IAWA Bulletin n.s., Vol. 4 (1),1983 53 WOOD ANATOMY OF UNCARINA LEANDRII H. HUMB. (PEDALIACEAE) AND ITS RELATION TO BIGNONIACEAE by R.W. den Outer and W.L.H. van Veenendaal Department of Plant Cytology and Morphology, Agricultural University, Arboretumlaan 4, 6703 BD Wageningen, The Netherlands Summary The secondary xylem of Uncarina leandrii H. tology and Morphology in the botanical gar­ Humb., endemic to Madagascar, is described. dens or greenhouses of the Agricultural Univer­ Comparisons have been made with woody re­ sity, Wageningen. - ST (Stahel) numbers col­ presentatives of c10sely related families, viz. lected by Stahel in Surinam (1944; herbarium Bignoniaceae, Scrophulariaceae and Acantha­ vouchers present in Uw, Utrecht). - V&O ceae. Only affinities with the Bignoniaceae are (Versteegh and Den Outer) numbers 1-749 apparent. collected by Versteegh and Den Outer in Ivory Coast (1969), 850-987 by Den Outer in Suri­ Introduction nam (1974), 988-1227 by Van Veenendaal The Pedaliaceae constitute a small family of and Den Outer in Madagascar (1978); herba­ herbs and shrubs or small trees, confined to the rium vouchers present in Lw (Leiden), Uw arid zones in Africa, Madagascar, Indomalaysia (Utrecht) and the Department of Plant Taxon­ and Australia. The family consists of 12 genera, omy and Geography (Wageningen). - WS (Wel­ with 60 (Humber, 1971) to 70 (Ihlenfeldt, vaartsfonds) number collected in Surinam (her­ 1967) species. The woody genus Uncarina (BaiI­ barium vouchers present in Uw). - ZW&R lon) Stapf of the Pedaliaceae is endemie in Ma­ (Zwart and Rood) numbers collected by the dagascar. As far as we know, its secondary Forest Research Institute, Bogor, Indonesia xylem has not been described before. Other (1925). - from WIBw (Department of Forest­ very brief wood anatomical descriptions of ry Techniques, Wageningen). - BW (Boswezen) some Pedaliaceae species are given by Metcalfe numbers collected by the former Dutch Forest­ and Chalk (1950) and for Sesamum alatum by ry Service in West New Guinea, Indonesia, up Pawar and Kulkarni (1971). to 1962 (herbarium vouchers in Lw, Leiden). - CTFT (Centre Technique Forestier Tropical) Materials and Methods numbers collected by the Service Forestier in The collected Uncarina leandrii is a xero­ Madagasear (records are kept of the loeation of philous shrub of 2 m high, with a stern diame­ herbarium vouchers). ter of 6 cm. It was found in a vestigial forest, Transverse, radial and tangen tial sections of 20 km north-east of Sakaraha in south-wesJ the wood sampies were made with a sledge mi­ Madagascar. Stern sam pies were immediately erotome, varying in thiekness from 10-20 j..lm. fixed in FAA. They are stored at the Depart­ All sections were embedded in Kaiser's gelatin­ ment ofPlant Cytology and Morphology, the ac­ glycerin (1ohansen, 1940). Means and ranges of companying herbarium vouchers (V&O 1022) the number of wood rays per mm in tangential at the Department of Plant Taxonomy and direction, ray height and width, length of pa­ Plant Geography, both at Wageningen, the renchyma strands, radial vessel diameter and Netherlands. Other wood sampies from shrubs vessel member length are based on at least or trees were obtained from two institutional twenty-five measurements. The vessel member wood collections referred to according to Stern length was measured inc1uding the tails. Vessel (1978). If the presence of herbarium vouchers frequency was determined over an area of at is known, this is indieated. least 20 square mm, where possible these areas The following number indications are used: were not taken near the pith. For all quantita­ from WLw (Department of Plant Cytology and tive da ta mean values are given, preceded and Morphology, Wageningen, The Netherlands). - followed by extreme values between brackets. A (Arnoldo) numbers collected by Arnoldo­ We have used the definition of libriform fibres Broeders and De Jong in the Netherlands Antil­ given by Reinders (1935) and Janssonius (1940). Ies (1966). - PL (Plantkunde) numbers collect­ Wood ray types given in Table I are c1assified ed by the staff of the Department of Plant Cy- aecording to a modified system of Kribs (1959) 54 IAWA Bulletin n.s., Vol. 4 (1),1983 .
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