w r Ij r IJJ n Vl ll I^l^^f^^l^f f'"^^"^4^^^^^ ^^ -£.': >'^ / g-^ •^^#"^ ^t ^^^"^fe #iO^V''¥4#H^'Li% ^'> V^ f4LAJ^^»%l-l .fc r\ J? ^f^fsihtyi y r^yza iTHtirs'day Evening, THE MENNEAPOBIS JOURNAL October 13, 1904. "^ _| GRIDIRON GOSSIP, WEST AND EAST MINNEAPOifiS |j I I • T T •••••••»••»• ••••••' »»p» • »•••»»»»»«• i»»»MW»»»»»»»«<»»»»»»»l*«1— »^»«»»»W«' * "SUNNY" THORPE ST. THOMAS ION I DESERTERS BACK IFLMERTAILS ON IREDHOT TALKING JOINS GOPHERS FROM MACAiESTER AT WISCONSIN MINNESOTA GAME FROM WISCONSIN BIG EIGHT GUARD SHOWS UP IN Fierce Football Between the Col­ Disgruntled Lads Given Their Well Pleased with Treatment and Daily Cardinal Is Sweeping in Its SPLENDID CONDITION. legians on the Macalester Wishes in the Way of Ap­ Clean Playing of the Accusations Regarding Ama­ Grounds Yesterday. pointments. Gophers. teur Athletics. Practice of Yesterday Sent Gopher Stock Booming—Work Cut Out If Ames Is to Be Beaten in a Decisive By Connor. New York Snn Special Service. Special to The Journal. Madison, Wis., Oct." 18.—Charles H. Kilpat- Madison, Wis., Oct. 18-—Peace hat been State University North Dakota, Oct. 13.— rick, graduate manager of the athletics of the Manner—Rumor that Liggett Is to St. Thomas defeated Macalester on the lat­ patched up between the Wisconsin university The grtat game with Minnesota is now his­ Unlveisity of Wisconsin and coach of the track SPECIALTY STORES ter' s grounds yesterday afternoon by a score of football deserters and the coaches, and harmony tory, and the North Dakota boys are home again. team, also Andrew O'Dea, coach of the Wiscon­ Join Badgers. 36 to O. Altbo Macalester was outclassed in and good fellowship again abide at the training When the telegrams were posted on the differ­ sin crews and trainer of the football team, must weight and team work, they deserve ciedlt for quarters and upon the gridiron. ent bulletin boards there was one spontaneous go. That is the motto of a well-organized por­ MINNEAPOLIS WEATHER. tiro plucky fight they made against great odds. After a conference of all the men concerned outburst of enthusiasm. Victory could not have tion of the most influential students here, and -$ In the toss Macalester won, and Captain Fllnn yesterday, the deserters, Flndlay and Vander- caused moro rejoicing, and, in fact, it was vic­ the campaign is being waged with great earnest­ Unsettled weather and warmer tonight; Friday, probably showers. dr. choee the south goal. Conmy, for St. Thomas, boom agreed to lay aside their grievances and tory in one sense of the word. When one ness and assuiance of success. These students ha YESTERDAY'S FOOTBALL kicked off to Chatterdon, who returned the ball leturn to the squad. Tho Grogan is still on the glances over the list of Minnesota's victories and control the university official daily newspaper, ten yards. On tackle back play, Ames and CRADLE, ALTAR AND GRAVE. second eleven, It is understood that now his ileds that the stuidy, strong sons of North D» - and a system of pursuit of professional coaches Michigan 72, P. and S. 0. Chapin made short gains. Benson and Chapin close friends have returned he will not desert. kota plajed the longest time against the Minne­ BIRTHS. John Konecsnl and Anna Zajacr. then cairied the ball, but failed to gain and in has been inaugurated which, it Is declared, will Yale 6, Springfield 0. Poato was restored ou tho ground that two foot- sota giants, and came out with the best score, not end until the last professional, high-salaried McGregor—Mr. and Mrs. A. J., 1120 Twen­ William G. White and Martha A. Ballard. fo the third down Brennan punted to Conmy, who boll men should he appointed on the athletic there is cause for rejoicing. Every one, whether Daniel Mulvehlll and Mary J Fox. 1 Se< Princeton 6, Lafayette 0. was downed by Jones. coach has taken his departure, »^e campaign tieth avenue N, boy. board, and last night the agreement was cairied living at the university or in the city, Is proud of is prosecuted under the announceu atle of oppo­ Johnson—Mr. and Mrs. Emrlck, 703 Four­ William G. Anderson and Sophie C. Olsen. Harvard 11, Bates 0. Conmy again took the ball and on a quarter­ Pennsylvania 21, Gettysburg 0. out. Vanderboom and Remp being appointed. the showing made by the North Dakota team. sition to professionalism in athletics, but it is teenth avenue S, boy. John Chiistian Scherer and Marie C. Ogren. back play advanced twenty yards. Macalester The practice last night was hard and fast The team is well satisfied with the treatment undoubted that the $20,000 of debts now carried Anderson—Mr. and Mrs. John, 2213 Ninth August Olson and Inga Johnson. Brown 12, We6leyan 0. held for downs and secured the ball within a and