BANKA SLOVENIJE BANK OF SLOVENIA MONTHLY BULLETIN September, 2001 Vol. 10 No. 9 BANKA SLOVENIJE Published by: BANK OF SLOVENIA Slovenska 35, 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia tel.: +386 (1) 4719000 fax.: +386 (1) 2515516 Telex: 31214 BS LJB SI E-mail: [email protected] http://www.bsi.si/ SWIFT: BSLJ SI 2X Editorial Board: Mr. Janez KOŠAK, Vice Governor Mr. Janez FABIJAN, Financial Statistics Mr. Uroš ČUFER, Analaysis & Research Department Mrs. Danica PRELOVŠEK, Central Banking Operations Mr. Janko TRATNIK, International Department Ljubljana, October 25, 2001 Printed by: Geodetski inštitut Slovenije, Ljubljana Publication and other public use of data from this publication is permitted subject to statement of the source. Publication is available on the Web. For PGP key see last page. ISSN 1318-0770 Ta publikacija je na voljo tudi v slovenščini. 4 Monthly Bulletin BANKA SLOVENIJE TABLE OF CONTENTS REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA: General Information 6 REVIEW OF CURRENT DEVELOPMENTS (Graphs) 7 Real Sector Public Finance External Transactions Money and Banks Financial Markets STATISTICAL TABLES 19 Money and Banks 21 Financial Markets 38 Balance of Payments and External Position 56 Real Sector 71 Public Finance 76 BANKING INSTITUTIONS IN SLOVENIA 79 NOTES ON METHODOLOGY 87 ADVANCE RELEASE CALENDAR 101 Monthly Bulletin 5 BANKA SLOVENIJE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA: GENERAL INFORMATION 1999 2000 2001 latest actual Area (sq.km) 20.273 20.273 Population 1.990.094 1.992.035 Population growth (in %) 0,12 0,07 Density (persons/sq.km) 98 98 Population of Ljubljana 270.506 … Origin of value added (in %): Agriculture 3,7 3,3 … Industry 32,2 31,4 … Construction 6,2 6,0 … Services 60,3 59,3 … GDP real annual change (in %) 5,2 4,6 … Industrial production annual change (in %) -0,5 6,2 3,6 Total employment annual change (in %) 1,8 1,7 1,7 Standardised unemployment rate (in %) 7,6 7,0 5,9 Inflation rate (in %) 8,0 8,9 7,9 General government: revenue (as % of GDP) 43,7 42,7 … surplus/deficit ( as % of GDP) -0,6 -1,4 … Trade balance (in USD million) -1.537 -1.081 -396,5 Current account (in USD million) -783 -594 -17,0 Current account receipts as % of GDP 56,1 62,9 … Foreign exchange reserves (in USD million) 4.115 4.370 4.840,6 Foreign debt (in USD million) 5.400 6.217 6.718 Debt servicing ratio (in %) 7,7 9,1 … Currency unit: Slovenian tolar (SIT) Latest BS exchange rates: tolars for 1 USD 246,4748 (October 25, 2001) tolars for 1 EUR 220,0034 6 Monthly Bulletin BANKA SLOVENIJE REVIEW OF CURRENT DEVELOPMENTS: GRAPHS 1. Real Sector 2. Public Finance 3. External Transactions 4. Money and Banks 5. Financial Markets Monthly Bulletin 7 BANKA SLOVENIJE 8 Monthly Bulletin BANKA SLOVENIJE T 1.1. GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT H E 1995 = 100 (seasonally adjusted) R * Real GDP * Real Value Added: E - Construction - Trade A - Transport L Source: Tables 4.2.,4.7. and suplementary data S E C T O R 1.2. INDUSTRY 1992 = 100 (seasonally adjusted) * Output * Employment * Productivity Source: Table 4.3. 1.3. TRAVEL Annual growth rates (y/y) in % * Overnights, foreign * Border crossings, foreign Source: Table 4.4. Monthly Bulletin 9 BANKA SLOVENIJE T 1.4. EMPLOYMENT H Number of persons - monthly changes in thousands (data for the period 1997 E partially estimated) * Total employment R * Enterprises and institutions * Small sector (employed and E selfemployed) A Source: Table 4.5. L S E C T O R 1.5. PRICES Annual growth (y/y) in % * Retail prices * Consumer prices * Industrial producers prices Source: Table 4.8. 1.6. AVERAGE NET WAGES LEFT: nominal wages in thousand of tolars RIGHT: real wages (deflated with the consumer price index), 1992 = 100 Source: Table 4.6. 10 Monthly Bulletin BANKA SLOVENIJE 1.7. REGISTERED HOUSEHOLDS INCOME Registered payments to households in SIT billion at constant (consumer) prices of latest month * Net wages and salaries * Other receipts from work and employment * Transfer receipts Source: Table 4.7. 2.1. FISCAL REVENUE P U In SIT billion at constant prices of latest month B * Social contributions: L for health care, pension and disability fund, and unemployment I C Source: Agency of RS for Payments. F I N A N C E 2.2. ALLOCATION OF FISCAL REVENUE In SIT billion at constant prices of latest month Source: Agency of RS for Payments. Monthly Bulletin 11 BANKA SLOVENIJE E X 3.1.BALANCE OF T PAYMENTS: E CURRENT R ACCOUNT N In USD million A L Source: Table 3.3. T R A N S A C 3.2. TRADE BALANCE T I Total merchandise trade O In USD million N Source: Table 3.5. S 3.3. SERVICES In USD million * Travel: receipts, expenditure, balance * Balance of total Services. Source: Table 3.3. 