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Sa cred Jour neys: ©2015, 2016, 2017 Artscience Im ages: authors and friends, com pany and press pic- tures, PhotoDisc, Corel, Wikipedia, Mindlift Beeldbankiers. Dis tri bu tion: Boekencoöperatie Nederland u.a. email: [email protected] www.boekcoop.nl www.boekenroute.nl (webshop) All rights re served, in clud ing dig i tal re dis tri bu tion and ebook First editiion: De cem ber 2015, Sec ond, ap pended edition April 2016 Third edition Jan. 2017 ISBN 9789492079091 pub lisher: Onderstroomboven Collectief im print: Artscience. Pa perback price € 6,95 Con tents 1 Pre fa ce 7 2 Tripping: the process 10 Journey to the dream 10 The pre pa ra ti on 11 Pha ses, gig gling 13 Iso la ti on, li mi na li ty, the dark 14 Peak 19 Sit ters: de sig na ted hel pers 22 The mys ti cal, re gres si on 26 Rebirth and de ath 27 The end of the trip: co ming down 28 Over sti mu la ti on 29 The af ter-ef fects 30 3 Set and Set ting 32 Agen da 33 Pla ce 34 With whom, with what? 34 Bon ding and trans fe ren ce 35 Dif fe rent ways of using 36 4 Pur po se 37 Dee per goals 38 Over co ming fear 40 To le ran ce 41 5 Ri tu als and Group ses sions 42 He a ling jour neys, mys ti cal in sights 44 Me di cal use 45 Re pe ti ti on, loops 46 Stages of a ritu al 49 Ri tes of pas sa ge: ini ti a ti on 50 Contact – alignment - group mind 52 Struc tu re amidst cha os 54 To copy an existing ritu al or to crea te somet hing new 54 6 Sanc tu a ry, safe spa ce 57 Sa fe ty first 57 Sa cred spa ce, tem po ra ry au to no mous zone 58 Hol ding spa ce and cir cle in te gri ty 61 7 His to ry and me a ning 62 Evo lu ti o na ry role, the base of self con sci ous ness 64 Tripping is analog, not digi tal 67 3 The ma gi cal, most ly ig no red 68 Nar row focus; look ing at the bright side only 71 8 The first time 73 9 Co ming down, the in te gra ti on 75 Take it easy 76 10 Real, sacred or fun 78 Evo lu ti on trail 80 The truth of rea li ty 81 What is per cep ti on and in for ma ti on, any way 82 Po la ri ty and cau sa li ty 83 11 Risks, dang ers, the Law 84 Overd ose, ad dic ti on, de pen den cy 84 The sy stem cri mi na li zes users 84 Overd ose, OD 89 We are all de pendent 93 The myths about abu se, gloom and doom 94 12 The ra py, he a ling, sit ters, sha mans 95 Surfa ce fixing or deep he a ling, the risks 96 What is the pur pose? 96 The sha dow, the dark in si de of you 97 Body and soul, he a ling, your iden ti ty field 97 The tools 98 Helpers and Sitters; the guided trip 100 Explo ra ti on of the mul tiple masks 102 Inter net sur veil lan ce 103 Mir ror and pro jec ti ons, sex 103 13 Fes ti vals, ra ves, par ty, club bing 105 Fes ti va li za ti on 105 Why are pe ople going? 107 What scenes, discos, places? 110 Free water 111 Sex: nice but also dark waters 112 14 LSD, acid trip ping 114 Time per cep ti on 116 Adver se ef fects 116 15 Can na bis, ma rij u a na 119 16 Ma gic Mush rooms, Psi lo cy bin 121 Teo-nan acatl: Flesh of the Gods 122 Effects 124 Envi ron ment 127 4 Do sa ge 128 Nau sea 130 War nings 131 Overd ose 132 Le gal si tu a ti on and tra cing 133 What are Magic Truffles? 