WELCOME TO T HE D AILY C ITIZEN Thursday,January 1, 2009•Dalton,Georgia • www.daltondailycitizen.com • 50 Cents New Y ear’s fun THINGS Tough times, TO CHECK OUT but people ON THE 3 INSIDE still partying It was a grim evening for the Georgia Tech Ye llowjackets in the NEW YORK (AP) — Hundreds ChiCk-Fil-ABowl in of thousands of revelers packed a Atlanta on Friday.What frigid Times Square for the descent went wrong against of the famous Waterford Crystal LSU? ball on Wednesday,eager to say See page 1B goodbye to 2008 and hoping to put the nation’s economiC troubles in The Murray County the past. Invitational is recognized The wind chill made it feel like as a top notch prep 1 degree in the area, but that didn’t wrestling tournament. So deter the throngs who were Cloaked why has this year’s event in fur hats and sleeping bags. been cancelled? “We’re worried about the econo- See page 1B my but hoping for the best,”said Lisa Mills,of Danville, Ohio. Mills and her husband, Ken, took her 17-year-old daughter, FROM TODAY’S Kara, to Times Square for her birth- day. FORUM “We decided, we haven’t taken a family vacation yet,and this was a AP Photo great time to do it,”she said. “I just went by the new “We’re staying positive.” Fireworks explode over the recreation Complex in Many other New Year’s Eve tra- Boston Common on Westside.That thing is Wednesday in Boston. three miles from ditions around the Country were in nowhere, in the middle of place, but some festivities fell viC- the boondoCks and tim to hard times,and those that ties that they say would have sold across from the landfill. I remained felt somewhat subdued. out in past years. just wonder who’s brother The nation’s economiC troubles Tourism offiCials in Las Vegas or unCle or Cousin is mak- made many people less interested expected more tourists in Sin City ing all the money on that in giving 2008 an expensive send- to celebrate New Year’s Eve than deal. It’s in a bad place.” off. last year,despite economiC worries PubliC celebrations were can- that have meant fewer visitors in “I really like the new digi- Matt Hamilton/The Daily Citizen celed in Communities from 2008, Mayor Oscar Goodman said tal edition of the newspa- Louisville, Ky.,to Reno,Nev.,and Wednesday night. Las Vegas casi- per. I can look like I’m Dalton Depot employees Stephanie MCBroom,left,and Ashley promoters in Miami Beach, Fla., working while I sit at my reported slower tiCket sales than Computer and read it.” Bentley hang a “Happy New Year” sign Wednesday afternoon in antiCipation of the New Year festivities. expected for celebrity-studded par- ➣ Please see H O L I D A Y , 2 A W EATHER Forecast:Sunny Today’s High: 52 Recession may impact pets Tonight’s Low:30 Details,Page 8A B Y C HARLES O LIVER I NSIDE [email protected] Classified..............6B ComiCs..................5B Don Allen Garrett says this week began like many weeks Crossword..............4B recently a man brought a dog to the DearAbby...............5B Whitfield County animal shelter. HorosCope.............4B “He said he and his wife had Lottery..................2A both been laid off and they just Movies.................4B Couldn’t afford to keep it,”said Garrett,who is director of the shel- Obituaries.........7A ter. Opinion................4A “They say ‘I just can’t afford it. Sports......................1-3B My hours have been Cut. I’ve been laid off,”he said. Garrett says that” give ups” are up 40 percent so far this year to about 1,900,mostly dogs but some cats. “We’ve been seeing an inCrease in animal give ups since the middle of summer,”he said.“It’s not any- thing new. It has been going on for a while.” Garrett calls the situation “terri- ble.” “We’ve been seeing more and more good dogs (healthy,trained and with their shots) Come through, simply because people can’t afford to keep them,and they can’t find anyone to take them because every- one is in the same board,”he said. Newspaper reports indicate this is a trend nationwide. But Murray County animal shelter director Pauline Davis says she hasn’t seen monste r . c om any inCrease in people giving up a nd their pets. T HE D AILY C ITIZEN “Our surrenders are actually W o r king T oge t her ! Misty Watson/ The Daily Citizen 706- 272- 7707 • 706- 272- 7703 ➣ Please see P E T S , 2 A A hound mix at the Whitfield County Animal Shelter. L O TTER Y W INNING N UMBERS – F OR D EC. 31 A TYOUR Ga.: Cash 3 Midday:7-8-5 