12 Monthly Bulletin BANKA SLOVENIJE E 3.4. FINANCIAL ACCOUNT X From data on securities excluded: T - amount of USD 465.4 million in July E 1996 representing the repayment of credits based on issue of government R bonds N - issue of government bonds in May 1998 (556.6 mio USD) A - in June 1998 repayment of govern - ment bonds, issued in exchange for a L part of allocated foreign debt, in the amount of USD 453.2 million, financed with an issue of government T bonds in May1998 R In USD million A Source: Table 3.4. N S A 3.5. TURNOVER ON THE C FOREIGN T EXCHANGE I MARKET O In USD million monthly N * bank purchases from enterprises, S * banksales to enterprises * net bank purchases (balance). * net purchases of exchange offices (balance; negative values indicate net sales of exchange offices). Source: Table 2.13.1. 3.6. FOREIGN EXCHANGE RESERVES In USD million at end of month Source: Table 3.8. Monthly Bulletin 13 BANKA SLOVENIJE M 4.1. MONETARY O AGGREGATES N E Deflated with the retail price index, in SIT Y billion at prices of last month: * M3 * M2 A * M1 N * Currency in circulation D Source: Table 1.1. B A N K S 4.2. REAL GROWTH OF MONETARY AGGREGATES In % monthly (seasonally adjusted): * M3 * M2 * M1 Source: Table 1.1. 4.3. MAIN COMPONENTS OF MONEY (M3) Deflated with the retail price index, in SIT billion at prices of last month: * Currency in circulation * Total demand deposits * Tolar time and savings deposits * Households foreign currency deposits Source: Table 1.1. 14 Monthly Bulletin BANKA SLOVENIJE M 4.4. BANKS’ CLAIMS AND LIABILITIES O TO ENTERPRISES N E Real values, in SIT billion at prices of last month: Y Deposits: A - demand deposits A B - time and restricted deposits N Loans and other claims on enterprises: 1 - short-term loans, including D overdrafts and advances 2 - long-term loans 3 - commercial papers and B bonds A Source: Tables 1.5., 1.6. N K S 4.5. BANKS’ CLAIMS AND LIABILITIES TO INDIVIDUALS Real values, in SIT billion at prices of last month: Deposits: A - tolars demand deposits B - tolar savings deposits C - tolar time deposits D - total foreign currency deposits Loans: 1- Total loans to individuals. Source: Tables 1.5., 1.6. 4.6. BANKS’ CLAIMS AND LIABILITIES TO GENERAL GOVERNMENT Real values, in SIT million at prices of last month Deposits: A - demand deposits B - time and restricted deposits Loans and other claims on general government : 1 - loans 2 - securities Source: Tables 1.5., 1.6. Monthly Bulletin 15 BANKA SLOVENIJE F 5.1. BANK OF I SLOVENIA N INTEREST A RATES N Nominal interest rates and Tolar C Indexation Clause (TOM) in % p.a.. I A Source: Table 2.1., 2.2. and 2.3. L M A R K E T 5.2. INTEREST S RATES FOR BANK OF SLOVENIA BILLS Real interest rates in % p.a. Source: Table 2.3. 5.3. INTERBANK MONEY MARKET RATES AND GENERAL LEGAL PENAL RATE Nominal interest rates and Tolar Indexation Clause (TOM) in % p.a. Source: Table 2.1. and 2.2.. 16 Monthly Bulletin BANKA SLOVENIJE F 5.4. COMMERCIAL BANKS I INTEREST N RATES A N Real interest rates over Tolar Indexation Clause in % p.a. C Source: Table 2.4.1. I A L M A R K E 5.5. THE LJUBLJANA T STOCK S EXCHANGE TURNOVER BY TYPE OF SECURITES Monthly data in mio SIT PIF = Privatization Investment Fund Shares STS = Short - Term Securities Source: Table 2.9. 5.6. SLOVENIAN STOCK EXCHANGE INDEX(SBI) AND BOND INDEX (BIO) Daily data Source: Table 2.11. and suplementary data Monthly Bulletin 17 BANKA SLOVENIJE F 5.7. EXCHANGE I RATES N A SIT per 1 DEM N Source: Tables 2.12.1.a., 2.13.1. C I A L M A R K E T 5.8. REAL EFFECTIVE S EXCHANGE RATE Effective exchange rate (weighed with the currency basket of payments for goods), deflated with relative; - industrial producers prices - consumer prices - unit labour costs Growth of index denotes growth of value of the tolar, and vice versa. 1995 = 100 Source: Table 3.5. 5.9. CROSS - RATES Selected cross - rates: - EUR/JPY - EUR/USD - USD/JPY Source: Table 2.12.1.a. 18 Monthly Bulletin BANKA SLOVENIJE STATISTICAL TABLES 1. MONEY AND BANKS 1.1 Main monetary aggregates (Statistical Definitions) 1.2. Monetary Survey - Consolidated Balance Sheet of the Monetary system 1.3. Balance Sheet of the Bank of Slovenia 1.4. Balance Sheet of Deposit Money Banks 1.5. Deposit Money Banks’ Claims on Domestic Non-monetary Sectors 1.6. Deposit Money Banks’ Liabilities to Domestic Non-monetary Sectors 1.7.
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