m m m r n m m Supplement to the Denver Catholic Register National National Section THE Section JFK Ready to Study Loans After Federal Aid Passes Washington. — Once the public school aid REGISTER pro^am before. Congress is out of the way, the administration “will be delighted to co-operate” T H U R S D A Y , M A R C H 23, 1961 with Congress in considering what Constitutional aid can be given to private grade and high schools, President Kennedy told a press conference. Majority Non-Catholics Loans, he said, take many different forms and he would have to see the specific language of any proposal in order to take a stand. counted and say: ‘How far is One- reporter noted that Car­ this thing "oing to go’?” U.S. Catholic Hospitals dinal Spellman said that t a x In debate with a committee exemptions for parents who pay member, the priest denied that tuition to private schools might a loan program to parochial be one possible approach to the schools would put the govern­ problem, and asked the Presi­ ment behind the teaching of re­ Have5 Million Patients dent whether he thought this a ligion. “The loan would be used Constitutional solution. to build schools in which a pub­ St. Louis. — More than 100,000 United States and Canada. ‘T think all of this matter,” lic service la rendered against patients were in U.S. Catholic hos­ The 32nd annual directory issue said Kennedy, “should be exa­ a religious background,” the ed­ pitals on an average day in 1960, ac­ of Hospital Progress magazine dis­ mined carefully by the Con­ ucator retorted. cording to the 1961 directory of the closes that the 868 Ca&olic hos­ gress.” The House and Senate Just Moral Issue? committees, he said, can con­ When asked about the free­ Catholic Hospital Association of the pitals in the country reported almost sider what kind of program they dom of Catholics to vote on the 5,000,000 admissions last year. wish to put forward and “at issue in view of the statements A breakdown of the admis^ that time we can consider what of Catholic spiritual leators that sions in 682 of the reporting the constitutional problems exclusion of private pupils vio­ Rejected Kennedy Post hospitals showed that 44 'per might be." lates justice and eq^ty. Mon­ cent ^ those admitted were 0 There is a whole spectrum of signor Hbchwalt replied that Catholics and 56 per cent non- loan programs, he pointed out, Catholic legislators must them­ Catholics. In Favor of Priesthood “some of which raise constitu­ selves make a moral judgment 2,396 Births Daily Rome. — 'Two prominent in the Kennedy administration tional questions and some which on the justice of excluding paro­ .There were 876,913 births re­ Americans were ordained to the was his tor the asking. do not.” He noted that he be­ chial and private school pupils ported by 785 of the hospitals. from federal aid. ^NCTWC Wire] priesttiood by Cardinal Luigi “Can Kennedy get along with­ lieves across-the-board loan.« On an average day in 1960, 2,396 Traglia, Vicegerant of Rome. out you?” a priest asked him. are unconstitutional. children were tom* in U.S. Father Francis Lyle Kennedy When he answered in the af­ “There may be other pro­ Cathoiic hospitals. - firmative, the liriest told him: grams which do not raise a Laity Are Urged “Well, then, it's just a question The pnblicatfon lists 1,155. constitutional question which of how generous you want to CatiioUc hospitals in the UJ3., may be socially desirable,” he To Act Promptly be with the Lord.” Canada, and Puerto Rico, with ' adM, "and there may be 202,033 beds and 27,865 bas­ Father Cavanagh will serve in other programs which do not sinets. the Alexandria Diocese in Louis­ raise a constitutional qnestion On School Aid iana. Bishop Charles P. Greco Of these hospitals, 1,050 are which may be socially unde­ of Alexandria said he will not general short-term hospitals; 11 sirable.” Bridgeport, Conn.— The be given an assignment until his maternity hospitals; five pe^a- Asics Harmony laity should act “promptly, arrival. Father Kennedy will tric; and 13 other special short­ All are entitled to express vigorously, and vrith deci­ serve in the Springfield-Cape term hospitals. In the special their views on the question of sion” to convince Congress Girardeau Diocese. long-term group are 29 chronic-; school aid, asserted tiie Cjilef convalescent institutions; 20 that Catholic schools should Executive, “and I think it is share federal aid, said Bishop psychiatric; 10 tuberculosis; quite appropriate that they Catholics in Africa and two in other categories. Lawrence J. Shehan, chairman should not change their views of the NCWC Education De­ Double in 10 Yeors Among “related health facili­ merely because of the religion partment. 