Cash 4 Midday:1-1-5-1 Cash 3 Evening 3-9-0 P AGE 2 Win for Life 4-21-9-24-23-22 Free Ball 18 SERVICE Tenn: Cash 3 Midday:5-7-2 LuCky Sum:14;Cash 4 Midday:5-8-9-3 LuCky Sum 25 Cash 3 evening 5-6-6 LuCky sum 17 Cash 4 8-7-2-0 Our mailing address: 2A Thursday, January 1, 2009 P.O. Box 1167 Dalton, Ga. 30722-1167 T ODA Y ’ S F ORUM Our shipping address: A RRESTS T ODAY ’ S C ITIZEN 308 S. Thornton Ave. Editor’s note: Please King Blvd. because there’s Dalton, Ga. 30720 • Donnie Edward NAME: Kailee Tipton keep your Comments as nobody to piCk ‘em up.” Chastain,49,625 Keeter AGE: 8 Our Web site: brief as possible. Get to the Road, Dalton,was charged point! Longer Comments Editor’s note: PiCk ‘em up. HOME:Chatsworth www.daltondailyCitizen.Com Tuesday by the Whitfield FAMILY :Mom, should be submitted as let- County Sheriff’s Office with To visit us: ters to the editor. If you “ I got your calendar and it’s possession of arms by a Con- Heather; dad, Chris; Our offices are located on the inClude a name, please spell very nice. But are you so preju- viCted felon or first offender brothers, Tyler and west side of the intersection of it. diced that you can’t put probation. Tate;sisters, Korbin Northwest and Southeast on Thornton Avenue and Morris • James Lewis Kilgore, “I agree that children are a there too. You need to get over and Drew Street in downtown Dalton. 48, 2710 Pleasant Drive, blessing of God but God also being prejudiced.” SCHOOL:Coker We’re open 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. Dalton,was charged Tuesday Monday through Friday. blessed us with Common sense. Elementary SChool It is your responsibility as a par- Editor’s note: We just by the Whitfield County PLAY :Basketball ent to be able to raise that child, named Northwest quarterback Sheriff’s Office with posses- How to call us: sion of a drug-related object, SHE SAID: “Pray not the taxpayers.” Dean Haynes our football everyday.” Main number:706-217- player of the year. Our Cross driving while license with- NEWS ‘People that are just learning Country runners of the year drawn,possession of mari- (That’s 706-217-6397) to play golf need to get on golf both came from Murray juana with intent to distribute When you’re not sure with whom Courses like Tunnel Hill, not your County. Our softball player of and parole violation. you need to speak, our operator Nob North Courses and slow up the year, Callie Thomas, goes • Luis Enrique Lira, 17, Holiday: Celebrate will make sure you’re transferred to the Crowd. Learn to play and to Northwest. Prejudiced?” 3008 Five Spring Road, the person who can best help you. then get on the big Course.” Dalton,was charged Tuesday ➣ being careful,”said architect Delivery: 706-272-7705 Call of the day by the Whitfield County Cont. from page 1A “Many thanks for the great I am offended by the H&R Sheriff’s Office with entiCing Moussa Siham,24, as shop- Our staff can take your subsCrip- calendar with the edition of BloCk CommerCials that depiCt a child for indecent purposes, nos were putting on a pers in the affluent area west tion and delivery-related calls today’s paper.” people pulling their hair out. This statutory rape and aggravated midnight fireworks display of Paris were scaling back from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday child molestation. and daredevil acts,inCluding purchases for the traditional is called Trichotillomania and it is New Year’s Eve feast. through Friday, and from 6 a.m. “I hope everyone has a very a stress disorder. The ad depiCts • Douglas Alexander a 200-foot jump over the to 10 a.m. Saturday and MCAtee, 31,147 George refurbished volcano at The Sydney,Australia, was happy and safe New Year. God these individuals in a negative the world’s first major City to Sunday. Bless everyone.” light. I would appreciate others BroCk Road, Resaca,was Mirage hotel-Casino by If a subsCriber is missed, call by Robbie Knievel,son of the ring in 2009,showering its posting a Comment about it.” charged Tuesday by the shimmering harbor with a 10 a.m. on weekdays and “Mayor Pennington will not Whitfield County Sheriff’s late Evel Knievel. weekends for re-delivery. A spokesman for the kaleidosCope of light that do anything to Curb the exces- Editor’s note: They will. Office with speeding and drew cheers from more than Call if you need to: sive expenses at Dalton Utilities.
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