Bill Signing Ceremonies (6)” of the Loen and Leppert Files at the Gerald R

Bill Signing Ceremonies (6)” of the Loen and Leppert Files at the Gerald R

The original documents are located in Box 2, folder “Bill Signing Ceremonies (6)” of the Loen and Leppert Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Digitized from Box 2 of the Loen and Leppert Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library Wednesday, September 22 bill signing ceremony at 12:30 p.m. in the East Room. SW Gate. Defense appropriations bill - H.R. 14262 rr~~r Acceptances I~eg rets --1=' rice ~ -E'tJW'MG> > Albert Brinkley O'Neill @JWAtO~ Daniel, Dan McFall -0 'Brien Rhodes (! /.J/WJI €l{_ Spence Michel Sikes Stratton 5tt(.e? Addabbo I chord n·-Flyne Bennett r....chaf3pell­ Nichols ,.,Cederberg Hontgomery .-Latta Beard, Robin rf!l Treen t.i/rt.-t-cL Dickinson Giaimo Robinson Davis, Hendel vJilsqn, Bob 1 ('; 0tcin i~t..u'L Staff 7Le-·l~ -21 _t- Ralph Preston 1-rt,r_ Peter Storm Outstanding (as of 9/21 at 6 p.m.) He:Sert N-e4;tl- Ela"il"iS7==Meaete~ McDonald .. ;, w±~~on;-~ob ,., ~llhi tehurst Mahon F~ Burlison, Bill Edwards, Jack Kemp Adams Wednesday, September 22 bill signing ceremony at 12:30 p.m. in the East Room. SW Gate. Defense appropriations bill - H.R. 14262 Acceptances Regrets Price Albert -lili: inJdey O'Neill Daniel, Dan McFall O'Brien Rhodes Spence Michel Sikes Stratton Addabbo I chord . F'lyfit: Bennett Chappell Nichols Cederberg Montgomery Latta Beard, Robin Treen fta%£ Dickinson ,64ntt.. & Giaimo Robinson Davis, Mendel Wils»n, Bob C'c/31~ /~ Staff 71.d~ Ralph Preston lf:r-t- Peter Storm Outstanding (as of 9/21 at 6 p.m.) Hebe:r:t ~ flav:i:s=;=Meaae~ McDonald W'!!~~en;-~ee Whitehurst Mahon lHsetl Burlison, Bill E.awaF<ls, Jack Kemp Adams Wednesday, September 22 bill signing ceremony at 12:30 p.m. in the East Room. SW Gate. H.R. 14262 - Defense appropriations bill. .,dU Albert Alt O'Neill //lo McFall ./Jl6 Rhodes ~ ftA> Michel ~ ~ t-Price -Hebert vtlb ...... stratton /V00 Ichord -Nedzi vlW Bennett .,/bUJ Nichols Brinkley t Montgomery Daniel, Dan ~~ Davis, Mendel McDonald A0 Wilson, Bob ;du) Beard, Robin ~ "'' O'Brien ;; l-"\ ~ 1 ·' Whitehurst f ·-.' j -"~"· ; '/v() Treen 'Ito Dickinson \5 r--spence Mahon c;cci Sikes ¢~ ~ 7~t:JM.- Flood 05'// ~f.t?? /inz~R .r-J- Addabbo .J*; /;llM f iu/ f'-' Flynt f".501 tdn-z., ~ Giaimo .3~1 ~/U-~ r-Chappell "'6%' ~- ,£«-:~. Burlison, Bill y/t;0t(' ~ad 7::L -~est' r Cederberg J~I ~..... ~/' ' Edwards, 9et .e;/7?$/ t'?tftt~ ,Jf-C Robinson eC61 i;jl~U- bnW Kemp ~;(~~ /hvna ~ '7 Adams !3/CJtb ~dft.. L/4- Latta ~? ~:d l{ - Wednesday, September 22 bill signing ceremony at 12:30 p.m. in the East Room. SW Gate. H.R. 14262 - Defense appropriations bill. Albert O'Neill McFall Rhodes Michel _, Price Hebert Stratton I chord Nedzi Bennett Nichols - po Treen - 4-os 1 f!l&N(~~ fJO Dickinson -:2 C;C>l­ ~cvd~ ()~ q~- Spence 7 d. t./-5;2 - ()vMU ~~ ~ Mahon _ L/C'{'~ J:4.A_?A Sbpa~P-h I f Sikes Flood t Addabbo Flynt Giaimo Chappell Burlison, Bill ... Cederberg - " . Edwards Robinson Kemp Adams Latta WITHDRAWAL SHEET (PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARIES) FORM OF CORRESPONDENTS OR TITLE DATE RESTRICTION DOCUMENT List Lists of invitees on note paper, 1 