The Securities and Exchange Commission has not necessarily reviewed the information in this filing and has not determined if it is accurate and complete. The reader should not assume that the information is accurate and complete. OMB APPROVAL UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION OMB Number: 3235-0006 Washington, D.C. 20549 Oct 31, FORM 13F Expires: 2018 FORM 13F COVER PAGE Estimated average burden hours per 23.8 response: Report for the Calendar Year or Quarter Ended: 09-30-2020 Check here if Amendment Amendment Number: This Amendment (Check only one.): is a restatement. adds new holdings entries. Institutional Investment Manager Filing this Report: Name: The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. Address: The Tower at PNC Plaza 300 Fifth Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15222-2401 Form 13F File Number: 028-01235 The institutional investment manager filing this report and the person by whom it is signed hereby represent that the person signing the report is authorized to submit it, that all information contained herein is true, correct and complete, and that it is understood that all required items, statements, schedules, lists, and tables, are considered integral parts of this form. Person Signing this Report on Behalf of Reporting Manager: Name: Gregory H. Kozich Title: Senior Vice President & Controller Phone: (888) 762-2265 Signature, Place, and Date of Signing: /s/ Gregory H. Kozich Pittsburgh, PA 11-06-2020 [Signature] [City, State] [Date] Report Type (Check only one.): X 13F HOLDINGS REPORT. (Check here if all holdings of this reporting manager are reported in this report.) 13F NOTICE. (Check here if no holdings reported are in this report, and all holdings are reported by other reporting manager(s).) 13F COMBINATION REPORT. (Check here if a portion of the holdings for this reporting manager are reported in this report and a portion are reported by other reporting manager(s).) Form 13F Summary Page Report Summary: Number of Other Included Managers: 4 Form 13F Information Table Entry Total: 3,871 Form 13F Information Table Value Total: 65,574,705 (thousands) List of Other Included Managers: Provide a numbered list of the name(s) and Form 13F file number(s) of all institutional investment managers with respect to which this report is filed, other than the manager filing this report. [If there are no entries in this list, state “NONE” and omit the column headings and list entries.] Form 13F File No. Name Number 2 028-5284 PNC Bank, National Association 3 028-13605 PNC Capital Advisors, LLC 4 028-13663 PNC Delaware Trust Company 5 028-16415 PNC Investments LLC The Securities and Exchange Commission has not necessarily reviewed the information in this filing and has not determined if it is accurate and complete. The reader should not assume that the information is accurate and complete. OMB APPROVAL UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION OMB Number: 3235-0006 Washington, D.C. 20549 Oct 31, FORM 13F Expires: 2018 FORM 13F INFORMATION TABLE Estimated average burden hours per 23.8 response: COLUMN COLUMN COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 5 COLUMN 6 COLUMN 8 4 7 VALUE SHRS OR SH/ PUT/ INVESTMENT