FCC FORM: 323 EXHIJUT 1 HAKE OF PARTY HAVING IN'l'EBEST: PAUL F. CROUCH: CALL LETTERS OF STATION OR FILE lfUJIBBR OF APPLICATION LOCATION Trinity Christian Center of Santa Ana, Inc., d/b/a Trinity Broadcasting Network licensee of: (1) KTBN-TV, Santa Aria, California (2) WLXI(TV) Greensboro, North Carolina (3) WDLI(TV) Canton, Ohio . (4) KGHO(AM/FM) Hoquiam, Washington (5) KTBN (formerly KUSW) , Inter­ Salt Lake City, Utah . national (6) WHSG(TV) Monroe, Georgia Trinity Broadcasting of Arizona, Inc. licensee of KPAZ-TV Phoenix, Arizona Trinity Broadcasting of Oklahoma City, Inc., licensee of KTBO-TV. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Trinity Broadcasting of Washington, licensee of KTBW-TV. Tacoma, Washington Trinity Broadcasting of Florida, Inc., licensee of WHFT(TV). Miami, Florida Trinity Broadcasting of Indiana, Inc. licensee of: ( 1) WKOI (TV)" Richmond, Indiana (2) WCLJ(TV)' Bloomington, Indiana Trinity Broadcastinq of New York, Inc., licensee of WTBY-TV. poughkeepsie, New·York Trinity Broadcasting of Texas, Inc., licensee of KDTX-TV~ Dallas, Texas National Minority TV, Inc.: licensee of KNMT-TV Portland, Oregon proposed assignee of WTGI(TV) Wilmington, Delaware (BALCT-910"329AE ) .. ~. EXHIBIT 1, Paqe 2 ~~.~ ~~. :~-~ ~~:.. ~~ ..?' '.~~~~.~;j/co~unity Educational Television, Inc., '~"~'.'".t~~i· l~censee(1) KLUJ(Ed.-TV)of: Harlingen, Texas ;~~ :~. ( 2) KlTU (Ed. -TV) Beaumont, Texas ~~. (3) KETH(Ed.-TV) Houston, Texas ,~ ~.~ permittee of KCWM(Ed.~FM) -Barstow, California Jacksonville Educators Broadcasting, Inc. licensee of: (1) WJEB(Ed. -TV) Jacksonville,' Florida (2) WTCE(Ed.-TV) Fort Pierce, Florida Mr. Crouch, through his involvement with the above organizations also has interests in various LPTV and television translator facilities and pending LPTV applications throughout the country. If information on such interests is requested by the Commission it will be provided immediately. Mr. Crouch is also involved with various foreign broadcast facilities. NAME OF PARTY HAVING INTEREST: JANICE CROUCH: Mrs. Crouch is an officer and director in the same organizations as Paul F. Crouch, with the exception of National Minority TV, Inc., Jacksonville Educators Broadcasting, Inc. and Community Educational Television, Inc. NAME OF PARTY HAVING INTEREST: NORMAN G. JUGGERT Mr. Juggert is and officer and director in the same organizations as Paul F. Crouch, with the exception of National Minority TV, Inc. NAME OF PARTY HAVING INTEREST: PHILLIP A. CROUCH Mr. Phillip A. Crouch is an 'officer, but not a director, in the same organizations as Paul F. Crouch, with the exception of National Minority TV, Inc. NAME OF PARTY HAVING INTEREST: :MATTHEW CROUCH Mr. Matthew Crouch is an officer, but not a director, ,in the same organizations as Paul F. Crouch. IW!E OF PARTY HAV1NG INTEREST: CHARLElIE WILLIAMS Ks. Charlene Williams is an officer, but not a director, in the same organizations as Pa~l F. Crouch. (~.