Total Workers by Means of Transportation to Work

Total Workers by Means of Transportation to Work

B08006: TOTAL WORKERS BY MEANS OF TRANSPORTATION TO WORK Universe: Workers 16 years and over 2011-2013 American Community Survey 3-Year Estimates New York City PUMAs (approximate Community Districts) PUMA 3701: Bronx PUMA 3702: Bronx PUMA 3703: Bronx PUMA 3704: Bronx PUMA 3705: Bronx Community District 8-- Community District 12-- Community District 10--Co- Community District 11-- Community District 3 & 6-- Riverdale, Fieldston & Wakefield, Williamsbridge op City, Pelham Bay & Pelham Parkway, Morris Belmont, Crotona Park Subject Kingsbridge & Woodlawn Schuylerville Park & Laconia East & East Tremont Margin of Margin of Margin of Margin of Margin of Estimate Error Estimate Error Estimate Error Estimate Error Estimate Error Total: 47,112 +/-2,646 57,952 +/-2,573 51,880 +/-3,026 51,198 +/-2,335 53,674 +/-2,639 Car, truck, or van: 14,453 +/-1,548 22,859 +/-1,499 25,665 +/-1,726 17,744 +/-1,271 10,591 +/-961 Drove alone 12,203 +/-1,455 19,692 +/-1,461 22,030 +/-1,527 14,285 +/-1,159 8,430 +/-929 Carpooled: 2,250 +/-427 3,167 +/-507 3,635 +/-734 3,459 +/-485 2,161 +/-409 In 2-person carpool 1,795 +/-382 2,337 +/-459 3,036 +/-688 2,754 +/-449 1,525 +/-382 In 3-person carpool 318 +/-187 586 +/-199 449 +/-216 431 +/-167 361 +/-187 In 4-or-more-person carpool 137 +/-100 244 +/-158 150 +/-123 274 +/-166 275 +/-136 Public transportation (excluding taxicab): 25,972 +/-1,988 30,463 +/-1,929 21,286 +/-2,247 26,346 +/-1,665 34,087 +/-1,912 Bus or trolley bus 5,880 +/-795 9,604 +/-1,085 9,787 +/-1,445 6,832 +/-787 13,214 +/-1,176 Streetcar or trolley car 54 +/-61 47 +/-52 0 +/-110 512 +/-290 209 +/-131 Subway or elevated 18,080 +/-1,738 18,617 +/-1,403 11,124 +/-1,624 18,707 +/-1,516 19,142 +/-1,363 Railroad 1,934 +/-366 2,195 +/-423 375 +/-221 295 +/-144 1,522 +/-338 Ferryboat 24 +/-39 0 +/-110 0 +/-110 0 +/-110 0 +/-110 Bicycle 304 +/-195 150 +/-141 73 +/-68 176 +/-144 320 +/-243 Walked 4,051 +/-773 2,394 +/-474 3,150 +/-588 4,580 +/-680 5,079 +/-701 Taxicab, motorcycle, or other means 384 +/-185 670 +/-295 343 +/-167 1,042 +/-295 1,455 +/-720 Worked at home 1,948 +/-446 1,416 +/-368 1,363 +/-425 1,310 +/-365 2,142 +/-573 Sources: U. S. Census Bureau, 2011-2013 American Community Survey – Summary File Population Division – New York City Department of City Planning (January 2015) B08006: TOTAL WORKERS BY MEANS OF TRANSPORTATION TO WORK Universe: Workers 16 years and over 2011-2013 American Community Survey 3-Year Estimates New York City PUMAs (approximate Community Districts) PUMA 3706: Bronx PUMA 3707: Bronx PUMA 3708: Bronx PUMA 3709: Bronx PUMA 3710: Bronx Community District 7-- Community District 5-- Community District 4-- Community District 9-- Community District 1 & 2-- Bedford Park, Fordham Morris Heights, Fordham Concourse, Highbridge & Castle Hill, Clason Point & Hunts Point, Longwood & Subject North & Norwood South & Mount Hope Mount Eden Parkchester Melrose Margin of