Federal Register / Vol. 61, No. 75 / Wednesday, April 17, 1996 / Notices 16805 Public: Business or other for profit, and be sent within 30 days of this notice to: Dated: April 11, 1996. Not for profit institutions; Number of Virginia Huth, Human Resources and Susan Lieberman, Respondents: 1,000; Total Annual Housing Branch, Office of Management Chief, Branch of Operations, Office of Responses: 1,000; Total Annual Hours and Budget, New Executive Office Management Authority. Requested: 1,000. Building, Room 10236, Washington, [FR Doc. 96±9405 Filed 4±16±96; 8:45 am] To request copies of the proposed D.C. 20503. BILLING CODE 4310±55±P paperwork collections referenced above, Dated: April 11, 1996. call the Reports Clearance Office on Richard Kopanda, (410) 786±1326. Written comments and Bureau of Land Management Executive Officer, SAMHSA. recommendations for the proposed [WO±350±1430±00] information collections should be sent [FR Doc. 96±9442 Filed 4±16±96; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4162±20±P within 60 days of this notice directly to Extension of Currently Approved the HCFA Paperwork Clearance Officer Information Collection; OMB Approval designated at the following address: Number 1004±0029 HCFA, Office of Financial and Human Resources, Management Planning and DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AGENCY: Bureau of Land Management, Interior. Analysis Staff, Attention: Louis Blank, Fish and Wildlife Service Room C2±26±17, 7500 Security ACTION: Notice and request for Boulevard, Baltimore, Maryland 21244± Notice of Receipt of Applications for comments. 1850. Approval SUMMARY: In accordance with the Dated: April 9, 1996. The following applicants have Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the Kathleen B. Larson, applied for approval to conduct certain Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is Director, Management Planning and Analysis activities with birds that are protected announcing its intention to request Staff, Office of Financial and Human extension of approval for the collection Resources. in accordance with the Wild Bird Conservation Act of 1992. This notice is of information from those persons [FR Doc. 96±9396 Filed 4±16±96; 8:45 am] provided pursuant to Section 112(4) of seeking to acquire title to public land BILLING CODE 4120±03±P the Wild Bird Conservation Act of 1992, under the color-of-title authority. The 50 CFR 15.26(c). BLM collects information to assure that Applicant: Jan Roger van Oosten, statutory requirements for conveyance Substance Abuse and Mental Health of title under the Color-of-Title Act have Services Administration Seattle, WA. The applicant wishes to establish a cooperative breeding been met. Agency Information Collection program for the Cardinal lory DATES: Comments on the proposed Activities: Submission for OMB (Chalcopsitta cardinalis), Yellow-bibbed information collection must be received Review; Comment Request lory (Lorius chorocercus), Coconut by June 17, 1996 to be considered. (Massena's) lorikeet (Trichoglossus ADDRESSES: Comments may be mailed Periodically, the Substance Abuse and haematodus massena), Palm lorikeet to: Regulatory Management Team (420), Mental Health Services Administration (Charmosyna palmarum), Duchess Bureau of Land Management, 1849 C (SAMHSA) will publish a list of lorikeet (Charmosyna margarethae) and Street NW, Room 401 LS, Washington, information collection requests under the Solomon Island eclectus (Eclectus D.C. 20240. OMB review, in compliance with the roratus solomonensis). Mr. van Oosten Comments may be sent via Internet to: Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. wishes to be an active participant in this [email protected]. Please include Chapter 35). To request a copy of these program with seven other private ``Attn: 1004±0029'' and your name and documents, call the SAMHSA Reports individuals. The International Loriinae return address in your Internet address. Clearance Officer on (301) 443±0525. Society has assumed the responsibilty Comments may be hand delivered to FY 1997/1998 Community Mental for the oversight of the program. the Bureau of Land Management Health Services Block Grant Application Written data or comments should be Administrative Record, Room 401, L Voluntary Format and ContentÐ submitted to the Director, U.S. Fish and Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20036. Extension of a currently approved Wildlife Service, Office of Management Comments will be available for public collectionÐThe Public Health Service Authority, 4401 North Fairfax Drive, review at the L Street address during Act (42 U.S.C. 300x 1±9) authorizes Room 420C, Arlington, Virginia 22203 regular business hours (7:45 a.m. to 4:15 block grants to States for the purpose of and must be received by the Director p.m., Monday through Friday). providing community based mental within 30 days of the date of this FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: health services. Under the provisions of publication. Vanessa R. Engle, Realty Use Group, the law, States may receive allotments Documents and other information 202±452±7776. only after an application is approved by submitted with these applications are SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In the Secretary, DHHS. The annual available for review, subject to the accordance with 5 CFR 1320.12(a), the burden estimate is shown below: requirements of the Privacy Act and BLM is required to provide 60-day Freedom of Information Act, by any notice in the Federal Register party who submits a written request for concerning a collection of information No. of respondents .......................... 