-,_. '0: .' '--V" l@" EXHIBIT 1, Paqe 3 JWIR OF PARTY HAVING IN'l'EREST: AlrlrN! BROWN a director, in the same Paul F. Crouch, with the exception of National FCC FORM 323 EXHIBIT 2 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS - { QUESTIONS ANSWERED SERIATIM 1. Na.e and address of officer, director, cognizable stockholder 6. Percentage of votes. o~ partner (if other than individual also show name, address .. and'citizenship of natural person authorized to vote the stock). 7. Other existing attributable media interests sub­ list officers first, then directors and thereafter, remaining ject to the multiple ownership restrictions of stockholders and partners. Sections 73.3555 and 76.501 of the Commission's f"j Rules, including nature and size of such interests 2. Citizenship 8. All other ownership interests of 5% or M~re, whe­ 3. Office or directorship held ther or not attributable, as well as any corporate officership or directorship in broadcast, cable, 4. NUllber of, shares or nature of partnership ,interest or newspaper entities in the same broadcast ser­ vice, as described In Sections 73.355 and 76.501 5. NUllber of Votes of the Commission's Rules, including the nature and size of such interests and the position held. ~ "I Trinity Broadcasting of Florida. Inc. WHFT-TV, Channel 45, Miami. Florida 1) Paul F. Crouch Janice W. Crouch Norman G. Juggert Phil IP A. Crouch 1973 Port Chelsea Place 1973 Port ·Chelsea Place 24612 Shadow Fox Drive 10614 Pagewood Drive Mewport Beach, CA 92660 Newport Beach, CA 92660 EI Toro, CA 92630-3621 Dallas, Texas 75230 2) USA USA USA USA 3) President/Director Vice President/Dlrector Secretary-Treasurerl Assistant Secretary () Director 4) M/A-nonprofit/noDstock N/A-nonproflt/nonstock N/A-nonproflt/nonstock MIA-nonprof i.t/nonstock 5) One One One N/A 6) 33-1/3% 33-1/3% 33-1/3% MIA 7) See Attachent 1 See Attachment 1 See Attachment 1 See Attachment 1 8) MIA N/A N/A N/A Trinity Broadcasting of Florida. Inc. (continued) 1) Ralph Duff Charlene E. Williams Matthew Crouch Allan Brown 15052 Hu.phrey Circle 11823 Quarte Circle 14 Bahia Street 3712 Seacl iff Irvine, CA 92714 Fountain Valley CA 92708 Irvine, CA 92714 Santa Ana, CA 92704 ~ 2) USA USA USA USA .\ 3) Assistant Secret~ry Ass htant Secretary Assistant Secretary Assistant Secretary ;' 4) M/A-nonprofit/nonstock M/A-nonproflt/nonstock .N/A-nonproflt/nonstock N/A-nonprofit/nonstock 5) MIA MIA N/A MIA 6) MIA MIA N/A N/A 7) See Attachlllent 1 See Attachment 1 See Attachment 1 See Attachment 1 8) MIA N/A N/A N/A .~~ '.1 @~C/MElLON SEP 271991 FEcERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION' . c .:-----=------------ ·:-t~ . ." t::: FEE PROCESSING FORM 9N ,... 09-30-91 8180155 009 ~i......_~. •. ~;;leas~ r;:!aO inSln..:ct,ons on back of this form before completing it. Section I MUST be completed. If yOU are apolying for ~.' . conc-.;rrer"l actions 'Milch reQUire you to list more than one Fee Type COde, you must also complete Section II. ThiS form ~....._ mUSl accompa~y a'i pa\.'lTlents. Only one Fee Processltlg Form may oe submitted per application or filing. Please type or print ? leg,oly. All reQulrec otockS must be ccmpleteO or appf1callonlfiling will be returned Without action. SECTION I A:r;~~;+:;~~a~tJc: ;~:, ~ - Itli:r RoY/'J&t INC. MALING ADDRESS (Line \) (Maxm"G-n 35 characters - refer to Instruction (2) on reverse of form) - 332.