PUBLIC (ELr:crIONS) DEPARTMENT p~~r II-PROFORlViA IV JOTAL POPULA:fl0N. AND POPULATION OF '~CffsrmtED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES IN TALUKS, PANCflAYAT UNION,- :MUNICIPALITIES AND PANCHAYATS OF· '1S. PUDUKKOTTAI DISTRICT 1971 Census '© GOVERNMENT OF 'l'AMI:ti .NADU 19~4 PiUNTED BY THE DIRECTOR 0F b~TATIONERT ANI) PRINTING, MADRAS, 01.... - '3F.nALF Oll' TB1il GOVERNMENT OF TAMIL NADU . 19'1" IS< PU~UKKOTTAI DISTRICT. Name of Revenue DivisionlTaluksJ 1971 Cellsus Population. P"rrenlage of ....A... Panchayat Unions I Municipalities. ,- -. ,---'-"- ~ Total. SC. ST. se. ST. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) --.---- I. PUDUKKOTTAI REVENUE DIVISION. 7,38,390 1,26,026 176 17.07 0.01 - (I) Kolathur Taluk, (2) Alangudi Taluk, (3) Pudukkottai Taluk and (4) Thirumayam Taluk. 1. KOLATHUR TALUK 2,14,904 38,351 17.85 (i) Viralimalai Panchayat Union 76,627 13,123 17.13 (ii) Keeranur PancMyat Union 56,353 7,613 13.51 (iii) Annavasal Panchayat Union 81,924 17,615 21.50 15. PUDUKOTTAI DISTRICT---cont. Percentage of Name of Revenue Division/Taluks/ 1971 Censlt_S' Population. ,.-_---Jo... Panchayat Unions/Municipalities. ,.- _;'- Total. SC ST SC ST (5) (6) (1) (2) (3) (4) --.~,,--.-- 17'26 0'02 L ALANGUDI TALUK * 1,61,441 27,870 33 24.38 0'05 Karambakudi Panchayat Union 63,032 15,366 33 17.36 tia 3.PUDUKKOTTAITALUK 1,64,602 28,576 - 15.62 Tiruvarankulam Panchayat Union .. t 2,63,011 41,080 .... 8.14 (a) pudulckotlai Municip:llity . 66,384 5,403 .'. 18·14 (b) Panchayats (Other areas) 1,96,627 35.677 15.82 0.07 4. 'ilRUMAYAM TALUK 1,97,443 31,229 143 14.55 0·07 (i) Ponnamaravathy Panchayat Union .. 76,560 11,141 51 18·62 0·14 (ii) Tirumayam Panchayat Union 60,915 11,343 88 -- rO.07 (iii) Arimalam Panchayat Union 59,968 8,745 4 14'58 n. ARANTANGI REVENUE DIVISION. 2,08,961 25,268 102 12.09 0.05 (5. Arantangi Taluk only) 5. ARANTANGI TALUK .. 2,08,961 25,268 102 12.09 0.05 (i) Arantangi Panehayat Union - 1,34,224 14,396 102 10'73 0·08 (ii) Avadayarkoil Pane hay at Union 74,737 10,872 14'55 DISTRICT TOTAL ~47,351 1-51,294,., 278 15'97 0.03 ._--_._._-- ----------.--~"-----,--- * Exclu.l~the population of certain Revenue vlllages which are bhown in Thlruvara.okulam Panchayat UnIon ill Puduk .ottai Tal.lk (Cot,.l P p ll,tt,on 98, t;)9). t Thi 1 include.; the l'opulatioll of cort.a.;a Ravo:mo villagas belonging to Alangudi Taluk. (Tutal Population 98,(09). PART II. PRO FORMA IV. 15. PUDUKKOTTAI nISTRICT. 1. KOLATHUR TALUK. Percentagt> vI Name of Revenue Dhision/ Villages/Towns constituting 1971 Census Population. the Panchavat and ------ ----- -- 'Taluks/Panchayat Unions/ ST SC ST l'anchayats/Mutzicipalities. their Location Code Total. sc Numher. (4) (5) (6) (7) (1) (2) (3) II» 176 17.07 0'02 L PUDUKKOTTAl REVENUE DIVL~ION 7,38,390 1,26,026 (1. Kolathur. 2. Alangudy 3. Pudukkottai and 4. Thirumayam faluks.) 17.85 1. KOLATHUR TALUK 2,14,904 38,351 17.13 (i) Viralimalai Panchayat Union 76,627 13,123 PANCHA Y A TS.- Meenaveli 1 Meenaveli 2,158 517 If ,_ Agarapatti .. 2 Agarapatti 1,695 257 Theravur 3 Theravur 1,549 455 Kodumbalu_r 4 Kodumbalur ~>--- 3,428 824 " .. Kesavanur .• 5 KeSavalltlr ._.. 660 19 Thengathinnipatty .. 6 Thengathinnipatty 1,830 297 Virudapatty 7 Virudapatty. .. 2,033 333 Poyyamani " R Poyyamani 1,674 560 Rasalipatty •. 