ORNITOLOGIA NEOTROPICAL 20: 19–26, 2009 © The Neotropical Ornithological Society VARIATION IN THE CRANIAL MORPHOMETRY OF THE MAGELLANIC PENGUIN (SPHENISCUS MAGELLANICUS) Carolina Acosta Hospitaleche CONICET, División Paleontología Vertebrados, Museo de La Plata, Paseo del Bosque s/n, 1900 La Plata, Argentina. E-mail: [email protected] Resumen. – Variación en la morfometría craneal del pingüino de Magallanes (Spheniscus ma- gellanicus). – Se analizaron las variaciones morfométricas en cráneos de Spheniscus magellanicus. Se seleccionaron trece landmarks en la porción posterior del cráneo a fines de evaluar las variaciones mor- fológicas en las crestas nucales, la fosa temporal, la region interorbitaria y el surco para la glándula de la sal. Adicionalmente, se analizaron cinco landmarks en el rostro. La morfometría geométrica permitió establecer qué caracteres son más confiables en las identificaciones sistemáticas. Los resultados mos- traron una variación mínima en el desarrollo del surco para la glándula de la sal, mientras que la exten- sión de la fosa temporal resultó ser el carácter más variable. Abstract. – Skull morphometric variation was analyzed in Magellanic Penguin (Spheniscus magellani- cus). Thirteen landmarks were selected in the posterior region of the skull in order to evaluate the mor- phology variation exhibited in the nuchal crests, the temporal fossa, the interorbital region, and the sulcus glandulae nasale. Additionally, five landmarks were analyzed in the rostrum. Morphometric geometry allowed to establish which characters are more reliable for systematic identification. The results show a minimum variation in the development of the groove of the salt gland among the analyzed specimens of Spheniscus magellanicus, while the extension of the temporal fossa is the most variable character. Accepted 7 January 2009. Key words: Magellanic Penguin, Spheniscus magellanicus, geometric morphometry, skull anatomy. INTRODUCTION 1758) and S. mendiculus (Sundevall, 1871), are very closely related (Giannini & Bertelli 2004, The Magellanic penguin Spheniscus magellanicus Bertelli & Giannini 2005, Acosta Hospi- (Forster, 1781) is a seabird that breeds in large taleche et al. 2007). colonies along the coasts of Argentina and The Magellanic penguin is a medium- Chile (Fig. 1). The breeding colonies in which sized species, reaching 70–76 cm in height these birds live are generally monospecific, (Martínez 1992). Previous osteological studies although in some areas of the Pacific Coast of geographic variations have concluded that the species occurs sympatrically with the there are no significant metric differences Humboldt penguin Spheniscus humboldti between populations from different localities (Meyen, 1834). Both species can interbreed (Cejuela 1995, Acosta Hospitaleche 2004; and produce fertile hybrids with an intermedi- Acosta Hospitaleche & Gasparini 2006). ate external morphology, which is not surpris- The recent discovery of several fossil ing considering that the four living species of skulls in South American sediments has this genus, including S. demersus (Linnaeus, sparked a new interest in the assessment of 19 ACOSTA HOSPITALECHE FIG. 1. Schematic map showing the breeding distribution of Spheniscus magellanicus and S. humboldti. On the Pacific coast of South America, S. magellanicus and S. humboldti occur in sympatry. systematically relevant characters. This work In order to eliminate variation related to is focused on the skull analysis, since this is age or preservation, only adult and complete the most frequently preserved area in fossil skulls were considered in this analysis. specimens. However, a separate analysis was Thirty-five skulls of Spheniscus magellanicus performed in the rostrum, trying to locate the were photographed and included in the skull most variable areas. The goal of the present analysis: (MLP 1, MLP 2, MLP 35, MLP 473, contribution is to evaluate the variation in the MLP 597, MLP 614, MLP 643, MLP 717, posterior region of the skull and the rostrum MLP 718, MLP 722, MLP 723, MLP 727, of Spheniscus magellanicus. MLP 772, MLP 789, MLP 791, MLP 842, MLP 846, MLP 847, MLP 848, MLP 849, MATERIAL AND METHODS MLP 850, MLP 851, MLP 852, MLP 853, MLP 854, MLP 855, MLP 856, MLP 857, Study material. Specimens examined are part MLP 858, MLP 859, MLP 860, MLP 861, of the collections of the Museo de La MLP 862, MLP 863, MLP 873). Unfortu- Plata (MLP), Argentina. All the material nately, only 17 of them were complete and included in this analysis complies with the therefore could be included in the rostrum current laws of Argentina. Study skeletons analysis (MLP 35, MLP 642, MLP 718, MLP were taken from individuals found already 722, MLP 723 , MLP 727, MLP 756, MLP dead in breeding colonies of Peninsula Val- 772, MLP 789, MLP 791, MLP 846, MLP dés (42º25’S, 64º31’W), Chubut Province, 847, MLP 848, MLP 849, MLP 855, MLP Argentina. 