SOLTRANS BOARD OF DIRECTORS AGENDA Board of Directors 5:30 PM, Wednesday, July 17, 2019 Benicia Council Chamber, City Hall, 250 East L St., Benicia Public Comment: Pursuant to the Brown Act, the public has an opportunity to speak on any matter on the agenda or, for matters not on the agenda, issues within the subject matter jurisdiction of the agency. Comments are limited to no more than 3 minutes per speaker unless modified by the Board Chair, Gov’t Code § 54954.3(a). By law, no action may be taken on any item raised during the public comment period (Agenda Item IV) although informational answers to questions may be given and matters may be referred to staff for placement on a future agenda of the agency. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): This agenda is available upon request in alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by the ADA of 1990 (42 U.S.C. §12132) and the Ralph M. Brown Act (Cal. Govt. Code §54954.2). Persons requesting a disability related modification or accommodation should contact Suzanne Fredriksen, Clerk of the Board, at (707) 736-6993 during regular business hours at least 72 hours prior to the time of the meeting. Staff Reports: Staff reports are available for inspection at the SolTrans office, during regular business hours, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday. You may also contact the Clerk of the Board via email at [email protected]. Supplemental Reports: Any reports or other materials that are issued after the agenda has been distributed may be reviewed by contacting the SolTrans Clerk of the Board and copies of any such supplemental materials will be available on the table at the entry to the meeting room. Agenda Times: Times set forth on the agenda are estimates. Items may be heard before or after the times shown. 1. CALL TO ORDER/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIENCE Bob Sampayan, Chairperson, City of Vallejo (5:30 p.m.) 2. CONFIRM QUORUM/STATEMENT OF CONFLICT An official who has a conflict must, prior to consideration of the decision; (1) publicly identify in detail the financial interest that causes the conflict; (2) recuse himself/herself from discussing and voting on the matter; (3) leave the room until after the decision has been made. Cal. Gov’t Code § 87200. 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 4. OPPORTUNITY FOR PUBLIC COMMENT 5. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT 6. PROCLAMATIONS & PRESENTATIONS 1 The complete SolTrans Board Meeting Packet is available on SolTrans’ Website at https://soltrans.org 6.A. SolTrans Employee Longevity Recognition Suggested Action: Informational. (PRESENTER: Bob Sampayan, Chairperson) 6.B. SolTrans Summer Interns Presentation Suggested Action: Informational. (PRESENTERS: Nicolette Balmaceda, John Gabatin, Laura Wadsworth, and Jordan Walker) Cover Memo.pdf SolTrans Summer Interns Presentation.pdf 7. CONSENT CALENDAR Recommendation: Approve the following consent items in one motion. Note: Items under consent calendar may be removed for separate discussion. 7.A. Meeting Minutes of May 16, 2019 Suggested Action: Approve the Board Meeting Minutes of May 16, 2019. (PRESENTER: Suzanne Fredriksen, Board Clerk) Board Meeting Minutes of 05-16-19.pdf 7.B. Transportation Development Act (TDA), State Transit Assistance Funds (STAF) and Regional Measure 2 (RM2) Claims Suggested Action: 1) Approve the Resolutions as shown in Attachments A and B. 2) Authorize the Executive Director to execute and submit required documents for claiming SolTrans’ FY 2019-20 Allocation Requests for TDA and STAF Funds as needed. 3) Authorize the Executive Director to execute and submit required documents for claiming SolTrans’ FY 2019-20 Allocation Request for RM2 Funds in the amount of $1,572,308. (PRESENTER: Kristina Botsford, Finance & Administration Manager) Staff Report - TDA STAF and RM2 Claims.pdf Attachment A - Resolution to File Claim for TDA STAF Funds for FY 2019-20.pdf Attachment B -Resolution to File Claim with MTC for RM2 Funds for FY 2019-20.pdf 7.C. Approve Maintenance Agreement with Caltrans for Hwy 37 and Fairgrounds Drive Bus Stops Suggested Action: Adopt SolTrans Resolution No. 2019-07 authorizing the Executive Director to execute a Maintenance Agreement including any subsequent amendments to the Agreement, with the State of California Department of Transportation as shown on Attachment A, and made retroactively effective on July 1, 2019, subject to Legal Counsel approval as to form. (PRESENTER: Beth Kranda, Executive Director) Staff Report - Maintenance Agreement with Caltrans for Hwy 37_Fairgrounds Stop.pdf Attachment A - Reso No. 2019-07 Authorizing Execution of Maintenance Agreement w Caltrans.pdf 7.D. Purchase of Two (2) Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) MCI Commuter Buses Suggested Action: Authorize the Executive Director to issue a Purchase Order in an amount