E108 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 4, 2004 IN SUPPORT OF ISRAEL’S nize Israel’s security fence as a necessary people. His own life not only had taught him SECURITY FENCE measure to protect their people from those the values of hard work and perseverance, but who believe that the path to salvation is paved also the need for cooperation in order to HON. TOM FEENEY by killing Jewish women and children. Other- achieve common goals. Mr. Williams will al- OF FLORIDA wise, once again a U.N. entity will end up on ways be remembered as one of the most IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the wrong side of peace, security, freedom dedicated and successful business managers Wednesday, February 4, 2004 and democracy. of the UA Local 393. His life constitutes a f wonderful example for many young people Mr. FEENEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in today who wish to engage in the labor rights support of Israel’s security fence. COMMEMORATING LOYD E. movement and who want to actively support In yet another example of political manipula- WILLIAMS their communities. tion of a U.N. body, Palestinians and their Mr. Williams is survived by his wife, Caro- supporters have convinced the International HON. MICHAEL M. HONDA lyn, of 37 years and his son, Jonathan. Also, Court of Justice to take up the issue of Israel’s OF CALIFORNIA he is fondly remembered by his siblings Oren, security fence. On December 8, 2003, the General Assem- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bill, and Linda Fanelli. The entire community bly of the United Nations, sitting as an Emer- Wednesday, February 4, 2004 of Santa Clara County gives thanks and com- memorates the life and many accomplish- gency Special Session, adopted resolution ES Mr. HONDA. Mr. Speaker, I, Ms. LOFGREN, 10/14 requesting the ICJ to render an advisory ments of Mr. Loyd Williams. and Ms. ESHOO rise today to commemorate Mr. Speaker, we extend our deepest condo- opinion on the legal consequences of Israel’s the life and many accomplishments of Mr. security fence. This recent action by the Arab lences to Mr. Williams’ family and friends. Loyd Williams, who passed away on Sunday, Please join us in honoring Mr. Loyd Williams, nations is an indignation both in relation to the December 28, 2003. Mr. Williams will long be jurisdiction of the Court to address such an a truly exceptional individual who dedicated remembered for his integrity and dedication to his life to the service of others. issue, and the propriety of such a proceeding. the welfare of all people in his community, and f The International Court of Justice was set for his advocacy and hard work on behalf of up in 1945 under the Charter of the United the members of the United Association (UA) of RECOGNIZING THE RETIREMENT Nations to be the principal judicial organ of the Plumbers, Steamfitters, and Refrigeration Fit- OF VAN MILLER, THE VOICE OF Organization. The blatant use of the ICJ to fur- ters Local 393 and the entire labor movement. THE BUFFALO BILLS ther a political agenda is not only an outrage Loyd Williams was born in El Morro, NM on but an obvious conflict with the original pur- April 15, 1941. At the age of 2, he and his pose of the Court. HON. JACK QUINN family moved to San Jose, CA, where he at- Article 36 of the Court’s Statute states that OF NEW YORK tended Cambrian Elementary School and then contentious issues may only be brought before IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Camden High School. Mr. Williams had his the Court with the consent of all parties. In this Wednesday, February 4, 2004 case, not only is the issue at hand clearly con- first experiences with the labor movement and tentious, but the parties have already agreed its concerns while in his early school years, Mr. QUINN. Mr. Speaker, all good things on appropriate mechanisms for resolving such working as a prune harvester and later be- must come to an end, and it is with both sad- issues between themselves. Israel has voiced coming a harvest contractor. During which, ness and great respect that we acknowledge their deep reservations about the Arab initia- Loyd fired his own brother for poor job per- the end of Van Miller’s remarkable career as tive to involve the ICJ in complex political formance. Consequently, he learned a valu- the announcer for the Buffalo Bills. At 76 issues that should be resolved through nego- able lifelong lesson when Loyd’s father later years of age, Mr. Miller has been the most de- tiation and the abuse of the U.N. and the ICJ advised him that his brother was not properly voted and longest-tenured broadcaster in the as part of a narrow political campaign. trained. Instilled with his father’s wisdom and