864, MLP 873). 20 SPHENISCUS MAGELLANICUS CRANIAL MORPHOMETRY FIG. 2. Skull of Spheniscus magellanicus showing the landmarks analyzed. Scale bar: 10 mm. Selection of characters to evaluate. The landmarks extension), and 10 (dorsal extension). selected for this analysis were based on previ- The sagittal crest is not ridge-like in all ous results of metric characters analysis study specimens. However, it can be indicated (Cejuela 1995, Acosta Hospitaleche & Gas- by landmarks 10 and 11 (located at both of its parini 2006) ends). For the skull analysis, 13 reference points Finally, landmark 13 indicates the exten- were selected, comprising type I, II, and III sion of the cerebellar prominence. landmarks (Rabello Monteiro & Furtado dos The rostrum was analyzed through five Reis 1999; Fig. 2). All landmarks are homolo- landmarks (Fig. 3). Landmarks 1 and 2 indi- gous points. Some of them (landmarks 1, 2, 5, cate the exposed culmen, while landmark 3 7, 8, and 13) were located at the end of struc- measures the width at the base of the bill. tures; others (landmarks 3, 6, and 10) were Landmark 4 is at the most posterior end of placed at the contact between two structures. the nasal foramen, and landmark 5 gives a ref- Over the sagittal line of the skull were placed erence point of the length respect to the skull. Landmarks 4, 11, and 12. Finally, landmark 9 is positioned at the intersection between the Morphometric analysis. Variation in the shape of most caudal extension of the temporal nuchal landmark configurations was established. Dif- crest and the cerebellar prominence. Thus, the ferences in size, orientation, and position were points indicating the regions of interest repre- removed using procrustean reorientation. The sent the right half of the skull. latter was achieved by the use of procrustes In the present analysis, the groove of the superimposition (Rohlf & Slice 1990). This salt gland is delineated by landmarks 1 (ante- technique scales all configurations to have rior end), 2, and 3 (width at the orbital level), centroid size (square root of the summed and landmarks 5 and 6 (width at posterior squared distances from all landmarks to the end). configuration centroid) equal to 1, translates The temporal fossa is comprised by land- all configurations so that all centroids are marks 7, 8 (fossa width or anteroposterior located at the origin, and rotates all configura- 21 ACOSTA HOSPITALECHE FIG. 3. Rostrum of Spheniscus magellanicus showing the landmarks analyzed. Scale bar: 10 mm. tions by an optimum angle. These superimpo- 1996). A relative warps analysis is reported by sition steps are used to minimize the sum of the joint distribution of weighted scores squared distances between corresponding together with the diagrams of grid deforma- landmarks. By means of generalized Pro- tions corresponding to the eigenvectors that crustes superimposition (Rohlf & Slice 1990), generated those scores. the calculation of mean shapes from samples is possible RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Thin plate splines, whose function is to minimize the energy required during the Among the analyzed specimens, the mini- transformation, were used for graphic repre- mum variation is displayed by landmarks 1, 2, sentations. This energy is a function not only 3, 4, and 6 (Fig. 4). In anteroposterior and lat- of the amount of transformation in shape, but ero-medial direction, landmark 5 presents a also of the degree of closeness among the slightly higher dispersion of dots with respect configuration points. Once these values were to the aforementioned landmarks. obtained, a relative warp analysis, which is a The most important variable features modification of principal component analysis found are related to landmarks 7 and 8. Dots for shape coordinate data, was performed disperse only in anteroposterior direction in using the software tpsRelw (Rohlf 2005). To landmark 7, while at landmark 8 they are equi- evaluate intraspecific variations of the poste- distant from the mean value. This area is rior regions of the skull, the consensus con- involved in predatory activities, as it belongs figuration of Spheniscus magellanicus was to the attachment point of jaw and neck mus- calculated and compared to all specimens. cles. After this, the other species of the genus were Other landmarks, e.g., landmarks 9 and included, allowing visualization of variation in 13, present very low variation, being equidis- a main context. tant from the consensus configuration. The Relative warps were computed with inclu- dispersion at landmark 10 is enough to par- sion of the uniform component and no tially overlap landmarks
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