'I Do No? Know the Man' ties” — thdse which provide of the occupant of the White Writing in the Catholic Tran­ Rome. — The number of Cath­ some health care bpt do not ful- House.” script, newspaper of the three While Jesus was before the tribunal of the prophecy made earlier that evening; “Before olics in African mission terri­ fUl requirem ent for a hospital— Expressing a hope for reli­ Connecticut sees, he pointed High Priest, the Apostle Peter was in the the cock crow twice, thou shalt deny Me tories nearly doubled — from there were in tiie U.S., Puerto gious hdrmony after “the out three obstacles to obtaining courtyard Warming himself hy the fire with thrice.” 10,999,552 to 20,199,550 — in the Rico, and Canada: 211 Catholic smoke is cleared,” the Presi­ justice. the servants and soldiers. One of the maid­ In the Apostle Peter we all see our weak­ 10-year period between 1949 and homes for the aged; seven for dent pledged himself to guaran­ servants accused Peter of being a follower ot ness. How often have we denied Jesus by Three Obstacles 19N according to a report is­ cancer patients; 110 chronic- teeing this harmony, * “because Jesus, and he denied it emphatically. Three sin! Perhaps, had Peter prayed fervently with sued by the Sacred Congrega­ convalescent; eight maternity; it reaches far beyond the ques­ To Obtaining Justice times in all he denied that he knew Jesus, his Lord on Gethsemane instead of slMping J. Garvan CavanagC tion for the Propagation of the nine clinics; 42 visiting nurse; tion of education and goes, in They are, he said, the long­ and then when the Master was led past Urn, he might not have falterM. Our lesson Is clean Faith. and 15 othet facilities. He gave Peter a look that reminded him of the Watch and pray! of New Yoilc, 55, besides havbig a very difficult time in the life time, strongly heU. prejudice of TIm l a r ^ gain was recorded 'At.the start of the academic of our country, to an important many against tte (jiurch, “the been in thi real ektate and con­ in West Africa with ah‘increase year 1960-61, the 318 state-ac­ struction business, served as a ingredient of our national entrenched position of the pub­ from 1,493,412 in 1949 to 3,286,- credited Catholic schools of strength.” lic school protagonists backed special attorney }n the U.S. 032 in 19S9, and proportionate nursing in the U.S. reported Justice Department. At a House subcommittee by one of the largest, strongest, Bishops of Congo W arn Reds gains were made in Central and an enrollment of 35,109 stud­ and best-financed lobbies in the Father J. Garvan Cavanagh, hearing on the federal aid bill. East Affica. The number of ents. Monsignor Frederick H. Hoch- country, and the old prejudice 5S, was vice president and re­ ,Uatbolics in South Africa grew The number of religious on walt, NCWC Education Depart­ of many of our own Catholic search director of the Hat .Corp­ mun 1,048,232 to 1,880,053 and active duty in Catholic hospitals ment director, was asked why people concerning the impro­ Seeking to Foment Discord oration of America in Connec­ in Insular Africa, from 1,113,999 in the U.S., Canada, and Puer­ Catholic protests over the col­ ticut. Others, aU Englishmen, in priety of seeking public support to 1,631,772. to Rico is listed by the directory lection of educational taxes for Catholic education.” Leopoldville, the Congo. — C.I.C.M, Apostolic Delegate to proves that the Church is the the ordination class of eight The increase in North Africa a t 18,804. Of this number 8,411 from all parents and distribu­ All of these prejudices, he Charges that Catholic priests the Congo. first to be attacked, because it late vocations included a con­ (Ethiopia, Libya, Morocco, Sa­ ar^ registered nurses. tion only tq those whose chil­ fomented the death of former “The Bishops deem it neces­ rep: :sents the strongest bastion vert Protestant clergyman, an asserted, are summed up in hara, Somalia, and Sudan) was Education for careers in the dren attend public schools did Congolese Premier Patrice Lu­ sary,” the statement concluded, of human liberties. May art school director, and a schol­ one phrase that has acquired, smaller. In this area the total hospital and health fields is pro­ not apply also on the state level. “a 'sort of sacredness” mumba are Coifununist lies, the, "to remind a ll. Catholics and God protect the Congo and grant ar from the University of Cam­ vided by 298 Catholic hospitals number of Catholics grew from It is a matter of balance, he throughout the country: “Pnb- Bishops of the Congo declared.
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