PAX CENTURION PAGE A1 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2006 PRST STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit # 2226 Worcester, MA Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association, Inc. Boston Emergency Medical Technicians Nation’s First Police Department • Established 1854 • IUPA Local 16807, AFL-CIO VOLUME 35 - NO. 1 BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS JANUARY/FEBRUARY2006 The advertisers of the Pax Centurion do not necessarily endorse the opinions of the Pax Centurion/Boston Police Our Fallen Brothers Patrolmen's Association. The advertisers are in support of the BPPA Scholarship Fund and every patrolmen who risks his or her life to protect and serve the community. Bargaining Committee begins work for new contract By Jim Carnell, Pax Editor made…” exposé, (conveniently Barely seems like the last con- overlooking facts such as manda- tract battle is over, but our bargain- tory, ordered overtime, cost-of-liv- ing committee is once again hard at ing issues due to forced residency work on a new contract. Our current and other concerns, etc,). When you contract is scheduled to expire on see these articles, members and July 1st, 2006. friends of the BPPA, you will know Already, the City has (yawn) that the collusion between the press BPPA members salute PO Dillon Stewart. placed the requisite, expected, pre- and the politicians has begun a new planted articles in the daily news- spring cycle. Portraying the police By Jay Broderick, BPPA Secretary that the driver of the vehicle had papers, written by their beholden and other municipal employees as On November 30, 2005, dozens shot an off-duty NYC Police Officer handmaidens in the press wailing the proverbial bad guys is virtually of members of the BPPA along with earlier in the month and that he was and moaning about the city’s des- de riguer amongst today’s aspiring a few Sergeants, traveled to Brook- also in possession of a large quan- perate financial plight, yadda, politicos, hangers-on, coatholders, lyn, New York to attend the funeral tity of Marijuana. yadda, yadda ad nauseum. Like the bootlickers and assorted of New York City Police Officer The turnout at Officer’s swallows returning to Capistrano, rumpswabs everywhere: Dillon Stewart. Officer Stewart was Stewart’s funeral was to say the we can expect that each and every To our newer members, be not shot and killed in what began as a least, overwhelming. There were bargaining cycle will produce the surprised by their antipathy to- normal traffic stop. Unknown to over 15,000 members of law enforce- same, tired, wailing paean from the wards you. They love to be seen sur- Officer Stewart and his partner, was continued on page A11 City and her consorts (Hello Sam rounded by blue mannequins when Tyler, hello Rahelle Cohen and Vir- a PR photo is needed for the “tough- ginia Buckingham (Herald), hello on-crime” running-for-office-image. Mass. SJC denies BPPA Globe editorial board (Renee Loth, et When it’s time to be fair to cops and al). “The city is broke, we have no their families, however, these same racial profiling appeal money—the greedy-pig cops want phonies who were “friends of the more money, we have to spend what workingman” a few months before By James W. Carnell, Pax Editor little money we have on (all together now become more concerned about Literally moments before going reporters at the Globe were notified th now) “the children”… “education…” taxes, education, “the children”, to press (Feb. 8 ), the Pax has about it before even our attorney, “the homeless and most vulnerable “the homeless”, etc. etc. learned that the Massachusetts Su- Bryan Decker, was aware that deci- among us”… (Pick one of the pre- The BPPA bargaining committee preme Judicial Court has decided sion had been reached) it is difficult ceding). consists of President Tom Nee, VP against our appeal of the controver- to highlight exactly on what Ron MacGillivray, Area A-1 rep sial “racial profiling law”, despite grounds the court has based its de- As is par for the course, the Brian Reaney, B-2 rep Dave “Duke” clear, black-and- white language in cision. But basically, the decision the statute specifically prohibiting means that all Boston Police officers media will soon print its annual Fitzgerald and Gang unit rep Tom Pratt. By all means, the bargaining the inclusion of any information will soon have to employ the new, “look-how-much-money- committee encourages you to sub- which would identify either the op- state-issued, 28-item standardized this-cop-made…” exposé mit your ideas and suggestions. erator or the officer involved in a “racial profiling/data collection” Please do so, however, with the un- motor vehicle stop. form each and every time they in- As is par for the course, the me- derstanding that bargaining is al- Because the decision is, at this teract with a motorist, regardless of dia will soon print its annual “look- ways difficult and that our partner moment, unavailable to the BPPA or whether or not a citation is issued, how-much-money-this-cop- might not want to dance. the Pax staff, (despite