Published by the Jewish Federation of New Hampshire Volume 39, Number 8 May-June 2019 Nissan-Sivan 5779 CELEBRATE ISRAEL JFNH Is Excited to Announce the Israel Engagement Committee By Evelyn Miller, IEE Committee Chair We have been delighted with this Shli- chess/checkers tournament for any age cha program. Soon we will begin inter- online, or to offer Hebrew lessons online The New Hampshire Jewish Federation viewing applicants to serve as our new by our Israeli counterparts. is like all other organizations -- it has lots Shlicha. With this strong foundation of It was suggested that a signature IEE of committees! We have a budget commit- programs established, we hope to con- Committee event could be Yom Hazi- tee, a governance committee, a fundrais- tinue many of these experiences next karon (Israel's day of remembrance), fol- ing and grant committee, a security and year and to also capitalize on the new lowed by Yom Ha'atzmaut (a big celebra- social concerns committee, a film festival personality and interests that our new tion of Israel's independence). Yom committee, a publications committee, and Shlicha will bring to us. Hazikaron would be a quiet affair of even a committee to find more committee All of this is great, but very one sided lighting candles and appropriate read- members (now I am getting carried away!). and passive on our part. We are learning, ings. Yom Ha’atzmaut would be a joyous But seriously, my favorite is the Shlicha being entertained, and enjoying, but it time of food, music, dancing, art, activi- Committee, which now has been re- was the committee's thought that we ties, and celebration. named the Israel Engagement and Edu- might expand this experience by offering In the future, we would also like to offer cation Committee (the IEE Committee). more personal opportunities to engage the option of joining a guided tour of For the past year and a half, our Shlicha with Israel. Right now the committee is Jewish Israel with fellow JFNH friends. Noam Wolf has brought to our NH Jew- Evelyn Miller, chair of JFNH’s new Israel creating a wish list. Some ideas are to con- Ten years ago, this type of tour was my Engagement and Education Committee. ish community a wonderful taste of an nect with Israeli school groups and estab- first introduction to Israel, and I have Israeli personality full of energy, imagi- enriched our lives with music from our lish pen pals or Skyping connections with been on an exciting discovery adventure nation, and friendship. She has engaged Jewish heritage and introduced us to new New Hampshire same-age Jewish chil- ever since. both young and old in educational and Israeli melodies. Finally, she reminds us dren, to put on a short talent show for our These are presently just ideas. Stay cultural events that have heightened our of our past and present connection to Israeli Jewish friends via the computer tuned, and we will keep you posted as to awareness of Jewish life in Israel. She has our rich Jewish culture in Israel. and they might do the same, to have a any new developments! Support our Israel/NH Connection: Federation Voices 3, 6 Calendar 4-5 “Shir” Jazz Benefit Concert Featuring Noam Wolf June 2 Your Federation at Work 7-9 Manchester – It’s been almost two years event takes place on Sunday, June 2, at 6:30 Film Festival 10-11 since Jewish Federation of New Hampshire re- PM at the Spotlight Room at the Palace The- introduced our Israeli Emissary (Shlicha) pro- atre (96 Hanover Street, Manchester). Enjoy Purim 12-13 gram with the arrival of Noam Wolf. Noam light Israeli and Mediterranean fare by Israel 15 has engaged, educated, and touched many Pressed Café. Bid on a variety of auction In the Community 17 lives across our Jewish community during her items and experiences. Indulge in specialty Is- Education 20 time in New Hampshire. From her powerful raeli cocktails as you enjoy an intimate per- Arts & Entertainment 21 Israel passport and conversational Hebrew formance with Noam Wolf singing some of Mitzvahs 24 programs in all of our Hebrew schools, to her her favorite jazz and folk songs in English and Book Review 25 many presentations in congregations, near and Hebrew! Tickets are $54/pp or $100/couple, far, Noam is certainly leaving an indelible im- available online at www.jewishnh.org or by Recent Events 26-27 pression on our New Hampshire Jewish com- phone at (603)627-7679. Seating is limited, so Opinion 28 munity! Annual Campaign gifts alone cannot purchase your ticket today to enjoy this one- Obituaries 28 sustain this program, and so JFNH is excited time-only performance before Noam returns Tributes 29 to announce a special Benefit Concert and Si- to Israel this summer. Noam Wolf Business & Professional lent Auction to support continuation of our Can’t attend, but would like to support this Services 30 Israeli Emissary program. vital connection between Israel and New JFNH. Special thanks to our sponsors Join us for “Shir” Jazz featuring the vocal Hampshire? We welcome your contribution