THE KING’S BANNER Christ the King Lutheran Church, Houston, Texas 2353 Rice Blvd, Houston TX 77005 Volume 71, Number 5, May, 2017 713-523-2864 ctkelc.org Sunday, May 14 Celebrations Capital Campaign Phase II 8:30 a.m. Confirmation Sunday April 30 - June 4 Seven youth will affirm their baptism during worship service. Over the next several weeks—in The congregation has supported them with prayer and accom- Phase II of the campaign—the paniment during two years of confirmation class when they steering committee will engage studied Luther’s Small Catechism and the Bible. Affirmation of the congregation in a conversa- Baptism makes these youth full members of the congregation tion about what has been ac- with the right to vote at congregational meetings. We welcome complished thus far and what Zachary Bryant, Hannah Longoria, Henry Thweatt, Christina this means for our future. See van Hal, Eric van Hal, Michael Vollmers, and Eric Vuong. page 2 . 9:45 a.m. Bread for the World Annual Tag Sale Mother’s Day Offering of Letters The annual Tag Sale at Christ and Justice Fair the King Church will be This year’s Bread for the World emphasis urges Congress to Saturday May 6, 8:00 invest in and protect vital policies and safety-net programs a.m. - 12:00 p.m. in the 6 — including WIC, global nutrition, SNAP, and refundable tax parish hall. Take advantage May credits. Sample letters and writing materials will be availabe. of this event to clean out Supported with prayer, our letters become a bold witness to closets, garages and attics! God’s justice and mercy. They have had, and continue to have, We will collect items for the tag sale starting on Sunday, a significant impact on the decisions made in Congress. See April 30. Furniture sells well so we would gladly take it page 14. for the sale if you can get it to the church. Larger items 10:50 a.m. Graduates Recognition including furniture and large volume donations can If you are receiving a degree from high school, undergradu- only be accepted in the parish hall Thursday May 4 and ate, or graduate programs, we would like to know! Email the Friday May 5. church office with details about your graduation date and any We need volunteers plans you have for your future ([email protected]). Graduates to help set up, sell of all degrees will be invited to participate in a short rite of and clean up on recognition at the 10:50 a.m. service. High school seniors will Friday, May 5 (all day) receive a gift from the Piecemakers. and Saturday, May 6 Items that go well (7:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m.). include: Pentecost Picnic June 4 Email Ben Remmert children’s toys Come and join together for a good ol’ time at our annual Pen- at benremmert@ jewelry tecost Picnic on Sunday, June 4 at 12:15 p.m. in the courtyard. ctkelc.org. furniture All are invited to bring sides to complement the entrée of fried The income will sup- housewares chicken, like salads (potato, pasta, rice, green salads), vegeta- port the work of Proceeds will be used for bles, fruit and dessert. Vegetarian options are welcome! We ask House of Tiny Trea- children’s ministries projects that individuals help with $5 and families of four and more $20. at Christ the King Church sures, an accredited with a portion going to support Don your casual picnic attire and daycare for home- House of Tiny Treasures, an choose the color RED for Pentecost Sunday. less children, and accredited daycare center for children's ministries homeless children run by SEARCH Homeless Services.. projects at Christ the Pentecost Picnic King Church. Volunteers needed Sunday, June 4 12:15 p.m. Friday, May 5 and Saturday, May 6. Email Ben at [email protected]. Christ the King Lutheran Church 1 Capital Campaign Phase II: April 30-June 4 Senior Pastor Call Build Us Up, Send Us Forth Committee Update Under the banner of “Build Us Up, Send Us Forth,” The Senior Pastor Call Committee is members of Christ the King Lutheran Church have re- pleased to report that after receiv- newed our worship space, built a garden for remem- ing a slate of names from the Texas- brance and meditation, and committed to reducing our Louisiana Gulf Coast synod in late debt and strengthening our financial foundation. March, we’ve moved into the interview phase of our work. We have completed The physical improvements to the nave and sacristy, virtual interviews with a number of the parking lot on the south side of the church prop- promising candidates. The interview erty and the Meditation Garden and Columbarium phase will continue for several weeks. are complete. “I am very pleased with the nave,” says member Tod Schenk. “It is very open. When you first As reported in the March 12 Adult walk in, you are already