59 a copy of such documents to the contained in published current rules to No. of responses per respondent .... 1 following office within 30 days of the solicit comments on (a) whether the Avg. burden per response (hours) .. 320 date of publication of this notice: U.S. proposed collection of information is Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of necessary for the proper performance of Total annual burden (hours) .... 18,880 Management Authority, 4401 North the functions of the agency, including Written comments and Fairfax Drive, Room 420C, Arlington, whether the information will have recommendations concerning the Virginia 22203. Phone: (703/358±2104); practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the proposed information collection should FAX: (703/358±2281). agency's estimate of the burden of the 16806 Federal Register / Vol. 61, No. 75 / Wednesday, April 17, 1996 / Notices proposed collection of information, gain clear title to his claimed property. Road 14±7±18 from the South Fork including the validity of the Failure to provide the necessary Alsea County Road 48200 to the gate methodology and assumptions used; (c) information results in the rejection of located approximately 100 feet north of ways to enhance the quality, utility, and the color-of-title application. the junction of Roads 14±7±18 and 14± clarity of the information to be If BLM did not collect the information 7±32.2. The closure includes all area collected; and (d) ways to minimize the on Color of Title Application Form within 150 feet slope distance on either burden of the collection of information 2540±1, the agency would be unable to side of the above-listed road. on those who are to respond, including carry out the mandate of the Color-of- The following persons, operating through the use of appropriate Title Act and the responsibilities for within the scope of their official duties, automated, electronic, mechanical, or implementing 43 CFR 2540 and 2541. are exempt from the provisions of this other technological collection Form 2450±1 requires only the minimal closure order: BLM employees; State, techniques or other forms of information information necessary to determine local, and Federal law enforcement and technology. claim validity. fire protection personnel; the holders of The Color-of-Title Act of December Based on its experience processing BLM road use permits that include 22, 1928, as amended (43 U.S.C. 1068, Color-of-Title applications, BLM roads within the closure area; the 1068a, 1068b), provides for the issuance estimates the public reporting burden purchaser of BLM timber within the of a land patent (deed) to eligible for completing Color of Title closure area and its employees and individuals, groups, or corporations Application Form 2540±1 is 15 minutes. subcontractors. Access by additional who believe they have a valid claim to BLM estimates that approximately 37 parties may be allowed but must be public lands under color-of-title. The Color-of-Title applications are filed approved in advance in writing by the information collected on Color-of-Title annually for a total annual burden of 9 Authorized Officer or his Designated Application Form 2540±1, is required hours. Authorized Officer. by Departmental regulations at 43 CFR Any interested member of the public Any person who fails to comply with 2541.2 (35 FR 9592, June 13, 1970), and may request and obtain, without charge, the provisions of this closure order may is used by the agency to identify a copy of Color of Title Application be subject to the penalties provided in information concerning improvements, Form 2540±1 by contacting any BLM 43 CFR 8360.0±7, which include a fine cultivation, title ownership and related Office or the person identified under not to exceed $1,000 and/or matters. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT. imprisonment not to exceed 12 months, Any individual seeking to acquire a All responses to this notice will be as well as the penalties provided under title to public land under the color-of- summarized and included in the request Oregon State law. title authority must make application for Office of Management and Budget The public lands and roads and provide information essential to approval. All comments will also temporarily closed to public use under compliance with law, regulations, and become part of the public record. this order will be posted with signs at procedures. As required by the Color-of Dated: April 9, 1996. points of public access. Title Act and 43 CFR 2541.2(b) and (c), The purpose of this emergency information provided on Form 2540±1 Annetta L.
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