history of the National Football League. He A significant group of states, including the insight, Loyd became one of the most re- began his distinguished career with the Bills United States, Switzerland, Uganda and Italy spected labor leaders by modeling and teach- on July 30, 1960, commenting for an exhi- stated in the General Assembly that they op- ing what he expected of others. After grad- bition game against the Boston Patriots. For pose the request for an advisory opinion be- uating from high school in 1959, Mr. Williams the following 37 years, Mr. Miller lent his voice cause it goes directly against the Road Map became an apprentice plumber and was elect- to the Buffalo Bills and their loyal fans, cre- and the wishes of the Security Council, which ed president of his apprenticeship class. In ating a steadfast following with the phe- unanimously endorsed the Road Map in Reso- 1964, he became a journeyman plumber and nomenon known as Vandemonium. lution 1515 of November 19, 2003 and which was active for 8 years in UA Local 393. Loyd As the play-by-play announcer for the Bills, has repeatedly called for resolution of the con- Williams was elected business agent in 1973 Mr. Miller articulated their decades of both tri- flict via direct negotiations in accordance with and served continuously until he became busi- umphs and defeats, displaying his love for the Resolutions 242 (1967) and 338 (1973). ness manager in 1992. game and the team through good times and The Government of Israel has recently reit- Loyd’s 43-year dedication to UA Local 393 bad. He is renowned not only for his profes- erated its commitment to the Road Map. It be- was not merely confined to his role as a busi- sionalism in the booth, but also for his enthusi- lieves that those who support the efforts of the ness manager. He gladly took on many other astic announcing. The excitement of the fans Quartet and the international community in responsibilities within the union and the com- matched his own exhilaration at watching his bringing the sides together should stress to munity. Recently, Loyd Williams chaired the favorite team play. the ICJ the importance of not prejudicing that UA Local 393’s Centennial Committee, orga- The lead commentator for Super Bowl XXV process and emphasize that the Court should nizing the Union’s 100th Anniversary Celebra- between the Bills and the New York Giants, refuse to respond to the question at hand. tion on January 24, 2004. He also chaired the Mr. Miller was the voice of professionalism in The U.N. General Assembly has been a Board of Trustees for the UA Local 393 Pen- announcing the Giants’ victory over his be- hotbed of anti-Israel activity, passing more sion Fund, served as Secretary-Treasurer of loved Bills. Though a devastating moment for resolutions against Israel than on any other the Western States Pipe Council, and acted the team, Mr. Miller made the call with poise subject—more than 400 since 1964. In con- as delegate to the Santa Clara/San Benito and calm, ably performing his announcing du- trast, the body has never investigated the Pal- Trades Council, the South Bay Labor Council, ties while displaying the utmost respect for estinian terror campaign against Israel, nor the California State Pipe Trade Council, and both teams. It is this dedication to his job and has it investigated abuse, torture and other the UA National Convention. Mr. William’s co- team that explains why Buffalo may be the human rights violations by non-democratic workers fondly remember his outspokenness only city in the world where football fans turn states in the Arab world. and willingness to fight for labor rights. Mem- down the volume on their televisions and turn On a host of issues, the U.N. and its bers of the community recall his many other up their radios when a Bills game is on. agents, in this case the ICJ, have become not contributions that included helping to establish Van Miller is more than a voice, however. only irrelevant to the cause of furthering clas- the South Bay Children’s Urgent Care Center As beloved as he is for his football com- sically liberal democracies and peace, but ac- and participating in the Christmas in April pro- mentary, his friendly presence and genuine tually hostile to our efforts to promote basic gram. care for the team and fans touches the entire freedoms. Loyd Williams was characterized by his fer- Buffalo community. When Bills fans tuned in to I urge the International Court of Justice to vent advocacy on behalf of laborers and his Mr. Miller, they felt as though they were listen- uphold the integrity of it’s Statute and recog- continuous belief in the inherent goodness of ing to a good friend.
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