Friday, May 14, 2021 UINTA COUNTY HERALD B7 Public Notices NOTICE OF INTENT TO APPLY FOR WalMart ................................................ Supplies ..................... 497.22 beverages for off-premises consumption shall be sealed. For purposes XO Xtreme Marketing .......................... Contract ................ 50,658.70 of this paragraph, “sealed” means a product enclosed: SUBDIVISION PERMIT Westar Printing ...................................... Supplies ..................... 279.00 a) In its original package and unopened; Michael J. Sims and Sims Sheep Co. LLC intend to apply for a Worldpay Integrated Payments ............. Services ..................... 139.91 b) In a plastic bag and heat sealed closed; or Subdivision Permit for the proposed Gilda Subdivision located in Lot The Lumberyard .................................... Supplies ....................... 10.52 c) In a container that has a breakable seal incorporated in the 2 and the SW1I4 NE1I4 of Section 6, T15N, R120W. The proposed One-Call of Wyoming ........................... Tickets ......................... 54.75 container cap. subdivision is located adjacent to Wyoming Highway 89 North, ap- Wyoming State Historical .................... Dues ............................. 60.00 (4) Any contract delivery service shall adhere to the requirements of proximately 2 miles North of Evanston. A public hearing for this ap- Yamaha Motor ....................................... Contract .................. 3,495.25 this section when delivering alcoholic liquors and malt beverages; and plication will be held before the Board of Uinta County Commissioners Trudy Lym ............................................. Reimbursement ....... 2,152.00 (5) Microbrewery permit holders, winery permit holders, winery on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, at 2:00 P.M. in the Commission Chambers Normont Equipment .............................. Supplies ................ 10,752.00 satellite permit holders and manufacturer licensees with a satellite of the Uinta County Complex, 225 Ninth Street, Evanston, Wyoming. Wyo. Conference of Building Officials . Dues ........................... 200.00 location shall only deliver or contract to have delivered their respective PUBLISHED: May 7, 14, 2021 05074 Callaway Golf ....................................... Supplies .................. 1,341.74 manufactured products. NOTICE OF LIEN SALE Vehicle Lighting Solutions .................... Repairs ....................... 300.06 Section 2. This ordinance shall be effective on July 1, 2021. To: Whom It May Concern - Notice is hereby given that on May 17, 2021, Taylor Made Golf .................................. Supplies .................. 6,402.18 PASSED AND APPROVED on First Reading this 6th day of April 10 a.m., at 33041 Business I-80, Fort Bridger, WY 82933 the undersigned Tamara Gutke ........................................ Refund ......................... 25.00 2021. will sell at public auction in accordance with 29-7-101 a 1968 Buick, VIN Ernest or Sharon Randall ...................... Refund ....................... 101.19 PASSED AND APPROVED on Second Reading this 20th day of 43478K113204 - $1,000; for services rendered. Dated: May 6, 2021 Johanna Steinbeck ................................ Refund .................... 1,050.00 April 2021. Larry Castle The motion passed unanimously with 6 yes votes: Williams, Lynch, PASSED AND APPROVED on Third and Final Reading this 4th PUBLISH: May 7, 14, 2021 04078 Ottley, Perkes, Welling, M. Welling. day of May, 2021. Council Comments CITY OF EVANSTON, WYOMING PUBLIC NOTICE In honor of Municipal Clerk’s Week, Mayor Williams expressed ap- Kent H. Williams, Mayor Notice is hereby given that Mike Sims has applied for a Subdivision preciation to City Clerk, Diane Harris for her hard work and dedication. ATTEST: Permit to subdivide a 15.1-acre parcel in Section 6, T15N, R120W, 6th Public Hearing/Annual Budget 2020-2021 Diane Harris, City Clerk P.M.; Uinta County, Wyoming into a new three Lot ARD Subdivision City Attorney, Dennis Boal conducted a public hearing to receive The motion to pass Ordinance 21-02 on third and final reading entitled the Gilda Subdivision. A public hearing on this application public information, input, comments, and concerns for a proposed passed unanimously with 6 yes votes: Williams, Lynch, Ottley, Perkes, will be held before the Board of Uinta County Commissioners at 2:00 modification to the budget for Fiscal year 2020 and the City of Evanston D. Welling, M. Welling. pm, Tuesday, May 18, 2021 in the Commission Chambers of the Uinta Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Annual Budget. City Treasurer, Trudy Lym, gave ORDINANCE 21-03 County Complex, Evanston, Wyoming. an overview and brief summary of the modifications and the upcoming Council member Ottley moved, Council member Perkes sec- PUBLISHED: May 7, 14, 2021 05073 budget. No one else addressed the issue and Mr. Boal closed the