May 21, 2021 Vol. 121 No. 21 SAINT JOHN — Over the past year, in consultation with the Religious Education Coordinators and the Council of Priests, FREDERICTON — Graydon Nicholas was installed as the Diocese of Saint John has discerned a new Confirmation chancellor of St. Thomas University in Fredericton on formation. A letter from Bishop Christian Riesbeck, CC of Tuesday, May 10. Story page 2. (Natasha Mazerolle photo) the diocese explaining the changes and a over view of the program can be found on pages 3 and 6. (CNS image) Lindsay Shepherd a 25-year-old mother and native of Victoria, B.C., recently released her memoir Diversity and Exclusion: Confronting the Campus Free Speech Crisis. In it, she presents arguments for saving free speech from ideological conformity while also providing a personal account of her experience at Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, ON. Story page 4. (Catholic Register photo) VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis holds roses given by someone in the crowd during his weekly general audience in the San Damaso Courtyard of the Apostolic Palace at the Vatican May 12, 2021. It was the first time in more than six months that FREDERICTON — Bishop Christian Riesbeck, CC of the visitors and pilgrims have been Diocese of Saint John presides at St. Thomas University’s in able to attend the audience. annual Baccalaureate Mass, Monday, May 9 in Fredericton. Story page 9. (CNS photo/Paul Story page 2. (Natasha Mazerolle photo) Haring) STU installs new chancellor By NATASHA MAZEROLLE ily life and how it has shaped his academic The Correspondent pursuits. “My mother decided that her chil- New Freeman dren would go get a higher education. She FREDERICTON — On Tuesday, May 10, went as far as grade eight on our reserve be- One Bayard Drive 2021, at the Spring Convocation, St. Tho- cause there were no other educational oppor- Saint John, NB E2L 3L5 mas University in Fredericton installed tunities,” he said. Tel: (506) 653-6806 Graydon Nicholas as chancellor. Through prayer, hard work and determi- Fax: (506) 653-6818 E-mail: [email protected] This full year appointment makes Mr. nation, Mr. Nicholas said that, “my mother Nicholas a member of the Board of Gover- was successful in having her ten children Office Hours: nors at St. Thomas University. This role re- become a civil engineer, a registered nurse, By Appointment. quires him to be present at convocations and four teachers, a hairdresser, an office secre- Please telephone or email. special dinners and to be involved in the life tary, a chief in our community, and a law- of the university, among other duties. yer.” Publisher: Mr. Nicholas addressed graduates, faculty, He also shared that, “both [of my sons] Most Rev. Christian Riesbeck, CC staff and alumni during the installation and Michael and Brian were students on this cam- thanked President Dawn Russell and the pus. I had the privilege to have them as stu- Managing Editor: Margie Trafton Board of Governors of St. Thomas Univer- dents in the classes I taught here in Native sity. He expressed gratitude for the “honour Studies.” Correspondents: and privilege to serve in a new capacity on Beginning this new chapter in his Fredericton: vacant campus.” longstanding relationship with St. Thomas He has been a part of the life of the univer- University, Mr. Nicholas concluded his ad- Miramichi: Shawn McCarthy sity for many years, having taught part-time dress with gratitude. “I look forward to more [email protected] between 1983-1999. Mr. Nicholas has also involvement and the future growth of our uni- served on the Board of Governors, and as versity,” he said. “Thank you, naka Saint John: Natasha Mazerolle Endowed Chair of Native Studies — a posi- Woliwon.” [email protected] tion he continues to occupy. Calling this honour a tribute to his parents, Natasha Mazerolle is a correspondent for Single Copy: $1.00 his family, his wife Beth and their sons Michael The New Freeman. She can be reached at Annual Subscription: Canada and Brian, Mr. Nicholas reflected on his fam- [email protected]. § (NB; NS; NL; ON; PE) $25.00 (HST included) Elsewhere in Canada: ‘Nothing is impossible with God’, $23.25 (GST included) Bishop Riesbeck tells graduates at Baccalaureate Mass USA/Other Countries: $35.00 By NATASHA MAZEROLLE fident that STU has prepared you well for the Correspondent future,” he told them. “Of course, we don’t Advertising Rate: really know what the future holds. Sometimes $15.00 per column inch for most ads. FREDERICTON — On Monday, May 9, at convocations graduates are told that the Publishing Date: Friday 2021, Bishop Christian Riesbeck, CC, of the world is their oyster, that they can be any- Deadline: Monday noon prior to the Diocese of Saint John was invited to join the thing they want to be, that they can conquer publishing date. graduating class of St. Thomas