Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC February 1963 Daily Egyptian 1963 2-21-1963 The gE yptian, February 21. 1963 Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_February1963 Volume 44, Issue 51 Recommended Citation Egyptian Staff, "The gE yptian, February 21. 1963" (1963). February 1963. Paper 5. http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_February1963/5 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1963 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in February 1963 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. r'( 7k Bill Asks four New SIU Colleges A bill, which would remove stacles to tbe establishment of such colleges would still legl!l restr1ctlpns now pre- of sucb colleges. bave to be approved by the venting Southern nlinois Uni- . State Board of Higher Educa­ verslty from setting up col­ "We have no plans to set tion and by our own Board. up sucb cl>lleges at the pres­ leges of law, medicine, den­ "I don't {orsee any trouble tistry and pharmacy, was yes­ ent, II be added. in the bill's passage," he said. terday Introduced-ln the illi­ nois House by Rep. Leland President Morris sald The Clerk of the House of E·Y·TIAN Kennedy, D-Alton. Southern and Northern minois Representatives said that University were the only state House Bill-320 will now go President Delyte W. school s that have these re­ to the Committee on Educa­ ",'UI 9ttUuU4 1t1lW4~ Morris, reached at tbe Ed­ strictions. tion. Since it will be the first Carbondale, Illinois wardsville campus yesterday of next week before it goes afternoon, explained that the He added that if tbe bill into print, no action on the Volu.,. 44 Thur.cIoy, ·Feb. 21, 1963 No. 51 , bill would remove legal ob- is passed, the establishment bill Is expected before then. gly Man Contest' Voting Now Under Way ,. Each Vote A Penny: Money To Go To Charify Pictures on Page 2 Tired of voting for beauty "Ugly Howie Hinds. better queens and campus queens and known as the human carrot, all types of quee ns? 'slithers about campus daily. Here's your chance to break dragging his peelings behind me monotony. This is the week him. Howie's not a book­ of the Alpba Phi Omega annual worm--he's just .a worm. OJ HUgly Man,Contest'". uHave you ever seen a rup- Voting Is being Conducted at tured face? We, the members ballot boxes in tbe University of Brown Hall first floor, be­ Center. Thompson Point. and hold this Sight on the person at VT1. of Dave James. Dave has no The winner will be an­ trouble getting dates. He dates noun ced at 10:30 p. m. Friday rejects from monster movies during the UMOC Dance. and U. of I. girls." H$tan Shapiro is the most Candidates are Charles complete picture of homeli­ Herben Domvilll> iii, spon­ ness and ugliness this campus sored by Egyptian Dormitory; has ever seen. His kneecaps James Greenwood, sponsored are even uglier than his face." by Balley Hal1 First Floor; "John THron's motber Howard Hinds. sponsored by wanted him to be popular. So Sigma Kappa; David L. James, he said to himself. 'Self. would sponsored by Brown Hall First you like to become popular?' to Floor; And Self sald, .'Veabl' And be SPRING IS HERE? - A few dey. of un.oo.on· et1IIan cClutlon.d that they should ,"Ice the best­ Tbomson McAneney. spon­ said, 'Self. are you ugly?' ably war. weather brought on a rash of Spring of a good thing for a cold wove is on its way sored by Bowyer Hall; Stanley And Self said. 'Yeab, ['m ugly ...... and sent students to the Student Center ogaln. Shapiro, sponsored by Pbl enough to be the most popular potio on th.ir doily coffee break. Blolt the weath- Kappa Tau; and John Tilton, Ugly Man on Campus.' •• s ponsored by Kel10gg Hall. Zonil!g Ordinance Paued: Comments made about the c a nd t d ate s in nOmination Expansion Plan ' speecbes brought out some of • their good points . Discussed Monday Construction Of Two Buildings .. Just because Skip Oom­ Mo nday has been confirmed ville was offered a long-term as tbe date for a meeting contract with M.G.M. to play to discuss SJU expansion On Edwardsville Campus Ordered the wolf-man, Frankenstein's plans, according to Charles monster and the creature from Goss. chairman of the Car­ EDWARDSVILLE, Ill. mediate ly to contractors:" Classes currently are being the twenty mile reef WITHOUT bondale Plan Commission. Morris said. held in buildings In the Alton MAKEUP, this doesn't mean Tbe meeting is scbeduled Tbe Madison County board and East St. Louts areas. he's ugly. It just means he for 4 p.m. and will be held of