University of winnipeg’s campUs and commUnity weekly ISSUE 2008/10/16 VOLUME08 63 now that local musician Jeremy Proctor’s testosterone levels 30% of your water have stabilized, will goes down the toilet his music suffer? ...and other reasons canadians arts & culture page 11 need to smarten up their water consumption habits NeWs page 4 community centre forced to axe their co-ordinator when funding falls flat NeWs page 3 why chick flicks deserve a second chance arts & culture page 16 october 9, 2008 the Uniter contact: [email protected] 02 NNEEwsws How many books the free press’ don’t like the does it take to fill Mary Agnes Welch competitive aspect of 175 libraries in talks about the sports? Give U of W’s Ghana? a lot! paper’s strike Taking inspiration rowing team a try from blue hairs NeWs page 5 commeNts page 9 arts & culture page 14 sports page 23 News UNITER STAFF managing editor Canadians leaving their cars at home Stacy Cardigan Smith » [email protected] BUsiness manager U of w hopes new James D. Patterson » [email protected] While Canadian Car usage Was going doWn, gas priCes Were going up PRODUCTION MANAGER green corridor will these are the average gas prices in the first quarters of 2007 and 2008: Melody Morrissette » [email protected] copy and style editor January to March 2007 Ashley Holmes » [email protected] lead to decreased Quarterly low: 84.1 cents per litre at the end of January pHoto editor vehicle usage Quarterly high: 103.8 cents per litre at the end of March Mark Reimer » [email protected] January to March 2008 news assignment editor Quarterly low: 104.2 cents per litre in the middle of February Toban Dyck [email protected] Andrew McMonAgle » Quarterly high: 110.9 cents per litre at the end of March news prodUction editor BeAt reporter source: natural resources canada, fuelfocus.nrcan.gc.ca/prices_byyear_e.cfm. Ksenia Prints » [email protected] arts and cUltUre editor anadian vehicle usage was down in Aaron Epp » [email protected] the first quarter of 2008 when com- comments editor pared to the first quarter of 2007, Devin Morrow » [email protected] CStatistics Canada recently reported. sports editor In a report released on Oct. 1, Stats Can Joshua Boulding » [email protected] found that countrywide, light vehicles weigh- listings coordinator ing under 4.5 metric tonnes were used 3.4 per Curran Faris » [email protected] cent less than the previous year. At the same Beat reporter time, the use of heavy vehicles over 4.5 met- Dan Huyghebaert » [email protected] ric tonnes remained virtually unchanged. Beat reporter This means that whatever caused personal Joe Kornelsen » [email protected] vehicle use to decrease did not affect com- Beat reporter Sandy Klowak [email protected] mercial vehicles. huynh robert » The report states that extreme weather Beat reporter and rising gas prices likely contributed to Andrew McMonagle » [email protected] these results. “It is very difficult to separate weather CONTRIBUTORS: Brooke dmytriw, wesley Johnston, and fuel prices from the equation,” Réjean Many people take the challenge to reduce route while the Spence Street area currently andrew tod, ethan cabel, mary agnes welch, J. williamez, Doiron of Stats Can said. cindy titus, courtney schwegel, rob mcgregor, their vehicle usage seriously. Aiden Enns, co- used for buses will become a pedestrian-only Doiron is unsure if this trend will Bucky driedger, Brandon Bertram, Jennifer pawluk, editor and publisher of Geez magazine and zone. John cunningham, matt preprost, chris friesen, tom continue. proud owner of a 1987 Volkswagen camper “We’re providing easier bus access and asselin, marko Bilandzjia, kevin chaves, “It’ll certainly be interesting to see driv- van, only insures his vehicle for half of the heated bus shelters,” said Diane Poulin, scott christiansen, mike collins, adam peleshaty, ing as it goes through the… year. The second Brad pennington, Jo villaverde, adam Johnston, year. communications and marketing officer for and third quarters certainly saw fuel price in- antoinette dyksman, tervor Hagan, robert Huynh. “It’s fortunate for us that it doesn’t run the University of Winnipeg. creases,” he said. well in winter. It fits our principles to live The bus loop will eventually include a the Uniter is the official student newspaper of the University of This decrease doesn’t mean Canadians are without vehicles,” Enns said. green east-west corridor to the new Furby winnipeg and is published by mouseland press inc. mouseland opting for greener transportation. press inc. is a membership based organization in which students Enns was cautiously optimistic of the Street campus, according to Poulin. The cor- “We’d have to see if transit use has in- and community members