13 Rasalipatty 2,567 379 Nambampatty 14 Nambampatty 2,619 515 QI Komangalam 15 Komangalam 955 5 Kalkudy •• •• .. 2,009 226 .. ~ 16 Vittamapatty •• 1,28. 89 17 Kalkudy 725 137 .. .Boothakudl ., 2,499 535 I 18 Boothakudi ... 1,441 181 19 Poruvai 1,058 374 ~.. 1. KOLATHUR TALUK-conl Name of Revenue Division/ Vii/ages fTowns constituting 1971 Census Population Percentage of Taluks jPanchayat Unions / the Panchayat and ,- Panchayats IMunicipalities. their Loc.:Jtion Code Numbers. Total SC ST SC ST (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (i) Viralimalai Panchayat Union-cont. Meppudhakudi 20 Meppudhakudi 1,678 146 Vanathirayanpatty. 21 Vanathirayanpatty 2,695 456 Viralur 22 Viralur 2,321 435 ... c=- Thennambadi 23 Thennambadi.. 1,196 400 ""- •• •• Vadugapatty 24 Vadugapatty •. 563 156 .. Viralimalai •• 25 Viralimalai 3,046 579 Rajagiri 26 Rajagid 2,098 . 314 Kathalur 2,583 451 - 27 Mullaiyur 775 05 .. 28 Akkalanaickenpatty .. 759 296 ,. ..• 29 K:athalur 1,049 60 - Sooriyur 30 Sooriyur 1,756 38() - ~- Melapachakudy _ .. 1.583 84 31 Kumarapatty' la? 27 32 Melapachakudy •• 1,016 57 .. C':. - Kunnathur .. 33 Kunnathur .. - 1,618 270 ... Mathayanaipatty 34 Mathayanaipatty 576 246 .. .~'. - Avoor - 2,149 317 •• .,. v 35 afb Amburpatti •• 1,252 ISO ... .... - ooit 49 alb Sengalagudi 554 90 - - 49 bIb Sengalagudi 343 47 ~ AJangudy .. 1,456 4~ .-.. 35 bIb Amburpatti Reserve Forest. 36 ale Alangudy 1,.56 45 - _36 ble Alangudy Reserve Forest. 36 c/c Alangudy Reserve Forat. 1. KOLATHUR TALUK-cont. Name of Revenue Division/ Villages/Towns constituting 1971 Census Population. Percentage of. tralukslPanchayat Unions! the Panchayat and their I'anchayats/Municipalities. Location Code Numbers. Total SC ST SC S1' (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (I (i) Viralimalai Pancbayat Union-cont. Petambur .. 1.861 350 - 37 ale Perambur l.861 350 37 b/e Perambur Reserve Forest 37 etc Perambut Reserve Forest. 1.388 236 ... :38 Pakkudy SiO lIS 41 Paiyur 548 lIS KongudipatU 756 tOI - 39' Kongudipatti 387 4' 40 Th~nnangudi •. 3Gll 55 - ' Nangupatti .. 42 Nangupatti 1,047 204 ViIlapatty 44 ViUapatty B02 t03 -, Maruthampatty 680 121 .. ,. ....- - :.~ 45 alb Maruthampatty: ~ 680 121 :0 ... !O I 45 bib Marutlmmpat1y. Reserve Forest. ~ Vemmani 46 Ver!'imani .... 968 174 Neerpalani ,-' 47 Neerpalani 1.747 513 ... Mandaiyur •. 2,989 243 - 48 ale Mandaiyur 2,227 .. 179 .." 48 b/e Mandaiyur Reserve Forest. 0- 48 c/c Mandaiyur .,. Reserve FQreit. 50 Singulhakurichi 762 6' .'. Kumaramangalam. 51 Kumaramangalam 716 104 Mathur 52 Mathur 2,841 311 • Laksblllanapatty 53 ale Lakshmanapatty.\ 1,268 53 Thondaiman Nallur. 1.203 180 53 ble Ll'Ikshmanapatty 1.20.3 /t,(\ 1. KOLATHUR TALUK-cont. Name of Revenue Division! Villages /ToWJ1s constituting 1971 Census Population. Percentage of Taluks/panchayat Unionsj the Panchayat and Panchayats / Municipalities. their Location Code Numbers. Total. SC ST SC ST 0) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) • (7) (i) Viarlimalai Pancbayat Union-cont. 53 cjc Lakshmanapatty Reserve Forest. Kalamavur 1,169 169 ,"" ... 0 54 a/c Kalamavur 1,169 169 54 c/~ Kalamavur Reserve Forest. Naduppatti .. 54 b/c Kalamavur 1,043 195 PaIandampatti 1,576 37 56 alb Palandampatti 1.576 :;7 -" 56 bIb Palandampatti Reserve Forest tUennathirayanpatti. 