6th Bandung Creative Movement International Conference in Creative Industries 2019 (6th BCM 2019) Narrative Structure of Mobile Apps Interactive Story Kisah Lutung Kasarung: Morphological Analysis of Vladimir Propp Dicky Hidayat1,2, Moh. Asyiek Bin Mat Desa2 1Visual Communication Design, Telkom University, Indonesia 2School of Art, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia [email protected], [email protected] Abstract This study analyzes the narrative structure of the mobile apps interactive story Kisah Lutung Kasarung, based on Vladimir Propp's morphological theory. The purpose of the study is to explore how the structure and moral values are based on the functions of the characters contained in the story. The study used the descriptive qualitative methods using the method of narrative analysis. Data collection techniques were carried out by a literature study and documentation. The re- sult shows 27 main narrative functions, 5 plots, and 4 spheres of action contained in the mobile apps of the interactive story Kisah Lutung Kasarung. The positive moral values obtained from the story are stoicism, helpfulness, happiness, religious, dedication, forgiveness and fairness. Keywords narrative analysis, morphology, vladimir Propp, mobile apps, interactive stories, lutung kasarung (Sundanese to Dutch, Indonesian and Javanese), but also in the form of cross-forms, from pantun to written forms and 1. Introduction story forms. The story has been written pantun into prose, poetry, drama, opera, novels, fairy tales, comic, films, etc. Indonesia has many folktales scattered in each region. [8]. These folktales are generally related to the social and cultural Digital technology is growing rapidly nowadays, and in its conditions of the owner's community. As a form of folklore, various forms pampering users with a variety of applications. folktales have the same characteristics as other folklore, such Mobile applications or apps, are digital software that allows as myths, folksongs, and so on. Characteristics of folklore users to do mobility by using devices such as cellular phones, inherent in folklore are spreading through oral traditions, smartphones, smart watches, and other portable media having versions and variants, and having a certain formulas players. Increasingly widespread mobile phone and or patterns [1]. smartphone users, from adults to children, provide opportu- Sunda is one of the largest ethnic groups in Indonesia. nities for the development of a variety of interesting mobile Like other ethnic groups in Indonesia, Sundanese have many apps for children such as interactive storytelling games and folktales such as Si Kabayan, Sangkuriang, Ciung Wanara, applications with educational content. Lutung Kasarung, and others. The Lutung Kasarung story is Of the many interactive stories created by local digital a folktale originating from pantun Sunda, which is one form content development companies, there are several interactive of performance art and oral tradition of the Sundanese people. stories about Sundanese folklore, and one of them is the story Pantun Sunda is a form of performance art, performed by a of Lutung Kasarung. The adaptation of the Lutung Kasarung narrator or Juru Pantun who tells a story in the old Sun- story into interactive multimedia such as mobile apps, danese language, which is sung accompanied by a musical namely Kisah Lutung Kasarung (KLK) is an interesting instrument namely the Kecapi. The stories of pantun Sunda thing to study, because in every text in the Lutung Kasarung generally tell the adventures of kings or knights of the de- story there are thoughts and views about life that are con- scendants of king Siliwangi, the king of Pajajaran in ex- sidered ideal by the old Sundanese people. Cross-cultural panding the kingdom’s conquered area or in finding beautiful and cross-forms transformation of the Lutung Kasarung princesses to be made empresses [3]. story will inevitably lead to changes in the structure of the The Lutung Kasarung story is one of the pantun Sunda story and the moral values contained in it, in line with the stories that is so sacred that not all Juru Pantun are able to or process of cultural transformation that occurs in the com- would dare to display it [9]. However, the Lutung Kasarung munity. The expected benefits of this study include: (a) a story is a pantun Sunda story that is most widely adapted into reference material in adapting folklore into multimedia; (b) various media. From the history of the reception of the text, it an effort to understand Sundanese cultural values; and (c) a appears that the Lutung Kasarung story has many possibili- form of preservation of Indonesian folklore so that it can be ties for transformation that are not only cross-cultural known by the public. 