Pressed Café and the Shepler Financial stylings of our very own Noam Wolf. The in any amount in honor of Noam’s efforts at Group for their support! Change Service Requested Service Change PERMIT NO. 1174 NO. PERMIT MANCHESTER, NH MANCHESTER, Manchester, NH 03101 NH Manchester, PAID 66 Hanover St., Suite 300 Suite St., Hanover 66 US POSTAGE US Jewish Federation of New Hampshire New of Federation Jewish ORGANIZATION The New Hampshire Jewish Reporter Jewish Hampshire New The NON-PROFIT JRF: Jewish Reconstructionist Federation URJ: Union for Reform Judaism The New Hampshire CONGREGATIONS USCJ: United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism Jewish Reporter VVolumeolume 39,3, NumberNumber 8 AMHERST HANOVER TEMPLE ADATH YESHURUN . Rabbi Beth D. Davidson MAY-JUNE 2019 CONGREGATION BETENU * THE ROHR CHABAD CENTER 152 Prospect Street, Manchester Nissan-Sivan 5779 Sam Blumberg (Rabbinic Intern) AT DARTMOUTH Reform, Affiliated URJ PublishedPublished by thethe 5 Northern Blvd., Unit 1, Amherst Jewish Federation of New Hampshire Rabbi Moshe Gray (603) 669-5650 Jewish Federation of New Hampshire Reform, Affiliated URJ 19 Allen Street, Hanover www.taynh.org (603) 886-1633 698 Beech Street Orthodox, Chabad [email protected] 66 Hanover St., Suite 300 www.betenu.org Manchester, NH 03104 (603) 643-9821 Services: Shabbat services the first Friday Manchester, NH 03101 Services: Friday night Kabbalat Shabbat Tel: (603) 627-7679Tel: (603) 627-7679Fax: (603) 627-7963 www.dartmouthchabad.com of the month at 6 PM services at 7:30 PM [email protected] All other Friday nights at 7 PM Saturday morning twice a month, 9:30 AM Services: Friday Evening Shabbat services Editor: FranFran BerBermanman with some exceptions. Layout and Design: Tim Gregory BETHLEHEM and Dinner Alternating Shabbat services or Torah Layout and Design: 5JN(SFHPSZ Shabbat morning services study Saturday mornings at 10 AM Advertising Sales: BETHLEHEM HEBREW CONGREGATION Call for times Ad603-627-7679vertising Sales: 39 Strawberry Hill Road TEMPLE ISRAEL KOL HA'EMEK UPPER VALLEY [email protected] PO Box 395, Bethlehem Rabbi Jeremy Szczepanski JEWISH COMMUNITY [email protected] Unaffiliated-Egalitarian 66 Salmon Street, Manchester Rabbi Mark Melamut The objectives of The New Hampshire (603) 869-5465 Conservative The objectives of The New Hampshire Roth Center for Jewish Life Jewish Reporter are to foster a sense of www.bethlehemsynagogue.org (603) 622-6171 communityJewish Reporter among ar thee Jewishto foster people a sense of New of 5 Occom Ridge, Hanover [email protected] [email protected] Hampshirecommunity amongby sharing the Je ideas,wish people information, of New Nondenominational, Unaffiliated experiencesHampshire andby opinions,sharing andideas to, promoteinformation, the Services: Contact for Date/Time Info For Shabbat service times, call (603) 646-0460 agencies,experiences projects and opinions and mission, and to of pr theomote Jewish the President Dave Goldstone - (516) 592-1462 603-622-6171 x12 or visit Federation of New Hampshire. www.uvjc.org agencies, projects and mission of the Jewish or Eileen Regen – (603) 823-7711 www.templeisraelmht.org. FederaThe Newtion of Hampshire New Hampshir Jewishe. Reporter is [email protected] published monthly ten times per year, with a Weekly Services: July through Simchat Torah Call Stephen Singer, 669-4100 for more info. The New Hampshire Jewish Reporter is Services: Friday night Shabbat services deadlinepublished for monthl submissionsy ten times of the per 10th year of, withthe Friday: 6:30 PM; Saturday: 10 AM month before publication. There are no at 6 PM, led by Dartmouth Hillel NASHUA a deadline for submissions of the 10th of Januarythe month or Junebefor eissues. publica Alltion. items, Ther includinge are no Saturday morning Shabbat services at calendar events, for the December-January CLAREMONT TEMPLE BETH ABRAHAM February or August issues. An “Upcoming 10 AM or May-June newspaper must be submitted Rabbi Jon Spira-Savett byEv ent”Nov. 10(Calendar) or April 10,submission respectively. for those TEMPLE MEYER DAVID months should be submitted by December 25 Putnam Street, Claremont 4 Raymond Street, Nashua KEENE 10th or JPleaseune 10th, send respect all materialsively. to: Conservative Conservative, Affiliated USCJ CONGREGATION AHAVAS ACHIM [email protected] send all materials to: (603) 542-6773 (603) 883-8184 Rabbi Amy Loewenthal [email protected] Services: Generally the second Friday of www.tbanashua.org To submit Calendar items for the print and 84 Hastings Avenue, Keene online JFNH Calendar and E-News, go the month, 6:15 PM, April to November. [email protected] Reconstructionist, Affiliated JRF to https://jewishnh.org/community-calendar,6HQGLWHPVIRUWKHSULQWDQGRQOLQH click [email protected] the red "Suggest an Event" button, then fill in (603) 352-6747 -)1+&DOHQGDUDQG(1HZVWR CONCORD Services: Friday night services 8 PM the form with your#MHZLVKQKRUJ event information.
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