wound up with a stiff scrimmage lasting received from the Minnesota boys. Captain by the Wisconsin Athletic association has much avenue S, boy. Alfred M. Jensen and Marie M. Sorkness, ' yard of the goal line. Here Brennan punted to Columbia 12, Swarthmora 0. twenty-five minutes. The feature was a thirty- Wardrope said this afternoon: "We could not to do with it. Last week the most violent edi­ Bevans—Mr. and Mrs. John, 620 Fifth street Harry A. Williams and Mamie E. Butts. Amherat 23, Bowdoln 0. Conmy, who fumbled, and Chatterdon got the yard run for a touchdown by Schneider, a new have been better used. The Minnesota tearn^ N, boy. James Ross Hastings and Bell Hollister. ball. Shellman and Guy were then sent thru torial expression in this regard appeared in the 4> man, who was at fullback on the varsity. put up a clean sample of ball, and are the kind official paper, the Daily Cardinal, quotations •$- for short gains and Brennan prepared to punt. The athletic board last night elected officers. of opponents that we like to meet." MARRIAGE LICENSES. DEATHS. Flannigan made a poor pass over Brennan's head from which are as follows: Wilson Bertke of Milwaukee, the star guard and The team is again at hard practice, and an ef­ By O'Loughlln. and St. Thomas scored a safety. Thomas Hopper, Morgan county, Illinois, and Newcomb—Francis, Soldiers hospital. I up tackle, was elected president, and A. H. Miller fort will be made to finish the season without an. "Yeais ago, before coaches and teams began to ride around In parlor cars, athletics at Wis­ Gertrude Alice Briggs. Rendsdem—Gustav, 2123 E Twenty-second in( There was a gladsome air about the football Shellman kicked off from the 25-yard line to of West Salem, captain of the crew, vie* presi­ other defeat. Games have been arranaged with William Brlsco and Blanche W. Renlx. consin were pure. There was no barbed wire street. lUa headquarters this morning. Conmy, who made a long gain, quickly followed dent Tom Leahy of Platteville, captain of the Hamline, Carleton, Red River Valley university, Louis W. Kunz, Chippewa county, Wiscon­ Anderson—Gust, Swedish hospital. (to "Sunny" Thorpe arrived during: the still by Duggan and O'Phelan. St. Thomas was here baseball team, was elected student member of Fargo college and the University of South Da­ threatening the students that hedged the lower sin, and Maud G. Jones, same. Olson—Ragnild, Norwegian Lutheran Dea­ watches of the night and occupied a prominent penalised, but O'Shaughnessy pushed thru for the the athletic council. kota. There will not be a game with the agricul­ campus and enthused over a team made up of Fred M. Watte and Haryot M. Clark. coness hospital. •eat of honor at the training table. first touchdown. Conmy kicked goal. tural college at Fargo. unpaid and unhired men. The professional coach a "Sunny" is in "fighting condition," hard as In the klckoff Conmy secured the ball and in IOWA WORKING DILIGENTLY came from the east and said he wanted men, 'pii Balls, bigger than ever, and says he -will go Into a 105-yard dash scored another touchdown. Men came for their price. He got them and rej toe line- against Ames Saturday. Oonmy kicked goal JACKRABBITS COMB STRONG the second stage had been reached. Things ae Those who have been "bearing" the football On the next klckoff Chatterdon secured the ball Chalmers Putting His Men Thru for went wide open for a time. Still the academic br Situation in Minnesota will be necessarily forced and Brennan punted to the 25-yard line, where Chicago Game. Coach Whittemore Has Plenty of Ma did not suffer greatly. Then Wisconsin threw J to take to the tail and nncut verdure and remain Conmy again made a brilliant 36-yard run. Har­ up her hands, crossed herself and said: 'It's rington was pushed thru for a touchdown and terial to Work On. all wrong. Professionalism must go.' Michi­ £de there Conmy kloked goal. Iowa City. Iowa, Oct. 13.—/fhat Iowa la mak­ Special to The Journal. gan, Minnesota and Chicago happened to be say­ Thorpe came nom Brltton, S D., vrhere he •V Chatterdon again caught the ball and returned ing desperate efforts to get into shape to meet Vermillion, S. D.. Oct. 18.—FootbaU stock at ing the same thing at the same time, and they has been coaching a high school team. To pound ten yards. In a double pass Guy took the ball Chicago was evident last night when Coach the University of South Dakota has gone up a agreed. Then and there the latest stage of this : Silk Store,: them Into shape, Thorpe donned the moleskins in ph r a 16-yard dash and time was caUed on Chalmers put bis squad thru the severest scrim­ few notches in the past few days.
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