Diagnostic Center · Rigshospitalet · University of Copenhagen Annual Report Annual Report DEPARTMENT OF CLINICAL PHYSIOLOGY, NUCLEAR MEDICINE & PET 2009 Clinical Physiology and Nuclear Medicine 177Lu-DOTA, Tyr3-octreotate KF 4011, Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen, Blegdamsvej 9, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark Telephone: +45 3545 4011 Fax no: +45 3545 4015 [email protected] www.riget.kfnm.dk PET & Cyclotron Unit PET 3982 Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen, Blegdamsvej 9, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark Telephone: +45 3545 3919 Annual Report 2009 Fax no: +45 3545 3898 [email protected] www.pet.rh.dk Rigshospitalet Rigshospitalet · University of Copenhagen Contents Editors: 4 Preface Liselotte Højgaard 7 Mission and Objectives Gitte Runge 8 Organization and Staff Layout and production: 10 Highlights of the year 2009 www.bureauLIST.dk / 14820 12 Dotatate Fotos:13 Peralust Lars Bahl Bent 14 Børgesen Nuclear Medicine Søren 15 Holm Pediatric Nuclear Medicine Andreas Kjær 16 Cyclotron Unit NRC Network University Research Conference 17 Radiochemistry Issues: 18 PET/CT scanning in Oncology 1000 ex. 19 PET/CT scanning in Radiation Therapy Copyright:20 Cardiac Studies Department of Clinical Physiology, Nuclear Medicine & PET, 21 Academic Activities KF 4011, Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen, Blegdamsvej 22 Patient 9, DK-2100 Investigations Copenhagen Ø, Denmark 23 Finance Contact: Professor 24 Research Liselotte Højgaard E-mail: [email protected] Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen 25 Cluster for Molecular Imaging Phone: +45 3545 4215 / 1792 Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen, was founded by King Frederik V in 1757. At pre- 26 Publications 2009 sent it has 1.200 beds, 8.000 employees and a budget of approximately 0.7 bio €. The 28 Scientific Collaboration research production is more than 1.700 publications per year, including approximately 80 higher academic degrees (PhD and doctoral of medical science). Rigshos pitalet is part of 28 Grants and Awards The Capital Region of Copenhagen. www.rigshospitalet.dk 29 MSc in Medicine and Technology University of Copenhagen 30 Education University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Health Sciences was founded in 1479. 31 Nuclear Medicine Technologists The University is member of The International Alliance of Research Universities. 32 PET and PET/CT Scanners www.ku.dk 33 Equipment 33 Accreditation 34 European Medical Research Councils 3 Preface The Department of Clinical Physiology, new Dotatate treatment. We are impressed tracerlist. Congratulations to the Radio- Young students from abroad with high am- department is functioning well and that the Leading Chief Technologist, Centre of Nuclear Medicine & PET at Rigshospitalet, by your achievements. A warm thank you! chemistry Production Team. The Cyclotron bitions in research in the broad field of staff are collaborating well and proud of Diagnostic Investigations, for excellent University of Copenhagen, had a busy Unit has been functioning well and the nuclear medicine, PET and molecular the patient studies, research and educa- help and good collaboration in 2009. 2009. We carried out more than 30,000 The Danish journal Dagens Medicin (Medi- team has succeeded in extending the CTI- imaging are welcome in our Department. tion. Thank you to everyone for this posi- patient investigations and produced more cine of Today) rated our department “Best cyclotron to a dual-beam machine. Con- In Spring 2009 we had Medical Student tive feedback. A special warm thank you to Dr. Jannik than 80 peer-reviewed papers, including Department in Denmark” in 2009 on the gratulations! Mona Lichtblau from Heidelberg as ex- Hilsted, Medical Doctor, Rigshospitalet for a report of the first randomized controlled basis of votes from our colleagues in Den- change student and in Autumn 2009 we In 2010 we are heading towards a renova- strong support and help with the Dotatate trial on the use of PET/CT for staging of mark. We are obviously very proud of this Our research mission at the department had Medical Student Yin Wu from Univer- tion of the radiochemistry lab with new project. lung cancer, published in the influential honour and we are delighted to have been states: “Everything within the framework of sity College London. At the moment our FDG-labs, and we look forward to a con- New England Journal of Medicine. evaluated in such a positive way by our nuclear medicine including PET and mole- staff represent 15 different nationalities. tinued strengthening of patient investiga- We are looking forward to exciting new own peers. cular imaging with animals, translational It is a privilege to work in a multicultural tions in an academic environment based challenges in 2010 – for the benefit of pa- The financial