IDENTIFICATION OF ARTILLERY. PROJECTILES (WITH ADDENDA) SECOND EDITION RESTRICTED Published by VI Corps June 1944. Republished with Addenda as Second Edition by Seventh^Army Auq 1944 INDEX Preface .......................................................... 2 Sample Shelling Report Form ..........................3 Sec. I - GERMAN................................................ 5 Abbreviations and Nomenclature . 6 Chart: Details of Rotating Bands . 46 Sec. II - ITALIAN.......................................... 51 Chart: Details of Rotating Bands . 57 Sec. I l l - B R IT IS H .......................................6l Chart: Details of Rotating Bands . 65 Sec. IV - AMERICAN.......................................67 Chart: Details of Rotating Bands . 73 Sec. V - MISCELLANEOUS................................75 ADDENDA ............................................................ 79 Inch and Centimeter scale inside back cover. PRgACt. Information included in this booklet haa been compiled from a ll available Intelligence sources, including many original drawings sub­ mitted by Arty S-2a. No e ffo rt haa been made to indicate the sources o f this information. The measurements on the drawings and in the charts are believed to be reasonably accurate; however, minor varia­ tions may exist. Binfcmy a rtille ry a ctivity in HALT reached new heights on the ANZ10 Beachhead. Not only have the forward units been shelled continuously, but rear areas including Army, Corps, Air Corps, and Naval installations have been shelled interm ittently with heavy caliber guns. Due to the semi-circular front o f approx 30 miles we have encountered shelling from every direction, and from weapons ranging from the lig h t 75-mm Hecoilless gun to 28-cm super-heavy railway gun. Also, the enemy has used many d iffe re n t types of arty captured from the Russians, Italian s and French. The importance o f rendering enemy shelling reports cannot bs over­ estimated and i t is a very important means in the neutralisation of enemy arty. The counterbattery office received as many aa 964 shell rape within 24—hr period, and over a seven week period received an average of 500 per day. To be of value, shelling reporta muat be submitted promptly and they must contain a ll the information avail­ able. I t ia hoped that this booklet w ill stiajulate and improve the accuracy of shelling reporta to such an extent that enemy arty w ill be hesitant to open fire, even ox. very profitable targets. The information that is most neglected in shelling reports is ths caliber o f the enemy guns. To report that lig h t, medium or heavy guns are shelling an area la not auffician tly accurate. However, upon proper examination o f shall fragments the caliber o f the gun can be determined. There are many waya to iden tify enemy shell fragmente, but the moat accurate and moat practical method ia by studying the fu ll portion of the rotating band or the groove o f the shell that engagas the band, tivery type o f eh el l has a "trade mark" and i t is usually embedded in the serration o f the rotating band. Drawings and charts o f American and British rotating bands ha vs been added ao that a comparison can be made with those o f the enemy. SON w. 31 ION Major, Field Arty A M t A. c. o f S, 0-2 Meedquerter* VI Corps 2 HOSTILE SHELLING REPORT FORM D A T E 2 3 - A p r i l — r r 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 N o/R ds A No., Type, Rem arks L oca tio n Grid R eported Tim e Tim e A rea Type of .ire & Cal , o f (flash bang, Of A zim uth Damage By F ro m To S h elled (Regt, Int, Hat, Guns a irb u rst, O bserver (FSAG) Etc.) F irin g est location) — 4-5 &v f2H-/f74 sow n 02,/Q o n a _ H - 1 8 8 ( h a k ) F.B-//S m c . -- 2 F ± 2 7 / 1 - 2 0 U JLO'(S) 02II O H 2 m 3 ( R e f t ) l / l f J AUBVRST 9 2 0 - I d ^ J L o o * & 0 15 0 0 1 5 1 9 2 - 1 3 / Ca s . z o / / / / * $ L/TTORIA 1- F. SAG* Flosh Sound A Groove Column 3 must always include F. S or G including grid bearing. (ie; F 2 5 8 0 • Flash observed from grid azimuth 2580) 2- Column 6 should olways be sent in clear 3- Column 7 should NEVER be sent in deor A Remarks - (flosh bang is the time intervol, in seconds, between seeing the flash and hearing the report of the initial explosion) ROTATING BANDS (Keying) AMERICAN BRITISH Horizontal Pyramid with Gaps Wavy Ripple ITALIAN GERMAN Vertical Serration/Curved Projection RUSSIAN FRENCH W Oblique Indentation 4 In terp reta tion o f O r a m Gun and Ammunition Nomenclatures s. Ps. Bu. scheere Panserbflchee haary anti-tank r if le (28/20 tapering bore gun) Pak Panserabeehrkanone anti-tank gun flak Flugabeehrkanone A.A. gun Kef Kampfeagenkanone Tank Gun K. Kanone gun Pak K.u.T. Panserabeehrkanone Kasemstte und Turn anti-tank gun casasmte and turret lg.L . 