-'f P.eM bt?Jke.. Jeoa.) MALING ADDRESS (Line 2) (if reqUired) (Maxml.tTl 35 characters) - _ ST ATE OF; COUNT;l.Y (if foreign address) ZIP CODE. C.AU. S.IG~ OR O~ER FCC IOENTFIE;l. (If ap:licable) flovrrlO- 3 30~/' W/fFT-7V . Enter in COIl.tTln (Al the correct Fee Type COde for the service you are apPlying for. Fee Type COdes may be found in FCC - Fee Filing Guides. Enter in ColltTln (8) the Fee Multip'le, if applicab:e. Enter in COll.tTln (C) the result obtained from multlolying the value of the Fee Type Code in COIl.tTln (A) by the nl.tTlOer entered in Coll.tTln (8), if arr.;. CA) (8) (C) FEE MULTIPLE FEE CUE FOR FEE TYPE FEE TYPE CODE IIf requredl COCE IN COLUMN (AJ (1) J---~---,--f MIA-I, I I/ $ 3S'f!!2, SECTION II TO be used only when you are reQuesting concurrent actions wl'lich result in a reculrement to list more than one Fee T·vce Code. (A) (8) (C) FEE TYPE eOCE FEE MULTIPLE FEE CUE FOR FEE TYPE (if requredl COCE IN COLUMN (AJ - .....-. '(2) I I I I I I l=n I$ I , (31 I I I I I I I I I$ I (4) I I I II I LU I$ I· i (5) , I I I I I I I I I 1$ I 1 AOD ALL. AMOUNTS SHOWN IN COLUMN C. LINES ( 11 THROUOH (51, ANC ENTE~ THE TOTAL HE~E. iCi':'L t.:vQt.Ni l\EMlriED WITH THIS AFP~ICt. TIO'J THIS AMOUNT SHOULc EQuAL YO~R ENCLOSED . OR FIlIN:> . Pi:?1ITTANCE. ,.I t> $ ~t, -- _ .......... -• __ ......... I~. ___ ._ .. __ ... ,. ~ == 2 ;;: ... ..- ,-- JO.I~104 E. OUNNE III CHARTERED "IC"A"O C; CAT COl.," M. 104... .,· AT'10IllN£'I" AT L.AW 0' COUNSEL 1000 T"'OMA5 JC'P'l!:IIIS0N STIIICtT, N \If TlLECO~II" "'0 81,11T'1 1120 120Z1 za.·.:ns WASI;INCTON. 0 c: 20007 c20Z1 aa'U.ll November 15, 1990 CDTIPIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Federal Communications Commission Mala Media Services P. O. Box 3581aO Pitts~urgh, Pennsylvania 15251-5180 ,......,,,-;. REI Updated Ownership Report for National Minority TV, Inc., .. ~r.~~:; Licensee of KMLM-TV Odessa, Texas and KNMT-TV, Portland, Oregon Dear Sir or Madam: Transmitted herewith, on behalf of the above-referenced licensee, 1s an updated Ownership Report, filed on FCC Form 323, coverinq ~MLM-TV, Odessa, Texas and KNMT-TV, Portland, Oregon. This report is submitted in compliance with section 73.3615 of the Commission's rules and regulations. Purs uan t. .. t.o_.Jlec tion· ·l-.-1.1G4--of--tta--Commia.·ian"f.-·r·ules, a cnec:k in th.'"amount of $70.00 made payable to the "Federal Commun t cat ions Commission, along with the required ·Pe. Proce.sing Form" (PeC Form 155) is also tendered herewith. The applic:ant re.pectfully requests that the enclosed copy of the application, marked "COPY,· be stamped as received and returned to the undersigned in the enclosed .elf-addressed, stamped envelop•• Should any que.tiona aris.s concerning this matter, kindly contact the undersigned directly. Respectfully .. Bya CMM.vgB41 j j j j j j _ ~~.-i ___ 1 I j I I j j -1 j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j FROM S.
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