SAME FACE, DIFFERENT ROLE Ex-Hawkeye JoAnn Hamlin is back on the court — as a coach. SPORTS, 12. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 2010 Labor deals spark debate Project labor agreements have proved effective else- where, some say. By COLLEEN KENNEDY [email protected] Sen. Bob Dvorsky, D-Iowa, sent an e- mail to the state Board of Regents two days before its June 9 meeting, urging the board to require project labor agreements on all future construction projects of more than $25 million. Regent President David Miles said the regents would not adopt any broad policy CHARLIE ANDERSON/THE DAILY IOWAN on the agreements, but Omar Watson eats a turkey wrap at the Wetherby Park Pavilion on Tuesday. Children who attend are given free breakfast and lunch by the Neighborhood they decided to try it on Centers of Johnson County on weekdays until July 30. one project — the Univer- sity of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics medical facility in Coralville. The regents approved going forth in negotiating Local summer food a project labor agreement Miles on a split 5-4 vote. regent president Miles said it was not ter- ribly common for regents to receive e- mails from senators, but they welcome input from anyone with concerns. program stays busy “I don’t think the e-mail did anything to impair the independence of the regents, but it was useful to know his perspective,” Miles said. A project labor agreement is a pre-hir- Local officials have seen a steady increase in the number of children requesting ing bargaining agreement that defines the free lunches during the summer months. terms and conditions of employment. It is negotiated between the owner of the proj- By GABE DEJONG kids eat lunch free-of-charge at through the U.S. Department is not affiliated with the Iowa ect and local unions before the bidding of [email protected] the park Monday through Fri- of Agriculture’s Summer Food City School District. In the the project and hiring of labor. day as part of the Service Program. The group is decade that the neighborhood The regents have seen some controver- William Hudson sat on a Neighborhood Centers of John- reimbursed by the Agriculture centers have offered free sy after approving the method to be used stool in the Wetherby Park son County’s summer lunch on the $73 million UIHC project, because Department in the same way lunch, said Sue Freeman, the playground Tuesday, contem- program. program director of the Broad- many people are opposed to the use of that schools are reimbursed for plating the day’s lunch menu. From June 14 through July way Neighborhood Center, the project labor agreements for the universi- “The fruit was good,” the 9- 30, the organization offers offering free and reduced-cost numbers have steadily risen. ty projects. year-old decided. breakfast and lunch to Iowa lunches during the school year, Hudson and around 50 other City children every weekday although the summer program SEE FOOD, 3 SEE LABOR, 3 New textbook law may ease cost Study finds The new law will require full disclosure of textbook pricing and other details. link in By JOSH MESSER or in any computer form [email protected] that would make it cheap- er,” he said.A section added Seeing the final price tag abuse, in 2008 to the national for a semester’s worth of Higher Education Opportu- textbooks can be a painful nity Act requires textbook sight for many University publishers to be more abortion of Iowa students, but a transparent in supplying new law could provide professors with the prices Some women in the study some relief. and formats, including digi- A national law, effective tal versions, of all available were abused by a former July 1, will seek to lower textbooks. the cost of textbooks for col- Book publishers will be partner before seeking an lege students. But without required to disclose the abortion. many professors aware of price of the text they are the new regulations, it supplying, the copyright By KATE FOWLER seems that relief may be dates of previous editions, [email protected] delayed. and any significant Abortion-seeking women are more like- UI student Bill Ganske, changes that have been ly to have experienced partner violence who spent between $400 made to the text since the FILE PHOTO/THE DAILY IOWAN than the general population, according to and $500 last semester, last previous edition. UI student Christa Eribal (right) looks through a stack of textbooks at the University said he would appreciate a recent study by University of Iowa pro- Also mandated is the Bookstore in the Old Capitol Town Center on Jan. 18. Eribal, originally from Des any help alleviating the fessors and Planned Parenthood of the “unbundling” of textbooks, Moines, said