6th Bandung Creative Movement International Conference in Creative Industries 2019 (6th BCM 2019) 1.1. Problem Identification help that can help the hero in solving problems; (3) Helper Based on the research background, the problems in the (The sphere of helper action), which is a character that study are as follows: helps the hero directly in defeating criminals, returning the 1. How is the narrative structure of the interactive story situation to normal, and directly involved in fighting crimi- Kisah Lutung Kasarung (KLK) based on Vladimir nals; (4) The princess and her father (the action sphere of Propp's morphological theory? the princess and her father), the princess is the character 2. What moral values are contained in the interactive who is directly mistreated by the villain and the father is the story Kisah Lutung Kasarung (KLK)? grieving character; (5) Dispatcher (intermediary/ deploy- ment action sphere), namely the character who sends a hero 1.2. Theoretical Review to complete the task; (6) Hero (The sphere of hero action), is a characters in narratives that returns chaotic situations The narrative analysis that will be used in this study is back to normal; and (7) False hero (a fake hero action the morphological theory of Vladimir Yakovlevich Propp sphere), namely the gray character between heroes and vil- (1895-1970), a literary researcher from Russia who in his lains. Through these seven action spheres, the frequency of book entitled Morphology of the Follicles, analyzed the occurrence of perpetrators can be detected and the way in plots of Russian tales. Vladimir Propp was the first struc- which the character of the perpetrator is introduced can be turalist figure to seriously study the narrative structure, known [4]. while giving new meaning to the fabula dichotomy (story) Propp's theory is a basic structural analysis, and that it can and sjuzhet (plot) [12]. Propp's theory is based on linguistic be found in the initial form of folklore after passing several studies, so it discusses text from a discourse scope. The transformations. In a changing to various versions, folklore theory and method of folklore research that he sparked is has always maintained the same structural framework. This known as the morphology of folklore [2]. theory technically combines structural methods with genetic Propp revealed that in folklore there are thirty-one func- research, tracing the origin and spread. Although Propp's tions that can be found. Thirty functions are then given a theory is based on Russian folklore, these functions can be symbol to facilitate the analysis process. Folklore usually found in other types of stories, such as comedy, myth, epic, begins with the initial situation, where in this section the romance, and stories in general [10]. Therefore, the Propp hero is introduced by mentioning names or something that research model can be used to analyze Indonesian oral liter- can be used as a reference to him. The initial situation is ature and traditions. given an α symbol, but is not included in the 31 functions proposed by Propp [7]. After the initial situation (α) then the folklore will be arranged based on the following functions: 2. Methods 1) Absentation (β); 2) Interdiction (γ); 3) Violation (δ); 4) Reconnaissance (ε); 5) Delivery (δ); 6) Fraud (ε); 7) Com- The research method used is the descriptive qualitative plicity (ζ); 8) Villainy (Α); 8a) Lack (а); 9) Mediation, the research method, which is an analytical method based on connective incident (В); 10. Beginning counteraction the existence of semantic relationships between variables (С); 11) Departure (↑); 12) The first function of the donor being studied [11]. The aim is to get the meaning of the (D); 13) The hero’s reaction (E); 14) Provision of receipt of relationship of these variables, so that they can be used to a magical agent (F); 15) Spatial translocation (G); 16) answer research problems. The main principle of qualitative Struggle (H); 17) Marking (J); 18) Victory (I); 19) The ini- methods is to process and analyze the collected data into tial misfortune or lack is liquated(K); 20) Return (↓); 21) systematic, orderly, structured and meaningful data. This Pursuit, chase (Pr); 22) Rescue (Rs); 23) Unrecognized ar- research method believes that the phenomena that occur in rival (O); 24) Unfounded claims (L); 25) The difficult task society cannot be seen and determined by numbers [11]. (M); 26) Solution (N); 27) Recognition (Q); 28) Exposure Qualitative research is interpretative research (using inter- (Ex); 29) Transfiguration (T); 30) Punishment (U); 31) pretation) that involves many methods in examining re- Wedding (W). search problems [6]. The descriptive method is the way of Each function can
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