![Official Gazette](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
TH E O FFICIA L G A ZE TT E 0F TH E COLON Y AN D PROTEW OJ8LA TE 0F EEN YA Pe lzshed under the A uthorlty of H zs E Kcelleney tbe G o& ernor af the Colony and Protectolate of K enya V oI. LII- N /. 35 x A m o ex A ugust 1, 1950 Pnce 50 Cents sewstereu as a xewspap r at tho o p o , lu bhssed every auesdd, . n. L= = ''- CON TEN TS OH :G AL G AZE'ITE (IFFICIAL G AZETTIL--COFI/: G ovt N otlce N o - à'&Gb, General N otzce lVo 83g- A ppolntm ents, etc 593 Com pam d-s Ortlznance 1739, 1755, 1761 8e ---l-he Kenya M eat Com m lsslon- Apgofntm ent 593 M edlcal Practlltumers Reglstered 1762 841-842- n e M lnlng Ordm ance lgc - N etlces 594 Plots at Varo M oru 1763 843--O b1tuary 594 N alrobl Pnvatt Steets Costs 1768 844- The Dlseases of Anlm als Chrdlnance 594 Credlt t 7 Natlyzs (Control) Ordznal ce- Exemptlons 1 769 845- -141e Cosee Industry (F lnanclal ANsIst m ce) Ordlnan cem 1944 594 846- 711e N atlve Authorlty Ordlnance- A ppolntm ents 595 847- The M arnage O rdlnance- N otlce 595 SUPPLEM ENT No 33 848- The Trout Ordlnance- N otlce 595 Proclamattons Rules and Regulatlons 1950 849-850- 13e G am e O rdm ance- Appom tm ents 595 G ovt N otlce N o - extœ 8sl-x om m lttee on M ncan Tttxatzon- Appom lment 595 859- -1*11e M lnlmum W age (Amendment) Order 1950 379 852-854- -1Ye Courts Ordlnance -A ppolntm ents 595 860- The Defence (Contlol of Prlces) Regulatlons, 855-856 -* r Serwces Iacenslng 596 1945 379 857-858- *11e Inmugratlon (l-ontrol) Ordlnance 861- Thc Ptrbhc Travel and Ac ctss Roads O rdln- lgv - Appolntm ents, etc 596 allco-order 380 G eneral N otlces 596-608 862- Confhm atlon of Ordm ances 380 G eneral N otlce N o 863- -M om bctsa M tmlcmallty (R.( staulants) (Amend- taquor Llcenslng Courts 1715 1138 m ent) By-laws 1950 381 Sale of Farms t5 16 864- Nakulaz M umclpallty (M l1k) (Amendment) By- D eed of Arrangem ent 1719 laps, 1950 382 Appolntm ent of Pohce Statlons 1722 865- The Land and W ater Pr( senatlon (General) Tenders 172 3 ,1724, 1727, 1764 (aXlnendment) Rules, 1950 383 Probate and A dm lm str m on 1725, 1726, 1736, 1740-1 754 866- The Blrths and D eaths Reglstratlon Rules, 1950 383 Trade M arks 1 p28 867- -'I'he Natlve Trlbunals (Fees and Flnes) (Amend- The W ater 01 dm anct 1729-1733, 1 !60 ment) Rules, 1950 386 Transfer of Buslnesses, etc 1734, 1756, 1757, 1 ?59 Proclalr atlon No 38- The Suppresslan of Rables Ordln- Land and A gnculm ral Bank 1 737 ant e 1932 386 GOU RNMBNT N OTICE FIo 839 RAYMOIID Jol.N Roc Rs to be Revenue Oë cer, Inland Revenue D epa tm ent, w lth eFect from 10th January, 1950 APPOIN TM EN TS W ILFRED PADLSY, o B I , to act aq Secretary to the Treasury, REVERSIO'N Seeretanat, wlth ellkct from 24th July, 1950 STANI-ES A R'HUR COLeMAN, Actln: kevenuc OK cer, Inland RICHARO O< N H ENNINGS to act as Secretary fo1 A grtculture R evellue D epartm ent, reverted to the post of Executlve and N atural Resources wlth elecl from 16th July, 1950 G rad a Clerk wlth cflkct from 19th (uly, 1950 W ILLIAM Row s PATBRSON to be Prlrtclpal Revenue Oë cer, Inland G EORGI CARI-OS M ALCOLM D ow soN reverted to the post of Revenue D epartm ent, wlth elecl from 14th June, 1949 Xssls ant Sel retaçy for A grlcultture