page. (Part of document case for N.D. c Defense appropriations (H.R. 14262) bill signing ceremony on September 22, 1976) File Location: ("J Vernon Loen and Charles Leppert Files, Box 2, Folder: "Bill Signing Ceremonies, 1974-1976 (})" SMD - 717/2015 RESTRICTION CODES (A} Closed by applicable Executive order governing access to national security information. (B) Closed by statute or by the agency which originated the document. (C) Closed in accordance with restrictions contained in the donor's deed of gift. NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION NA FORM 1429 (1-98) Wednesday, September 22 bill signing ceremony at 12:30 in the East Room. SW Gate. Defense appropriations bill - H.R. 14262 Staff Appropriations - Ralph Preston Keith Mainland Mike Hugo (//lO Armed Services - Frank Slatinshek Paul Tsompanas /«J Budget - George Gross 1/?31/ John Cove --- Cur:~ '7j .;l~u >? vi LO 1A50 Peter Storm 1:::l/ 1 1;;10 ~ Mel Miller Wednesday, September 22 bill signing ceremony at 12:30 in the East Room. SW Gate. Defense appropriations bill - H.R. 14262 Staff Appropriations _( alph Preston , O/'i!4'/- £,i._Ly ~ r..c1..-~ ~D Keith Mainland , :n1/ - f Hl<l-~ CfL1><-ctAU1.AJI tJ o Mike Hugo ·y._ ,;;0 Isl/ ~ !Ju-'tJO Armed Services - Frank Slatinshek Paul Tsompanas Budget - George Gross John Cove Peter Storm . Mel Miller Wednesday, September 22 bill signing ceremony at 12:30 in the East Room. SW Gate. Defense appropriations bill - H.R. 14262 Staff Appropriations - Ralph Preston Keith Mainland Mike Hugo Armed Services - Frank Slatinshek If JS I '-/26 Paul Tsompanas Budget - George Gross John Cove Peter Storm Mel Miller '" - Wednesday, September 22 bill signing ceremony at 12:30 p.m. in the East Room. SW Gate. H.R. 14262 - Defense appropriations bill. Albert O'Neill McFall Rhodes Michel Cao I Price Hebert StJ7C. I chord Nedzi Bennett ~so J 7l1J Nichols Brinkley '-fJ_}:J Montgomery Daniel, Dan :.. Davis, Mendel .. McDonald Wilson, Bob Beard , Robin O'Brien Whitehurst - .. -' Treen Dickinson Spence Mahon Sikes Flood Addabbo Flynt Giaimo Chappell Burlison, Bill Cederberg "'~ Edwards ' ,,' '- Robinson Kemp Adams Latta .. r -.• ~--- - signing pens sent October 2 to: Rep. Bizz Johnson Mr. Cecil Wall Director Mt. Vernon Ladies Association Mt. Vernon, Va. 22121 Mr. Anthony Wayne Smith President National Parks and Conservation Association 1701 - 18th St., N. W. D. C. 20009 Mr. Louis S. Clapper National Wildlife Federation 1412 - 16th St., N. W. D. C. 20036 Mr. C. R. Gutermuth National Rifle Association of America 4801 Connecticut Ave., N. W. D. C. 20008 Mr. Thomas L. Kimball Executive Vice President National Wildlife Federation 1412 - 16th St., N. W. D. C. 20036 Mr. Daniel Poole Wildlife Institute 1000 Vermont Ave., N. W. D. C. 20005 Dr. Spencer Smith Democratic Steering and Policy Committee U. s. House o f Representatives 433 Cannon HOB D. C. 20515 ,~ September 28 signing ceremony for S. 327 - at 11:30 a.m. in the Ro Garden. SW Gate. I~ Acceptances Regrets Ha-1-ey .Mink /'raylor Yazen \~ Won Pat ~ephens de Lugo Bingham Eckhardt fi- e nitez Tsongas Santini Howe ....--e:tausen, Don Carr ,Lujan .Miller, George _.a-ebelius Florio ~ttis Skubitz ---d!_1,fi0nf Steiger, Sam ~5-?! . ~ee 1 ~ ~-n ; __ t,,, 1u.u;.