1,486 ,_ 51 Thennathirayanpatti. 1,297 "- - 1. KOLATHUR TALUK-cont. Name (if Revenue Village/Towns Division/Ta/uks / constituting the 'Panchayat 1971 Census population. Percenhge of Panchayat Unionsj and t,leir Location Pancnayats/ Code Numbers. ,-Total. S~-ST -, r---;C-..A.--;r-" M unicipaiities. 0) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (II) Keeranur Panchayat Union-cont. Laknapatty .. 1,288 107 - ... 43 Padiratty GIg 74 110 Laknapatty •• 669 33 ~. Keeranur 55 alb Keeranur 4,652 364 Pallathupatti 1,678 195 55 bib Keeranur 1,432 163 79 Brahadambalpuram •• 246 32 .. - ~~ Visalur ~60 Visalur 684 110 .. Puliyur 61 Puliyur 2,243 144 Settipatti 1,469 126 62 alb Settipatti 1,46) 12(> .. 62 bib Settipatti ~, -'_!.__- Reserve Forest. Kannangudi 974 135 63 Kann~angudi 72,) 106 . 13 VeI1apillayarpatti 254 . ::9 .Themmavur •. .2,009 359 66 a/c Themmavur 2,OJ9 359 66 c/c Themmavur Reserve Forest .... Koppampattl 66 ble Themmavur . ~. 736 97 Minnathur •.• 67 alb Minnathur 2,067 363 Pappudayampatti 67 bib MinnathU1' 48Z 81 Vathanakottai 1.856 399 68 alb Vathanakottai 1,384 229 68 bib Vathanakottai Reserve Forest . 69 KunnandarkoiJ "72 170 1. KOLATHUR T ALUK-cont. Name of Revenue Divisionl Villages/Towns constituting 1971 Census Population. Percentage of fl'llluksjPanchayat Unions/ tIle Panchayat and ,.....---__..A.. ---. r- .A.... ___'\ PanchayatsI M unicipaiities. their Location Code Total. SC ST SC Sl' Numbers. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (Ii) Keeranur Panchayat UniOD-cont. Rakkathampatti 70 RakkathampaW 828 50 Udayalipatti - - 1,606 153 .... .. .. .... 71 Udayalipatti alb 1,606 1~3 • 71 {bib Udayalipatti Reserve Forest. T. Kecliyur 1,879 264 .... 72 a/c T. Keeliyur 1,879 264 - 72 b/c T. Keeliyur Reserve Forest. 72 c/c T. Keeliyur Reserve Forest. Nanjool 1,507 73 74 :Marudur .. 220 21 et.. ... 78 Nanjoor 1,287 52 •• Valiampatty 1,405 194 - - 75 alb Valiampatty ... 1,403 -' 194 - , , - .. 75 hI!? VaJiampatty ." Reserve Forest. Odugampatt} 76 Odugampatty 1,172 176 .... Mangathevanpatty. 77 Mangathevanpatty 1,144 96 .. ~ Uppiliakudi .. ... 80 U ppiliakudi .... 1,505 165 ." ' . SanayakudJ 916 158 u 81 Sanayakudi ... 454 129 - ~ •• 84 Kadambavaya' 4,(;2 29 .. Valamangalam . - 846 226 82 Seemanur " •• 398 54 .. 83 Valamangalam 448 172 Veerakudi 1,151 162 .. 85 alb VeJrakudi 1,151 162 85 bib Ve;o:;:"akudi Reserve Forest;. 1. KOLATHUR TALUK-cont. Name of Revenue Villages/Towns Division/Taluks! constituting the Panchayat 1971 Census population. Percentage of Panchayat Unions! and their location ...A- Panchayats I Code Number.s Total. SC ST SC ST Municipalities. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (11) Keeranur Panchayat Union-cont. Killanur .. 86 Killanur 1,206 91 164 .... Perambur 87 Perambur 899 .. Q Andakulam 3,417 553 •• 88 alb Andakulam 2,912 440 •• •• 89 Sa1hinipatti .. 605 113 .. - Periathambiuda:an- 88 bib Andakulam 526 patti. Thennangudi 1,319 287 90 alb Uchani 458 114 90 bIb Uchani Reserve Forest. - 91 Thennangudi .. 300 leo _. 92 alb Se :rangampatty •• 661' 73 92 bib Seerangampatty •• Reservf. Forest. 87 - Vaithur ... ..... - 2.13.' .. -l. -co 93 a 'b Vaittur 2.13~ 117 - I 93 bib Vaithur Reserve Forest. Moothampatty •• 673 76 • • .
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