not to exceed $1,630,000 plus applicable sales tax, for the purchase of two CNG commuter buses from the existing contract between SolTrans and Motor Coach Industries, Inc., subject to Legal Counsel approval as to form. (PRESENTER: Kristina Botsford, Finance and Administration Manager) Staff Report - Commuter Coach Procurement.pdf 2 The complete SolTrans Board Meeting Packet is available on SolTrans’ Website at https://soltrans.org 7.E. Approve SolTrans’ Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Goal for Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2020 – 2022 Suggested Action: Approve the overall Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Goal for FFY 2020 through 2022 as set forth in Attachment A. (PRESENTER: Dennis Ybarra, Program Analyst II) Staff Report - Approve DBE Goal for FFY 2020-FFY 2022.pdf Attachment A - DBE Goal Document FFY 2020-2022.pdf 8. PUBLIC HEARING 8.A. Proposed Elimination of SolTrans Regional Shuttle Program Suggested Action: 1) Reconvene the public hearing; 2) Receive feedback submitted by the public regarding the proposed elimination of the SolTrans Regional Shuttle program and close the public hearing; and 3) Authorize and provide direction to Staff to discontinue Regional Shuttle service as of September 1, 2019. (PRESENTER: John Sanderson, Operations and Planning Manager) Staff Report - Proposed Elimination of Regional Shuttle.pdf REGULAR CALENDAR 9. ACTION ITEMS 9.A. Reclassification of Finance and Administration Manager to Position of Deputy Director Suggested Action: Reclassify the position of Finance and Administrative Manager with the new classification of Deputy Director, as shown in Attachment A; and approve the new salary schedule as shown in Attachment B. (PRESENTER: Beth Kranda, Executive Director) Staff Report - Reclassification of Finance & Administration Manager Position.pdf Attachment A - Proposed Job Reclassification_Deputy Director.pdf Attachment B - Salary Schedule.pdf NON-ACTION/ INFORMATIONAL 10. DISCUSSION ITEMS 10.A. Operating Revenue and Expenses for 11 Months Ended May 31, 2019 Suggested Action: Informational. (PRESENTER: Kristina Botsford, Finance and Administration Manager) Staff Report - Operating Revenue & Expenses for 11 Months.pdf Attachment A - Operating Revenue & Expense 7-1-2018 through 5-31-2019.pdf 11. NON-DISCUSSION ITEMS 12. STAFF BRIEFINGS 13. BOARD OF DIRECTORS COMMENTS 3 The complete SolTrans Board Meeting Packet is available on SolTrans’ Website at https://soltrans.org 14. ADJOURNMENT MEETING MINUTES Meeting Minutes of July 17, 2019 Suggested Action: Informational. Board Meeting Minutes of 07-17-19.pdf 4 The complete SolTrans Board Meeting Packet is available on SolTrans’ Website at https://soltrans.org SOLTRANS ACRONYMS LIST OF TRANSPORTATION TERMS Last Updated: April 11, 2019 Solano County Transit A MPO Metropolitan Planning Organization ABAG Association of Bay Area Governments MTC Metropolitan Transportation Commission ADA Americans with Disabilities Act N, O, & P APC Automatic Passenger Counter NEXT National Express Transit APTA American Public Transit Association NTD National Transit Database AVL Automated Vehicle Location System O&M Operations and Maintenance B PAC Public Advisory Committee BAFO Best and Final Offer PARS Public Agency Retirement Services BART Bay Area Rapid Transit PCC Paratransit Coordinating Council C PNR Park & Ride CalACT California Association for Coordinated PPP (3P) Public Private Partnership Transportation PY Prior Year CalOES California Office of Emergency Services R & S CalSTA California State Transportation Agency RFP Request for Proposals Caltrans California Department of Transportation RM2 Regional Measure 2 Funds CAM Cost Allocation Model RM3 Regional Measure 3 Funds CARB California Air Resources Board RVH Revenue Vehicle Hours CNG Compressed Natural Gas RVM Revenue Vehicle Miles COA Comprehensive Operational Analysis SRTP Short Range Transit Plan COV City of Vallejo STA Solano Transportation Authority CTA California Transit Association STAF State Transit Assistance Fund CTC California Transportation Commission T CTSA Consolidated Transportation Services TAC Technical Advisory Committee Agency TCP Transit Capital Priorities D TDA Transportation Development Act DAR Dial-a-Ride TIP Transportation Improvement Program DBE Disadvantaged Business Enterprise TNC Transportation Network Company DOT Department of Transportation U, V, W, Y E & F UA or UZA Urbanized Area FAST Fairfield and Suisun Transit VMT Vehicle Miles Traveled FAST Act Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act VTC Vallejo Transit Center FHWA Federal Highway Administration WETA San Francisco Bay Area Water Emergency FTA Federal Transit Administration Transportation Authority FY Fiscal Year YTD Year to Date G, H, I, & J GFI Gen-fare Industries Farebox GPS Global Positioning System HOV High
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