
CEl\lSUS OF INDIA 2001 RAJASTHAN DIST'Rlc·r CE~jSUS HANDBOOK Part - A & B SIRO I DISTRICT 'VILLAGE & TOVvN DiRECTORY VILLAGE /l,ND TOWI'JWISE PRIl\JL~~RY' CENSUS ABSTRACT <:_-YiI<P r1~~~ PEOPLE ORIEN'TIiD R. Had Kishan Joint Director 01 Census Operations, Rajasthan Product Code Number 08-015-2001 - Cen-Book (E) Delwara Temple Sirohi ,-"e Delwara Jain/;remples in Sirohi District are living monuments of art, architecture & I sculptor, which draw Lac of visitors to Mount Abu, where the temples are located. The main group consists of five temples. Of these five temples, two temples of Vimal Vasahi and of Tejpal are known for their exquisite carving in marble. The former was built by Vimala Sah an officer of the Chalukya King Bhim-I in 1031 A.D . and is dedicated to Lord Adinath, the first Tirthankar, while the later belongs to the 13 Century and was built by the two famous brothers Vastupal and Tejpal and is dedicated to Lord Neminath, the 22nd Tirthankar of the Jains. These temples are famous for their superb carving in marbles and are an embodiment of the architectural splendor of the country. No description can do justrce to the beauty of these temples . They are to be seen, to be believed. The intricate carvings are a feast to the eyes. It is art at its finest. Sometimes one wonders whether it is indeed the work of human hands. (i ii) /) I .' .' \. .l- . ,.. .... c- • Amil ' . , I , , (,. ,-, 0:: r I ;::, I Q., I "._. ... ; ,.,.' / ", =..... \ ( '\ ;,. ~ " i .. _ .•.J .i ~ / "'-." [....., J ; . ' \ ., .._ .. ......... A R 1---- - - - . --------- ------- A BOUNDARY . STATE DI ~ ' RICT TEIISII. flEAIJQUAlITf:RS DISTRICT. Tf.IISII " ('A~CII AY A T SAMfTf NATIONAl. III GII WI\Y STAn : HIGHWAY SII Z? I ~ PORTANT ~ ETAI.U: D ROAD RAII. WAY LINE WI TII STATION. BROAD CA Uer. RI VER AND STR f:AW NOTE (A) PART OF TEHSII. Rr.OD AR OF mSTR ICT SIROfil WA TER f'EATURES BIG TANKS VILLAG ES flAVIN G :lOOJ AND ADOVE POPULATI ON Non: PANCHAYAT SAMITI BO UNDA RY IS CO TEI! MI NIIS WITII N A ~ I: WITH TilAr OF n ;J1SII. BOUNDA RY EXCl.III)INf. TOWN S WITII POPUI.ATION SIZE A D Cl.ASS III I)r.c. Rr!: rol.l.r.cr.. n :clI ICAL IN ;iITlITr. • :-.iATliTOItY TO WNS 1-1 "1 IMl I"t-d 111.1011 Surv,'Y of 1r 1(1I " Ifmp Willi lIw l)C rllll sslon of I hl' Su r v,' )'o,' GI'III'ru l of Iud I; ! Contents Pages Foreword IX Preface· xi Acknow ledgements District Highlights-200 1 Census xv Important Statistics and ranking of tehsils in the district XVII Statements 1-9 Statement-I Name of the Headquarters of the DistrictiTehsil, their Rural-Urhan status and Distance from Distrkt Headquarters, 2001 :'(,\1 Statement-2 Name of the Headquarters of the District/Panchayat Samit;, their Rural-Urban status and Distance from District Headquarters. 2001 XXI Statement-3 : Population of the District at each Census from 1901 to 2001 Staternent-4 Area, Number of VillagesiTo\\l1s anu population in Districl and TehsiL 2001 \xiii Statement-5 Panchayat Samit;-\\ ise number of villages and rural population. 2001 X,'<IV Statement-6 : Population of Urban Agglomerations/Towns, 2001 x ..xiv Statement-7 : Villages with population of 5.000 and ahove at Panchayat Samiti level as per 200 I Censlls and amenities availahle xxv Statement-8 Statlltory To\,."l1s \vith population less than 5.~)OO as per 200 t CenSlls and amenities available XXVI Statement-9 : Houseless and Institutional Population of 1 ehc;ils. Rural and Urban, 200 J :\xvii Summary Statement: Jurisdiction of Panchayat Samities in each Tehsil., 200 I :\Xviii Analytical Note (i) History and scope of the District Census Handbook 3 (ii) Brief History of the District 6 (iii) Administrative set-up 7 (iv) Physical Features: (I) Location and <;ize (2) Physiography (3) Water resources (4) Climate (5) Natural economic resources 8 (v) Pages (\ ) Census Concepts 14 (vi) NOll CenslIs Concept" 20 (\ ii) 2001 t..__'en'iliS findings-Population. ih distribution 24 (viii) Brief analysi" of PCA data based on in'ie( tabks 1 to )0 24 (i:\) Brief analysis of the Village Director) and TCl\\1l Directory data based (1n in~et table~ 37 to-l7 -l3 (:\) Brief anal)sis of the data on hOllsl;:s and hOtl~t:hold 311l';:nities. I-Iouseli<;tin? Operations. Censlis of India 200 1 ba~ed on inset tahle~ ..18 to 52 -lQ (:\i) Other Dc\ elormel1tal acti\ itic,> 54 (\.ii) Brief deoo,cription of place" of religious. hiqorIcal or archaeological importance in village'S and places of \ouri"t interc'>t ill the to\\n5 of the district t \.iii) Major characteric;tics of the district. cOlltl'lbutil)n of the dIstrict in the form of an) historical figure associated \\ith the district :57 (\.i\) Scope llf Village Directory and To\\11 Director) - column