OTHER VOTING AUTHORITY NAME OF ISSUER TITLE OF CLASS CUSIP (x$1000) PRN AMT PRN CALL DISCRETION MANAGER SOLE SHARED NONE DEUTSCHE BANK A G NAMEN AKT D18190898 62 7,356 SH DFND 2 7,356 0 0 DEUTSCHE BANK A G NAMEN AKT D18190898 83 9,853 SH DFND 2 9,853 0 0 DEUTSCHE BANK A G NAMEN AKT D18190898 83 9,853 SH OTR 2 9,853 0 0 DEUTSCHE BANK A G NAMEN AKT D18190898 2 241 SH DFND 4 241 0 0 ADIENT PLC ORD SHS G0084W101 34 1,941 SH DFND 2 1,941 0 0 ADIENT PLC ORD SHS G0084W101 19 1,123 SH DFND 2 1,123 0 0 ADIENT PLC ORD SHS G0084W101 19 1,123 SH OTR 2 1,123 0 0 ADIENT PLC ORD SHS G0084W101 14 795 SH DFND 3 795 0 0 ADIENT PLC ORD SHS G0084W101 2 95 SH DFND 4 95 0 0 ALLEGION PLC ORD SHS G0176J109 2,879 29,108 SH DFND 2 29,108 0 0 ALLEGION PLC ORD SHS G0176J109 420 4,243 SH DFND 2 3,642 0 601 ALLEGION PLC ORD SHS G0176J109 420 4,243 SH OTR 2 3,642 0 601 ALLEGION PLC ORD SHS G0176J109 6 59 SH DFND 3 59 0 0 ALLEGION PLC ORD SHS G0176J109 41 416 SH DFND 4 416 0 0 ALLEGION PLC ORD SHS G0176J109 71 713 SH DFND 4 713 0 0 ALLEGION PLC ORD SHS G0176J109 71 713 SH OTR 4 713 0 0 ALKERMES PLC SHS G01767105 26 1,599 SH DFND 2 1,599 0 0 ALKERMES PLC SHS G01767105 0 20 SH DFND 2 20 0 0 ALKERMES PLC SHS G01767105 0 20 SH OTR 2 20 0 0 AMCOR PLC ORD G0250X107 711 64,352 SH DFND 2 64,352 0 0 AMCOR PLC ORD G0250X107 638 57,779 SH DFND 2 57,779 0 0 AMCOR PLC ORD G0250X107 638 57,779 SH OTR 2 57,779 0 0 AMCOR PLC ORD G0250X107 11 1,033 SH DFND 3 1,033 0 0 AMCOR PLC ORD G0250X107 14 1,277 SH DFND 4 1,277 0 0 AMCOR PLC ORD G0250X107 1 82 SH DFND 4 82 0 0 AMCOR PLC ORD G0250X107 1 82 SH OTR 4 82 0 0 AMDOCS LTD SHS G02602103 190 3,315 SH DFND 2 3,315 0 0 AMDOCS LTD SHS G02602103 226 3,937 SH DFND 2 697 0 3,240 AMDOCS LTD SHS G02602103 226 3,937 SH OTR 2 697 0 3,240 AMDOCS LTD SHS G02602103 1 20 SH DFND 4 20 0 0 AMDOCS LTD SHS G02602103 1 20 SH OTR 4 20 0 0 AMBARELLA INC SHS G037AX101 196 3,764 SH DFND 2 3,764 0 0 AMBARELLA INC SHS G037AX101 4 83 SH DFND 2 83 0 0 AMBARELLA INC SHS G037AX101 4 83 SH OTR 2 83 0 0 AON PLC SHS CL A G0403H108 22,387 108,519 SH DFND 2 107,203 0 1,316 AON PLC SHS CL A G0403H108 7,179 34,801 SH DFND 2 34,801 0 0 AON PLC SHS CL A G0403H108 7,179 34,801 SH OTR 2 34,801 0 0 AON PLC SHS CL A G0403H108 32 154 SH DFND 3 154 0 0 AON PLC SHS CL A G0403H108 833 4,036 SH DFND 4 4,036 0 0 AON PLC SHS CL A G0403H108 44 214 SH DFND 4 214 0 0 AON PLC SHS CL A G0403H108 44 214 SH OTR 4 214 0 0 ARCH CAP GROUP LTD ORD G0450A105 1,740 59,504 SH DFND 2 59,504 0 0 ARCH CAP GROUP LTD ORD G0450A105 128 4,387 SH DFND 2 4,387 0 0 ARCH CAP GROUP LTD ORD G0450A105 128 4,387 SH OTR 2 4,387 0 0 ARCH CAP GROUP LTD ORD G0450A105 5 163 SH DFND 4 163 0 0 ARGO GROUP INTL COM G0464B107 1 30 SH DFND 2 30 0 0 HLDGS LTD ASSURED GUARANTY COM G0585R106 3 150 SH DFND 2 150 0 0 LTD ASSURED GUARANTY COM G0585R106 14 641 SH DFND 2 641 0 0 LTD ASSURED GUARANTY COM G0585R106 14 641 SH OTR 2 641 0 0 LTD ATLASSIAN CORP PLC CL A G06242104 4,707 25,894 SH DFND 2 25,894 0 0 ATLASSIAN CORP PLC CL A G06242104 2,824 15,533 SH DFND 2 13,418 0 2,115 ATLASSIAN CORP PLC CL A G06242104 2,824 15,533 SH OTR 2 13,418 0 2,115 ATLASSIAN CORP PLC CL A G06242104 3 18 SH DFND 4 18 0 0 ATHENE HOLDING LTD CL A G0684D107 30 873 SH DFND 2 873 0 0 ATHENE HOLDING LTD CL A