University every challenge. But I think it is important to [STU] in Fredericton for the annual Bacca- manage expectations when it comes to think- Printed & Distributed by laureate Mass. ing about what we can accomplish in the St. Croix Printing Co. Ltd. The graduating class was represented by world, especially if we are tempted to rely on 15 of its more than 300 members, with the our own strength, or our own lights and de- We acknowledge the financial support mass being livestreamed via STU Campus vices, following our own plans.” of the Government of Canada. Ministry’s Facebook page. Bishop Riesbeck challenged graduates to The bishop was joined by Father Peter seek out the Lord’s will for their lives. “What Melanson, pastor of Paroisse Ste-Anne-des- if we knew that God had a plan for our lives? Pay Bas and chaplain of St. Thomas Univer- And because he is crazy about us, because The New Freeman is a sity; Dr. Vivien Zelazny, campus minister, St. he loves us so much and wants us to be truly not-for-profit organization. Thomas University; Chancellor Graydon fulfilled, we were inspired to turn to him now The opinions expressed in letters/commentaries Nicholas and Beth Nicholas; Dawn Russell, with confidence and trust and ask him where published in The New Freeman, do not president; Dr. Kim Fenwick, vice-president we fit into his plans?” he said. “What if we necessarily represent the views of Academic and Research; Karen Preston, reg- decided to never go it alone, to be led by the istrar; as well as members of faculty, family Spirit, to immerse ourselves first in this com- The New Freeman, its publisher, staff, board and friends of the graduates. munion of love, loving God and loving our of directors or the Diocese of Saint John. All submissions , including advertising, are Bishop Riesbeck had some words of wis- neighbour, responding to Jesus’ subject to review and editing. dom to impart to the graduates. “We’re con- (continued on page 5) Page 2 Voice of the Diocese of Saint John since 1900. May 21, 2021 New Journey to Confirmation Nouveau parcours vers la confirmation “Jesus said to them again, ‘Peace be with you. As the Father has « Jésus leur dit de nouveau: La paix soit avec vous! De même que le sent me, so I send you.’ When he had said this, he breathed on them Père m’a envoyé, moi aussi je vous envoie. Ayant ainsi parlé, il souffla and said to them, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit’.” (John 20:21-22) sur eux, et leur dit: Recevez l’Esprit Saint. » (Jean 20, 21-22) Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Chers frères et sœurs dans le Christ, On the solemnity of Pentecost, we celebrate the coming of the En la solennité de la Pentecôte, nous célébrons la venue de l’Esprit Advocate, the Holy Spirit whom Jesus promised, to renew the Church Saint que Jésus a promis, pour renouveler l’Église et enflammer nos and enkindle our missionary desire to share the Good News. cœurs de la mission de partager la Bonne Nouvelle. Over the past year, in consultation with the Religious Education Au cours de la dernière année, en consultation avec l’équipe de Coordinators and the Council of Priests, we have discerned a new coordination de l’éducation religieuse et le Conseil des prêtres, et Confirmation formation for the Diocese of Saint John. This came motivés par le désir sincère d’aider nos jeunes à s’engager véritablement about through much prayer, motivated by et à devenir des disciples missionnaires a sincere desire to help our youth become intentionnels, nous avons discerné une nouvelle truly engaged and to become intentional formation pour la Confirmation dans le Diocèse missionary disciples. Two significant goals de Saint-John. Deux objectifs significatifs ont emerged from our prayerful reflection: a émergé de notre réflexion de prière : une forma- more comprehensive formation for Con- tion plus complète pour la Confirmation qui s’étend firmation over two years, and a uniformity sur deux ans, et l’uniformité à travers le diocèse of school-age level for the reception of the du niveau d’âge scolaire pour recevoir le Sacrament of Confirmation across the dio- sacrement de la Confirmation. cese. C’est le profond amour que nous ressentons pour It is deep love for our candidates that nos confirmands et confirmandes qui nous oblige compels us to offer them the very best. à leur offrir le meilleur. Nous investissons dans We are investing in our youth by providing nos jeunes en leur proposant un parcours de for- a more comprehensive formation journey, mation plus complet, qui les aidera à rencontrer which will help them encounter and re- et à renouveler leur rencontre avec le Christ, et encounter Christ and prepare them for a les préparera à un engagement plus profond dans deeper engagement in the mission of the la mission de l’Église.
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