CURICULUM VITAE Name : Dr. BIRADAR SANJAY RAOSAHEB. Date of birth : June 16th 1975 Nationality : Indian Category : Open (Maratha) Date of joining service : Sept. 1st 2005 Designation : Head & Associate Professor Department of Botany B.S.S. College, (B) Makni, Tq. Lohara. 413 604 Dist. Osmanabad Place of working : Department of Botany B.S.S. College, (B) Makni, Tq. Lohara. 413 604 Dist. Osmanabad Teaching experience : 13 Years Research experience : 17 years Permanent Address Dr. Biradar S.R. A/ P – Hosur, Tal. Nilanga, Dist.Latur-413522 (M.S.) Phone Res.-09284313450 Mo.: 09421354696 Email: 1. [email protected] 2. [email protected] 1 Educational qualification : Degree University Year of Percentage of Class obtained passing marks B.Sc. Dr.B.A.M.U.Aurangabad March 1996 54% 2nd M.Sc. S.R.T.M. U. Nanded March 1998 65% 1st Plant Pathology Ph.D. Dr.B.A.M.U.Aurangabad Feb.2002 NA NA Plant Physiology Subject Offered A) At Graduation : Chemistry, Botany, Zoology. B) At Post Graduation: Botany (Plant Pathology). C) Ph.D. Topic: 'Studies on Conservation of Natural Resources & Recycling of the Wastes' Name of the Research Guide : Dr. Bharati Jadhav Dept. of Botany, Dr. B. A. M. University Aurangabad Teaching Experience: Sr. Name and address of Post Period Nature of No. the employer Held Duties 1. Lecturer From To Total Dept. of on Botany, Experience C.H.B. Academic Dr.B.A.M.U. 2000 2001 1 year Aurangabad. Dept. of Lecturer 2. Botany, Muktanand on Academic 2002 2003 1 year College C.H.B. 2 Gangapur.Dist. Aurangabad. Dept. of Botany. P.V.P. 2 year 3. College, (A+) Lecturer Dec. 2003 Aug. Academic Pravaranagar. 2005 Department of 12 yrs Botany, Shri September 31. Dec. Chhatrapati Shivaji Assistant 4. 2005 2016 Transfer College, (B+) Professor Omerga 413 606 Dist. Osmanabad Department of 01Jan.2017 Till Date Botany B.S.S. College, (B) Makni, Tq. Lohara. Associate 5. 413 604 Dist. Professor Osmanabad Research experience : Since June 13th 1998 to till date Scientific paper published Sr. Name of Author (s) Title of Paper Name of Journal Year, page no.& No. No. of Journal 1. Sanjay R. Biradar & Utilization of weed International Journal EEC/2003/1 35 Bharati Jadhav compost for the of Enviromedia. production of Maize vegetation. 2. Sanjay R. Biradar & Effect of Weed green International Journal EEC/2005/55. Bharati Jadhav Manure on Maize Of Enviromedia. Vegetation. 3. Sanjay R. Biradar & Effect of weed compost Proc. National 20th & 21st March Bharati Jadhav on Maize vegetation. Conference at 1999. PP 240-243. Udaipur, 4. Gangapurkar N.M. & Medicinal Plants from Proc. National 10 -12th March-05. Sanjay R. Biradar Ratangad, Ahmednagar Conference in Plant PP-298-300 District.(M.S.). Sci. Pravaranagar 5. Sanjay R. Biradar& Effect of Manure Proc. National 10 -12th March Bharati Jadhav treatments on Conference in Plant 2005. PP-338-240. 3 Rhizosphere Micro flora Sci. Pravaranagar of Maize Vegetation. 6. Tanpure A. & Sanjay R. In vitro Culture of Proc. National 10 -12th March 05. Biradar Datura inoxia Mill. Conference in Plant PP-349-351. Sci. Pravaranagar 7. Sanjay R. Biradar& Weeds plants as a Source International Journal ISSN 0971- Bharati Jadhav of green manure used of “Flora & Fauna” 6920,(2010) pp22- for production of Maize 24. vegetation. 