hearing. onded, to pass Ordinance 21-03 on second reading. Consent Agenda AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EVANSTON, WYO- NOTICE OF INTENT TO APPLY FOR TAX DEED Council member Lynch moved, Council member Welling sec- MING AMENDING SECTION 4-1 OF CHAPTER 4, ALCO- On the 16th day of September, 2015 at the Uinta County tax sale onded, to approve the following Consent Agenda Item: HOLIC BEVERAGES, BY MODIFYING THE DEFINITION OF Montierth Holdings, LLC acquired a Certificate of Purchase for the pay- Limited Malt Beverage Permit requested by Nicole Espy for the RESTAURANT AND AMENDING SECTION 4-24 TO PROVIDE ment of the 2014 taxes on the following property, located off state Strike Out Cancer Softball Tournament at the Overthrust Ball Fields THAT RESTAURANT LIQUOR LICENSEES SHALL HAVE highway 410, SW1/4 NE1/4 of Section 34, T15N, R115W, in Uinta for the following dates and times: DESIGNATED DISPENSING AREAS AND NOT OPERATE THE County, WY. The recorded property owners name is under SWEAREN- Friday, June 11, 2021 7:00 am to 12:00 am RESTAURANT AS A BAR. GIN, LEMMIE & WOODROW C/O SIMMONS, LAVERL & REES, Saturday, June 12, 2021 7:00 am to 12:00 am The motion to pass Ordinance 21-03 on second reading passed BLAINE J., PO Box 358 Coalville, UT 84017-0358. On the 9th day Sunday, June 13, 2021 7:00 am to 7:00 pm unanimously with 6 yes votes: Williams, Lynch, Ottley, Perkes, Well- of April, 2021 Montierth Holdings, LLC reassigned this Certificate of The motion passed unanimously with 6 yes votes Williams, Lynch, ing, M. Welling. Purchase for this property to Uinta County, WY. Redemption must oc- Ottley, Perkes, Welling, Resolution 21-23 cur by the legal owner(s) in the manner provided by law, on or before M. Welling. Council member Lynch introduced Resolution 21-23. Council- the 21st day of June, 2021, or Uinta County will make application for Council member Welling moved, Council member Ottley sec- member Lynch moved, Council member M. Welling seconded, to deed. This property has no special assessments. onded, to approve the following Consent Agenda Item: adopt Resolution 21-23. PUBLISHED: April 30, May 7 and 14, 2021 04305 Parade Route requested by Evanston High School for the 2021 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ADJUSTMENTS TO THE Graduating Class. The parade will begin at Evanston High School at BUDGET OF THE CITY OF EVANSTON, WYOMING FOR EVANSTON CITY COUNCIL approximately 12:30 p.m. on Saturday, May 29th. FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2021, AND ALLOCATING First Regular Meeting The motion passed unanimously with 6 yes votes: Williams, Lynch, SUCH FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES AMONG THE FUNDS May 4th, 2021 Ottley, Perkes, Welling, M. Welling. AND DEPARTMENTS AS DESCRIBED HEREIN. The official record of proceedings of the first regular meeting of the Council member Welling moved, Council member Perkes sec- The motion passed unanimously with 6 yes votes: Williams, Lynch, Evanston City Council for the month of May was held in the Council onded, to approve the following Consent Agenda Item: Ottley, Perkes, Welling, M. Welling. Chambers of City Hall on the above date. These proceedings were Parade Route requested by the VFW for the 2021 Veteran’s Resolution 21-24 video recorded. The meeting was also streamed live. Awareness Ride Utah/Wyoming. The ride will enter town at Exit 3 at Council member Welling introduced Resolution 21-24. Council Council member Perkes led those in attendance in the Pledge of approximately 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 20th. member Welling moved, Council member M. Welling seconded, to Allegiance to the Flag. The motion passed unanimously with 6 yes votes: Williams, Lynch, adopt Resolution 21-24. The roll was called and with a quorum being present, Mayor Kent Ottley, Perkes, D. Welling, M. Welling RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF EVANSTON, WYOMING Williams called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. and welcomed ev- Ordinance 21-01 AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AMENDED AND eryone present. Council member Welling moved, Council member Lynch sec- RESTATED COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT AMONG THE WY- Those present from the governing body at the start of the meeting onded, to pass Ordinance 21-01 on third and final reading. OMING DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, (WYDOT), were: Mayor Williams; Council members Tim Lynch, Tib Ottley, Evan AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EVANSTON, WYO- UINTA COUNTY AND THE CITY TO PARTICIPATE IN THE Perkes, David Welling, and Mikal Welling. Council member Mike MING AMENDING SUBSECTION A. AND ENACTING URBAN SYSTEMS PROGRAM. Sellers was excused. SUBSECTION F. OF SECTION 4-9 OF CHAPTER 4, ALCO- The motion passed unanimously with 6 yes votes: Williams, Lynch, Staff members present at the start of
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