News and Views of Interest to the Women Readers of The Herald will play Porti·. After the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Shepherd they both retired from the professional »tage. D. A. R. Hears WOMAN KILLED BY the cast who are gift·«] Big Others In Meeting and well-known Washlngtonians «J« Mra. Maud Howell Smith, a leader CAR STILI UNKNOWN In amateur theatricals: Miss Imo- Many Inspiring Speakers gene Falrchlld. daughter of Mrs. I.. New Y-Kk-WASffllvCTOK-f«ri* Stoddard Taylor, who came down Identification of. Street Accident from New- Tork to assume the role ____________________ -Vr of Jessica; Miss Halen Griffith, Miss Audience Listens to States¬ Victim Praeenb Dificulty. Madeleine O'Brien. Mr. Alexander Capacity Eagerly ?? Wasmi/mgtoaj Hunter Gait, brother-in-law of Mrs. men from Most of Allied Nations.At¬ Up to · Ute hoar laat night the SUMMER FLOOR COVERINGS ? Woodrow Wilson,' who baa always woman who was knocked down by been Interested In amateur theatri¬ a «treat ear on Pennsylvania ave¬ Our large assortment of cals mosphere Thrills with Patriotism Floor Covering's for summer use ia and has had many successes nue, between Stath and Seventh most complete, whether In licht opera in amateur circles; streets, Sunday night, and who died your ttted be for a finali or larfc Henry F. Dolati, Maurice Jervis, Ar- at the house, bungalow or office. It was rather s Hamletless per¬ mignonette In an old-fashioned lace Daughter· of tb· American Revolu¬ their «hare of the burden as did the Emergency Hoaptal yeater¬ thur B. Whit·, Dennis Connell, Fin- tion day morning, was etili unidentified. formance of Hamlet last night over holder. ley 8. «pelloj patriotism In burning let¬ women of Franc« in the shop· and on We have tke popular makes of Fiber and McLean acted as best Hayes. Edward E. O'Brien, last when as a climax to No marks were on her clothing; Rag Rugi_-___ when »rapt. Ridley Thomae Green and Lawrence ters, night the farms." fuit all a at Continental Memorial Hall, ¦nan, and the ..»her» were MaJ. Uen. Downey. 'ts firat dny's sesilon In Memorial Bishop Harding of Washington pro¬ or other personal effects which need«, and very complete line of Linoleum« th« President (ailed to appear and and Rosco» Mra, R. D. Shepherd la general chair¬ Continental Hall nounced the Invocation and would lead to her Identification. Oeorg« Barnett, Capt man of they brought together benedic¬ the formal Bulmer. the arrangements for the the representatives of the coterie of tion and the Marina Band supplied in¬ Coroner Nevltt had the body tak greet th· Daughter* at performance and afra, Alexander. to tba District morgue. exercises" of the Twenty- A reception followed the cere¬ allied powers with the American Sec¬ spiring music. "opening mony from 5 till 7 o'clock. Mrs. Hunter Gait, sister of Mrs. Woodrow retary of State In a re¬ Police are trying to locate tha seventh Continent:,1 Congress of the Wilson, is the vice chairman. Tha -.rogram.that sSJoasmssaaa by In. Gaerasey. woman's relatives. She wore a blue SILK all the rest Taimase, wbo received with the flected the gratitude of the whole al¬ FLUFF RAG RUGS K S. D. A. R. However, bride and ha»» assisting executive committee Include· Mrs. lied world the The distinctive feature of the serge »Hilt, white waist, long kid of the «aa there and performed bridegroom, for benefits acru*nj day east her Mrs, Henry Scott, mother of (-laude A. Swanson, Mrs. Stephen B. from D. A. R. activity in the mPst aeaaions yesterday was Um patriotic glove·, black bat trimmed with AiirtKraä af ?a Rae Ra. Famiy brilliantly. All the other notables Elklns, Mrs. Joseph E. Mrs. rose«, and black shoe«. more lor the bridearroom, Mrs. Rtdgelv, hla Thropp, and from American womanhood In speech of welcome to .the delegates They are made from promised.and quite a few and Mrs. B. akin·. D. S. Grant and Mrs. Delos A. Blod¬ by Mrs. George Tharher An i*«que,t will be held thi» after¬ remnants of NEW silk, woven ar¬ were on the sister, Stephen general. Guernsey, in the old good measure. platform Mrs. u of gett. The finance committee Is com¬ president in noon a* the morgue. tistically time hit-and-miss effect, with artistic assem¬ wh»»n Guernsey, the president Talma-re wore smart gorra general, which, reality. of Mrs. embroidered In silver, with posed of Mr. A. H. Gait. Mm. Al¬ «landing ««·¦ at a PrealaTSK. opened tha seven-day annual con¬ blage colorings. arose and said that it was purple general, a transparent purple hat trimmed exander Sharpe. Mra. Stlmson Brown The speeches of tbe ministers and gress In this city. Because w.