PAGE TWELVE THE WESTERN NEWS. LIBBY. MONTANA Thursday, November 7, 1946 Miss Germaine Schlumm spent For Sale:—Medium sized safe; one-! Wanted:—Lumber, all sizes all a strong cooperative namely by pat­ the week end in Libby, visiting her CLASSIFIED oven restaurant range; water car-'grades. Quote, f. o. b. for any debts incurred by my wife shipping ionizing it day by day. All pro- from this date on. Ernest Eggert. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard bonator, all need some repair. Also point, earliest shipment. NEIDER- ducer patrons become stockholders Schlumm. She is attending Holy Classified.... , advertising. running in 1938 Hudson Sedan. Inquire at the MEYER-MARTIN CO., Spalding i thru their patronage; all stock- 25-2x Names Academy in Spokane. this column is charged for at the Fountain Cafe. p. Building. Portland (4) Ore rate of 2c per word per issue with a 19-7c j holders share in its savings thru Expert hosiery mending, 35c per .............. minimum charge of 30c for the ad. j For Sale:—One windmill nearlv Wanted:—Two 19 x 4:75 tires, i £?rn?ers run. 1309 Mineral Ave., Box 82C, I new with or without pump, one or used. Box 961, Libby. newlx ^X ang '_^uieka< Montana. 19-tf Phone 98R. 40-tf. 4- FOR SALE small cabin to be moved. Inquire (-------------- ----------——— ------------ - Will do ironing Ut my home, 50c per Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Morris re­ For Sale:—One new Columbia 24- j*1 hoUSe across flom front of Court ______ MISCELLANEOUS _____ j hour. You deliver and call for ­ turned home after a two months Kootenai Theatre th 2 room trailer house. Is com- lnUM' 25‘Jx Other Building Materials mây~'h» Mrs' Dan Doyle’ Tl'°y- Mont- 25-2x visit in Valejo, Calif. They were r visiting two sisters of Mr. Morris’, Thursday - Friday - Saturday plctely equipped and must be seen For Sale:—Philco portable radio, scarce but high, but you can build i Notice: I will not be responsible November 7-8-9 to be appreciated. Makes a fine in good condition.. Baker’s Radio1 _____ Mrs. Bordon and Mrs. Vollen. home. Payment plan if desired.— (Service Double Feature Program: Sec Northern Motors, Eureka. 14-tf lc For Sale:—Mink fur jacket, like 'Blondie's Lucky Day' For Sale:—93 acres, 5 room house, , new. Must be seen to be apprecia- barn. chicken house, icq house. On ted. Inquire at Bolyard’s Grocery ARTHUR LAKE and Kootenai River, good hunting, fish-1 and Market. PENNY SINGLETON ing Write to Box 84. Rexford. |-----------—— 1c You Can Save More plus-------- Montana. 23-10xilror Sale:—Modern, completely fur- #/ _______nished new home, trailer house, That Texas__ For Sale:—One logging trailer. Priced to sell, contact Gerald Osier. u booster brakes, 8:25 tires; also one Fortine. 25-3x If you do all your shopping at BURGAN’S. Here you will find quality foods and JnmhnrPP “Chase" piano, walnut finish, good yet the prices are low whether you shop early or late in the week * JUIIIUUICC condition. Elmer Kurwitz, Bull For Sale:—1935 Oldsmobile 8. Can Check for yourself You can save more at BURGAN’S KEN CURTIS JEFF DONNELL River. Noxon, Mont. 24-3x be seen at Grizzly garage. lx For Sale:—Three year old black e , ~ ~ , , Sunday and .Monday gelding, halter and stall broke, wt K01. ^afe, ^ x 12 Rug and pad, leaf November 10-11 1300 pounds; two-way, 14-in. horse-1 lefign’ dark ßrcen color- Phone /# // drawn plow. Asa G. Curtis. For- lc Burgan’s Fruits and Vegetables Do You Love Me? tine, Montana. 24-3x. For Sale:—Five room modern house (In Technicolor) For Sale. — ! Silvertone Batto-y in South Libby. Phone 43 W3. .... lx ------- starring- Table Model Radio. Call 128-M be- CAULIFLOWER tween 9 and 11 a. m. I For Sale:—One two wheel trailer Solid White Heads - Lb. 18c MAUREEN O’HARA Mrs. John j with good 5:00 x 20 tires. Robert Carrots Solem. 24-2x J F. Jenkins, Troy. 20c and DICK HAYMES lc Romance, Laughter, Lilting Tunes!, For Sale:—1 double unit Façm Mas- FRESH BUNCHES ..... ...... 