{7 c,, I . v!. - -:r.J-- 11-z~~ ~fl-// ~ ;l/l.ii?!,,: ---JC( <Z/J:.J~-M-·C. eL ti~~d:~I,i ~·'j·u~Yo ....,,. '- r /i . y- ~ .-;v(:OJ 1 '-;&12-io-CL Outstanding ·/Staff Acceptances J=cl-m §oil , ffaro-:.l::d Lee McElvain Burton, Philip Roy Jones Kastenmeier ~ndra Metcalf Moe as ~dward Gaddis ~ Cleve Pinnix -M~k her Evelyn Bertorello -Retrcal-io Betty Nevitt S.e..i.b@ JS l j jftg ~athy . Loeffler -R~ ........--Christine Allwine ~ Jack Daum ~ ~ail Kelly --R-.i:serrl ro ove-:r:­ ~ranees I?iehl Ruppe ·__..-"!'om Dunmire Young, Don ~ LI·?-I J, ~;,-:"--'t.;;..- -rn - £/ .. _/_..:.., Bauman ~/It;: /-<,U,l t- Symrns St ~ f - Outstanding ~n, Jances Lagomarsino Honson Smith 1 -V=i¥"9' iRia Michael Marden - /'/ (. - Gla7 Pe Leis Tuesday, September 28 signing ceremony for S. 327 - at 11:30 a.m. in the Rose Garden. SW Gate. Acceptances Regrets Wale~ Mink Taylor Kaz en -Q~ Won Pat Stephens de Lugo Bingham Eckhardt Benitez Tsongas Santini Howe Clausen, Don Carr Lujan Miller, George Sebelius Florio Pettis Skubitz ~"'dt0nf Steiger, Sam SJ:eelman l.!v11&tt'o ~ tZ~W<£,t ~.!::n,Viw£ Outstanding VStaf f Acceptances Joh11s011, mrrO'ld Lee McElvain Burton, Philip Roy Jones Kastenmeier Sandra Metcalf Mee8:s Edward Gaddis - -Vigorit:o Cleve Pinnix -Merl-cl tc r Evelyn Bertorello -Ro11calio Betty Nevitt SiiHH 1 KPEJ Kathy Loeffler -Rmu1e-is­ Christine Allwine ~!f€)ll Jack Daum Weef9:e£ Gail Kelly -Risenhoovef­ Frances Diehl Ruppe Young, Don ii D WJ;Ie Bauman -S¥HUftS ~t ;¥ f - O~tstanding JooBsen, J~mes Lagomarsino Hensen .Smit.A; Vi~~iRi~ Michael Marden /JZO · Cl-a-, Pe Ler s- THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON September 25, 1976 MEMORANDUM FOR: MAX FRIEDERSDORF FROM: CHARLES LEPPERT, JR. SUBJECT: S.327 - Land and Water Conservation Fund Act Amendments Signing Ceremony A suggested list of invitees for the Signing Ceremony on the above mentioned bill on Tuesday}? Sep~er 28, at 11:30 a.m. in the Rose Garden is as follows: ;(./. /,().rJ.,.,~ MEMBERS on the House Interior Committee fPl ~ James Haley (Chairman) !!p - Roy Taylor 0 Harold Johnson - Morris Udall Phillip Burton Robert Kastenmeier Aw - Patsy Mink Lloyd Meeds ~./'- Abraham Kazen q,,. Robert Stephins Q Joseph Vigorito John Melcher /JlO Teno Roncalio ' Johathan Bin ham 7/ John Seiberling Harold Runnels /1<0-Antonio Won Pat - Ron de Lugo ~ - Bob Eckhardt Goodloe Byron - J~ime Be~i~ez - Jlin Santini E~- Paul Tsongas A<..0 - Allan Howe James Weaver ;Jl.O -Bob Carr /7l0-George Miller Theodore Risenhoover Ato - James Florio Staff of the House Interior Conunittee ,/lo Charles Conklin 't17 Lee McElvain !-1lo William Shafer LptJ Roy Jones ,,lk-0 Patricia Murray /1<.o Miriam Waddell tPJ s~ndra Metcalf ---"#--,__.~*Jim Henson Edward Gaddis Cleve Pinnix Evelyn Bertorello Betty Nevitt Kathy Loeffler .--"*'--Michael Marden Clay Peters /M ~Janet Niebel (JM -Christine Allwine ft/W - Jack Daum ~ -Dale Nicholls l' -Bob Terrell -Gail Whi-tesbone Ad~A -Frances Diehl , -~~r VtfU -Tom Dunmire A.<J -Michael Jackson /fl,o -Michael Metz r;._' WITHDRAWAL SHEET (PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARIES) FORM OF CORRESPONDENTS OR TITLE DATE RESTRICTION DOCUMENT Lists Lists of invitees, 2 pages.

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