VOL. XXII. PHILLIPS, MAINE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1899. NO. 8. HOTELS AND CAMPS. HOTELS AND CAMPS A DECK OF MANY ACES. tance, leaviDg Ed and Andrew to fight HOTELS AND CAM PS. (HOTELS AND CAMPS it out. VARNUM POND. Via Bin g h a m . Hoiv the Kustis Guide Took a Big Douglass never said a word, simply Lake View Farm. Cottage on Varnum pond. Carry Pond Camps. saw Ed’s last raise and went him one Situated near the best trout and salmon risk­ Pot from Rangeley Gang. ing in this vicinity. Boats and guides fur­ If you want moose, deer and other smaller better, and of course the Rangeley man TH E NEW nished. Parties met at train in Farmington. game come to my camps. Guides furnished Ever since Ed Grant told how St. Telephone 2-30. did the same. This sort of thing went If desired. Shot at game guaranteed. Par­ Peter refused to recognize Andrew D. C. AVERILL & SON, Tem ple, Me. on for several minutes and Ed was man­ tridges very plenty. Deer at every point. Douglass of Eustis on the ground there ifestly uneasy. He couldn’t fathom An­ New York Cit y . H en r y ,1. La n e , Bingham, Me. I are no guides in Dead River, there has Rangeley Lake House drew’s play. He met his raises with Ashland House. A t J a ckm an. been just a shade of coolness between the air of one who knew exactly what Corner 4th Avenue and 24th street. Ameri­ The Newton House, Jackm an, Me. these well-known exponents of their he was up to and yet he never so much can and European plans. Headquarters for sportsmen who desire to respective regions. Now, had Ed whis­ visit any of the numerous sporting camps I as looked at his draw. Rooms, per day, §1.00 and upwards. reached' through Jackman. Parties out­ pered his dream, it would have been , fitted and guides furnished for camping or | “I’m going to raise you again, old canoe trips. The Moose river and a large ter- \ differeut, but to drawl it out before the I On R a n g ele y L a k e . man,” says Ed, “and you’d better look I ritory accessible. Livery in connection, whole Boston show was just a little i Mingo Spring Camps. i Rate's §1.50 p e r dav. to your hand before you get in any McK in n e y , N ew ton & Co. | raw. It hurt Dead River and it hurt i Located on Mingo Point, Rangeley Lake. Andrew. | further. I have a sure thing and I Best of Salmon ana trout Fishing; Cosy Cot­ At P h il l ip s . don’t want to jar you too heavy.” tages; Open Fires; the Famous Mingo Spring Comfort Cottage. Brook fishing. Pure water. I So it came about when Douglass visit- | Water; Pine and Balsam Groves. Everything No hay fever. Headquarters for commercial But Andrew never said a word and for the comfort and convenience of Sports­ travelers. Lunches will he delivered at the ed Seven Ponds recently that Ed fairly men and Summer boarders. Send for circular. station to those who telephone from Farm­ after a couple more raises Ed called: sprained himself to be agreeable. lie Ch a r l e s E. B e l c h e r , Rangeley, Me. ington. Dinners are served at the Cottage on “Well, what you got?” arrival of trains going to and from the ! showed Andrew where his tame trout Ra n g ele y La k e s . Rangeley Lakes and Dead River region, j “I tell you, Ed, I started in on aces Trains stop thirty minutes. Team from the j was planted, pointed out the mountain Camp Bemis and Birches. house carries passengers to and from the j up. Don’t know what I drawed.” house free of charge. and lake scenery he had secured in the Bemis, terminus of Rumford Falls A- Range- “ Aces up!” says Ed. “Aces up! I ley Lakes R. R. Two trains daily. Steamers W. E. Mi i.LETT, Prop’r, Phillips, Me. spring at considerable expense, paused connect to all points on the lakes. Birches told you to keep out. Wouldn’t believe is six miles distant on Student’s Island. Cosy La k e Me g a n t ic , Qi k. now and again at the famous Seven log cabins, open tires at both places afford me, would you? I’ve got three aces and Frank M urray ’s Lake House, or the lake shore, I Ponds mineral spring and finally, one comfortable homes for the summer for ladies a short drive from the dub house on the Kpi- | a pair of tens. Started in on tens and and gentlemen. Excellent fishing