among the people.” Now, it is Forum, we submitted our Ministry time for the congregation to fulfill the rest of the commitments we made in the Site Profile (MSP) in late February. Our “Build Us Up, Send Us Forth” campaign and look ahead to our future together as summary description, which is the MSP Christ’s church in this location. section that is publicly available via ELCA websites, states: In addition to much-needed capital improvements, the congregation committed 25 percent of the campaign proceeds to reduce the congregation’s long-term debt. We are an inclusive community of Chris- A principal payment at the conclusion of the appeal, combined with our regular tian believers, inspired by our reforma- payments over the course of the campaign, will reduce the debt substantially and tion theology and musical heritage, will cut the church’s annual debt service by more than $100,000—funds that can that yearns to embrace a new vision be invested each year in ministry within the con- for our minis- gregation, in the community and around the world. We are an inclusive community of try. We cherish During this exciting time in the life of the church, our rich tradi- achieving this objective will give our congregation Christian believers, inspired by our tions of music, maximum freedom to work with a new senior pas- reformation theology and musical liturgy, serious tor and explore new dimensions for our ministry. heritage, that yearns to embrace a theology, and As in earlier campaigns, the congregation is sharing new vision for our ministry. service. We are the proceeds of this campaign with the broader searching for a Church. The congregation is supporting “Always senior pastor to Being Made New: The Campaign for the ELCA,” which is seeking to raise nearly galvanize us as $200 million to support companion churches around the world, world hunger, faith-filled and faithful disciples into youth ministry, congregational renewal and planting new churches, and more. daily witness and service, working with us to accomplish God’s will for the next We need approximately $450,000 in new pledges—just 15 percent of the origi- chapter of our history. nal goal—to complete the campaign and cover all expenses and commitments. Imagine the powerful statement it will make to a new senior pastor, and to our The remainder of the online MSP form congregation and community, that we can achieve this goal in the midst of a described: leadership transition. Throughout the planning for the campaign, the steering • Who we are: contacts, congregation committee and Council always believed that reaching the goal by the end of the and community demographics, 2016 three-year appeal would be realistic. That goal is now within our reach. budget highlights; Over the next several weeks—in Phase II of the campaign—the steering committee • Our vision for mission: trends in the will engage the congregation in a conversation about what has been accomplished congregation and surrounding com- thus far and what this means for our future. We will explore the impact of the munity, current mission and ministry nave and sacristy projects on our commitment to discipleship, how the Colum- programs, primary goals, congrega- barium helps us to embrace the whole cycle of life, and the new ways we may be tional energy, ELCA partnerships; sent forth in service because our congregation is on a firmer financial foundation. • Our leadership needs: the type of leader we seek (including the top All are invited to participate in Phase II. We plan special efforts to reach new five ministry tasks and key gifts for members and people who did not participate in the initial phase. The appeal will ministry), mutual expectations for conclude on June 4—Pentecost Sunday—when pledges will be received. year one; We ask members to reflect on what we have accomplished and accept the in- continue on page 7 vitation to assist the campaign with their time and prayerful commitments. See page 4 Sunday Forum. 2 The King’s Banner The Lutheran Church in Trujillo, Peru The ELCA uses an accompaniment model for connecting the global church. Christ the King Church has been a companion congregation with the Lutheran Churches in Trujillo, Peru since 2010. Why did we enter into a companion relationship? Companion relationships help us to: • Nurture and strengthen one another for life and mission The mission offering is collected at the church doors at the end of worship. within the body of Christ • Participate in one another’s lives and ministries In March, more than 450,000 people had to grapple • Have a better perception of challenges in the global context, and with severe flooding in northern Peru.
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