\r time, and one must accustom and HOLDS th«îy »re_ to firmly, smoothly and woven and with violets and orchids, and car¬ Mrs. Blrnie. John Uutlch la attaches of th» foreign powers aod The burda* that the Daughters HOME DEFENSE make the best carefully one-elf to disappointments, ried orchids. th· stag«, director, and the orchestra that of of Stata Robert hare as-umed in the they kind of floor covering·", and are ? were very busy Secretary backing gov¬ désirable for particularly raiiie that official:· The bride's table was decorated will be assisted by Alhambra wer» Í.0C0 ernment to tha full SUCCESSFUL SMOKER Bedroom and Bathroom use. The color and over-burdened. The President (be Lancing, applauded by extent of Its insure effect» entirely in whit» flowers. A buf¬ Quartet, composed of Frank A. people crowding th» auditorium, powers In all Its war oc¬ perfect harmony with any color tehemr. had found himself unable to be pres¬ program One hundred members of the Tenth State wss fet tea wa* served to the guests Dougherty, John E. McKenzie. Tbom- «tanning room being at a premium. cupied the major part of the ad¬ ent· but the Secretary of other than tho«· in the bridal as A. Cantwell and Gerald Whelan. aald: dress. Preclnee Home Defense League as¬ 24x3«. $1.50 4x7. $5.75 there to him. Whereupon party, Secretary Lansing Much appiana· punctuated represent from a table adorned with rose· "Today no one asks why the Daugh¬ Mrs. Guernsey's address, which sembled laat night at St. Anthony's 24x4«, $1 75 «x* $10 M the Secretary of State, who already Mr. and Mrs. A. Garrison Me- ters Hall to a smoker and entertain¬ on and »primi flowers. of tke American Revolution amounted to a declaration of accord enjoy 27x54. $2 00 had his own place the program »?ß hla are Cllntock have as their guest the over by Lieut. Hugh 7.6x10.6. $16.50 was moved up Capt. Scott bride exist, and no one will dare aak It tn with the government and which em¬ ment, presided and on the platform, leaving Washington this evening latter's sister*, Mra Rudolph Degen-1 the future. Th· value of the Higglna. 30*40, $2-50 to the President's place In both. of keeping phasized Importance of stand¬ »itt, $18.50 for a wedding trip of ten day·. .r, New Tork, who will be with alive the spirit of patriotism, far re¬ ing behind our of The Importance and necessity of fill¬ 3x6. $3.25 It was really a brilliant fathering them for several her allies, fighting In the ranks caused on the G pon their return they will occupy days. During calling Americans of this and every Insidious propaganda and of ing gaps league ot notables assembled plat¬ for several »weeks Mra. Talmag·'· stay here Mrs. Degener will assist to th· sacrifices support¬ member« Joining the color· waa Ordert will be taken for to the greet- generation noble of ing those organisations doing work by these rugs in special sir··, ·*««_ form give Daughters apartment. while Mra. Talmag· the Red Cross helpers, of whom their forefathers, of awakening the for the in the emphasized by Capt. Charles Demonec the prices for such are in«;. The French Ambassador and Mrs. McClintock is boys trenches. The wer» quite moderate. Italian Am¬ makes a visit at New Tork. Th· chairman. In memories of a glorious past, are to¬ Food Administration was praised and Catchy musical number· green Madame Jusserand. the will In a smart their liberty loan drive. The Red Arthur for¬ bassador and Countess di Celiare. bride go away day manifest to every man and wom¬ alien enemies were recommended for by Private McCrelght, khaki-colored suit with a top coat Cross is meeting with tremendous an who love their country." more drastic merly of the Wa«hlngton Playhouse. the Serbian Minister. Mr. Lioubomir success at the punishment than now the Min¬ to match and a very becoming hat Raleigh, where It The bond of democracy, evident In prevails. Co-operation with the police depart¬ Michaelovitch. and Belgian trimmed with roses. conducted a booth on the In order to attain most effective Mr. K. Cartier de Marchlenne, opening the war, would not be broken, tbe During the American Revolution, ment RATTANIA FIBER uter. The out-of-town guest· Included day, April ß, snd yeaterday afternoon Secretary continued, nor would the said the results waa urged by Lieut. Stool. RUGS . nd Maj. Gen. J. D. VcLachlan. D. opened another speaker, we were fighting Odell These are the attache of th· British Mr·. John Lindsay McCutcheon. ot booth, where Mrs. great liberty loving nations of the a Uerfcan King and his Addresses were also made by herringbone-woven rugs that are so liked, 8. i>. military New Tcrlc;*Mr. and Mrs. William J. Deneger will give her services, at earth be hirelings, Smith.
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