headIng \\ise e\.planation and co\erage of data 57 PART-A: VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Section-I : Village Directr)ry (a) N0te e:\plaining the abbre, iations u'icd in Village Director) 65 (b) Li~t of Villages mergecl in To\\ns and OutgrO\\ths at 2001 C~nslls 69 (c) Panella)at Samiti-\\ise pre~entatlon of Vilklge DirectPr) Data (i) Panclla)at Samill Map~ :,110\\ ing Tehsil boundar) (ii) Alphabetical List of Villages along\\ith Location Code 1991 and 2001 (iii) Presentation of Village Directory data in prescribed format I. Panchayat Samiti Sheogal~i 73 2. Pancha~at Samiti Sirohi 93 3. Panchayat S(lmiti Reodar 115 4. Panchayat ~all1iti Abu Road 1-l7 5. Pancha>at Samiti Pind\\ara 169 (d) Appendi\. to Viflage Director> Appel1di\.-1 Abstract of Educational. Mechcal and Other Amenitieo:, in Villages - Panella)at Samiti le\cl 194 Appendi\.-IA Villages hy numher of Primary Schools 198 Appendix-lB Villages b) Primar), i\liddle and Secondary Schools 198 Appendix-Ie Villages \',ith difft'rent sources of drinking water facilitie~ available 198 Appendix-II Village", \\ith 5.000 and aho\e population which do not have one or mOre amenities (}vailable 199 Append ix-II A: Censlls To\\ ns \\ h idl do not 11;1\ e one or rnnre amen ities 199 Aprendix-Ill : Land utilisation data in respect of Census To\\ nsiNon Municipal To\\ n~ 200 Pages Appendix-IV : Panchayat Samitiwise list of inhabited villages where no amenity other than drink.ing water facility is available 200 Appendi:-.- V : Summary 5ho\\ ing number of vi Ilages not having Scheduled Castes population 201 Appendix-VI : Summar) showing number of villages not hu, ing Scheduled Tribes popUlation 201 Appendi:\-VIlA: List of villages according to the proportion of the Schedukd Ca:-.tes to the total population hy range'. 202 Appendi:\-VIIB. List of \ illages according to the proportion of the Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges 207 Appendi:\-VIII : Number of villages under each Gram Panchajat (Panchayat Sam iti wise) 212 Appendix-IX : Statement showing number of girls 5chools in the village~ 224 Section-II: Town Directory (a) Note explaining the abbreviations used in Town Directory Town Director) Statements (I to VII) (b) Statement" I Status and Growth History 228 (c) Statement-II Physical Aspect and location of Towns 230 (ci) Statement-" [ Municipal Finance 232 (e) Statement-I V Civic and other Amenities 234 (f) Statement-V Medical, Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities 236 (g) Statement-VI Trade. Commerce, Industry and Banking 238 (h) Statement-VII C iv ic and other Amen ities in S lUllls 240 (i) Append ix to To\\: 11 Directory - Town showing their outgrowth with popUlation 242 PART-B PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT (a) Brief Note on Primary Census Abstract 245 (b) District Primary Censlls Abstract (General) 248 (c) Appendix to District Primary Census Abstract: Urban Block wise Total, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population 254 Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes 262 Primary Censlls Abstract for Scheduled Tribes 268 Panchayat Samiti wise Village Primal') CensLls Abstract I. Panchayat Samiti Sheoganj 274 2. Panchayat Samiti Sirohi 286 3. Panchayat Sarniti Rendar 298 4. Panchayat Samiti Abu Road 316 5. Panchayat Samiti Pindwara 328 Urban Primary CensllS Abstract 340 (VII) Anne~Llre-1 Number t)f \'Iildge" under each CJI'<t1l1 Panl'h<1_:d 1, 200 I C ellSu" A !HC,lI re-II Fel1Jiit) and t\lortalit). 1YC) 1 Ct:Jl~lI', Anne'llre-lll VClrioLls measllre,> 01 krtilit\ an,J mean [we at mart lage. ""'iJ 199 I CenSlI" _, I I Annextlre-IV Percentage distriblltil)l1 ot 1\1 Ig:ral~h b\ place of btrth place of last rcsideilCt~, 1991 (en'>lIs 378 A 11 nc, tI re-\' Brief :lCl'nlltlt ill' malll teil~l!11l' III lilt' ,~i'l"ICI a~ r,el j 99] Cen<;ll') Annexure-VI [\1:1rital "tatlls PI' pllpuhtilill ;\'; ! ,CI ; \II) 1 ~ '~I\'" , \, Illle'\ ure-V" Age, Sc', and EdIlC~ti()1l in tile (htl'h't, I <il) I I, elI"'" r\l1lle:\ure-VIII Di"triblltlnn (If ,Jlffen::DI lil",thvi (<"i;'2111", :dllrn~<l 1'1 " ' ! 99: Cell~lh , ' Foreword he Di:-;trict C<cI1~ll~ Handhl)o!.. l~)CHB) is brought out for each di:,trict since the first Census after TI ndependence and IS l)ne of the :nClst \\ idel) us;d publications compi led and prepared b) the Cel1~lIS Org,misatioll on behalf of the State GO\crnments and the Union territory Administration:,. Thi') publication pro" ide', PriI11C1r~, Censw, .,\b"tract (PCA) dat ,l up t,) \J!bge le\el for the rural areas and prO\ides similar dt'tails \\:Hd-'.\ i..,c for ea~L -:It) or hl\\H.
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