G0684D107 2 61 SH DFND 2 61 0 0 ATHENE HOLDING LTD CL A G0684D107 2 61 SH OTR 2 61 0 0 AXIS CAP HLDGS LTD SHS G0692U109 8 193 SH DFND 2 193 0 0 AXIS CAP HLDGS LTD SHS G0692U109 3 72 SH DFND 2 72 0 0 AXIS CAP HLDGS LTD SHS G0692U109 3 72 SH OTR 2 72 0 0 AXALTA COATING SYS COM G0750C108 23 1,033 SH DFND 2 1,033 0 0 LTD AXALTA COATING SYS COM G0750C108 3 125 SH DFND 4 125 0 0 LTD AXOVANT SCIENCES COM G0750W203 1 125 SH DFND 2 125 0 0 LTD ATLANTICA SHS G0751N103 0 16 SH DFND 2 16 0 0 SUSTAINABLE INFR P ATLANTICA SHS G0751N103 528 18,450 SH DFND 2 18,450 0 0 SUSTAINABLE INFR P ATLANTICA SHS G0751N103 528 18,450 SH OTR 2 18,450 0 0 SUSTAINABLE INFR P BANK OF NT SHS NEW G0772R208 5 211 SH DFND 2 211 0 0 BUTTERFIELD&SON L BANK OF NT SHS NEW G0772R208 1 60 SH DFND 2 60 0 0 BUTTERFIELD&SON L BANK OF NT SHS NEW G0772R208 1 60 SH OTR 2 60 0 0 BUTTERFIELD&SON L BIOHAVEN PHARMACTL COM G11196105 109 1,670 SH DFND 2 1,670 0 0 HLDG CO L BIOHAVEN PHARMACTL COM G11196105 2 26 SH DFND 2 26 0 0 HLDG CO L BIOHAVEN PHARMACTL COM G11196105 2 26 SH OTR 2 26 0 0 HLDG CO L ACCENTURE PLC SHS CLASS A G1151C101 74,214 328,397 SH DFND 2 322,405 0 5,992 IRELAND ACCENTURE PLC SHS CLASS A G1151C101 20,972 92,801 SH DFND 2 87,306 0 5,495 IRELAND ACCENTURE PLC SHS CLASS A G1151C101 20,972 92,801 SH OTR 2 87,306 0 5,495 IRELAND ACCENTURE PLC SHS CLASS A G1151C101 65,561 290,105 SH DFND 3 288,855 0 1,250 IRELAND ACCENTURE PLC SHS CLASS A G1151C101 8,019 35,483 SH DFND 3 35,437 0 46 IRELAND ACCENTURE PLC SHS CLASS A G1151C101 8,019 35,483 SH OTR 3 35,437 0 46 IRELAND ACCENTURE PLC SHS CLASS A G1151C101 853 3,773 SH DFND 4 3,773 0 0 IRELAND ACCENTURE PLC SHS CLASS A G1151C101 153 679 SH DFND 4 679 0 0 IRELAND ACCENTURE PLC SHS CLASS A G1151C101 153 679 SH OTR 4 679 0 0 IRELAND MIMECAST LTD ORD SHS G14838109 531 11,318 SH DFND 2 11,318 0 0 MIMECAST LTD ORD SHS G14838109 214 4,559 SH DFND 2 199 0 4,360 MIMECAST LTD ORD SHS G14838109 214 4,559 SH OTR 2 199 0 4,360 BROOKFIELD BUSINESS UNIT LTD LP G16234109 1 21 SH DFND 2 21 0 0 PARTNERS BROOKFIELD BUSINESS UNIT LTD LP G16234109 1 21 SH OTR 2 21 0 0 PARTNERS BROOKFIELD BUSINESS UNIT LTD LP G16234109 3 100 SH DFND 4 100 0 0 PARTNERS BROOKFIELD BUSINESS UNIT LTD LP G16234109 3 100 SH OTR 4 100 0 0 PARTNERS BROOKFIELD UNIT LTD PARTN G16249107 6 497 SH DFND 2 497 0 0 PROPERTY PARTRS L BROOKFIELD UNIT LTD PARTN G16249107 4 350 SH DFND 4 350 0 0 PROPERTY PARTRS L BROOKFIELD UNIT LTD PARTN G16249107 4 350 SH OTR 4 350 0 0 PROPERTY PARTRS L BROOKFIELD INFRAST LP INT UNIT G16252101 433 9,099 SH DFND 2 9,099 0 0 PARTNERS BROOKFIELD INFRAST LP INT UNIT G16252101 885 18,587 SH DFND 2 16,937 0 1,650 PARTNERS BROOKFIELD INFRAST LP INT UNIT G16252101 885 18,587 SH OTR 2 16,937 0 1,650 PARTNERS BROOKFIELD INFRAST LP INT UNIT G16252101 490 10,298 SH DFND 4 10,298 0 0 PARTNERS BROOKFIELD PARTNERSHIP UN G16258108 43 813 SH DFND 2 813 0 0 RENEWABLE PARTNER BUNGE LIMITED COM G16962105 41 890 SH DFND 2 890 0 0 BUNGE LIMITED COM G16962105 295 6,448 SH DFND 2 53 0 6,395 BUNGE LIMITED COM G16962105 295 6,448 SH OTR 2 53 0 6,395 BUNGE LIMITED COM G16962105 3 65 SH DFND 4 65 0 0 BUNGE LIMITED COM G16962105 3 65 SH OTR 4 65 0 0 CALEDONIA MNG CORP SHS NEW G1757E113
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