Curriculum Vitae PERSONAL INFORMATION SERGIU MUSTEATA 7/1, O. Ghibu str., Chisinau, 2051, Republic of Moldova +37322581006 +37369369727 [email protected] https://upsc.academia.edu/SergiuMusteata skype: sergiu.musteata Sex Male | Date of birth 11/05/1972 | Nationality Republic of Moldova and Romania POSITION • Since January 2020, Fulbright visiting scholar, Stanford University, USA • Since 2017, Associated professor, Doctoral School, University „Valahia” Târgoviște, România WORK EXPERIENCE 2017-2019 Project director, Institute of Archaeology, Romanian Academy – Iași 2015-2020 Professor, History and Geography Faculty, “Ion Creangă” Pedagogical State University 2012-2016 Dean of History and Geography Faculty, „Ion Creanga” State Pedagogical University 2002-2015 Associated professor, History Department, “Ion Creangă” State Pedagogical University 1999-2002 Senior Lecturer, History Department, “Ion Creangă” State Pedagogical University 1997-1999 Lecturer, History Department, “Ion Creangă” State Pedagogical University EDUCATION AND TRAINING 1994-1999 Ph D studies, History Department, “Al.I. Cuza” University, Iaşi, Romania Doctor in History 1994-1999 Law Department, State University of Moldova, BA in Law 1989-1994 History Department, “Ion Creangă” State Pedagogical University, BA/MA in History and Ethnography 1979-1989 Secondary School village Săiţi, awarded with a Silver Medal PERSONAL SKILLS MOTHER TONGUE(S) Romanian OTHER LANGUAGE(S) UNDERSTANDING SPEAKING WRITING SPOKEN SPOKEN LISTENING READING INTERACTION PRODUCTION English C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 Replace with name of language certificate. Enter level if known. Russian C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 Replace with name of language certificate. Enter level if known. Levels: A1/A2: Basic user - B1/B2: Independent user - C1/C2 Proficient user Common European Framework of Reference for Languages COMMUNICATION SKILLS Good communication skills gained through my experience as university professor in Moldova and visiting professor in USA, Germany, Romania and other Western countries Excellent contact skills with students and academic staff ORGANISATIONAL / Leadership, currently responsible for a team of 50 university scholars and over 500 students MANAGERIAL SKILLS Good team-leader skill as leader of the various academic projects © European Union, 2002-2015 | europass.cedefop.europa.eu Page 1 / 24 Curriculum Vitae Replace with First name(s) Surname(s) JOB-RELATED SKILLS Good command of academic activities management, writing scientific papers, doing presentations etc. Mentoring skills as scientific adviser of BA, MA and PhD Students Good organisational skills of archaeological survey and cultural heritage preservation activities DIGITAL COMPETENCE SELF-ASSESSMENT INFORMATION COMMUNICAT CONTENT PROBLEM SAFETY PROCESSING ION CREATION SOLVING PROFICIENT PROFICIENT PROFICIENT INDEPENDENT INDEPENDENT Levels: Basic user - Independent user - Proficient user Digital competences - Self-assessment grid Replace with name of ICT-certificate(s) Replace with your other computer skills. Specify in what context they were acquired. ▪ good command of office suite (word processor, spread sheet, presentation software) ▪ good command of photo editing software gained as an amateur photographer OTHER SKILLS Reading: passionate reader Sport: jogging, swimming DRIVING LICENCE B ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PUBLICATIONS 8 books, over 300 scientific articles, over 50 newspaper articles, editor of 2 annual journals, editor of two monographs series (published over 20 volumes) HONOURS AND AWARDS 1. Scholar of the year 2018 of the ”Ion Creangă” State Pedagogical University, Chișinău 2. Scholar of the year 2015 in the Republic of Moldova, Academy of Science of Moldova National Award for Science 2014, Government of the Republic of Moldova 3. 4. Scholar of the year 2013 of the ”Ion Creangă” State Pedagogical University, Chișinău 5. 2013 – 1st Grade Diploma of the Government of the Republic of Moldova for high profes- sional contributions of the qualitative education. 6. 2013 – Ministry if Education of Republic of Moldova Diploma for contribution in education. 7. December 2007 – “Vasile Parvan” Award of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania 8. May, 2004 – Award on Excellence Teaching and Outreach in the academic years of 2002- 2003 and 2003-2004, Civic Education Project 9. 2002 Award for Science for young scholars, for research, editing activities and publications in history, archaeology and cultural heritage, Government of the Republic of Moldova. 10. 2002 - Chisinau City Hall Youth Award on science, for articles on archaeology, Ancient and Early Middle Age History. 11. 2001 - Chisinau City Hall Award for managerial abilities in working with Youth NGOs MEMBERSHIPS 1. 