supervisors yesterday Madison County supervi­ The -federal government an­ has a very distinctive face. on campus. President Delyte _ adopted a county zoning or­ sors voted 27-19 in favor of nounceaSaturday approval of This face , by the way, has been W. Morris will meet with me dinance clearing me way for ordinances which university $2.25 million as half the es­ classifie d as species Plan Commission, Mayor D. constructlon of Southern illi­ spokesman said are satisfac­ timated cost of a student cen­ Southern us ll11noisus Horri­ Blaney Miller and other city nOis University"s Edwards­ tory to the school. ter at the new campu s. bulus. " officials to explain future ville campus. The Edwardsville campus If the county board had uHandsome? How handsome plans. SIU President Del yte w. is eligible for $25 mUlion turned down the zoning or­ can one be? Jim Greenwood The meeting was requested Morris immediately author­ in construction funds unde r dlance, un i v e r s it yofficials is such a person. His acute after the Plan Commission ized a call for bids on two a un i ve r sit y improveme nts were considering the possibil­ case of leprosy is eating the learned"that the Unversity in­ buildings for the campus here. bond issue approved by voters ity of petitioning to have the best of him, causing his nOse [ended to purchase property Stan of construction on the In i960. campus annexed to the city" to run and his feet to smfS!:ll. U in twO areas of Carbondale. -thlversity campus here had been delayed by a decision of tbe SIU Board of Trustees last September tbat no ground Canadian Troupe To Present Shakespearean Farce be turned until the site had The cunain will . rise in on CBS radio and television. :>een adequately protected by Shryock Aud itorium S un day He has directed the Player. laws governing land use. night on a presentation of in such greats as "Julius The trustees. in tbe same one of William Shakespeare's Caesar:' and Bernard Shaw's motion. authorized Morris to most delightful comedies. "Saint Joan." and has played give tbe go- ahead as soon "Twelfth Night." performed in everything from "Henry as 6tectlve zoning had been by th'; Canadian Players. V" to Shaw's uMan and Super­ arraDged. The performance, one of man."' --Plans and specifications a number during their tour The seven member troupe for a library and a general of the Un i t ed States and also includes a poet- play­ classroom and office build­ Canada. will bring the humor­ wright. an experienced Eng­ ing will ~ made available im- ous farce about mixed up twins lish clown. a Stratford actress to stude n ts and faculty at and actresses from England OrganUt Featured 8 p.m. and Canada. The troupe director, Tony van Bridge. one-time member Stage manager Jack Hutt ,At Convocation of the English Old Vic Com­ is noted as senior stage man­ ager at the Stratford.Festival. .. ·Organ music will be heard pany. has worked with the Canadian Players since their Canadian composer Morris at the convoCation programs Surd in arranged .songs for the at 10 a.m. and i p.m. today initial season in 1954 - 55. He is also a regular star. in the play and Alan Lund set the in Shryock Auditorium. dances. Ricbard Leibert is one of plays of Canada's Stratford the best _organists both Festival. a yearly Shakes­ The the m e of "Twejfth in concen field and records in pearean presentation. Night!' revolves around Viola , tbe United States toda y. Mr. Bridges also appeared who falls in love wUh tlle Duke He lscurrentlyengaged.with in numerous repeTtory com­ of Inyria ~ but becomes con- ' ·be Radio City Music Hall in panies throUghout Engiand and fused with her owo-twin broth­ , I ·/ew Vork as tbe organist. has played hundreds of roles er whom sbe bad thOUght dead •.. L:- . .J .P ... 2 THE EGYPTIAN Fine Frirniture Men Form Gruesome HELLENYS Ugliest Man Today And Friday .. HAVE GUNS Varied Programs On WSIU-TV WILL TRADE Tbe continUing of tbe deseg­ Friday 7 p.m. and Durer are discussed on regation series is the main Art and Man's presentation, ••• feature on this weekend's tele­ A Time of Cballenge con­ HGermany: The Obsession OLD & RARE vision viewing. tinues its series on the Wltb Deatb." DynamicS of Desegregation COINS Tbursday 7:30 p.m. with a discussion of racial Monday 7 p.m. problems In Soutb Africa. For Sale or Trod. "Amuklrkl" Is the movie fea­ Great Declsjons--1963, dis­ "Caugbt on tbe Face of a cusses the growing problems tured o n Bold Journey tbls C lift" Is the title of this ••• week.
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