Margin of Margin of Margin of Margin of Estimate Error Estimate Error Estimate Error Estimate Error Estimate Error Total: 47,650 +/-2,944 49,171 +/-2,265 48,319 +/-2,750 71,950 +/-2,997 47,967 +/-2,791 Car, truck, or van: 9,137 +/-1,141 8,206 +/-881 9,109 +/-956 20,181 +/-1,628 6,806 +/-748 Drove alone 6,578 +/-927 6,048 +/-770 7,180 +/-895 16,157 +/-1,506 5,434 +/-694 Carpooled: 2,559 +/-508 2,158 +/-495 1,929 +/-493 4,024 +/-615 1,372 +/-318 In 2-person carpool 1,490 +/-354 1,290 +/-381 1,278 +/-438 2,808 +/-530 900 +/-276 In 3-person carpool 309 +/-156 528 +/-255 303 +/-137 716 +/-231 248 +/-137 In 4-or-more-person carpool 760 +/-325 340 +/-176 348 +/-164 500 +/-236 224 +/-140 Public transportation (excluding taxicab): 31,529 +/-2,396 32,793 +/-2,163 31,870 +/-2,145 44,350 +/-2,456 32,509 +/-2,201 Bus or trolley bus 8,395 +/-1,119 7,458 +/-867 7,557 +/-843 12,703 +/-1,355 5,207 +/-749 Streetcar or trolley car 374 +/-201 426 +/-186 388 +/-215 787 +/-328 167 +/-95 Subway or elevated 21,506 +/-2,014 23,026 +/-1,794 22,471 +/-1,808 30,265 +/-1,948 26,376 +/-1,855 Railroad 1,254 +/-399 1,848 +/-505 1,401 +/-437 595 +/-196 759 +/-220 Ferryboat 0 +/-110 35 +/-57 53 +/-85 0 +/-110 0 +/-110 Bicycle 70 +/-68 67 +/-59 244 +/-166 154 +/-123 268 +/-136 Walked 4,541 +/-766 5,222 +/-797 4,204 +/-739 4,392 +/-677 6,139 +/-970 Taxicab, motorcycle, or other means 658 +/-237 890 +/-350 935 +/-321 1,162 +/-350 509 +/-212 Worked at home 1,715 +/-434 1,993 +/-423 1,957 +/-475 1,711 +/-504 1,736 +/-343 Sources: U. S. Census Bureau, 2011-2013 American Community Survey – Summary File Population Division – New York City Department of City Planning (January 2015) B08006: TOTAL WORKERS BY MEANS OF TRANSPORTATION TO WORK Universe: Workers 16 years and over 2011-2013 American Community Survey 3-Year Estimates New York City PUMAs (approximate Community Districts) PUMA 4004: Brooklyn PUMA 4005: Brooklyn PUMA 4001: Brooklyn PUMA 4002: Brooklyn PUMA 4003: Brooklyn Community District 2-- Community District 6-- Community District 1-- Community District 4-- Community District 3-- Brooklyn Heights & Fort Park Slope, Carroll Subject Greenpoint & Williamsburg Bushwick Bedford-Stuyvesant Greene Gardens & Red Hook Margin of Margin of Margin of Margin of Margin of Estimate Error Estimate Error Estimate Error Estimate Error Estimate Error Total: 75,860 +/-2,471 63,579 +/-2,707 53,396 +/-2,186 65,646 +/-2,544 66,230 +/-2,245 Car, truck, or van: 8,828 +/-879 8,091 +/-889 9,489 +/-969 5,907 +/-640 7,390 +/-733 Drove alone 6,682 +/-793 6,708 +/-799 8,121 +/-919 4,840 +/-568 5,371 +/-631 Carpooled: 2,146 +/-460 1,383 +/-430 1,368 +/-378 1,067 +/-257 2,019 +/-444 In 2-person carpool 1,136 +/-397 790 +/-298 958 +/-329 612 +/-214 1,733 +/-437 In 3-person carpool 504 +/-203 304 +/-226 205 +/-119 273 +/-139 111 +/-100 In 4-or-more-person carpool 506 +/-192 289 +/-205 205 +/-121 182 +/-124 175 +/-140 Public transportation (excluding taxicab): 48,131 +/-2,229 46,355 +/-2,456 35,067 +/-1,784 45,754 +/-2,162 44,225 +/-1,918 Bus or trolley bus 3,003 +/-657 4,418 +/-626 5,344 +/-680 2,000 +/-453 1,425 +/-469 Streetcar or trolley car 71 +/-67 246 +/-149 236 +/-153 88 +/-80 45 +/-47 Subway or elevated 43,821 +/-2,063 41,119 +/-2,220 28,590 +/-1,677 42,416 +/-2,130 42,271 +/-1,838 Railroad 591 +/-227 572 +/-195 811 +/-325 1,143 +/-276 484 +/-170 Ferryboat 645 +/-204 0 +/-110 86 +/-80 107 +/-88 0 +/-110 Bicycle 2,386 +/-465 1,713 +/-350 1,550 +/-454 2,008 +/-411 2,105 +/-427 Walked 10,125 +/-868 5,153 +/-792 4,792 +/-664 6,058 +/-674 5,710 +/-679 Taxicab, motorcycle, or other means 949 +/-364 766 +/-228 492 +/-187 688 +/-187 624 +/-240 Worked at home 5,441 +/-692 1,501 +/-309 2,006 +/-460 5,231 +/-710 6,176 +/-840 Sources: U. S. Census Bureau, 2011-2013 American Community Survey – Summary File Population Division – New York City Department of City Planning (January 2015) B08006: TOTAL WORKERS BY MEANS OF TRANSPORTATION TO WORK Universe: Workers 16 years and over 2011-2013 American Community Survey 3-Year Estimates New York City PUMAs (approximate Community Districts) PUMA 4006: Brooklyn PUMA 4008: Brooklyn PUMA 4010: Brooklyn PUMA 4007: Brooklyn PUMA 4009: Brooklyn Community District 8-- Community District 5-- Community District 17-- Community District 16-- Community District 18-- Crown Heights North & East New York & Starrett East Flatbush, Farragut & Subject Brownsville & Ocean Hill Canarsie & Flatlands Prospect Heights City Rugby Margin of Margin of Margin of Margin of Margin of Estimate Error Estimate Error Estimate Error Estimate Error Estimate Error Total: 57,227 +/-2,695 43,181 +/-2,225 54,846 +/-2,374 91,722 +/-2,467 57,262 +/-2,101 Car, truck, or van: 8,507 +/-990 9,172 +/-996 13,719 +/-1,200 41,052 +/-1,759 15,712 +/-1,001 Drove alone 6,974 +/-931 7,828 +/-919 11,287 +/-975 34,733 +/-1,571 13,399 +/-943 Carpooled: 1,533 +/-394 1,344 +/-349 2,432 +/-520 6,319 +/-774 2,313 +/-430 In 2-person carpool 1,309 +/-364 937 +/-285 1,985 +/-498 4,780 +/-564 1,799 +/-393 In 3-person carpool 164 +/-125 292 +/-172 204 +/-103 933 +/-312 274 +/-88 In 4-or-more-person carpool 60 +/-46 115 +/-79 243 +/-156 606 +/-196 240 +/-131 Public transportation (excluding taxicab): 40,295 +/-2,035 29,516 +/-1,770 36,950 +/-1,755 44,924 +/-1,808 37,205 +/-1,827 Bus or trolley bus 4,562 +/-693 5,667 +/-681 5,039 +/-621 16,333 +/-1,068 10,326 +/-918 Streetcar or trolley car 123 +/-112 60 +/-78 221 +/-172 277 +/-161 394 +/-193 Subway or elevated 34,667 +/-1,828 22,871 +/-1,499 30,722 +/-1,716 27,102 +/-1,275 25,917 +/-1,556 Railroad 913 +/-226 918 +/-272 968 +/-249 1,194 +/-247 568 +/-165 Ferryboat 30 +/-34 0 +/-110 0 +/-- 18 +/-30 0 +/-110 Bicycle 1,756 +/-477 189 +/-133 146 +/-87 187 +/-80 139 +/-100 Walked 3,086 +/-522 2,871 +/-452 2,357 +/-497 3,122 +/-454 2,426 +/-520 Taxicab, motorcycle, or other means 760 +/-285 503 +/-161 672 +/-269 681 +/-175 701 +/-207 Worked at home 2,823 +/-470 930 +/-267 1,002 +/-267 1,756 +/-324 1,079 +/-293 Sources: U.

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