8. D. S. Suryawanshi & S. R. Utilization of weed National Journal of (2010) issue.1. Biradar Biomass for the Life Sci. Bioscience Pp29-32. Production of Green Discovery Manure. 9. S. R. Biradar, R. G. Dhole, Handling of Difficult “Souvenir” UGC Pp 72-78. B. P. Jadhav & V. D. People for better sponsored National Devarkar. administration. Symposium ‘Role of Administrative Staff in Enhancement of Quality Education &Research’. 10. Sanjay R. Biradar Green weeds as a source DAV International. ISSN: 2277-5641. of manure used for Journal Of Science Vol-1, Issue-1 Jan.- production of Maize 12. Pp 46-48 vegetation 11. Sanjay R. Biradar & Studies on rhizosphere DAV International Vol-1, Issue-2 Jun.- Bharati Jadhav. mycoflora of the Maize Journal Of Science 12. ISSN: 2277- crop after weed manure 5641. Pp 83-84 treatments. 12. Sanjay R. Biradar, In vitro callus & shoot Trends in Life ISSN: 2319-5037. Vishwanath Waghmare induction in Jatropha Sciences. An Vol.1 No.1 (2012). & Narayan Pandhure curcas (LINN). International Peer Pp38-41. Revised Journal. 13. Sanjay R. Biradar, Direct somatic Int. Jour. Of Vol.1 No.2 (2012). embryogenesis of a Biomedical & Advance ISSN: 2319-5037. Vishwanath Waghmare, Biodiesel Plant Jatropha Research. Trends in Pp 05-08. D. S. Suryawanshi and curcas (LINN). Life Sciences. An International Peer Narayan Pandhure. Revised Journal 14. Sanjay R. Biradar, Induction of somatic International Journal ,Vol.2 Issue 2 embryos from cotyledon of Basic & Applied Dec.2012 Pp-18-23. Vishwanath Waghmare explant in Jatropha Research & Narayan Pandhure curcas (Linn.), 15. Sanjay R. Biradar and In vitro propagation of International Journal of ISSN-2229-5216, Bhagyashri D.Rachetti Ayurvedic medicinal herb Advances in Sciences & Vol.6 No.5.2013, Centella asiatica (L.) URB Technology PP36-40. 4 16. Sanjay Biradar, Qualitative Analysis of IOSR Journal of e-ISSN: 2278-3008, Bhagyashri Rachetti Legume Pericarp (Pod Pharmacy and p-ISSN:2319-7676. Wall) and Seeds of Acacia Biological Sciences Volume 6, Issue 3 Farnesiana L. (IOSR-JPBS) (May. – Jun. 2013), PP 43-46, www.iosrjournals.org . 17. Sanjay R. Biradar, Phytoconstituents of a International peer review Volume 2, Issue 1 Bhagyashri D. Rachetti valuable ayurvedic Journal Trends in Life (2013) ISSN 2320– and Suryawanshi V.S. medicinal herb Centella Sciences 0421(Print); ISSN asiatica (L.) URB. 2320–043X (Online) © 2013 DAMA International. 18 Sanjay R. Biradar & Extraction of some IOSR Journal of e-ISSN: 2278-3008, Bhagyashri D. Rachetti secondary metabolites Pharmacy and p-ISSN:2319-7676. &Thin layer Biological Sciences Volume 7, Issue 5 chromatography from (IOSR-JPBS) (Sep. – Oct. 2013), different parts of Acacia PP 44-48. farnesiana L. www.iosrjournals.org . 19. Sanjay R. Biradar & Extraction of some American Journal of e-ISSN 2328-5737, Bhagyashri D. Rachetti secondary metabolites & Life Sciences p-ISSN2328-5702; thin layer chromatography Vol. 1, No. 6, 2013, from different parts of pp. 243-247. Centella asiatica L. (URB). November 30, 2013 (http://www.sciencep ublishinggroup.com/j /ajls) 20. Sanjay R. Biradar, Pallavi In vitro Propagation of International Journal ISSN 0975- Costus pictus (D.DON.), of Pharma & 6299,2013 Oct: 4 Prasad & Narayan Biosciences (4) : (B) 918-922. Pandhure 21. Sanjay R. Biradar. Phytoconstituents from The proceeding of ISBN:978-986- callus of a valuable international 