H376 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 6, 2013 HRSA estimated the combined HIV in- Waste Reduction Act. This bill moves District of California, will organize and fection rate of people living with AIDS forward on recommendations the Gov- advocate for HIV testing and treat- in the territory to be 1 percent of our ernment Accountability Office made ment. population. And CDC reports that the that would reduce duplication in gov- In the United States, African Ameri- Virgin Islands has one of the highest ernment, save taxpayer money, en- cans remain disproportionately af- newly identified confirmed HIV posi- hance revenue, and root out waste. fected by HIV/AIDS. This is especially tivity rates among African Americans It establishes the independent Gov- true for young gay and bisexual men of in this country. ernment Waste Reduction Board, color. While African American teen- Most, if not all of us, know someone tasked with recommending legislative agers represent 15 percent of teenagers who is living with HIV or has died from proposals that implement these cost- in the United States, they accounted AIDS. Today no one needs to die. Let’s cutting measures and sending them to for 69 percent of all cases reported talk openly with our partners, family, Congress. among teenagers in 2010. The same is and friends; let’s get educated; let’s get For example, the Federal Govern- true for African American women, who tested; and let’s reduce stigma and dis- ment has 47 job training programs, 44 accounted for 68 percent of all new HIV crimination. of which overlap. Simply consolidating cases among women. Tomorrow and every day, we will do programs that overlap can save tens of Despite the progress we’ve made in more than commemorate those we billions of dollars, while not impacting recent years, this Congress has already have lost. We will rededicate ourselves program quality. made unconscionable budget cuts to to the work ahead. We can beat this Commonsense proposals to cut waste critical programs that many families disease. We can win this fight. To- out of government already exist, but and communities rely on. A new anal- gether, we can end this epidemic. they are meaningless and save nothing ysis by the Foundation for AIDS Re- f unless we implement them. My bill will search and the National Minority AIDS CONGRATULATING ALLEN HIGH serve as a starting point to lower our Council shows, if budget sequestration SCHOOL deficits by tens of billions of dollars in were to take effect, communities of (Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas asked a responsible, commonsense way that color would be disproportionately im- and was given permission to address protects the middle class. pacted, including more than 6,500 indi- the House for 1 minute and to revise f viduals who immediately lose access to HIV treatment. and extend his remarks.) MOX IS A NATIONAL ASSET Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas. Madam We must reject these cuts and expand Speaker, I rise today to congratulate (Mr. WILSON of South Carolina effective prevention, care, and treat- Allen High School in my district for a asked and was given permission to ad- ment programs so that we can once and recent victory on December 22. The dress the House for 1 minute and to re- for all stamp HIV and AIDS off the face Allen Eagles won the Texas State vise and extend his remarks.) of the Earth. Championship with a score of 35–21 Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. f against Houston Lamar. Back in 2008, Madam Speaker, yesterday I sent a let- the Allen Eagles clinched their first ter to the President to encourage him HONORING FORMER ARMY STAFF Class 5A Division I State title, and now to support the MOX project, the Mixed SERGEANT CLINTON ROMESHA in 2012 they’ve done it again. Oxide Fuel Fabrication Facility, lo- (Mr. CRAMER asked and was given After completing their incredible 15– cated in Aiken, Barnwell, and permission to address the House for 1 1 season, the Allen Eagles have offi- Allendale Counties of South Carolina. minute.) cially been named to the eighth annual This facility at the Savannah River Mr. CRAMER. Madam Speaker, as in- MaxPreps Tour of Champions. In the plays a vital role in allowing the adequate as words are in expressing our past nine seasons, Tom Westerberg, United States to fulfill our inter- gratitude to our American heroes who head coach of the Eagles, has led his national nonproliferation obligations wear the uniform of our armed serv- team to two State titles with a record by turning nuclear bombs into energy. ices, I rise to do my best to pay tribute of 102 wins to 16 losses. It comes as no The President has always supported to one very special soldier from North surprise that he was named 2012 Dallas this facility, which was initiated in the Dakota. Area Coach of the Year. Clinton administration. Former Army Staff Sergeant Clinton The Allen Eagles are known to be a The facility is over 50 percent com- Romesha will be presented with the team with heart, and it’s now proven pleted and promotes our national secu- Medal of Honor next Monday by Presi- they have the heart of a champion. rity. Today’s letter is supported by dent Obama for ‘‘acts of gallantry and Congratulations, Allen Eagles, on a Members from both sides of the aisle, intrepidity,’’ becoming only the fourth tremendous season. Way to represent which proves this issue is not partisan living recipient for actions in Afghani- the city of Allen and continuing the politics, but one of grave national secu- stan or Iraq. With the help of an assist- storied tradition of great high school rity concern. It is my hope, as cus- ant gunner, he took out a machine-gun football in north Texas. God bless you. tomers are identified, that the project team before sustaining shrapnel from a I salute you. will be completed, which supports envi- grenade. The citation recalls his acts of f ronmental cleanup efforts at the Sa- heroism this way: vannah River site. INTRODUCING THE GOVERNMENT Undeterred by his injuries, Staff Sergeant In conclusion, God bless our troops, WASTE REDUCTION ACT Romesha continued to fight, and upon the and we will never forget September the arrival of another soldier to aid him and his (Mrs. BUSTOS asked and was given 11th in the global war on terrorism. assistant gunner, he again rushed through permission to address the House for 1 the exposed avenue to assemble additional f minute.) soldiers. With complete disregard for his own Mrs. BUSTOS. Madam Speaker, I rise b 0910 safety, he completely exposed himself to to talk about the first piece of legisla- heavy enemy fire as he moved confidently NATIONAL BLACK HIV/AIDS tion I am introducing as a Member of about the battlefield engaging and destroy- AWARENESS DAY Congress. ing multiple enemy targets. Like many people across Illinois, I (Ms. LEE of California asked and was This young husband and father not learned at a young age that balancing given permission to address the House only fought the enemy after sustaining the family pocketbook and living with- for 1 minute.) his own wounds, he organized air at- in our means is a question of values. I Ms. LEE of California. I rise as tacks and provided cover while three of want to work together on common- founding cochair of the bipartisan Con- his wounded comrades could get to aid, sense solutions that reduce the deficit gressional Black HIV/AIDS Caucus to then pushed on to retrieve the bodies of while preserving the important serv- mark National Black HIV/AIDS Aware- fallen soldiers. ices on which so many people rely. ness Day. Tomorrow, individuals and Madam Speaker, I’m honored to The bill I’m introducing today does organizations across the Nation, in- serve in this prestigious assembly, al- just that. It is called the Government cluding in my own 13th Congressional ways aware I do so because people like VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:09 Feb 08, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD12\RECFILES\H06FE3.REC H06FE3 mmaher on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE.
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