and N atural Resources wlth elect f rom 16th July, 1950 BASIL H oM cB Enw Alto D lcKlxsohr to act as Revenue Oë cer, Inland Revenue Dtpartm ent, 4,1th eflkct from 19th July, C H H ARTW ELL, 1950 Act 'ng Deputy Cluej Secretary AR'rI.m R EssEx EDGEV?ORTH R.EADI' to be Resldent M apstlate, Nakuru, wlth effect from 27th July, 1950, zn addltlon to hls substantwe post as Resldent M apstrate, N alrobl GOVER.4MENT NOTICE NO 840 (S FST 41511% FRANK W INGATE CARPENTER to a ct as Labour Com mlssloner TH E K EN N/A M EAT CO M M ISSION ORD INAN CE, 1950 m th e&ect from 20tb. July. 1950 LNo 13 oj 1950) AR'I'HI;R H ARRY KNBLLER to act as Deputy Labour Comm lssloner A PPOINTMI NT wlth eqect from 20th July, 1950 IN ;XERC 2SE of the powers conferred by sub-sectlon (T M xRK A ssEasolo to act as Lalld Asslstant, Lands D epart- of sec 1on 3 cf the K enya M eat Comm lsslon Ordmance, 1950, m ent, m th esect from 1st July, 1950 the M em ber for Agrlculture and N atural Resources hereby a7POm tS- I'IExRY M tmlm Lxw ltl NcB to be Sem or Revenue Oë cer, Inland Revenue D epartm ent, wlth e ect from 14th Segtem ber, 1949 M R JOHN M IA IJMBE: OLE K BIw : to act tem porarlly m the place of and dunng the absence from PROM OTION S the Cf llony d3f the Hon J K Chemallan, M L c , as a m ember Ps'rek ToM W ILLIAM Pow elala tc be R evenue Oflker, Inland of the K eny : M eat C om m lsslon Revnue D epartm ent, wttb elect from 10th January, 1950 G oA ernmeat N otlce N o 603 dated the 25th day of M ay, 1950, Jo% GRAHAM PHILLIPS to be Refenue Oë cer, Inland Revenuc is var ed accordlngly D epartm ent, w lth eftect from 10th January, 1950, and Insp ctor F CAV EN D ISH -BEN TIN CK , of Lltences and 3 axes, Inlantl Revenue Departm ent wlth NalrohM, M enlber for Agrkculture and çfftlx from 1st Ap1 1l, 1959 27th July, 1950 N Resources 'c- s r èN-X /q,% ONe .h ?, '.. !f. 1 tzll ,.j , $ zpdty y , s %& N. // x 4 r xz (x15 N w 2 17..-.. r94 THE OFFICIAL G AZETTE August 1, 1950 N GOU RNMSNT N on cE N o 841 Sr= DULS II- FOOT-AND-MOUI'H D ISBASB L O 5130, M rs S L Gnm beck, P O Rtmm rutl, Lnlklpla THE M IN ING ORDXNA NCE, 1940 D kstnct NOTICE ls hereby pven under sectlon 18 (2) of the M uung L O 7126, W lng Com m andel P W H111, M annam ead, Sotlk Ordmance, 194 % that an apphcatlon by M r S D Shah of D lstnct P O Box 11, Thlka, for an excluswe prospectm g llcençe over an area of approxlm ately 140 square nules sltuated ln the L O 1799 and 1803 Kalala Estxte, P O H oey s Blldge, l rans Central Provlnce In an area declared closed by Governm ent N zola D lstnct N otlce N o 797 of 17th July, 1950, and as m ore partlcularly L R 6110, M J Crawtord, H oey s m idge, Trans N zola Dlstrlct descnbed ln the Schedule hereto has beett accepted for con- L R 6109, M essrs Tyack Bros H oey's Bndge, Trans Nzoha slderatlon wlth estct f rom the 22nd day of July, 1950 D lstnct Oblectlons to the excluswe prospectm g llcence apphed for L R 2176 and 2177, M A Bentley, Esq , Hoey's Bndge, Trans wzll be entertam ed untll the 31st day of August, 1950, and N zola Dlstnct should be lodged wlth the Commlssloner (M mes and Geology) L R 2187, G E L N lcholson, Esq , Hoey's Brldge, Tians P O Box 339, N alrobl Nzola Dzstnct N alrobl, D OU GLAS H ARVERSON , L R 6195, W