are invited to participate. for more Stats Can findings. ridor will also include a safe pedestrian walk information on how to become a member go to www.uniter.ca, or creased,” Jino Distasio, director of the call the office at 786-9790. the Uniter is a member of the canadian “I’m delighted to see the reduction of per- lined with grasses and gardens, to encourage Institute of Urban Studies, said. “I’d hope University press and campus plus media services. sonal vehicle usage,” said Enns. “I regret that students to walk to school rather than drive. sUBMISSION OF ARTICLES, LETTERS, GRAPHICS AND pHOTOS ARE that the social consciousness is that it’s bet- it’s an economic incentive that causes people A bicycle hub is also planned. WELCOME. articles must be submitted in text (.rtf) or microsoft word ter to reduce vehicle use. I hope it’s not just (.doc) format to [email protected], or the relevant section editor. to act on their environmental concern.” According to Enns, the trend to leave ve- deadline for submissions is 6:00 p.m. thursday, one week before economic reasons.” The movement to reduce vehicle usage hicles at home is growing. publication. deadline for advertisements is noon friday, six days In Canada, there are many citizen groups prior to publication. the Uniter reserves the right to refuse to print is felt at the University of Winnipeg. The “It’s an emerging informal cultural value submitted material. the Uniter will not print submissions that are that organize more eco-friendly ways of City of Winnipeg’s downtown development where people express their environmental homophobic, misogynistic, racist, or libellous. we also reserve the transportation, such as Bike to the Future right to edit for length and/or style. committee approved the development of concerns through how they get to work,” (BTF). BTF is a group of citizens trying to en- CONTACT US new bus loops around the U of W. Young Enns said. » courage bicycles as a reasonable alternative General Inquiries: 204.786.9790 Street will become a one-way northbound to vehicle usage in Winnipeg. Advertising: 204.786.9790 Editors: 204.786.9497 Fax: 204.783.7080 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.uniter.ca LOCATION BY JOE KORNELSEN » Room ORM14 WHAT MODE OF TRANSPORTATION DO USE IN THE CITY? University of Winnipeg 515 Portage Avenue Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 2E9 Jordan Percy John Simba Robin Brar Second year theatre student First year science student Fourth year kinesiology student moUseland press Board of directors: My mom drives me, other I use the bus because parking is My mom drives me or I drive david eisBrenner (chair), mary agnes welch, than that I bus. It’s convenient expensive and because I don’t because I live really far and I rob nay, nick tanchuk, Brian gagnon, devin king, because my mom has work at have my license yet. would have to wake up earlier if I the same time as my classes. took the bus. meg mcgimpsey, Ben Zorn, kelly ross (UWSA), scott nosaty for inquiries e-mail: [email protected] John Rankin Gino Sossai Colinda Lucier COVER IMAGE Visiting downtown Winnipeg Currently unemployed McDonald’s employee from Toronto I take the bus. I have been I use the bus, taxi or car. The bus I use the car and I walk taking it for two or three years is cheaper but if I’m late for work “the solitude of sisters” because I am not familiar with since gas prices went so high. then I’ll just hop in a taxi. the bus system. by amy wong from “everything is everything,” running until nov. 14 at aceartinc. Ne w s As s i g N m e N t ed i t o r : to b an dy c k contact: [email protected] the Uniter october 9, 2008 e-m A i l : Ne w s @u N i t e r .c A Ph o N e : 786-9497 NEws 03 FA x : 783-7080 Community centre forced to lay off co-ordinator M local laid off from RBRC, agreed. ar K city’s funding rei “The funding formula has noth- M news Briefs ing to do with programming, or er model not with that kind of programming the compiled by ksenia prints community wants,” Lindsay said. working, say Lindsay said they do receive some “that funding only small sustainable funding in the workers form of the provincial Lighthouse pays for part-time LeAvinG no ArT UnToUched program from Manitoba Justice. a painter’s exhibition was cut short supervisory staff with when about 30 of her limited-edition Dan HuygHeabaert “They are our life’s blood,” Wild prints and original paintings were BeAt reporter said. low wages.” stolen from her car. Lindsay said Manitoba Justice’s gayle sinclair left the artwork in - Nathan Wild, the trunk of her car overnight after sustainable funding and user- ralph Brown recreation centre finishing a successful show on oct.
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