ESSENCE OF BHAGAVAN DATTAATREYA- MAGNIFICENCE OF TRIPURAMBIMKA Translated and interpreted by V.D.N.Rao 1 Other Scripts by the same Author: Essence of Puranas:-Maha Bhagavata, Vishnu, Matsya, Varaha, Kurma, Vamana, Narada, Padma; Shiva, Linga, Skanda, Markandeya, Devi Bhagavata;Brahma, Brahma Vaivarta, Agni, Bhavishya, Nilamata; Shri Kamakshi Vilasa- Dwadasha Divya Sahasranaama:a) Devi Chaturvidha Sahasra naama: Lakshmi, Lalitha, Saraswati, Gayatri;b) Chaturvidha Shiva Sahasra naama-Linga-Shiva-Brahma Puranas and Maha Bhagavata;c) Trividha Vishnu and Yugala Radha-Krishna Sahasra naama-Padma-Skanda-Maha Bharata and Narada Purana. Stotra Kavacha- A Shield of Prayers -Purana Saaraamsha; Select Stories from Puranas Essence of Dharma Sindhu - Dharma Bindu - Shiva Sahasra Lingarchana-Essence of Paraashara Smriti- Essence of Pradhana Tirtha Mahima- Essence of Ashtaadasha Upanishads: Brihadarankya, Katha, Taittiriya/ Taittiriya Aranyaka , Isha, Svetashvatara, Maha Narayana and Maitreyi, Chhadogya and Kena, Atreya and Kausheetaki, Mundaka, Maandukya, Prashna, Jaabaala and Kaivalya. Also „Upanishad Saaraamsa‟ - Essence of Virat Parva of Maha Bharata- Essence of Bharat Yatra Smriti -Essence of Brahma Sutras- Essence of Sankhya Parijnaana- Essence of Knowledge of Numbers for students-Essence of Narada Charitra; Essence Neeti Chandrika-Essence of Hindu Festivals and AusteritiesEssence of Manu Smriti- Quintessence of Manu Smriti- Essence of Paramartha Saara; Essence of Pratyaksha Bhaskra; Essence of Pratyaksha Chandra; Essence of Vidya-Vigjnaana-Vaak Devi; Essence of Bhagya -Bhogya-Yogyata Lakshmi - Essence of Soundarya Lahari- Essence of Popular Stotras- Essence of Pancha Maha Bhutas- Essence of Taittireeya Aranyaka- Quintessence of Soundarya Lahari- Essence of Gayatri- Essence of Ganesha Mahima - Essence of Shiva Raatri Mahima- Essence of Chaturupanishads- Essence of Ashtaadasha Upanishads - Essence of Bhagavad Gita Essence of Valmiki Baala Ramayana- Essence of Valmiki Ayodhya Ramayana- Essence of Aranya Ramayana-Essence of Valmiki Kishkindha Ramayana- Essence of Valmiki Sundara Ramayana- Essence of Valmiki Yuddha Ramayana- Essence of Valmiki Uttara Ramayana- Quitessecence of Valmiki Ramayana; Essence of Veda Vyasa Smriti- Essence of Yagjnyavalkya Smriti-Essence of Aapastamba Dharma Sutras- Essence of Devi Navaratri Mahima- Essence of Aapstamba Grihya Sutras- Essence of Bhishma Parva of Maha Bharata- Essence of Post Life Existence-based on Upanishads, Puranas, and Itihaasaas - Essence of Nava Graha Mahatmya- Essence of Kaala Chakra- Essence of Pranava- Essence of Drona Parva Of Maha Bharata Yuddha - Essence of Shanti Moksha Maha Bharata-Part One - Essence of Shanti Moksha Maha Bharata- Part 2; Note: All the above Scriptures already were released on www. Kamakoti. Org/news as also on Google by the respective references 2 Preface Bhagavan Dattatreya considered as „Dutta‟ or awarded by Trimurtis and born to Maharshi „Atreya‟ and Maha Parivrata Devi Anasuyaas He be stated as a mystic Saint „par excellence‟ called „Avadhuta‟ or of the eccentric type. The word „Ava‟ denotes „evil materials‟ and „dhuta‟ denotes „washed away‟ thus meaning that he washed away all shocking things.Such a Person