2015-2020 – President of ICOMOS – Moldova 2. Since 1997 – Founder of the National Association of Young Historians of Moldova; 3. Since 2012 – member of EAA 4. Since 2012 – member of WAC ANNEXES List of Publications © European Union, 2002-2015 | europass.cedefop.europa.eu Page 2 / 24 Curriculum Vitae Replace with First name(s) Surname(s) LIST OF PUBLICATIONS 1. MONOGRAPHS / EDITOR 1. S. MUSTEAŢĂ, E. VARTA (eds), Nicolae Lupan, disidentul și jurnalistul. La microfonul Europei Libere (1978-1988), Chișinău: Editura ARC, 2019, vol. 1, 512 pag. ISBN 978-9975-0-0348-3 2. Jameson, John H. and Sergiu Musteata (eds), Transforming Heritage Practice in the 21st Century - Con- tributions from Community Archaeology. One World Archaeology Series. Springer, 2019. ISBN 978-3- 030-14326-8; DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-14327-5 3. S. MUSTEAŢĂ, Nomads and Natives beyond the Danube and the Black Sea, 700-900 CE, Amsterdam University Press, ARC Humanities Press, Leeds, 2018, 304 pag., ISBN 9781942401520 4. S. MUSTEAŢĂ, Anul 1918 în emisiunile Europei Libere (1955-1991), Chișinău: Editura ARC, 2018, 436 pag. ISBN 978-9975-0-0232-5 5. S. MUSTEAŢĂ, Noi despre vecini şi vecinii despre noi. Manualele de istorie în Republica Moldova, România şi Ucraina, Târgoviște: Cetatea de Scaun, 2018, 252 pag. ISBN, 978-606-537-397-6 6. D. CIMPOEȘU, S. MUSTEAŢĂ, BASARABIA LA UN SECOL DE LA MAREA UNIRE. O istorie politică a Republicii Moldova (1991-2018), Târgoviște: Cetatea de Scaun, 2018, 308 p. ISBN 978-606-537-265-8 7. S. MUSTEAŢĂ, A. CORDUNEANU, (Eds.), Identităţile Chişinăului. Materialele Conferinței Internaționale„Identităţile Chişinăului”, ediția a IV-a, 19-20 octombrie 2017, Chişinău, Republica Moldova, Culegere de studii, Seria IDN, C7, Chişinău, Editura ARC, 2018, 396 pag., ISBN 978-9975-0- 0224-0 8. S. SCHÄFFER, S. MUSTEAŢĂ, (Eds), 25 Years of Development in the Post-Soviet Space: Civil Society and Participatory Democracy, Der Donauraum. Zeitschrft des Institutes für den Donauraum und Mitteleuropa, 56. Jahrgang, 1-2, 2016, Wien/Köln-Weimar: Böhlau Verlag, 2018, 2017 pag., ISSN 0012-5415 9. S. MUSTEAŢĂ, Basarabeanul bruiat de KGB. La microfonul Europei Liberă – Efim Crimerman, 1981- 1990, vol. 1, Chișinău, editura ARC, 2017, 512 pag. ISBN 978-9975-0-0063-5 10. S. MUSTEAŢĂ, Basarabeanul bruiat de KGB. La microfonul Europei Liberă – Efim Crimerman, 1981- 1990, vol. 2, Chișinău, editura ARC, 2017, 404 pag. ISBN 978-9975-0-0079-6 11. S. MUSTEAŢĂ, About Us and Our Neighbours: History Textbooks in the Republic of Moldova, Romania and Ukraine. Georg Eckert Institute, Braunschweig, Eckert. Dossiers 7, 2017. ISSN 2191-0790. urn:nbn:de:0220-2017-0097 12. S. MUSTEAŢĂ, (ed.), O istorie multidimensională a carierelor universitare: instituții, rețele sociale, biografii [A multidemsional history of the university careers: institutions, social networks, biographies], Chișinău, Editura ARC, 2017, 360 pag. ISBN 978-9975-137-79-9 13. S. MUSTEAŢĂ, Moneda bizantină în regiunile carpato-nistrene în secolele V-X [Byzantine Coinage in the Carpathian-Nistrian Regions during the 6th – 10th Centuries], Athens, Demetrious Siatras, 2016, second edition, 300 pag. ISBN 978-618-82459-2-1 14. S. MUSTEAŢĂ, A. CORDUNEANU, (Eds.), Identităţile Chişinăului. Ediția a treia. Materialele conferinţei internaționale „Identitățile Chișinăului”, 1-2 octombrie 2015, Chișinău; [Chisinau´s Identities. Third edition. Conferences proceedings, October 1-2, 2015], Culegere de studii, Seria IDN, C6, Chişinău, Editura ARC, 2016, ISBN 978-9975-137-48-5 15. S. MUSTEAŢĂ, (ed.), Tendinţe curente în protecţia patrimoniului arheologic din România și Republica Moldova. [Current trends in archaeological heritage preservation in Romania and the Republic of Moldova], Chișinău/Iași, Editura ARC, 2016. ISBN 978-9975-137-41-6 © European Union, 2002-2015 | europass.cedefop.europa.eu Page 3 / 24 Curriculum Vitae Replace with First name(s) Surname(s) 16. S. MUSTEAŢĂ, Ș. CĂLINIUC (eds), Current Trends in Archaeological Heritage Preservation: National and International Perspectives. Proceedings of the international conference, Iași, Romania, November 6–10, 2013, Oxford, BAR International Series 2741, 2015, 128 ISBN 9781407314006 17. S. MUSTEAŢĂ (ed.), Cetatea Soroca – istorie, memorie și tradiții seculare. Materialele conferinței, Soroca, 4-5 aprilie 2014, [Soroca Fortress – History, Memory and traditions], Seria „Istorii și Documente Necunoscute - IDN”, C5, Chișinău, Editura ARC, 2015, ISBN 978-9975-61-926-4 18. S. MUSTEAŢĂ, A. CORDUNEANU, (Eds.), Identităţile Chişinăului. Ediția a doua. Materialele conferinţelor internaționale: Identitățile Chișinăului, 1-2 octombrie 2013, Chișinău; Patrimoniul cultural al Chișinăului vs. Dezvoltarea urbanistică, 25 iunie 2014 [Chisinau´s Identities. Second edition. Conferences proceedings, October 1-2, 2013, June 25th, 2014], Culegere de studii,
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