she compares prices both online and in-store to see which is the better financial burden. requiring that any supple- Heartland. deal. “I like holding the book in my hand because I can see if there is too much high- “It would be nice to have mental text sold with The study, published in the American cheaper textbooks, especial- lighting, which distracts me from the actual words,” she said. ly if they’re available online SEE TEXTBOOK, 3 SEE ABORTION, 3 DAILY IOWAN TV INDEX WEATHER DAILYIOWAN.COM To watch Daily Iowan TV,’s news updates go online at Arts 5 Opinions 4 Let us know about your upcoming event. Submit information to the DI’s new online dailyiowan.com or tune into UITV. The 5-minute summer Classifieds 10 Spotlight 2 88 66 event calendar and we’ll publish it there and on the Daily Break page. update is on Sunday through Thursday at 9:30 and 10:30 Crossword 7 Sports 12 31C 19C To submit a listing, visit dailyiowan.com/pages/calendarsubmit p.m., with reruns at midnight and 8 a.m. the following day. 2 - The Daily Iowan - Iowa City, Iowa - Wednesday, June 23, 2010 News dailyiowan.com for more news The Daily Iowan Volume 142 Issue 13 BREAKING NEWS STAFF Phone: (319) 335-6063 Publisher: E-mail: [email protected] William Casey . 335-5788 Editor: Fax: 335-6297 Brian Stewart . 335-6030 CORRECTIONS Managing Editor: Call: 335-6030 Clara Hogan . 335-5855 Policy: The Daily Iowan strives for Metro Editor: Nora Heaton . 335-6063 accuracy and fairness in the report- Opinions Editor: ing of news. If a report is wrong or Kirsten Jacobsen . 335-5863 misleading, a request for a correc- Sports Editor: tion or a clarification may be made. Jordan Garretson . 335-5848 PUBLISHING INFO Arts Editor: The Daily Iowan (USPS 143.360) is Eric Andersen . 335-5851 published by Student Publications Copy Chief: Inc., E131 Adler Journalism Building, Beau Elliot. 335-6063 Iowa City, Iowa 52242-2004, daily Photo Editor: except Saturdays, Sundays, legal and Brenna Norman . 335-5852 Web Editor: university holidays, and university Tony Phan. 335-5829 vacations. Periodicals postage paid Business Manager: at the Iowa City Post Office under the Debra Plath. 335-5786 Act of Congress of March 2, 1879. Classified Ads Manager: SUBSCRIPTIONS Juli Krause. 335-5784 Call: Juli Krause at 335-5783 Circulation Manager: E-mail: [email protected] Juli Krause. 335-5783 Advertising Manger: Subscription rates: Renee Manders. 335-5193 Iowa City and Coralville: $20 for one Advertising Sales Staff: semester, $40 for two semesters, $10 Bev Mrstik. .335-5792 for summer se ssion, $50 for full year. Cathy Witt . .335-5794 ALEX CRIDER/THE DAILY IOWAN Out of town: $40 for one semester, Day Production Manager: $80 for two semesters, $15 for Heidi Owen. 335-5789 summer session, $95 all year. Night Production Manager: Send address changes to: The Daily Bob Foley. 335-5789 Iowan, 100 Adler Journalism Building, Party music Iowa City, Iowa 52242-2004. NATION Chris Clark and Monica Brasile of Mutiny in the Parlor play in Willow Creek Park on Tuesday as Blagojevich heard ideas to get the best deal for part of Party in the Park. The band plays classics from the 1920s and 30s. Party in the Park offers himself, according to testimony music, entertainment, and ice cream at no charge to audience members. The events are held in on wiretap tapes by his former Chief of Staff John various parks around Iowa City and are sponsored by the Iowa City Parks and Recreation CHICAGO (AP) — Rod Harris — including feeding misin- Blagojevich sorted through ways formation to the Obama camp Department and Neighborhood Services Division. he could benefit personally from and others. the U.S. Senate seat vacated Blagojevich tells Harris in one when Barack Obama won the recording about trying to mis- presidential election, according lead Obama and his advisers to gain leverage over them regard- to testimony and wiretap record- ing their preferred candidate. ings played Tuesday at the for- Blagojevich, 53, has pleaded mer Illinois governor’s corrup- not guilty to scheming to sell or tion trial. trade the appointment to Speaking on the day of Obama’s seat. He has also plead- Obama’s election, Blagojevich is ed not guilty to plotting to recorded saying he’ll make an launch a racketeering scheme effort to fill the open seat but using the powers of the gover- add s “it’s not coming for free.” nor’s office. If convicted, he Three decades In talking about his once-in-a- could face up to $6 million in lifetime opportunity to appoint a fines and a sentence of 415 years of UI service senator, Blagojevich considered in prison. Kathy Bassett has served as a mentor to Admissions staff, colleagues say.
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