Provincial Policy Statement – Housing Table Table 1: All Households Incomes and Affordable House Prices, 2019 10th Percentile 20th Percentile 30th Percentile 40th Percentile 50th Percentile 60th Percentile 70th Percentile 80th Percentile 90th Percentile 10th Income Affordable 20th Income Affordable 30th Income Affordable 40th Income Affordable 50th Income Affordable 60th Income Affordable 70th Income Affordable 80th Income Affordable 90th Income Affordable Regional Market Area Percentile House Price Percentile House Price Percentile House Price Percentile House Price Percentile House Price Percentile House Price Percentile House Price Percentile House Price Percentile House Price Ontario $22,700 $80,500 $36,900 $130,900 $50,400 $178,800 $64,600 $229,100 $80,100 $284,100 $97,800 $346,900 $119,000 $422,100 $148,100 $525,300 $197,100 $699,100 City of Toronto $18,900 $67,000 $30,400 $107,800 $42,900 $152,200 $56,200 $199,300 $71,000 $251,800 $88,400 $313,600 $109,900 $389,800 $142,000 $503,700 $202,800 $719,300 Central $27,200 $96,500 $43,300 $153,600 $58,400 $207,100 $74,100 $262,800 $91,100 $323,100 $109,700 $389,100 $132,300 $469,300 $162,100 $575,000 $211,700 $750,900 Regional Municipality of Durham $30,600 $108,500 $48,000 $170,300 $64,000 $227,000 $80,300 $284,800 $96,900 $343,700 $115,200 $408,600 $136,700 $484,900 $164,800 $584,500 $210,000 $744,900 Regional Municipality of Halton $34,000 $120,600 $54,100 $191,900 $72,500 $257,200 $91,600 $324,900 $111,400 $395,100 $133,600 $473,900 $160,700 $570,000 $197,900 $702,000 $266,000 $943,500 City of Hamilton $21,800 $77,300 $34,000 $120,600 $46,600 $165,300 $59,700 $211,800 $74,600 $264,600 $92,000 $326,300 $111,900 $396,900 $139,400 $494,500 $183,900 $652,300 District Municipality of Muskoka $23,400 $83,000 $35,800 $127,000 $47,600 $168,800 $60,700 $215,300 $73,300 $260,000 $88,200 $312,800 $104,300 $370,000 $126,900 $450,100 $166,200 $589,500 Regional Municipality of Niagara $22,300 $79,100 $34,200 $121,300 $45,500 $161,400 $57,300 $203,200 $70,300 $249,400 $85,300 $302,600 $103,600 $367,500 $127,900 $453,700 $168,500 $597,700 Regional Municipality of Peel $30,000 $106,400 $46,600 $165,300 $61,600 $218,500 $76,900 $272,800 $93,200 $330,600 $110,500 $391,900 $131,400 $466,100 $158,800 $563,300 $204,100 $723,900 County of Simcoe $26,200 $92,900 $40,700 $144,400 $54,000 $191,500 $67,900 $240,800 $82,600 $293,000 $99,100 $351,500 $118,300 $419,600 $143,600 $509,300 $185,900 $659,400 Regional Municipality of York $29,500 $104,600 $46,900 $166,400 $64,800 $229,800 $83,600 $296,500 $103,400 $366,800 $125,000 $443,400 $150,600 $534,200 $184,200 $653,400 $240,100 $851,600 Eastern $23,200 $82,300 $37,500 $133,000 $51,100 $181,300 $65,500 $232,300 $80,300 $284,800 $97,100 $344,400 $117,300 $416,100 $145,000 $514,300 $190,500 $675,700 City of Cornwall $21,000 $74,500 $30,900 $109,600 $40,600 $144,000 $52,000 $184,400 $64,700 $229,500 $78,600 $278,800 $95,500 $338,700 $115,900 $411,100 $151,200 $536,300 County of Hastings $21,900 $77,700 $32,600 $115,600 $43,100 $152,900 $54,400 $193,000 $66,100 $234,500 $78,800 $279,500 $95,100 $337,300 $116,800 $414,300 $151,400 $537,000 Kawartha Lakes Division $23,200 $82,300 $36,000 $127,700 $47,400 $168,100 $59,700 $211,800 $72,500 $257,200 $86,200 $305,800 $104,000 $368,900 $128,000 $454,000 $167,000 $592,300 Haliburton County $20,300 $72,000 $30,400 $107,800 $40,200 $142,600 $50,300 $178,400 $63,000 $223,500 $74,600 $264,600 $89,100 $316,000 $108,800 $385,900 $145,500 $516,100 City of Kawartha Lakes + Haliburton $22,400 $79,500 $34,900 $123,800 $45,600 $161,700 $57,800 $205,000 $70,200 $249,000 $83,500 $296,200 $100,300 $355,800 $124,300 $440,900 $163,900 $581,400 City of Kingston $21,900 $77,700 $34,600 $122,700 $47,500 $168,500 $60,400 $214,200 $74,900 $265,700 $90,900 $322,400 $109,400 $388,000 $136,000 $482,400 $179,300 $636,000 County of Lanark $23,500 $83,400 $37,500 $133,000 $50,000 $177,400 $63,600 $225,600 $77,300 $274,200 $93,100 $330,200 $111,000 $393,700 $134,500 $477,100 $171,500 $608,300 UC of Leeds and Grenville $23,200 $82,300 $36,200 $128,400 $47,700 $169,200 $60,000 $212,800 $73,700 $261,400 $88,400 $313,600 $105,300 $373,500 $129,000 $457,600 $166,600 $590,900 County of Lennox and Addington $25,000 $88,700 $37,900 $134,400 $50,400 $178,800 $63,600 $225,600 $77,400 $274,500 $91,500 $324,600 $107,600 $381,700 $129,300 $458,600 $163,000 $578,200 Prince Edward Division $23,600 $83,700 $35,800 $127,000 $47,000 $166,700 $59,400 $210,700 $72,300 $256,400 $85,200 $302,200 $102,700 $364,300 $126,500 $448,700 $164,300 $582,800 County of Lennox & Addington + Prince Edward Division $24,600 $87,300 $37,000 $131,200 $49,000 $173,800 $62,300 $221,000 $75,500 $267,800 $89,000 $315,700 $105,700 $374,900 $128,100 $454,400 $163,200 $578,900 County of Northumberland $24,800 $88,000 $38,300 $135,900 $49,800 $176,600 $62,600 $222,000 $75,900 $269,200 $90,300 $320,300 $108,100 $383,400 $132,000 $468,200 $174,300 $618,200 City of Ottawa $24,400 $86,500 $42,600 $151,100 $59,100 $209,600 $75,400 $267,400 $92,800 $329,200 $111,800 $396,600 $135,300 $479,900 $167,400 $593,800 $217,200 $770,400 City of Peterborough $22,000 $78,000 $33,600 $119,200 $44,600 $158,200 $56,400 $200,100 $69,900 $247,900 $84,400 $299,400 $102,400 $363,200 $127,700 $453,000 $167,200 $593,100 UC of Prescott and Russell $25,300 $89,700 $39,700 $140,800 $54,200 $192,200 $69,300 $245,800 $85,000 $301,500 $101,700 $360,700 $120,900 $428,800 $144,900 $514,000 $180,900 $641,700 County of Renfrew $22,700 $80,500 $35,000 $124,100 $47,600 $168,800 $60,600 $214,900 $73,300 $260,000 $86,800 $307,900 $103,800 $368,200 $125,200 $444,100 $160,000 $567,500 Southwestern $22,900 $81,200 $36,200 $128,400 $48,600 $172,400 $61,600 $218,500 $76,000 $269,600 $92,000 $326,300 $111,200 $394,400 $137,100 $486,300 $179,800 $637,800 City of Brantford $24,000 $85,100 $35,900 $127,300 $47,400 $168,100 $60,200 $213,500 $74,200 $263,200 $90,000 $319,200 $108,300 $384,100 $132,600 $470,300 $171,200 $607,200 County of Bruce $23,500 $83,400 $36,500 $129,500 $49,100 $174,200 $63,100 $223,800 $78,000 $276,700 $94,800 $336,300 $118,600 $420,700 $149,700 $531,000 $199,400 $707,300 Municipality of Chatham-Kent $20,600 $73,100 $31,000 $110,000 $41,200 $146,100 $51,100 $181,300 $62,900 $223,100 $76,900 $272,800 $93,400 $331,300 $115,800 $410,700 $152,700 $541,600 County of Dufferin $29,500 $104,600 $48,400 $171,700 $64,600 $229,100 $79,800 $283,100 $96,700 $343,000 $114,500 $406,100 $134,700 $477,800 $162,000 $574,600 $204,100 $723,900 County of Grey $21,600 $76,600 $33,100 $117,400 $43,600 $154,600 $55,600 $197,200 $67,900 $240,800 $81,700 $289,800 $99,800 $354,000 $123,700 $438,800 $163,700 $580,600 County of Huron $23,500 $83,400 $35,300 $125,200 $46,600 $165,300 $59,000 $209,300 $71,200 $252,500 $85,700 $304,000 $102,500 $363,600 $124,900 $443,000 $161,400 $572,500 County of Lambton $22,800 $80,900 $35,900 $127,300 $48,600 $172,400 $61,900 $219,600 $76,700 $272,100 $93,300 $330,900 $113,200 $401,500 $141,400 $501,500 $189,300 $671,400 City of London $20,200 $71,600 $32,300 $114,600 $44,200 $156,800 $56,400 $200,100 $69,900 $247,900 $86,000 $305,000 $104,800 $371,700 $130,400 $462,500 $174,300 $618,200 County of Norfolk $24,500 $86,900 $37,900 $134,400 $49,700 $176,300 $62,500 $221,700 $76,300 $270,600 $91,100 $323,100 $108,800 $385,900 $131,500 $466,400 $167,200 $593,100 County of Oxford $25,500 $90,400 $39,400 $139,800 $51,400 $182,300 $63,900 $226,700 $78,100 $277,000 $92,700 $328,800 $110,000 $390,200 $132,600 $470,300 $168,300 $597,000 City of St.
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