H N lcholson, Esq , H oey s Bmdge, Trans N zom 22nd July, 1950 Commissloner (M lnes and Geologyb D zstnct L R 6199, R F Pleaden Esq , H oey's Bndge, Trans N zola SCHEDIJLE Dlstnct Comm enclng at the road Junctlon at Ikoo , L R 838/5, G K lrwln, Esq , Hoey's Bndge, Trans Nzola thence ln a north-wosterly dlrectm n for a dlstance of approxl- Dlstnct mately nm e m lles to the hlgheqt pom t of M ount Nzta , H oey s Brldge Statlon, Trans N zola D lstnct thence ln a north easterly dlrectlon for a dlstance of approxl- m ately nlne m lles to a polnt where the road crosses the N zul L O 7384, H oey s Brldge Slsal Estate, Trans N zola Dzstnct R w er at K anyonga , L R 1802 A /R, M essrs Dowlmg and Corfe, Hoey s Bndge, thence ln an east-soutlweasterly dyrectlon for a dlstance of Trans N zola D lstnct approxlmately s1x mlles to the hlghest polnt of M ount Etulu , L R 1800/3, H Campbell, Esq , Hoey's Bndge, Trans Nzola thence ln a south easterly dlrectlon for a dlstance of approxl- D lstnct m ately seven nules to the hlghest polnt of M ount Cham bam ul L R 1800/2/ R, - Ramsem Kulo Anyo Estate, Hoey's Brldge, thence ln a south-westerly dlrectlon for a dlstance of approxl- Trans N zom D lstnct m ately 11 m lles to the pom t of comm encement L R 5319 and 5318/R, L R Owen, Esq , Hoey's Brldge, Trans Nzola Dlstnct GOVERXMENT N oTlcœ N o 842 SCHEDIJL,E III- RINDERPBST T O L , A Arm strong, Esq , P O Rum urutty Latkapla Dtsm ct TH E M IN IN G OR DINAN CE, 1940 L O 7321, 2630, 263 1/R and 2632, D elghton Downs, P O Llcsxcs GRANTED N goblt, Lalklpla D lstnct N OTICE Is hereby glven that an excluslve prospectlng llcence llas betn granted as follows - SCHEDULB IV- TRYPANOSOM IASIS Llcence --G J Lam g, Esq L O 946, Altlbu Farm , Sotlk Dlstrlct Area - 140 square m lles (approxlmately) L O 7136, P W HT1l, Esq , M annam ead, Sotlk Dlstnct Localtty and No o! llcence '-Nyanza P1 ovlnce, No %) L O 5472 (part), H F Hopley, Esq , Kalonget, Sotlk Dlstnct Term --one year from 1st M ay, 1950 L O 5498, R C Royston, Bsq , K lbon, Sotlk D lstnct M tneral - preclous m etals L O 7344, G Tovey, Esq , K apsanuq, Sotlk D zsm ct G overnm ent N otlce N o 772 of 4th July, 1950, Ts hercby L O 3724, P E H oS Esq , K apkoya Sotlk Dlstrlct cancelled L O 5472 (part), R D M acklntosh, Esq Narongat, Sotlk Dlstrlct N alrobj, D OU G LA S H ARVERSON , 22nd July, 1950 Commtssloner (M tnes and Geologyj L O 5498/2, H C Dawson Esq , Soymet, Sotlk Dlstnct L O 5475/ l , G 800th, Esq , W algln, Sotlk Dzstzwt L O 6771, B V H Shaw, Esq , K lpkebe, Sotlk Dlstnct GOVERNMEG N oTlcB No 843 SCHEDULE V- U LCERATTVB LYM PHANGITIS t, O 525, The Egerton School Farm , P O Nloro, Nakuru O BITUARY D lstnct The Actm g Governor deeply rtgrets to announce the death Governm ent Plot D r W H arden-sm ith, P O N akuru, N akuru of M r Crlspus M lgwl whlch occurred on 8th July, 1950, as D lstnct the result of a m otor accldent SCHEDULE V I- REvocATIoNs M r M lgw! Jolned the Educatlon Departm ent on 1st January, 1947, and by hls death G overnm ent bas lost the servlces of a Proclam atlon N o 59 dated the 15th day of N ovember, 1949 promlsmg young teacher By deletlng from Schedule I (baclllary whlte dlarrhoea) thereto
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