1anger Lauf long barrel Ks.L. kurcer Lauf ■hort barrel Stu.G. Sturmgeschuts assault gun (hoe type) Stu.K. Sturmkanone assault gun l.F.K. leich te Feldkanone light field gun r.K. Feldkanone fie ld gun Geb.G. Gebirgsgeschuts mountain gun l.I.G . leichtea Infantris Geschuts light infantry gun l.Geb.I.G. leichtes Gebirgeinfanteriegeechflts lig h t infantry mountain gun Oeb. K. Gebi rgskanone mountain gun l.F.H . leich te Feldhaubitse light field hoeitser K.K. Kanone Kasematte casemate gun I.T. Kanone Turn turret gun a. m ittel medium u * lang long e.F.H. scheere Feldhaubitse heary fie ld hoeitser s.H.T. scheere Haubitsetum heary turret hoeitxer s.I.G . scheeres Infanteriegeachuts heavy In f gun (hoe type) ins Mrs Laf ins Morser Lafette on hoeitser mounting (*) Kisenbahn raileay Mrs Morser heavy hoeitser Th.Br.Ea9 'Theodor Bruno1 Kanone 'Theodor Bruno' gun Th. Kan. Theodor Kanone 'Theodor' gun Br. Kan. Bruno Kanone 1 Bruno' gun Ks. kurs short *€• lang long s. scheer heavy H. Haubitse m hoeitser L.G. leichtes Geschuts light gun (parachutists' recoilless gun) Patr. Patrons aaam> fo r fixed equip rot p rojectiles used in guns Sprgr. patr Sprenggranat Patrons HB fixed ammo Gr. Granat HE separate AZ Auschlagsunder Percussion fuse Kpf.Z.,K.Z. Kopfsunder Percussion fuse Bachenteickler Smoke boxes Hb. haube ) HE fitted eith a. Haube Haube mit ) ballistic cap Hbgr. haubegrsnat ) Ks. Kopfsunder HE fitte d eith nose fuse lb. Rebel fog or smoke hi hohl ladung holloe charge psgr. patr. Pansergranatpat rone AP fixed (mo psgr. Pansergranat AP separate aamo Spr. br Sprang Brand incendiary projectile dentblau indicator projectile stielgranat rodded projectile KP8 Kupferpansarstahl Bimetallic rotating band FES Weicheieenfuhring sintered iron rotating band FER Valseisenfuhring rolled iron band « tp tropical ammunition* Ob practice ammunition A or LB base ejection eith flash producing charge Stg cast steel shell Bo pressed steel Zundlschraube primer Kartuschevorlagan flash reducer 6 ---------------- — ~T IROW VERTICAL 1 SERRATION s o i 1 i to CO o 210 HOW. GERMAN ANZIO SECTOR 170 MM ANZIO SECTOR T f e p W W W H E E CM CM I28M M ANZIO SECTOR 7 I 50mm FROM MK HI TANK (GR) 8 GERMAN 75mm —H —H t*~ swastika underneath "Wo A 4 3 8 ' "5/c" A. ROTATING BAND Note Broken shell fille r pocked yellow crystal — burns orange yellow Home W / black smoke 9 75mm FOUND IN EBOLI SECTOR L i/'J r it t Iron Band 10 75mm FROM MK W. GERMAN TANK SBIBA SECTOR u 75mm FROM MK Ez: TANK— SBIBA SECTOR At Nose — — CPN Im I _ 1940 MU3E 75 E 75 F T White paint body 'o IY KPS Solid Cu bond Base charge ona fuse see other drawing tor fuse dimensions P T 2 5 c Brass case OBO G) Rotating band soft iron •<*••• 7 3 6 /3 INNIH p 02196 9126 12 E. 75mm FROM MK 1E GERMAN TANK SBIBA SECTOR German 75mm casing M W Tank h-------- 3i"--------1 13 75mm HOLLOW CHARGE mmttmnmto 15 r — t----- T----- \ t \ i \ 75 G i [J' r- n Reconstruction of unexploded fuze j Hvy Aluminum alloy — ‘j------ - v -;-*---------------------- |j* Pointed dork green / 3 threads Booster Filler pinkish chalky pow der Jin or aluminum lined -2 0 threads 15 usable Fragment possibly from a smoke shell Lathe marks 3 £ "■I'D ts- Tapped hole diam. 14 r 75mm ARMOR PIERCING-H.E. FILLED Nitro Starch (White) Picric Acid (Yellow) Block Powder !6thds. per /* Bose Marker Marked SO 1938 “Bdzf 7 5 cm Pzgr Trocer Magnesium Rhs 188 1958" 16 75mm GUN (GR) PERSANO SECTOR 17 Aluminum Ballistic Cap either 88 or 7.56 Russian Persano sector h - £ Fragment o f German 105mm H E believed Hovr. picked up in Persano sector 18 W&'-A AZ 38 \ 6 threads gvy 42 13 \ ' A \ \ L_ _1 12 threads Fuze & screw in ogive to 75 mm tank shells. This type was found in Mk TZ tank equipped with high velocity 75mm gun. Hollow charge shell. EBOU sector. 19 GERMAN 105mm. RIFLE SHELL 2 0 105 A 105 B SECTOR-HILL 609, MARCH 3, 1943. Frogment showing wall thickness rotating band inletting 21 GERMAN 105mm CAPO Dl ORLANDO SECTOR 22 GERMAN !05mm HOLLOW CHARGE 23 k 10.5 CM AIRBORNE RECOILESS HOW. 24 L Fragment picked up in the Venafro sector Noe. 15.1943, believed to be 105mm. pack or Recoiiess Airborne. p 10.5cm. ARMOR PIERCING Base percussion fuse 26 i 105 C 105 D Brass cop GR 105 mm Normal A Z -2 3 quick-delay fuze Ogive is o separate threaded section Reason unknown Dimensions below bourre/el ore some os standard shell GR 105 mm Smoke Cu bond May hare aluminum fuze (1937) or iron (1940).
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