89290-1-4; ayurvedic medicinal herb conference on life 2013,11,7-9;PP Centella asiatica (L.)Urb science and biological 2207-2215 engineering 22. Sanjay R. Biradar, In vitro studies in Kydia Global Journal of Vol.2 Issue 3-2013, calicina Roxb., Biology, Agriculture & www.gifre.org. Shrikant Bhosale, Health Sciences Somanath Kirwale & Narayan Pandhure 23. Sanjay Biradar, Qualitative and 1. IOSR, Journal of ISSN: 2250-3013, Bhagyashri Rachetti quantitative analysis of Pharmacy Vol. 6, issue 2, Feb micropropagated 2016, PP 72-76 Centella asiatica L. 5 24. Narayan Pandhure, Micropopagation studies International Journal ISSN-2278-7763, in Cochlospermum of Advancements in Vol.2 Issue 6 June- Pallavi Prasad & Sanjay religiosum (Linn), Research & 2013,Pp-263-270. R. Biradar, Technology. Impact factor:-0.4 25 Sanjay R. Biradar, Pallavi In vitro Propagation of International Journal ISSN 0975- Costus pictus (D.DON.), of Pharma & 6299,2013 Oct: 4 Prasad & Narayan Biosciences (4) : (B) 918-922. Pandhure 26. Sanjay Biradar, Biochemical analysis of National seminar on ISBN 978-93- Bhagyashri Rachetti, Asparagus racemosus Role of Life forms in 83389-79-7. 8-9 Wild var. Javanicus Baker Controlling pollution Aug. 2014. Nikhil Gaikwad, Vinod Pp 155-161 Devarkar 27. Sanjay Biradar, Phytochemiscal 2. Asian Resonance –a ISSN: 0976-8602. Bhagyashri Rachetti screening of peer reviewed journal, Pp 37-41. Oct.2015 micropropagated international research Impact factor – Centella asiatica (L.) journal SJIF 2012-3.676 28 Sanjay R. Biradar, Qualitative analysis of International peer review Volume- 1 Issue-4 Birajdar D.S. and Andrographis paniculata Journal Trends in Life (2014) ISSN: 2348 – Bhagyashri D. Rachetti Nees. Sciences 604X (Print); 2348 – 6058 (Online) (www.sciencejourna l.in) 29 3. Proceeding of National ISBN: 978-93-84663- Sarika V. Lokhande and Effect of various Conference on 10-0 PP-175-179 concentrations of growth Sanjay R. Biradar Environment and regulators for callus Development, 9th and induction in medicinally important plant 10th Sept. 2016 Cissampelos pareira Linn Conference Organised by, Dr. B. N. P. Arts, Smt. S. G. G. Com, & Sci. College, Lonavala 4. http://rutpp.com 30 5. Proceeding of National ISBN: 978-93-84663- Prashant K. Patankar Invitro callus induction of Conference on 10-0 PP-36-39 medicinally important and Sanjay R. Biradar Environment and plant Hybanthus Development, 9th and enneaspermus (Linn.) 10th Sept. 2016 Conference Organised by, Dr. B. N. P. Arts, Smt. S. G. G. Com, & Sci. College, Lonavala 6. http://rutpp.com 6 31 7. Proceeding of National ISBN: 978-93-84663- Krupali V. Haralkar, Use of various Conference on 10-0 PP-01-05 concentrations of growth Sanjay R. Biradar Environment and hormones for callogenesis Development, 9th and of anti cancerous plant Viola odorata L. 10th Sept. 2016 Conference Organised by, Dr. B. N. P. Arts, Smt. S. G. G. Com, & Sci. College, Lonavala 8. http://rutpp.com 32 IN VITRO PROPAGATION9. An International Volume 5, Issue 1 Bhagyashri D. Rachetti OF CENTELLA ASIATICA Journal Trends in (2016) ISSN 2320– and *Sanjay R. Biradar L. BY USING COCONUT 0421(Print); ISSN WATER AND HOUSE Biotechnology HOLD SUGAR 10. www.sciencejournal.in 2320–043X(Online) © 2016 DAMA International. All rights reserved.
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