133 Pic king mush rooms 136 Gro wing 137 Ama ni ta mus ca ria 138 17 XTC, Ecstasy, MDMA or Mol ly 139 Effects: em pa tho gen and en the o gen 144 Ther apeu tic tool 145 Overd ose 147 Long term risks 148 Her bal Ecsta sy 150 Alter na ti ves, si mi lar drugs 151 2CB 151 Speed, amp he ta mi nes 151 GHB: Gam ma-Hy droxyBu ty ric acid 152 Khat 153 Tips/ad vi ce 154 18 Ay a hu as ca, the holy trip 156 Plants are our te achers 156 DMT 157 Ri tu al use 159 San to Dai me Church 160 Pur po se 161 San-Pe dro ri tu als 167 19 Other sub stan ces 168 De sig ner drugs 169 20 Why and how do they work? 170 21 Image ry, gui ded vi su a li za tions 177 Gui ded vi su a li za ti ons, hyp no sis, re gres si on 179 Building your dream tem ple 181 22 What can pa rents and schools do? 182 Is it dangerous for my chil dren? 183 Will my kid tell me? 184 How do I tell my parents and tripping to ge ther? 185 Age and use, kids and seni ors 187 23 Animals and drugs, te acher plants, sha manism 188 5 Sha ma nism 191 24 Cha kras and per sona li ty type: drugs of choice 192 Cha kras 192 Per so na li ty ty pes, drugs of choi ce 194 Drug clas si fi ca ti on and PSI-ma trix: a com pa ri son 197 25 Mi cro do sing 200 26 The futu re 202 The Law, de cri mi na liza ti on, le ga liz a ti on 204 Drug po li cy re form 205 New drugs, NPS (new psycho-acti ve substan ces) 205 Po liti cal ly or theo lo gical ly incor rect 208 Inno va ti on and in sights, cre a ti ve tool and plat form 209 Com bi na ti ons with the ra py 210 Bet ter un der stan ding hap pi ness 211 Li te ra tu re, more in for ma ti on 215 Index 219 Entering a magical realm 6 \ 1 Pre fa ce This book is a general intro duc tion to substances and practices that are age-old and yet re garded as ille gal, prim itive, super sti tious and danger - ous. It is not prom oting this, but tries to fill in gaps in under stand ing and pro vide gen eral in for ma tion in or der to guide us ers, by stand ers, sit ters, parents and those who have a profes sional interest in the matter. · Ever tried or been drawn to use what are ge ne rally cal led psyche de lic drugs? · Ever had your doors of percep tion ope ned, as Aldous Huxley cal led it, giving you a glimp se of the wi der and utter ly magi cal rea li ty out there and inside you? · Are you cu rious to expe rience a realm that is not only a vi sual trea su- re-chest but also allows you to better under stand your self and the world, stepping outsi de the barriers of norm al space and time? If so, you might want to have some refer ence, some ma trix or foun da - tion to give the expe rience a place in your world view and in your per- sonal cosm ology . This book tries to offer such a founda tion and some guidance in the strange realm of psy che delic tripping. It is, however, not the ulti m ate map of that terri tory, as we still have only a fleeting insight in what these substances really do and what they offer to us. The focus and purpose of this book is to help you see that the spe cial gifts of these substances are best expe rienced if the trip is a sacred jour- ney and to help you cre ate a proper set and setting to achieve this. We don’t want to advo cate the use of any psy che delic chem icals, plants or com pounds, but offer some help for those who insist in taking them or have to deal with those who do. These sub stances aren’t just rec re- ational uppers or escap ist recre ational drugs; they bring strong expe ri- ences that may shake your view of self and the world and are not always harmless. Their use is not without risks, short term and long term. A trip can turn out bad and there are health issues, es pe cially with ha bitual use. There is the dosage question; how much is ef fective, how much will lead to over- dose situ a tions, but there are other dangers. 7 How po tent is what one ingests, smokes or other wise takes in? One might be caught by ac ciden tal intake, surprised by the effect s. The body (or mind) may have an unex pected and nega tive reac tion, there are al ler- gies, side-ef fects, after-ef fects and under the infl u ence one may do the wrong things, get into accidents or worse.
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