balance for the Department and clinical studies, development of new environment and although our everyday on the most up-to-date infrastructure. tients, research and education! was positive – as it has been for now 10 We opened the PET/CT scanner number 6 isotopes on the cyclotrons, and develop- language is Danish, our research language years. in June 2009 and now have a superb facili- ment of new tracers in the radiochemistry is English and our researchers and staff We would like to express a warm and sin- ty with PET/CT scanner 5 and PET/CT facility, is welcome. The only criterion is are to a large extent proficient in English. cere thank you to all staff members for Liselotte Højgaard and Linda M. Kragh The most important tasks for our Depart- scanner 6 adjacent to each other. These quality, quality and quality”. Professor their great effort in 2009, and a warm ment are to deliver the best patient investi- two scanners are mainly used for the large Andreas Kjær, who is responsible for our In November 2009 we had an “APV”, a thank you to all collaborators and partners gation to each individual patient in a re- daily clinical production of PET/CT scans research programme, describes our re- mandatory work environment evaluation. within the hospital and from abroad. spectful, dignified and friendly way; to within oncology. We have a large pro- search in details on page 24. The replies from the staff revealed re- undertake first class research; and to or- gramme for PET/CT scans within oncology quests for: more space, renovation of the A special thank you to Dr. Mogens Sand- ganize educational programmes for both for a variety of cancer diseases for stag- We have had an excellent research colla- old buildings and better infrastructure. The bjerg Hansen, Director of Centre of Diag- undergraduate and postgraduate studies ing, treatment evaluation and relapse eva- boration with Professor Gitte Moos Knudsen important message was, however, that the nostic Investigations, and Karin Nørgaard, for medical doctors, bioengineers, physi- luation. In addition to our 4,000 clinical and her team at the CIMBI programme. We cists and nuclear medicine technologists. PET/CT scans we also performed more look forward to continued research colla- than 700 second opinion PET scan read- boration on neurobiology, basic research, The highlight of 2009 was the initiation of ings. (Our clinicians here at the hospital translational research and drug develop- treatment of patients with neuroendocrine receive PET/CT scans performed outside ment. tumors with 177Lu-Dotatate in our new facili- the Rigshospitalet, and are asked to ties. Previously, patients from Denmark re-evaluate the scan readings.) In 2009 we We have an extensive programme in Pedi- had been treated in Basel in Switzerland, also performed 700 PET/CT scans for atric Nuclear Medicine and PET, focused but after a two-year preparatory phase we radiation therapy planning. We would like on delivering the best investigation for have now acquired the skills to deliver the to thank Professor Svend Aage Engelholm, each and individual child and family. Our treatment with the isotopes produced at Chair of the Department of Radiation The- research is performed by MDs in collabo- the Hevesy Lab at Risø, DTU. In 2009 we rapy, and his team for the excellent colla- ration with nuclear medicine technologists gave 46 treatments. For the patients it is boration on patient studies, research, de- and radiographers and we are member of both comforting and convenient that they velopment and education. We are proud of the Pediatric Nuclear Medicine Network, can receive this treatment without travel- our contribution to the advanced radiation using telemedicine to provide second ling to a different country. Our intensive re- therapy here at Rigshospitalet. Also thank opinions across the world. search programme around these patients you to Ole Bergsten, MTA for help and is part of the Rigshospitalet Neuroendo- collaboration. In the Cluster for Molecular Imaging the crine Tumor Study Group (RHINET). To- combination of animal PET/CT with new gether we have succesfully gained accre- In the field of PET the number of investi- tracers and Q-PCR for tumor markers has ditation as a “Centre of Excellence” by the gations has increased again and the pro- yielded a remarkably high output of impor- European Neuroendocrine Tumor Society. gramme in brain tumors and pediatric tant research. Professor Andreas Kjær and We would like to take this opportunity to tumors has been expanded. The radio- his group are greatly thanked for this im- express our thanks to the team behind the chemistry section has expanded the pressive effort. 4 5 Mission and Objectives The mission of Rigshospitalet is to be the leading hospital in Denmark for patients in need of highly specialized treatment.
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