SEVENTY-SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT 1956-1957 AMERICAN SCHOOL OF CLASSICAL STUDIES AT ATHENS fOUNDED 1881 Incorporated under the Laws of Massachusetts, 1886 SEVENTY-SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT 1956-195 7 AMERICAN SCHOOL OF CLASSICAL STIJDIES AT ATHENS LOCIS ELEAZER LORD PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY JULY 14. 1875- JA)\UARY .24, 1957 1957 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION 4 BOARD OF TRUSTEES 5 MANAGING COMMITTEE 6 CoMMITTEES OF THE MANAGING CoMMITTEE 10 STAFF OF THE ScHOOL 11 CouNCIL OF THE ALUMNI AssociATION 12 CooPERATING INSTITUTIONS . 13 OBITUARIES : Louis Eleazer Lord 14 Clarence Hoffman Young 16 REPORTS: Chairman of the Managing Committee 18 Director 22 Librarian of the School 35 Librarian of the Gennadeion 37 Professors of Archaeology 40 Field Director of the Agora Excavations 41 Annual Professor . 48 Visiting Professor so Secretary of the School 51 Honorary Architect 52 Chairman of the Committee on Admissions and Fellowships 55 Chairman of the Committee on Publications 57 Committee on the Summer Session 64 The Alumni Association . 66 Treasurer of the Auxiliary Fund 67 Treasurer 68 PRlNTED IN TH B UNITED STATES OF AMERlCA. BY J . H. FURST COMPANY, BALTIMORE, MARYLAND 3 ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION AMERICAN SCHOOL OF CLASSICAL STUDIES COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS AT ATHENS BE IT KNOWN WHEREAS James R. Lowell, T. D. Woolsey, Charles E liot Norton, WiUiam M. Sloane, B. L. Gildersleeve, William W. Goodwin, Henry BOARD OF TRUSTEES 1956-1957 Drisler, Frederic J. de Peyster, John Williams White, Henry G. Marquand William T. Aldrich . ............. 30 Ipswich Street, Boston, Massachusetts and Martin Brimmer, have associated themselves with the intention of forming Philip R. Allen ............ .... East Walpole, Massachusetts a corporation under the name of the John Nicholas Brown . ........ 357 Benefit Street, Providence, Rhode Island TRUSTEES OF THE AMERICAN SCHOOL OF CLASSICAL Ward M. Canaday, President ..... 500 Security Building, Toledo, Ohio STUDIES AT ATHENS Arthur V. Davis ................ 230 Park Avenue, New York, New York Harry A. Hill .................. American Express Co., Paris, France for the purpose of the establishment and maintenance of a school of classical tLouis E. Lord . .......... ...... Bureau of University Travel, 11 Boyd studies at Athens, in Greece, for American students, and have complied with Street, Newton, Massachusetts the provisions of the Statutes of this Commonwealth in such case made and John J. McCloy, Sec'y-Treas. ..... Chase Manhattan Bank, 18 Pine Street, provided, as appears from the certificate of the President, Secretary, Treasurer New York, New York and Executive Committee of said Corporation, duly approved by the Commis­ Lincoln MacVeagh .............. Casa das Laranjeiros, Estoril, Portugal sioner of Corporations, and recorded in this office: William T. Semple .............. 1202 Times Star Building, Cincinnati, Now, THEREFORE, I, HENRY B. PIERCE, Secretary of the Commonwealth Ohio of Massachusetts, Do HEREBY CERTIFY that said J. R. Lowell, T . D. Woolsey, Spyros P. Skouras ..............444 West 56th Street, New York, New C. E. Norton, W. M. Sloane, B. L. Gildersleeve, \V. W. Goodwin, H. Drisler, York F. J. de Peyster, J. W. White, H. G. Marquand and M. Brimmer, their asso­ Charles H. Morgan, e;): officio . .... Amherst College, Amherst, Massachusetts ciates and successors are legally organized and established as and are hereby made an existing corporation under the name of the OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES TRUSTEES OF THE AMERICAN SCHOOL OF CLASSICAL OFFICERS STUDIES AT ATHENS Ward M. Canaday, President John J. McCloy, Secretary-Treasrtrer Arthur V. Davis, Vice-President Robert L. Cudd, Assistant Treasurer with the powers, rights and privileges, and subject to the limitations, duties and restrictions which by law appertain thereto. ExECUTIVE CoMMITTEE WITNESS my official signature hereunto subscribed. and the Ward M. Canaday, Chairman William T. Aldrich seal of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts hereunto affixed this t Louis E. Lord twenty-third day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty-six. FINANCE COMMITTEE Arthur V. Davis, Chairman 'Ward M. Canaday (Seal) Philip R. Allen John J. McCloy (Signed) H ENRY B. PIERCE Secretary of the Com11umwealth ,, 4 5 Nathan Dane ........... .. Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine MANAGING COMMITTEE 1956-1957 John Day . ... ....... .. Columbia University, New York, New York lorman J. De Witt ........ University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minne- Members Institution and Address sota Charles H. Morgan, Chairman Amherst College, Amherst, Massachusetts Roy J. Deferrari . .......... Catholic U niversity of America, Washington, George E. Mylonas, District of Columbia Vice-Chairman Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri Henry A. Detweiler . ... .... Cornell University, Ithaca, New York C. A. Robinson, Jr., Secretary Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island (Representing the American Schools of Oriental Research) C. Arthur Lynch, Ass't. Sec'y Pembroke College, Providence, Rhode Island William B. Dinsmoor ....... Columbia University, New York, New York Walter R. Agard . .......... University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin Glanville Downey . .... .. .... Harvard University; Dumbartoo Oaks, 1703 Dorothy H . Bell . ... ... Bradford Junior College, Bradford, Massa- 32nd Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. chusetts Gerald F . Else . ....... .... State University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa Alfred R. Bellinger . .. ....Ya le University, New Haven, Connecticut Morton S. Enslin . .... ... 16 Prospect Street, Canton, New York Clarence P. Bill . .. ... ..... Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio Theodore H . Erck . ........ Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, New York Warren E. Blake . ......... University o[ Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan John V. A. Fine . ......... Princeton University, Princeton, New J ersey Carl W. Blegen . ...........University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio John H . Finley, Jr. ... .... Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts Francis R. Bliss .. .. .... \Vestem Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio Leonard \V. Frey . .. .. Southwestern University, Memphis, Tennessee Cedric Boulter . ............Unive rsity of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio Joseph N. Garvin . ...... University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Oscar Broneer . ... ... ... University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois Indiana Reuben A . Brower . .. ..... Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts J. Walter Graham ........ University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada F rank E. Brown .. ........ Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut William Chace Green . Massachusetts I nstitute of Technology, Cam- Edward Capps, Jr. ........ Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio bridge, Massachusetts Rhys Carpenter . .... ...... Bryn l\Iawr College; Jerry Run, R. D. 2, Charles B. Gulick .. ....... Harvard University; 255 Old Army Road, Downington, Pennsylvania Scarsdale, New York Harry J. Carroll, Jr. .... ... Pomona College, Claremont, California William E. Gwatkin, Jr..... University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri John L. Caskey . ......... American School of Classical Studies, Athens, George M. A. Hanfmann ... .. Radcliffe College, Cambridge, Massachusetts Greece Hazel D. Hansen ......... Stanford University, Stanford University, Cali- (ex officio, as Director of the School) fornia J ohn F. Charles .. .... Wabash College, Crawfordsville, Indiana Frederick Hard . ........... Scripps College, Claremont, California Harold F. Chemiss . ..... .. I nstitute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New George McLean Harper, Jr... Williams College, Williamstown, Massachusetts Jersey Ernest L. H ighbarger ...... Northwestern University; T he Ridgeview, 901 Paul A. Clement ... ... University of California, Los Angeles, Cali- Maple A venue, Evanston, Illinois fornia Clark Hopkins ............ University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan Benjamin C. Clough ....... Brown University. Providence, Rhode Island Richard Howland . ... The National Trust for Historic Preservation, Kenneth J . Conant . .. .... Radcliffe College; 3706 Manor Road, Chevy W ashington, D. C. Chase 15, Maryland Paul F. I zzo . ..... .....• College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, Massa- J ames S. Constantine . ..... Bureau of University T ravel; Box 3441, Uni- chusetts versity Station, Charlottesville, Virginia Jotham J ohnson . ....... .• New York University, New York, New York Cornelia C. Coulter . .. .... Mount Holyoke College; 315 Adams Avenue, Van Johnson . .. .........•Tufts College, Medford, Massachusetts Ferguson, Missouri Leslie W. J ones ..... ... College of the City of New York, New York, J ohn S. Creaghan . .. ...... Georgetown University; Loyola Seminary, New York Shrub Oak, New York J ohn H. Kent ... .........Un iversity of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont J ames Cronin .............. Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas Mabel Lang . ...........•• Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, P ennsylvania Lloyd W . Daly . .... .....•Un iversity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Penn­ John F . Latimer .......... George Washington University, Washington.. sylvania District of Columbia 6 7 Chauncey D. Leake ......... University of Texas; 2893 Charing Road, Co- Robert L. Scranton ......... Emory University, Emory University, Georgia lumbus 21, Ohio James R. Seaver ........... University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas Phyllis William Lehmann .... Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts William T. Semple ........• university of Cincinnati; 1202 Times Star Winfred G. Leutner ... Western Reserve University; 21150 Brantley Building, Cincinnati, Ohio Road, Shaker
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