close at cler, offers all modern inducements to the ! evening, waived the rules of the clear­ hand. Send for circular. sporting public. Messenger service for re­ held an ace on the side,” and showing Ca p t . F. C. Ba r k e r , Prop’r., Bemis, Me. ing and arranged a quiet game for ceipt and dispatch of telegrams, messages, his hand, the Seven Ponds man started do. Electric lights and telephones, first-class j Andrew’s benefit. At Errol, n . h . cuisine and accommodation. The Lake to rake in the pot. But right here Umbagog House. Good accommodations. Near Houseboat, run solely for the convenience It was a sociable little session with On Marble Point, Rangeley Lake, fishing grounds. O. C. B cmkord, Prop.r. of Club House guests, is available at any hour, j Andrew woke up. chairs for five and a dime limit. Just Teams meet all trains, baggage acconimoda- j “ Hold on there,” says he. “I said I The finest location for a Summer Hotel in New England. Entirely remodeled and refurnished, La k e s id e , N. H. tion on boat and teams; passengers prefer­ to show how seldom such things occur and has all the conveniences of a first-class hotel. Write for a descriptive circular relative to the ring the road route provided with carriages, i had aces up. Didn’t say what was down. hotel, the famous Rangeley Mineral Spring and Rangeley Lakes as a Hay Fever Resort. double or single. Sporting parties, going or i at Seven Ponds, it may be stated that it Lakeside Hotel, a first-class sportsman’s hotel returning, will lie wise in making Murray’s ! Got aces down, too. Four of them, see? took Ed twenty minutes to find a deck on the shore of Lake Umbagog. This hotel' Lake house their temporary headquarters.* Better stay out till you get something.” Rangeley Lakes Hotel Co., has a beautiful situation on elevation over­ of cards and then there were only forty- At F a r m in g t o n . And with this rather uncalled for in­ eight pasteboards. But all hands agreed JOHN B. MARBLE, Pres., looking the lake, affording one of the m ost1 junction, Andrew transferred a pot full New York Office, 70 Wall St., New York City. RANGELEY, MAINE. Stoddard House. it was a fair shake, nobody knowing beautiful views to be found anywhere. The of chicken feed to his pant’s pocket. Most central location. Competent licensed ! winch cards were missing. Ed shuffled air is pure and health giving. The hotel is; “ Four aces,” roared Ed. “ Four aces. *********************************at guides are furnished from the Stoddard , and ripped, Andrew declined to cut and supplied with the purest water. Fish and Four—say, look here. How many aces House to fishing parties. % the first hand was dealt out. game in abundance. Delightful resort for constitute a deck of cards, anyhow?” W i l l H. Mc D o n a l d , P ro p ’r. j The pot, they were all playing summer visitors. Steamers land twice daily “ Don’t know and don’t you give a “jacks,” was promptly opened for the remaining over night here. Via R a n g e l e y . darn,” was Old Doug’s cheerful reply. Dead River Pond Camps. Fishing, Hunting. limit by No. 1. No. 2 trailed, No. 3 A. P. Ch a n d l e r , Proprietor. ______S im o n Oa k e s , Rangeley, Me. “ We use four over our way, but then we Lakeside, N. H. made it “twenty” to stay and the play SHOOT DEER IN SEPTEMBER! | DO YOU HUNT? ain’t the only region, you know.” And had come to Andrew. He was studying Are You Going Hunting This Fall. Andrew rose, signifying that he consid­ In in: R iv e r R e g io n . his hand. IN THE WOODS OF U Hotel Blanchard. Hunting. Fishing. J. S. ered the argument closed. H D pk k k Ll, Proprietor, Stratton, Me. “Didn’t cut the cards, did I, Ed?” he No. 1 broke a painful silence with the inquired. Ed allowed he didn’t and At F lagstaff. information that he opened on aces up. Lake House and Camp. Camp is re a d ie d from Lx \ . .tv • - : • • U added he wished he had, The Rangeley Lakes or Dead River k \ . V x No. 2 admitted he drew to a lone ace hotel by boat. Great hunting. Moose and “Well,” says Andrew, “I ain’t fussy deer seen daily. and No 3 clapped the climax by declar­ S. C. Dv r r f. l l , Flagstaff, Me.
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