the fact that continued on page A3 PAX CENTURION PAGE A2 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2006 From the President Revenue Raising/Cost Shifting Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association, Inc. Today the city of Boston relies on the city administration wastes its Boston Emergency Medical Technicians property taxes for 57% of its annual political capital on Beacon Hill fo- revenues, according to a report re- cusing on subjective revenues like 9-11 Shetland Street leased at the end of last calendar parking fine increases, local option Boston, Massachusetts 02119 year ’05. City officials have made no taxes on meals and parking garages Phone: 617-989-BPPA secret of the fact that they would like is beyond me. What elected official Readership 125,000 to see the revenue base more diver- is so concerned that he/she will lose sified in that the revenue problems their job because they generated a they experience are far less cyclical viable, appropriate revenue stream than they are structural, and they through a (for profit) educational Nation’s First Police Dept. Unity & Strength need more predictable revenue corporation as opposed to sharp in- VOLUME 35—NO. 1 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2006 streams. The dependency on prop- creases in local residential property erty taxes in the City of Boston has taxes? You can’t convince us that BOARD OF EDITORS Asst. Managing Editors: Bill Carroll, been exacerbated by the fact that conceptually, that this was the inten- Thomas J. Nee, Executive Director Fred Hirst about half of the land in the city of tion of this property tax exempt sta- Ronald MacGillivray EMS Officers Boston is (non-profit) property tax tus. The loop holes must be closed; Vice President James Orsino, President exempt. A result of the property tax it has now become a question of fun- John Broderick, Jr., Secretary Paul O’Brien, Vice President Daniel Fagan, Treasurer exemptions awarded to colleges/ damental fairness. Robert Morley, Treasurer universities and nonprofit organiza- Much of the media and political Managing Editor: James Carnell Matthew Carty, Secretary Len Shubitowski, Chief Steward tions for buildings and properties focus has been on the shrinking lo- Bulk Mailing Postage Paid at Worcester, Mass., Permit #2226 used for such things as educational cal aid dollars provided by the state purposes means that there is a seri- and federal government to Boston. BPPA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ous tax revenue gap and that the city With the BPPA, and practically all AREA A AREA B AREA C ledgers are being balanced on the other city employee contracts expir- Brian Reaney • Tom Corbett Bernie Moore • Paul Painten Timothy Golden • Stephen Roe backs of the residential home own- ing this summer, it has been my ex- John Bates • James Carnell Charlie Hulme • David Fitzgerald Bill Hogan • Chris Cunniff Andrew West • Michael Leary Cynthia Beckford-Brewington Mark Bruno • Patrick Rose ers. Many of our members pay more perience that we will be met by a city Robert Anthony • Al Young Richard McCormack in property taxes than the sprawl- management team focused on long- Bob Luongo ing colleges and universities found term cost shifting. Typically we see AREA D AREA E AREA F in the Back Bay. In lieu of taxes, these patterns, trends and other indicators Chris Broderick • Adam Mazzola Michael Harrington • Paul Nee IDENT. UNIT —Fred Hirst property-owning educational cor- of the city’s long term goals either Robert Butler • Greg Lynch John Earley • Jean Pierre Ricard DRUG UNIT—John Broderick porations of Boston proper offer through contract violations or leg- Robert Boyle • Michael McManus Lawrence Calderone YVSF—Jeff Cecil Gerald Rautenberg • Steve Kelley Thomas Pratt minimal financial considerations islative proposals before the collec- Arthur McCarthy through P.I.L.O.T. Programs (Pay in tive bargaining process begins. Our M.O.P. RADIO SHOP/P.D.S. TURRET Lieu of Taxes), and other in-kind Health Insurance Program is an area Richie Kelley • Richie Stanton John Kundy John Conway • Dave Stewart contributions like tutoring pro- of concern for us going forward. PDS—Karen VanDyke Richard Brennan grams for inner city youths, schol- During the year of 2003 the city ACADEMY/RANGE HARBOR E.S.U. arships etc. That does little in the changed our HMO plan design in EVIDENCE MANAGEMENT Bill Cullinane Hector Cabrera • Francis Deary way of offsetting the costs of main- that out of pocket expenses for pa- Paul Downey taining a major city’s infrastructure. tient visits and prescription doubled HEADQUARTERS K-9/MOUNTED MASTER AT ARMS Certainly even the great minds of for employees. The unilateral Rhethia Stewart Ray Ramirez • Patrick Butler Robert Lundbohm • Michael Doogan academia couldn’t attempt to de- change saved the city millions, and Timothy Stanton fend themselves against our claims took more hard-earned money out BPPA COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS that their respective populations uti- of employee’s pockets.
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