.· : jll~~ . f~0)~'1HdO~N.J( SEALECTOF WINDCREST 10427 Pecos - Janee This outstanding son of Pecos is the sire of the well-known show winners: • Windcrest Showgirl • Windcrest Troubadour • Bay State Elect • Tarrytown • Danbury He has an enviable show record of his own and has also become a prominent sire. VOORHIS FARM MR. & MRS. GORDON VOORHIS, owners Red Hook, New York Fred Herrick, trainer BilDJlDWJlll f J]j}JJ] BROADWALL DRUM MAJOR 11457 Sire: Parade l 0138 Dam: Debutansque 06992 You can own a Stallion like Broadwell Drum Major - Buy a Parade foal now . ALL FOALS WILL BE SOLD AT OUR FARM Make your choice now - pay later . One - Three year old gelding Two - Yearling stallions Mr. and Mrs. J. Cecil Ferguson SISSON ROAD, GREENE, RHODE ISLAND HIGH PASTURES MORGAN HORSE FARM Brownsville, Vermont TOWNE-A YR BOBBIN 11197 FRANKLAND REDMAN 12470 Above geldings for sale. Both extremely pleasant, well mannered. A wonderful pair for family use. Both 14.2 hands. Bobbin is 8 years old, a beautiful bay . Redman is 3, and a lovely chestnut . Full details on request . * * MRS. H. J. HILTS, owner MARY TURGEON, mgr. (Mail: RFD 1, Box 220, Windsor, Vt.) VIGILMARCH 12044 This fine example of a Morgan fine harness horse lists among his 1961 victories, the fine harness class at the Pennsyl­ vania National Horse Show, Harrisburg; Grand Champion Stallion and fine harness stake at the Morgan Gold Cup Show and many other impressive wins . We invite your inspection of our facilities and fine selection of finely bred Morgan colts by our well known stallion, Fleetwing 8884 . BEATA HORSE FARM Area Code 216 SHARON CENTER, OHIO Ray Pittman CE 9-6741 % mile south Rte. 18 on Rte. 94 Trainer TABLE OF CONTENTS SPECIAL FEATURES My Friend, Robert Lippitt Knight . 9 .fetteis ~ Justin Morgan l .. .... .. ... ... ... .. , . 10 Wind From the Wind River ........ , . 14 Junior Column - Mystic Fury . .. ....... , , .. .. ...... , . 17 Strictly Speaking ......... .. .... ... ...... , . 22 t.he l~ito'LS Trevis Cup 100 Miles One Day Ride . 24 Seattle World's Fair Horse Show Cancelled ... , . 24 Mid-States Morgan Horse Club . 28 New York State Shows . 40 Second Conn. All Morgan Horse Show . 40 Archie O Stock Take Out Canadian CitiHnship Papers . 41 Dear Sir: The Wheat State Morgan Horse Assn, . 41 I am writin g this letter to let off Eastern States Horse , Show . 42 Bad Lands of Dakota . 42 team about the Morgans. TuJtonboro Septogenarlan Recalls History of Colorful Horse I am also sending a pictur e of daddy's Boats on "Big W' . 43 tallion, Archie's Ace 11495. Letter to A Sick Saddle Club Member . 43 Karen's Questions . 44 I have been an admi rer of the Arab breed and I still think they are a beau­ REGULAR FEATURES tiful hor se, but not the only hor se. Letters to the Editor . 6 We lost a filly out of my half-Quar­ Jes' Hossin A.round . 12 New England News . 13 ter-Ara b mar e at 6 weeks old . She w.:.s Pacific Northwest . 15 so loving and easy to handle, what's Mid-Atlan tic News . 16 more she loved to be the center of at­ Orgeon Morgan News . 18 traction. We also have a horse colt Land of Enchantment . .. .. .. .. .. 19 Morgan Horse Breeders a nd Exhibitors Assn . 20 out of a Q uarter-T horoughbred mare Southern News a nd Views . 21 by Ace, and he carries the Morgan dis­ Circle J Morgan Horse Assn. 22 posit ion as well as the type. Central States News . 23 Buckeye Breeze . ........ ... : . 25 Now what has changed my mind is, North of the Border . 26 the Morgan horse is a different horse, New Yark Stale News . 27 wit h such a lovely disposition, and the North Central Morgan Assn. 29 people who own Morgans are different. Penn -Oh io Morgan Associati on . 39 Th ey are proud of the own ership. Daddy says he is going to sell ce, Officers of The Morgan Horse Club f President .. ... .... ........ .............. GERALD F. TAFT but hope he don 't as there will be a Northville. Michigan lot of colts around these parts he is Eastern Regional Vice-President . J. CECIL FERGUSON responsible for. Daddy has never Greene , Rhode Island hown Ace, but he can sure perform Mld-West Regional Vice-President ........ ... ... ... J, ROY BRUNK Rochester. Illinois when asked to do so. Western Regional Vice-President ......... .. .. .. .. CLARENCE SHAW I just thought maybe if daddy saw Walla Walla, Washington Ace's picture in the magazine , he wou ld Treasurer . CHAUNCEY STILLMAN 230 Park Avenue, New Yark, N. Y. change his mind about selling him . Secretary ......... ....... ........ ....... SETH P. HOLCOMBE Thank you very much, an admi rer P. 0. Box 2157, Bishops Comer Branch , West Hartford 17, Connecticut of the horse of horses, the Morgan. The Morgan Horse MaQazine Leonette Mitchell Box 117 Vol. XXII August, 1962 No. 7 Garde n Prairi e, Ill. A Monrhly - The Offic ial Publication of THE MORGAN HOHE CLUB, Incorporated Secrerory"s Office , P. 0 . Box 2157, Bishops Corner Branch, West Hartford 17, Conn. Please Hnd all correspond ence regarding 111bscrlptlons and advertising lo publication office : The Morgan Horse Magazine , Leominster, Ma11. - Dial KEy1tone 4-6506 . Please send all conespondenca regarding subacripUom and advertl1lng to publication office: The Morgan Hor1e Magazine. Leominster, Maas . Publisher ...... .. ......... .. ........ ........ .. Otho F. Euaey Special Features ......... ........ ........ ............ Em Pedlar SUMMERVERSE Circulation . Rosalie McGuire By DOROTHY LOCKARD CONTRmUTING EDITORS Phyllis Barber Shirley Davis Peggy McDonald RenH Page Lorrayne Byers Mimi Flier Jeanne Mehl Ayellen Richards I tried to write a little verse LouiH Bedcley Gall L. Green Jud Neeley Ruth Rogers Carol Chevalier Doris Hodgin Eve Oakley Anne Taylor It started wrong - and then got worse Barbara Cole Dorothy Lockard June Osbome Claire Weit My ballpoint pen 1-efu sed to tvrite Dorothy Colbum Phyllis Nelsen Mabel Owen Pauline Zeller The Publisher ond sraff of The Morgon Horse Mcgoz ine and rhe Morgan Horse Club. The mosquit oes-t hey kept trying to Inc., are not responsible for op inions and statements ex pressed In slgned art icles or pa id advertisements . These op inions are nor necessarily the op inions of the staff of bite this journal. A fly fell in my cofle e cup SUBSCRIPTION RATES "H eyl You bit my ' hand, you pesky One Year $4,00 Two Years $7.50 Three Years $10.50 pup!" Canada $4.50 Foreign Rates SS.SO per year The MORGAN HORSE MAGAZINE, publish ed monthly except January by THE MORGAN Thi s picnic table's 110 place to write HORSE CLUB, INC., Secretary's Office, P. 0 . Box 2157 , Bishops Corner Branch Wesr Hartford 17, Connect icur. Printed by The Eusey Press, Leominster , Mass . Ente;ed as There are too many thing s around that second class matter at post office , Leominster, Moss. Closing dote for copy and adver tisl ng 1st of month preceding date of publication . bite. Copyright 1962 by The Morgan Horse Magaz ine . Editorial OUR COVER The May issue of the Morgan Horse Magazine told the story of Barry aisse and his entr y into the U. S. rm y with pictures of the farewell party at the Townshend Morgan-Holstein Farm in Bolton, Mass. You see, Barr y was the owne r of Green Mountain Early Bird 12872 by Orcland Vigildon. H e was better known as "Tu cker." Tucker was foaled May 5, 1960. H e took blue , 1 yellow, and 1 pink in his brief show career. But Barry s dreams of the futur e of which Tu cker was an int egral part are shattered. A few weeks ago, Tuck er was being worked on .. - the end of. a loun ge line by Barry 's father when he stopp ed faltered and r fell to the ground dead. An autopsy by the well-known veterinarian, Dr. .. • . ' :ti\..- ; McGee found embo lism blocking the auricl e valve. "Tu cker" had never been sick; he had good care , and more im­ por tant love from the entir e Caisse family. H e had been described by Morgans can jump! ! This month veterin arian s in routine check-ups as "a beauty, the most beautiful two we feature the good jumpin g Morgan , year old anywhere. " autical ym ph 010166 by Parade out of Especially, formerly owned by Mr . , Th e horse's death was heart-rendin g to the Caisse family but break ­ and Mrs. Gordon Voorhi s, Red Hook , ing the news to Barry was the most difficult of all. Barry called from N. Y. llOW owned by George W. Bing­ _Fort Gordon , Georgia for his regaular report on "Tucker ." H e took ham of Radio Station WK[P Pou gh­ the news like a man. keepsie, . Y. bought for his daughter For our ational Morgan Show this year Barry had been saving up Laurey. Jeanne Mellin H errick our all of. his rm y leave - to walk in th e ring with Tuck er and maybe - well-known Morgan artist is up. maybe - to accept that coveted blue. Barry is at the at ional thi s year, but he isn t showin g Tu cker. In ­ tead he is presenting the troph y to the wi1:111erof the two year old Morgan WORLD'S MOST COMPLETE stallions - a trophy donated by the family of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred aisse L PICTORIAL HORSE JOURNAL and Pvt. Barry aisse, U.S. l year - $4.00 There will be other Morgans in Barry 's life. H e plans to buy an­ 2 years - $7 .50 other of the same breeding but none will replace Tucker, nothin g replaces THE MORGAN HORSE the fir t ful fillment of a boyhood dr eam - even when the boy becomes MAGAZINE a man.
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