitats 50 Table 22.13 NBSG bat roost records 52 Table 22.14 Core foraging areas of the Paston Great Barn and Old Hall, Honing Estate barbastelle colonies 53 Table 22.15 Species recorded during 2017 bat activity surveys 56 Table 22.16 Important bat hedgerow networks (shaded cells indicated that the transect meets the criteria for ‘importance’) 58 Table 22.17 Water vole survey results 60 Table 22.18 Habitat Suitability Index summary table 63 Table 22.19 Water bodies with great crested newt presence within the great crested newt study area 64 Table 22.20 Reptile presence / absence survey results 65 Table 22.21 National Fish Population Database records for bullhead, brook lamprey and brown trout 68 Table 22.22 Embedded mitigation 73 Table 22.23 Embedded mitigation for onshore ecology 75 Table 22.24 Worst case assumptions 79 Table 22.25 Statutory designated sites subject to >1% of the relevant nutrient nitrogen deposition 92 Table 22.26 Water vole impacts along the cable route (see Figure 22.7) 116 Table 22.27 Potential effects upon notable fish species 132 Table 22.28 Potential cumulative impacts 139 Table 22.29 Summary of projects considered for the CIA in relation to onshore ecology 141 Table 22.30 Chapter topic inter-relationships 153 Table 22.31 Interaction between impacts 154 Table 22.32 Potential impacts identified for onshore ecology 159 June 2018 Norfolk Vanguard Offshore Wind Farm PB4476-005-022 Page Figures (Volume 2) Figure 22.1 Norfolk Vanguard study areas Figure 22.2 Statutory designated sites Figure 22.3 Non-statutory designated sites Figure 22.4 Habitats of Principal Importance Figure 22.5 Extended Phase 1 Habitat survey and Norfolk living map Figure 22.6 Great crested newt presence/absence survey results Figure 22.7 Water vole survey results Figure 22.8 Bat activity survey locations Figure 22.9 Bat emergence/re-entry surveys Figure 22.10 Reptile survey results Figure 22.11 Botanical results Figure 22.12 Invertebrate results Appendices (Volume 3) Appendix 22.1 Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey Report Appendix 22.2 Great Crested Newt Survey Report Appendix 22.3 Water Vole Survey Report Appendix 22.4 Bat Activity Survey Report Appendix 22.5 Bat Emergence Re-entry Survey Report Appendix 22.6 Desmoulin's Whorl Snail Survey Report Appendix 22.7 Botanical Survey Report Appendix 22.8 Reptile Survey Report Appendix 22.9 Norfolk Hawker Dragonfly Survey Report Appendix 22.10 Ecosystem Services Assessment Appendix 22.11 Consultation Responses June 2018 Norfolk Vanguard Offshore Wind Farm PB4476-005-022 Page i Glossary AONB Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty BAP Biodiversity Action Plan BCT Bat Conservation Trust CIA Cumulative Impact Assessment CIEEM Chartered Institute for Ecology and Environmental Management CIRIA Construction Industry Research and Information Association CMS Construction Method Statement CRoW Countryside and Rights of Way Act CRS Cable Relay Station CWS County Wildlife Site dB Decibels DCO Development Consent Order DECC Department of Energy and Climate Change Defra Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs EcIA Ecological impact Assessment EEC European Economic Community EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EPS European Protected Species ES Environmental Statement ETG Expert Topic Group ha Hectares HDD Horizontal Directional Drilling HRA Habitats Regulations Assessment HSI Habitat Suitability Index HVAC High Voltage Alternating Current HVDC High Voltage Direct Current ICZM Integrated Coastal Zone Management IPC Infrastructure Planning Committee JNCC Joint Nature Conservation Committee LBAP Local Biodiversity Action Plan LNR Local Nature Reserve LwA Sound power level m Metres NBSG Norfolk Barbastelle Study Group NERC Act Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act NNR National Nature Reserve NPPF National Planning Policy Framework NPS National Policy Statement NVC National Vegetation Classification NWT Norfolk Wildlife Trust O&M Operations and Maintenance OLEMS Outline Landscape Environmental Management Strategy PEIR Preliminary Environmental Information Report pSPA Potential Special Protection Area RNR Roadside Nature Reserve June 2018 Norfolk Vanguard Offshore Wind Farm PB4476-005-022 Page ii SAC Special Area of Conservation SNCB Statutory Natural Conservation Body SPA Special Protection Area SSSI Site of Special Scientific Interest TN Target Note UK BAP UK Biodiversity Action Plan UKHPI UK Habitat of Principal Importance Terminology Zone within which the attenuation pond at the onshore project substation or Attenuation pond zone Necton National Grid substation will be located. Primarily comprised of an outdoor compound containing reactors (also called inductors, or coils) and switchgear to increase the power transfer capability of Cable Relay Station the cables under the HVAC technology scenario as considered in the PEIR. This is no longer required for the project as the HVDC technology has been selected. Indicative mitigation Areas identified for mitigation planting at the onshore project substation and planting Necton National Grid substation. Underground structures constructed at regular intervals along the cable route to Jointing pit join sections of cable and facilitate installation of the cables into the buried ducts Landfall Where the offshore cables come ashore at Happisburgh South Landfall compound Compound at landfall within which HDD drilling would take place Underground chambers or above ground cabinets next to the cable trench Link boxes housing low voltage electrical earthing links. Areas approx. 100 x 100m used as access points to the running track for duct installation. Required to store equipment and provide welfare facilities. Located Mobilisation area adjacent to the onshore cable route, accessible from local highways network suitable for the delivery of heavy and oversized materials and equipment. Mobilisation zone Area within which the mobilisation area will be located. National Grid new / replacement overhead line New overhead line towers to be installed at the National Grid substation.
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