is stated to be of Pure consciousness in human form carrying Chatur Vedas as His dear Dogs!. Depicted as a Three headed Avatara, representing the Trimurtis of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva; the Three „Gunas‟ of Rajasik, Satvik and Tamasik nature; Three Stages of Concsiousness viz. waking, dreaming and dreamless Sushupti; and the Thee Time Capsules of Past, Present and Future, Dattatreya is picturised as seated in meditation to „Trayambake - shwari‟ by the aid of „Ashtanga Yoga‟ and accomplished Self-Reailisation.The main Principles of „Dattatreya-following‟ are Self-Reailisation of the Unique Unknown in one‟s own Inner Self as the Jeevatma/ Paramatma. Hence the concepts of Inter-relation of the Avyakta- the Vyakta Prapancha- Overcoming Ego by Yoga and Renonuciation, and Jnaana by Pravrutti- Nivritti Margaas- the Pra -Apaara Vidhaanaas and the Grand Enlightenment of „Aham Brahmaasmi‟! This attempted brief presentation is the Essence of Bhagavan Dattatreya-an outsanding personality of total immunity from various human aberrations and weaknesses - a Master of Para and Apara Vidya, and the Master of Ashtaanga Yoga, is stated to be of Shodasha Manifestations or Sixteen Avararaas viz.Bhagavan Dattatreya‟s Shodasha Avataaraas viz.Yogiraj- Atrivarada- Dattatreya- Kala Agnishaman- Yogijana Vallabha Lila Vishwambara-Siddharaja - Dhyanasagara-Vishwambharavdhoota- Mayamuktavadhoota- Mayuktavadhoota-Adiguru Shiva Guru - Dattatreya-Devdeveshwara - Digambara- Sri Krishna Shyam Kamalanayana. This presentation seeks to include selective excerpts of the famed Tripura Rahasya. Parashu Rama- the son of Maharshi Jamadgni and Devi Renuka- was a fervent follower of Bhagavan Dattatreya. Parashu Rama‟s battle with King Kartveeryarjunaejuna was of Aitihaasika relevance, as Maharshi Jamadagni was killed by the King as refused to gift away with theKamadhenu andthe revengeful Parshu Rama avenged the Kshatriyas in a series of twenty one battles, although was humbled by Shri Rama of Ramayana Fame. The humiliated Parashu Rama made an utmost Tapasya to Bhagavan Dattaatreya who in turn taught the Tripuraa Rahasya as to how a person could wade through the Ocean of Samsaara by the construction of a strong bridge supported by faith, tapasya, and self oriented enquiry of what to know and what to reject. Hence the Method of Self Investigation to destroy the layers of Shad Kanchukaas or the Six Sheaths / Coverings of Ignorance viz „niyati, kaala, raaga, vidya, kala and maaya‟ or the limitations of place, time, attachments, knowledge besides kalaa the creativity and Maya the Illusion of Individuality of the Self. Thus Bodha of the pure consciousness under the spell of Maha Maya assumes the two basic powers of Jnaana and Kriya Shaktis and further on to the chain of kaala the time factor, vidya, raaga, kala the creative shakti and niyati tatwa or jigjnaasa of where and who finally verging to „Aham Brahmaasmi‟ - Thou Art Thou .. What all was learnt from the tutelage of HH. Vijayendrasarsvati of Kanchi Mutt be this squirrel like effort of the Setu Bandhana of His glorious task of Dharma Prachaara and unto His padaabhivandana, may this be dedicated to Him with humility. VDN Rao and