3 For ADVENTURE - "Cradle of Liberty” .ter milking machine, practically WANTED ______ Sweef Potatoes TERRYTOON- ‘‘Wicked Wolf" (new, A-l condition: one team and Wanted:—Yard workers for Chris- FOX NEWS- ! harness. Merwin Ward. 25-2x tmas tree yard, J. Hofert Co., Eur- Fancy Calif. eka. 24-2.X POTATOES 12S For Sale:—One black saddle horse 2 POUNDS 23c Tuesday and Wednesday ( years old, gentle, weight about Wanted;—Double bed, springs, mat- NETTED GEMS ........... No. 2 - 50 Lbs. * •^4** November 12-13 1150 lbs. Phone 19F4, H. M, Bak-j tress, or twin bed outfit. Also u Last Chance// ker. 25-2x ; chest of drawers. Box 403. lx TOMATOES For Salads - Pound 15c •with----- GRAPES E. G. MORRISON 18c and JOHN HAY EMPERORS - Sweet and Juicy ...Pnund Closed Monday Every second l;is a matter of life IF YOU SELL OR BUY - WE SATISFY and death., DISNEY:— “Dumb Bell of The Yukon” Vegetable PEANUT BUTTER 65c 4 ROOM HOUSE—Water, electricity, 50 foot lot, just outside city Armours Creamy Style ........ 2 Pound JarVVV I limits. SOUP 10C 35 3 ROOMS AND BATH—Double garage, outside city limits. Rancho - 10*-; oz SPAGHETTI 19c 5 ROOMS AND BATH—Idaho Avenue location, corner lot, with or without furniture. With Mushrooms - Happy Valley Jar ? 90 ACRES—1'2 miles from town, 50 acres cleared, 3-rm. house, on cement foundation, milk cooling and separator room in base­ Bowl Covers jT* Û V ment, barn with stantions for 10 cows, electricity and water, I GRAPE JUICE 45c L- - in both barn and house, workshop large enough to accomo- ODORLESS A date 4 cars, outside grazing, water right with plenty of water Tea Garden - Pure Concord ■: for irrigation, ideal for dairying. Washable, Pkg. of 5 25c Quart /> TISSUE Soft - 3 Rolls ............. 20c ICE BOX COOKIES 1.00 c WALLACE REAL ESTATE AGENCY 1^2 Lbs. in fancy reusable can .......... CRACKERS Office Phone 93 Residence Phone 197J Snow Flakes - 2 Lbs...... 39c SHRIMP CHOCOLATE 30c Wet Pack - Can ............. 59c r Sweet, Ground - Flavor Rich Lb. h PRACTICAL WATER GLASSES APPLE BUTTER , > ■ T Safe edge f : ; Couer d’Alene 1 Double tough 3 f„r 25c 45c I J Per Jar ......... ! I >Q O gj ê Fluorescent Bed Lamps - Fluorescent Fixtures For The Dining Room Make Your Meat Selection From These . ELECTRIC HEATERS Closed Monday — Armistice Day Pin-Up Lamps - Indirect Light : Door Chimes "GOVERNMENT INSPECTED PORK" I'J Pork chops A Complete PARTLOW ELECTRIC CO. PORK STEAK Per Pound 68c Per Pound 57c Assortment of . DEALER PHONE 182 PURE PORK SAUSAGE SPARE RIBS Next to Postoffice Per Pound 53c Per Pound 55c New Robes SALT PORK For Ladies Chenilles, Wool Flannel, Top Quality Baby Beef Wool Jersey and Rayon ^ f SHOULDER ROASTS RUMP ROASTS Crepes. Sizes 12 to 20. Per Pound 38c Per Pound 42c i RIB CHOPS STEAKS Per Pound 48c Per Pound 42c i Choke Steer Beef America's millions of over­ JOSEPH M. STACK seas veterans, you men who fought Command*r-in-Chi*( for Freedom on the battlefronts of T-BONE STEAKS ROUND STEAK V. F. W, of (h* U. S. the world. World War II is over, Cut to Order - Pound 57c Per Pound 53c but your job is not done. Perhaps you realize that, from what you RIB STEAKS SIRLOINS 44c Per Pound 49c Slippers v m around you in America today. Lean or Fat - Pound ‘The V. F. W.—our country's oldest, largest, and CALVES LIVER HAMBURGER 48c Per Pound 35c To Match Her strongest order of overseas fighters—needs you. We Sliced - Pound ....... need you to take over and manage an organization Robe that has been built up since 1899. Hundreds of fhou- CRECOT - MINCE MEAT -SKINLESS WEINERS, lb. 53c Y?ur .^9^,n9 comrades are already in Whatever her favorite ’*. ”*• doing Just that. Tomorrow and destiny won't wait . you have to act . yours is the challenge. •e RING BOLOGNA type of slipper, be as­ sured that we have it. FRESH FISH POULTRY Our stock of sizes is com­ plete - from fancies to moccasins. Courteous/ Prompt/ Cheerful Service ■ram post TODAY ■ mm ■T m W : to .e Miller's Harper Erdman Post >, î Clothing Store RGflN’S FOOD <« Always First in Fashions” No. 1548 veterans of foreign Hi WARS OF THE UNITED STATES ■ ■-V.
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