family, November, 2020 3 Contents CHAPTER ONE Section One on Aadhuta Dattatreya- Durvaasa- Jada Bharata- Raikva- and Samvartaka-.P. 6 Section Two on Origin of Bhagavan Dattatreya‟ birth - Examples of Kaushiki and Anasuya as „Pativratas‟ vide Markandeya Purana P12. [ Explanation on Chaturvidha Veda Mahilas and Sapta Pativrataas.] Section Three on Bhagavan Dattatreya on Shodashopachaara Pujaavidhaana-P. 15 Section Four on Bhagavan Dattatreya as an outsanding personality of total immunity from various human aberrations and weaknesses P. Vishlesana on 1. Tapatrayas .2. Ishana Trayaas 3. Trigunaas. 4. Tri Kankshaas. 5. Tragnis 6.Tri Kalpa Kaala maana 7. Chatur Atmas. 8. Chaturashramaas 9. Chatur Bhaavas. 10. Chatur Balaas 11. Chaturvidha Jeeva/ Vaishvaanara Sthiti 12. Chaturvidha Paashaas 13. Chaturvidha Purushaarthaas 14.Chaturvidha Upayaas 15. Chaturvidha Jeeva / Vaishvanara Sthiti. 16. Pancha Jeeva Pravahas or Five Flows of Life Shat Bhaavas 17. Pancha Shikhas. 18. Pancha Naada. 19. Pancha Vigjaana 20. Shat Bhava 21. Shat Chakra 22. Shat Karma 23. Shat Saadhanaas 24. Shodasha Tatvaas.] Section Five on Bhagavan Dattaatreya a Master of Para and Apara Vidya P.18 [ Vishleshana - vide 1. Kathopnishad and 2.Munadakopanishad Section Six on Dattatreya as a Master of Ashtaanga Yoga - P. 26 [Explanation on Ashtaanga Yoga] Section Seven on Datttatreya a Vairagi „par excellence‟ P. 36 [Vishleshana as per Dattatreya Upanishad] Section Eight on Tri -mastaka Avadhuta Dattatreya as an Avatar of distinction and Avadhuta Gita . P.38 Section Nine on a) Avadhuta secured inspiration from Nature and b) on Nine Yogindras vide Maha Bhagavata P. 40 Section Ten on the Appearance and Triguna sampatti of Bhagavan Dattatreya as of six hands P.42 Section Eleven on Bhagavan Dattatreya‟s Shodasha Avataaraas P.3. viz. 1.Yogiraj- 2. Atrivarada- 3. Dattatreya- 4.Kala Agnishaman- 5.Yogijan Vallabha-6. Lila Vishwambara- 7.Siddharaja-8.Dhyanasagara- 9. Vishwambharavdhoot-10. Mayamuktavadhoot- 11.Mayayuktavadhoota-12.Adiguru Shiva Guru 13. Dattatreya-14.Devdeveshwara -15. Digambara-Sri Krishna Shyam Kamalnayan [ Vishleshanas vide AUM ref..Atri Varada-.Vishvambharaavadhoota [ Vishleshana on Bhagavan‟s Vishva Rupa vide Vaamana Purana] - Mayayukta Avadhoota [ Explanation on Pranava vide Maha Narayanopanishad:] Mayaukta Avadhahoota [ Vishleshana 1.on King Kaartaveeryarjuna and Parshu Raama vide Brahmanda Puraana- The battle of Bhargava Rama and Kaartaveeryarjuna- Encounter of Bhargava and Ganesha, Face-Off by Parvati and Shiva-Krishna‟s identity-[ Vishleshana 2. on the display of Parashu Rama‟s „ahambhava nirmulana‟ by Shri Rama vide Valmiki Baala Ramayana] -. Adi Guru Dattatreya [ Vishleshana vide Markandeya Purana] Yogadhyaya (Study of Yoga), Yoga Siddhi (Achievement) and Yogicharya (Practice)- Shiva Swarupa : [ Vishleshana 1. Origin of Shiva Linga and 4 Significance of Aatithya, Paativratya, Bhakti and Bhasma , „Apara Stuti‟ of Maha Deva by Saptarshis included- 2. Shiva as the Unknown Agni Stambha 3. Tryambakeshwara Digambara Maha Deva [Vishleshanas on 1.Digambara Bhasmaalankrita Maha Deva and 2. Shri Krishna Janma] Shri Kishna Shyamala Nayana [ Vishleshana on Shri
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